Laserfiche WebLink
,„„ . <br /> `'� �`�"�: <br /> _ ,. <br /> --- _......-- ---�----_____.----�----.._..—...--------.—._-----_=-- - --- - — <br /> ;__�.�.�. _.._ <br /> , . , , ,-�, __.' -y., ,;,,=`�:=': <br /> , ., ��K�,�a._,..-_ ---. <br /> . .. �� ..r� . . ' . � .. ' . _-�,���,.,a•,:._-- <br /> . . � n_ ,. � .. . . . . ., � i,[i�r.;r...� <br /> ,� . . • � _ �- -y, <br /> . ,� � - ,�.. . • ..'£-_-. <br /> � <br /> �'z_ <br /> � N�� �1�J15 "4.n'�,�;:� <br /> - Bo�rowcr shaU also bc In dcfault if aorrowcr,during the loan applicaUon process, gavc matcrially falsc or inaccuratc '.�`,i�,.,';':_: <br /> µ��� informadon ar statemcnts to Lcndcr(or failed to provide Lendcr with�ny material informadon)in connecdon with thc .' :�:,.,.:,.:; - <br /> :,�.. .y" . '. <br /> , �,.__„�,,,� laau evidenced by the Note, includ'u�g, but not limitui to, representadons concerning Boaower's occupancy of the �;•::�: <br /> ,'.• a�t:v..F:t <br /> i Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a lcasahold, aorrower shall comply with the �.,��,�,��.�;,_ <br /> � arovisions af the lcase. If Borrowcr acquires fcc dde to the Property,thc leasehold and fce dQc shall not bc merged .;��;se�=t_- <br /> . unlcss L.ender agrces to the mergcr in writing. �,r'--"- <br /> � 6.Condemnation.The proceeds af any award or claim for damages,d'uect or consequenpal in connecaon with --4- <br /> � r:�:---- <br /> any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property,or for conveyance in place of condemnat+on,are hercby -; <br /> assigned and shAll be paid to L.ender to thc exu:nt of the fuU amount of thc indebtedness that rcmains unpaid undcr thc �•'�:=.-.:-_ <br /> Note and this Security InstrumenG L.ender shall apply such proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note ;�`_' <br /> and this Secudty Instrument,fust to eny delinquent amounts applied in the order provided in paragraph 3,and then to ;�;;;--_�_ <br /> � � prepayment af principal.Any applicadon of thc pracecds to thc principal shall not extcnd or postpone the due date of the ti��� - <br /> monthly payments,which are referred to in paragraph 2,or change the amount of such puyments. My excess prceeeds _'���'�- <br /> .� . � _ n.__.� <br /> aver an amount requircd ta pny aU outstanding indcbudness undcr the Note and this Sccurity Inswment shall be paid to ' ,���� <br /> the entiry lcgally entided thcreta. �` <br /> • 7. Char�ea to �lorrower and Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property. Bonower shell pay all ��"� <br /> �• �� �.. <br /> ovemmental or munici al char es,fines and im sitions that are not includcd in aragraph 2.Borrowcr shall a thesc ''� <br /> „� 8 P B Po P P Y i;�:, ,.: <br /> obligapons an timc direcdy to thc cntity which is owed thc paymenG If failurc to pay would adversely affect�..ender's �^��--�_:: <br /> intcrest in the Yroperiy, upon Lender's requ�;st Borrower shall prompdy fumiah to Lcnder receipts evidencing these �::�� <br /> �_ paymcnts. u +'' <br /> If Barrower fails to make these payments or the payments required by paragruph 2,or faiLs to perform any othcr �'�, <br /> •- , . ;��;;.: <br /> �, covenants and agreements contained in this Securiry Instrument, or there is a legal proceeciing that may sigmficandy ,___ <br /> affc;.t�cr's right�is �hc P:oFcn3'(such ss s pror.�ing in banl�sugLy. f4l�4I1��'�!!lati4n �r tp�nf�rce lawc or E;:---- <br /> � regulations),then L.endcr may do and pay whatcvcr is ncccssary to protect the value of thc Property and Lender's rights �4� <br /> � in the Property,including payment of taxes.hazard insurance and other itcros mentioned in paragreph 2. _ <br /> � Any amounts disburscd by Lcnder undcr this paragraph shall bccomc an addidunal dcbt of Borrowcr and be � <br /> � securcd by this 5ccuriry Instrument.Thcse sunounts shall bear interest from thc date of disbursement,at the Note rate, <br /> •� and at the opdon of Lcndcr,shall be immediatcly due and pay�ble. <br /> �' Bonower shall prompdy discharge any lien which hes priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a) <br /> agrees in wridng w the payment of the abligation secured by the tien in a manner acceptable to I.ender,(b)contests in � <br /> , ,. good faith the lien by,or defencls against enforcement of the lien in,legul prc�ceedings which in the Lender's opinion ,� <br /> operate to prevent the enCorcement of thc lien; or(c)secures from the holder of thc lien an agreement satisfactory to � <br /> . Lcnder subordinadng thc licn to this Security InstrumcnG If L.endcr dctcrmincs that any part of the Property is subjcct to __ <br /> a licn which may attain priority ovcr this Sccurity Insvumcnt,Lcndcr muy givc Bonowcr a nodcc identifying thc licn. <br /> Bonower shall satisfy thc licn or takc onc or morc of thc acdons set forth abovc within 10 days of thc giving of noticc. <br /> , 8.Fees.L.ender may collect fees and charges autho�v.ed by the Secretary. <br /> y �� 9.Grounds for Accekrution of Debt. _ <br /> • (a) Deteult. Lcndcr inay, exccpt as limitcd by rcgulations issucd by thc Sccretary, in thc case of paymcnt � <br /> '� defaults,rcquire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Tnstrumeni if: _-. <br /> ��` i Borrower defaults b failin to a in full an monthl a ment r uired b this Sccurit Instrument �= <br />. (�) Y E P Y Y Y P Y �1 Y Y <br /> �'�i prlor to or on thc due date of the ncxt monthly payment,or <br /> � (ii)Borrowcr dcfaults by failing,fqr a period of thirty days, to perform any othcr obligadons containcd in E�`'"- <br /> • � ; thts Securiry Instrument. ' <br /> (b)Sale Without Credit Approval.Lender shall,if permitted by applicablc law(including Secdon 341(d)of ��� - <br /> • the Garn-St.Germain Depository Insutuuons Act of 1982,12 U.S.C. 1701 j-3(d))and with the prior approval of �'�_�.-- <br /> the Sacretary,requ've immedinte paym�nt in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Insvument if: __��_ <br /> '�.c�z�= <br /> _::-- <br /> (��4R(NE)rocoq.o� aapo a oi o k iqni�i�: ,_�_ - <br /> i ' • <br /> . . — ��-�� ........... .. . <br /> ..._.1. _ .. . .-- ._ _ _. <br />