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PAOE 4 OF� . _ <br /> I FOR USE' IN TH@ STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> ' INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ANO MORTGAGE �`��������"`."�� 13 0 4 4 2 <br /> � CpN'1'ItAC'1'NO. <br /> I � <br /> You(ScIlcdMnrtgaFec)hnvc yuotcd mc(Buycr�s�/Mortgagnr�yJ) a Ca+h Pricc and a"fi�tal Salc Pricc for ihc Pruduci.dcuriFxd un pagc I o(Ihiti.•uniruct.Thc 7iitnl _ <br /> ' Sulc PficC is thc lotul cost nt Ihc i'roducis and+crv�res if I 6uy on crcJrt.aubject�u.ippro�:d uf my crcdrt. 1 1[3uycU nu�+ �hoo5c[n huy and y�+u:��;n•r u�tielL G�r ihc <br /> Totul Snlc Pricc sct forth bclow,thc Pmducts and scrvices describcd on p:igc �.(aSR��o P��Y Y�����hc Amnunt Financcd in acconlanc�ith th_c�aY��'_�rmJulc+ct <br /> ; forth belaw. � p� �� 1�.�.0 � - <br /> ...•�^�`' SUMMAR1�Ol�3AL S�ASC CASh pfj�e S�!� + mx �R� = 3!%!` --��� � ' ,��Q� � <br /> �"'� Toml cash pricc S �r - Cush�rotal�Jown paymcnt�S �0� = Unpaid balancc o(5===a�=' � , <br /> ITEMIZATION OF T E AMOUNT FINANCED OF S � — <br /> �_. <br /> S ab �Amount crcdited to this contrrct lSnmc amnunt at thc"Unpaid Balancr.") �' <br /> S— •� Amaunt paid on net balancc from prior contruct with you. (9� �_ ` <br /> • Am �j �(. pa,frd�o�hers on my behnlf: ° <br /> 3_�'!�l�L to inxuroncc company for Credit Lifc insurancc 5 to public otficials for fili gf/L,c�o,rdi�fecs(@� _- <br /> $�.23�..Z� to insur.�ncc company for Accident and Hcal�h insurancc $-�to(Spccifyl '��/t .� �d!! <br /> � ANNUAL FINAfVCE Amount FlnancAd Total of Payments Total Sale Prlce <br /> $ PERCENTAGE CHARGE Thc arnount of crcdi� Thc amount I wil� huvc The total cost of my purchaae <br /> The dollur amount the Provided to mc�r on paid after I have made all on crcdit,including my down <br /> RATE my bchulf. payments us schcdulcd. p, <br /> The cost of my crcdit us u crcdit will cost me. puyment of S�—�_• <br /> ycar�y co $ y $ I7 ���� $��� � $o�S DG, �� <br /> � % �/ . .�C � - <br /> My payment�chcdule will be: ----.-.--.---. Sec ity:I,nm giving you: _- <br /> 1. a Sccunty mtcR,t �n ihc gax1,. scrviccs and pro{xny. <br /> ' Number�f paymenn Amount of P.Rymcn�s �Jhcn Paymems am Uue �jpg pUrchatied, and <br /> — 2. m m�rtgagc on mY reul estatc ut my ADDRESS"bclow <br /> �Q Ist Payment $� 9 First payment due � � and Icgully dcscnlxd on a e` ,eZ jcof. <br /> i <br /> Fllinp./Recordin�t <br /> � All subsequcnt ins�allments on thc same day of Late Charge:If ayment is mor+e thun fiftee ) days <br /> . cach conscculivc month until paid in full. Intc, I will churgcd 5% of thc installment paym t or <br /> � INSURANCE $25.00 chevcr is les.ser. <br /> Credlt It[e insu�unce and eredlt d(sabflity Insurance xre�[Y1_'requlred to obtaln credit,nnd Retur Check Charqe:1 will be charged SIS:QO for ny <br />- will not be provlded uniess I sign xnd ogrer tu pay i8n«ddidonal coK. chec give you which is mtumca unpaia by tnc danie or ` <br /> 7yp� Prcmium ;�� Signatu�c UIhC finunciol ItlSt1tUUD0. <br /> Crcdit Lifc � I wunt crcdit lifc Pr ayntentt If I pay off enrly, I mny have to pa n <br /> insurance. mi mum finnnce chorge of 510.00(which is defined a <br /> . • i^�- � "pc AI[y"undcr fcdcral law). <br /> , C $ �� � I will rcvlcw othcr portions of t 's con ct <br /> d ,�tN�u�+- • �y« _ for a rtional informatlon about non•paymcnt, fault, ny <br /> C�dlt Aecident � I want credit accident rcquirc nepayment in full before the schedu date end <br /> ' &Hcalth nnd hcalth insuranc� � prepaym t refunds and pcnulties. <br /> ��a �"""�- y" e means rn mate. <br /> MORTGAGE:I hcreby convey and mortgage to you,as Monga¢cc,my rcuI estate at my"Address"br.low und us more p:uticulatly dcscribcd on page 3(reverse side) <br /> of this conuact us security for nll amounts due to you under th Ins ul nent Snles Cantrnct nnd Mortgage. I henhy grant to you a power of attorney to inurt the <br /> Iegal description of my real estate hereon at u later time.� �r �r Buye[ • �Y�r <br /> SELLER WILL�INITIATE A FORECLOSURE OR SIMILAR ACTION WHICH COULD CAUSE BUYER TO LOSE BUYER'S HOME,EVEN IN THE — <br /> EVENT OF DEFAUL.Y.SELLER MAY RETAIN A LIEN AGAINST THE HOME UNTIL BUYER'S CONTqACT 08LIOATION3 HAVE BEEN MET. <br /> CONSOI.IDATION:!f 1 now huve a balunce duc you from a pmvious purchuse,1 understand 1 must cantinue to mnke my payments on thut obligation until payments = <br /> �• <br /> hegin undcr this Contrnct. <br /> NOTICE TO BUYER �`� <br /> 1. DO NOT SI6M THIS CONTRACT BEFORE READIN6 IT OR IF IT COMTAINS BLIINK SPACES. 2. I AM ENTITIED TO A COPY OF TNE CONTRACT 1 SI6NED. � <br /> UIiEARNED FINANCE AND IMSURANCENCHAR6ES pF ANY)�4.I�UNDERBTAND�THAT�MHIS INBTRUMEMT/8NBA8ED OPON ANHOME SOLICITATIOM BAIE AND <br /> �� THAT THIS INSTRUMENT IS NOT NE60TIABLE. <br /> BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL <br /> � I HAVE BEEM ORALLY ADYISED THAT I MAY CANCEL THIS A6REEMENT AT AMY TIME PRIOR 10 MIDMI6NT OF THE THIRD BUSIMESS DA1f AFTER THE _. <br /> DATE OF THIS TRANSACTIOM. q NAYE REAO THE ACCOMPANYlN6 NOTICE OF RIBHT 70 CANCEL FORM fOR AN EXPLANATION OF TH S Rl6HT.) __ <br /> :'.�.::- <br /> COPY RECEIVED: 1 acknowledge rcceipt of a completely flled in copy i�f this contract along wuh t o (2)copies of the o' e of Right to Cnneel Form• --- <br /> IN WITNE.SS�VHF.REOF,this Instullmcnt Salc.Co tnct and Ixlortgagc hcen signcd n this_.� d' of_ �v • 1y� - <br /> BUYER'5"ADDRESS" �� /C �Lr/ry��-!� �IC• Cit�/�'Q/Vn ��i�nF�c'n�anry 7¢� <br /> � Q �J _ /��� <br /> � Tclephonc No.✓��_ ��7` 3���— Statc 'Lip��+"� <br /> I � <br /> , THE PACESETTER CORPORATION�sr.i_i.t:e - n�oirrrnria:� �,-,Y MORfOAGOR �` � <br /> ' ����- - �-- <br /> j ay. _ ...���'�/f��/C <br /> � � Fttc'F:R� utn���k��tot�icncoe–eu�.vn:u Nn�n: <br /> i — <br /> � By� � REV � 1'ATI�'61 (V�IiUYIEN–MOITfOId'AR <br /> 1 <br /> I ��� ' �nni�irk.-�n,niu�.n.n rn���.o�.,.e,�. ----- r - -- <br /> - } �"7074 tiM-IOI�NIi�A/IG PAGL? I <br /> ORICIN/�L 1'IN/�NCl/�L INSTII'UTION I <br /> _ <br /> __ _______ _ _ <br />