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� � <br /> „ �. - <br /> ��.,..;.. , �i�- . _� - -. <br /> .. .�ilM'V')�� ... , . ... - . -_' <br /> _ I .. . . .. _ • ' . � ' .. . -'��' <br /> � n undar thle Deed of Truat and theae actlons do not and . - <br /> (d) C3rantor has the ripht and le duly authorized to execute and perfarm fls Obllpatlo o _�;�.r, <br /> shall not contllct with the provlalone ot any matute,reguletlon,ordinence,rule ot law,contrnct ar ather agrooment which may be binding on� . � r-y;� <br /> Qrantor at sny tlme; :_- <br /> (s) No actlan or proceedlne le or ehsll bs pendinp or threet�nsd whlch mlght materlally efteot the PropArty;and ;:;;� <br /> (f) (3re+ntor has not vlolated and shsll not violtle any atstute,ropulatlon,ordinsncs,rul�of iaw,contract or other apreement pncluding,but nAt =- <br /> Ilmited to,those governing Haiardoua Mat�rials)whlch mipht mtterlally attect the Property or Lendsr's rlghte or Interoet In ths Property pursuant '���' <br /> ,tothla Desd of Truat. _�� <br /> �3. PRIOR DEE�S OF THUST. Orantor repro:snte and wenante that th�n an n�pdor desda ot trust eN�ctlnp any p�!t of the Property sxcspt as nst :,,:�_ <br /> �forth on Schedule B attachetl to thla Deed of Trus6 which arantor npreea to pey and perform In e tlmeiy manner. If thero aro any ptlor deeda of truet ��i==-- <br /> �thsn Orantoi ayreea to pay all emounta owed,and perform all obiigatlonu roquirod,undor such doods of trust nnd tho Indabtodnese socured thereby ,�^U��' <br /> and lurther apre�e that a default under any prlor desd of truet ahall be a dsfault under this Daed of Truat and ahall entitle Lender to all rl hta end <br /> g .t_,-_.- —=- <br /> Q remedlea contalned heroln or In ths Obilgatlona to whlch Lsnder wauld be entitled In the evsnt of any otHer default. � ;;���,y�_ <br /> �4. TRANSFER8 OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTERESTS IN dRANTORB OR BORROWER3. In the event of a eale,conveyance,lease, `T,-',�^.°=-_. <br /> ,,,, contract for deed or tranefer to any pereon of all or any part of the roai property d�scribsd In Schedule A,or any interest therein,or of all or any ':t,,S:_`-�r���' <br /> beneficlal interest in 8orrower or Cirantor pf Borrower or Grantor Is not a natural person or peraone but Is a corporation.Ilmited Ilabliity company, �'=*��:__:__— <br /> ` Ipartnership,trust,or other Iepai entlty),Lender rnay,at its optlon,declare the outatanding ptlncipnl balance oT tha Obllgatlons plus accrued Interest +�;��d�_':" <br /> theroon immedlately due and payable. At Lender's request,�rantor or Borrower,as the case may be,shall furniah a complete statement setting forth -- <br /> �all of its stockholdera,mombers,or partners,as appropriate,and the extent of thelr reapeotive ownerehip Intereste. _ �� <br /> �6. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS. In consideratlor� of the Obllgatlons which are aecured by thla Doed of 7rust,Orantor absolutely asalgna ta Lender ail = � <br /> Grantor's eetate,right,title,Interest,olalm and demand now owned or hereafter acqutred In aIl exiating and Tuture Ieasea of the Property(Includfng , ,:, <br /> extenalona,renewals and sublea8ea),all agreements for use and occupancy of the ProFerty(all such leasea and agreements whether wririen or oral, � - <br />