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NOTICE <br /> ANY HOLDER OF TliIS CONSUMER CREDIT CONTRACT IS SUB.lECT TO ALL CLAIMS AND DEFENSES WHICH TH� <br /> DEBTOR COULn ASSERT AGAINST THE SELLER OF GO00S Oit�SERVICES OBTAi�H�D PURSUANT H�RETO OR WITH <br /> THE PROCEEQS HEREOF. RECCIVERY HEREUNDER�BIf'TN� D'�8'I'�OR 3HAL�. NQr TXCEED AMOUNTS PAIp BY THE <br />- DEBTOR HEREUNDER. <br /> INSURANCE CANCELLAT[ON:If I h¢ve rcqaested insannce in this purehace,I may cancel such request for insurance for any rcason withln fiRMn(15)days from <br /> the date of this contrnet by notifying you or ehe holder of this eontract in wrning.I know that the caneellntian of my coverage will be nrranged wfth the insumnee earrier(s) <br /> � and u full afund of my pnem(um(s)together with applicable finance churge w�ll be credited to this contract, <br />' PLEASE NOTF.:If 1 have mquested insurrnce in this purchnse,l will rcceive within diirty(30)da9sa cenificate of Insumnce mos+c fully describing the Insurance covetuge. <br /> I know that if there is any contliet in the covenge or the lungunge of the eertificu�e of insurance und the follawing Notice of Pro{wsed Insurunce thnt l am covened only to <br /> the extent stated in the following Notice of Proposed Insurance.{ulso know thut I have insurance coverage only if 1 huve beon charged for it. <br /> � NOTIGE OF PROP03ED INSURANCE <br /> [takc noticc that cither Crcdit Life or Credit Accidcnt and Heulth Insumnce,or both,will be applicable to this Installmcnt Salcs Contmct only if I hnvc by <br /> � signing the mquest for such insurance.'Ihis insurnnce will anly cover the penon signing th�rcqueFt ae��TMA*S�f months�nfre phe effecdve dace equaliu the number uf <br /> by tlic insurancc company,thc insurance��ili bc cCCecti�c as uf today unJ�vill connnuc or..y.^^• "^" <br /> monthly payments.l understand that this particular insurance mny not provide coverege for my last few paymenis,nnd that during thnt pertod of time 1 will not have any <br /> insuranee toverage.All benefits nnd proceeds of the insur.�nce will be patd to you or to a financinl institutton if it purchases the lnstallnunt Snles Contriet to the extent <br /> of its intcrccts nnd any balunce will be payablc to me.Thc initi�l nmount of Cmdit Lifc Imur.uuc is thc amount rcyuircd to repay thc'Ibtal of Payments;thcrcaftcr,thc <br /> insur.ince decrcase+by tlie amount of each monthly paymem<�n n scheduled 30 day basis.If 1 um jointly obligated on the Installment Sales Contmet with o Co-Bu7er,and <br /> wc havt both aigned thc rcqucst for Crcdit Life Insunnce.Jcach bcncfits will bc paynble only with rcspect to�hc first one of us to Jic.Subjcct to exclustuns,elimtnations <br /> t� or wniting period stated in the insuranee policy or certificnte.Crcdit Accident und Hcalth Insurance is for the b,^.nefit umount of l/30th of e•rch month's payment for each — <br />- • day that I nm totally disahlcd due ro an in�ury or sir.kness�vhilc I owe uny payment to you:howcvcr.I undentund thnt 1 h�vc to bc Prcvcntcd fmm warking diie to such � <br /> � rotal disabiliry for more than fourteen(l4)consecutive days before tho insurance benefit is p�id baek to the first dny of my totul disnbility.1 wlso know that I eannot _ <br /> l obtaln eny Insurancc from you IP I am o�•er 65 ycurx ot age todey,end I nlso know that ihe tnsurance coveroge provided to me ro�y contatn a mwximum amount <br /> • ot eoveroge whlch will not p�y In some enses,the entire amount thet t owe you.Due to the maxinwm amount of coven�c stnted in�he insumnce policy.I know that <br /> ., any unpaid amount in excess of thc insurancc covcr.�ge will still hnvc to bc aid.If the Installmcnt Salcy Contract is prc aid in full prior to[he last p;rymcnt dntc,any - <br /> � iy insunn e co cras mlf he uisurunrce��s not accepted by the nsur�ce�campany.1 will rcceive a3ref nd of thelin.surrnce prcmiums 1 h•�e P 11a ce mom fully describing <br /> F.�-- - <br /> G`- <br /> ;�_ <br /> . � _.-- - •� )0?v SM•lol•NIS•A�Ia PAG[•t .... . V �. <br /> I. <br /> -- - –. _ .. _. .__.. . _ ._.. .. <br /> �_ - ----- - ._ .. <br />