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.�I ". <br /> �: .. <br /> --- ...------- ----.__ - <br /> t; _ . _ . _ — —,_-....,-,— <br /> '°"�'' • . " , _. ��L .... <br /> c!�T��"'•• �. , ....,. <br /> .. , �. _�;'1. <br /> . :, ,� � <br /> . . {. <br /> � — <br /> � . <br /> � - ' <br /> I „ <br /> � • <br /> . , -�__ <br /> ---� 97-110515 - <br /> If tho emounts held by Lcnder for Escrow Itcros excccd thc amounts p�rmittcd to be held by I2ESPA,Lendcr shall _ <br /> acc:ount w Bonowcr for thc exc�ss funds as rcqu'ucd by RESPA. If thc amounts of funds hcld by Lendcr at any timc • � <br /> arc not sufCcicnt to pay thc Escrow Items whcn duc,I.cndcr may nodfy thc Boaowcr and requirc Borrowcr to makc up <br /> dic shortegc as permittcd by R�SPA. <br /> The Escrow Funds ere plcdged as additional security for all sums securcd by this Security Inswment. If Boaower <br /> . tenders to Lender the full payment of all such sums,Borrower's account shall be credited with the balance remaina�g for <br /> all instaUmcnt items(u), (b), end (c) and any mortgage insurancc prcmium installment that Lender has not bccomc <br /> obligated to pay to the Secretary,and Lender shall prompUy refund any excess fmids to Borrawer. Immediately prior to -- <br /> a foreclosure sale of ihe ProPerty or its acquisition hy Lender,Borrower's account shall be crecfited with any balance .. • _ <br /> rcmaining for all instaxlmcnts for items(a),(b),and(c). • �•>i <br /> 3,Application of Payments.AU payments undcr paragraphs 1 and 2 shall bc applicd by Lcnder as follows: _ <br /> �,to the mortgage insurance prcmium tn bc paid by Lcnder ro thc Secretary or w thc monthly charge by the <br /> • Secretery instead of the manthly mortgage insurance premium; <br /> ��, to any taxcs, special assessments, Icasehold paymenis or grnund rents,and firc,fload and othcr hazard ,. <br /> � � insurance premiums,as required; - _ <br /> y�,w intcrest duc undcr thc Notc; �- <br /> � . �y�,to amortizauon of thc principal of thc Notc:and - <br /> � �,to late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Fire, Flood and Other HAZard Insurance.Borrower shall insure all improvements on thc P'roperty,whether <br /> -�- no��� iss exi�tCACC 4!3ilITSCS�lI�R!�Y Cr�r[r�,�o�jnr,t any ha�ard�,cacuaiuec;and contineencies, including Cue,for which '° <br /> Lendcr rec�uires insurance.This insurancc shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. - <br /> Borrower shall also insure all improvements on die Property,whether now in existence or subsequendy erectecl,against ,_ <br /> loss by floods to the cxtent required by the Secretary.All insurance shall be carried with companies approved by L.ender. �- <br /> ' � The insuranca policies and any renewals shall bt;held by Lender and shall includc loss payable clauses in favor of,and :_ <br /> in a form acccptablc to,Lendcr. <br /> In thc event of loss,Boaowcr shaU givc Lcndcr immediatc noticc by mail.Lchder may makc prcwf of loss if not '— <br /> mede prompdy by Borrower.Each insurnnce company concemed is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for - _- <br /> such loss d'uccUy to Lcndcr,instcad of to Borrowcr and ro i.cndcr}oinQy.All or any part of thc insurancc procccds may <br /> bc applied by Lendr,r. ut its opuon,cither (a) to thc reducdon of the indebtedness under thc Note and this Se.curity <br /> Instrument,first to any dclinqucnt nmounts Applicd in thc ordcr in paragrnph 3,end then to prepayracnt of principal,or ' <br /> (b)ta thc restoratian or rcpair of thc damagcd Property. Any appllcation of the procccds to thc pdncipal shall not cxtcnd = <br /> . or postpone the duc date of the monthly payments which arc referred to in paragraph 2,or change the amount of such � <br /> paymcnts.Any cxccss insurancc proc;ecds ovcr an amount requircd tn pay alt outstanding indcbtcdncss undcr the Notc =- <br /> and this Security Instrument shall bc paid to thc cntity legally endded thereto. _� <br /> In the event of foreclosure of this Security Inswment or other transfer of tidc to the Property that extinguishes the � ° - <br /> indcbtedness.all right,dUe and intcrest of Borrowcr in and to insurnnce policies in force shall pass to the purchaser. _ <br /> S.Occupancy, Preservetton,Maintenance s�nd Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan Applicatton; ___ <br />- Leaseholds. Boaower shull occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sizty days ��j'= <br /> aftcr thc execudon of this Securiry Insuument(or within sixry days of a later salc or transfer of thc Property)and shail <br /> continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at lcast one year ufter the date of occupancy, - <br />-, unless Lender determines that requ¢ement will cause undue hardship for Borrower,or unless extenuaung circumstances - <br /> exist which aze beyond Bonower's control.Borrower shall noufy L.ender of any extenuating circumstances. Borrower ------- <br /> shall not commit�vastc or dcstroy,damagc ar suhstantially changc thc Property or allow thc Yroperty to dcterioratc, �� �-;„_;___. <br />- rcasonablc wcar and tcar cxccptcd.Lendcr may inspect thc Propeny if 1he Propcny is vacant or abandoncd or the loan is �;�= � <br /> in default. Lender may take reasonable acuon to protect and pTeserve such vacent or abandoned Properry. 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