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ADDRfi6S ADORE83 <br /> lZ7 L� �1i. rt Rd <br /> drand I�lanQ, !tE 68803 4rand Ioland, NE 58803 <br /> ��xnwne No. �xnncnnoN tw. Te�.n�e Mo. ioENnnc�TroN No. <br /> ��• (308) 384-8090 37-06�6567 _ __ (308) 384-8090 _ 47-0616567 _ <br /> , TeuaT[r.uaioa saak l�nd Trust Co�pany <br /> � _ ZOQB North S9�bb Road, Grand Island, NE 68803 _ _ <br /> = in conaideraii�n of in�ioan or oiher cndii�cwmmod�iion h�ninait�r�p�cifi�d anti any iutun�dvanc�e or fuiun Obiipaiions,as d�inrd'n�nin, <br /> • whlch may h�rsafter b�advanad or Incurnd and th�trust h�nln�ft�r m�nUon�d ind oth�r pood and valusbl� contld�r�Uan,th�nalpt 1�nd <br /> su}flctency of wtdch are h�r�by�cknowlsdp�d �r�ntor h nbsr Irreyooably bupaine tNis,tr�ntf�rs,prante,conysys�4c�8 aN�W�bbruRa,hle <br /> ' succ�esoro and�ealpna,In trwt,lar Union_�an__!�� T�ru�t Co�Qany_draad i�l�tnd_nraaoiil__ po _ __L <br /> l3rand I�}aaA.,_I!ia 68803 ("L�nd�r"), ths <br /> b�n�flclary und�r this O��d of Tru�t,with powsr of ealt and ripht of sntry and poss�salon�II ot OrantorY pnasnt and futurs�stat�,ripht,titlo and <br /> Intsreat In and to the rsal property deacribsd In Schsdule A whlch is atteched to thla Oeed of Truat md Incarporatsd hsreln by this ref�rsnce,top�ther <br /> wlth all prssent and future Improvements and fixturea;all tnnplble psraonal propeny,fncludinp,witliout Iimitatlon,ell machlnery,equipmsnt,bulldlnp <br /> mnterinls,and goode of every naturs (�xctudlnp household poode)now or hsreafler located on or ussd In connectlon with the retl properly,wh�thsr <br /> ' or not atfixed to the Innd; nll privllegea. hereditamente,nnd appurtenances, Includinp all deveiopment riphts nssoclated with the rsel property, <br /> whsther prsvlously or aubsequently transferred to th�rsal property from othsr roal prop�rty or now or hersafter aueceptlbls o}tranafer irom this rsal <br /> �1 property to other reel propeRy; all teasea,Ilcensea and other eyreemante;ail renta,iaauea nnd profits;all water,wsll,ditch,reeervotr and minerel <br /> � righte and stxke pertalning to th�real property(cumulatively"Propori�);to have and to hold the Property and the riyhts hsreby prentetl for t:.:use <br /> "�� and bensfit of Truetss,hla succesaors end aRSlpna,until payment In full of ali Obllpntiona secursd hereby. <br /> �� Monover,In further conelderetlon,Orentor does,tor prantor and arantor'e heire, reprenentntivee,auccessore, and ansipns, hersby expressly <br /> warrant,covsnant,and agre�with Lender and Truatee and thsir succesaors and assigns ae foliowa: <br /> 1. OBLIOATIONS. Thla Deed of Truat ahall secure the payment and pertormance of all prasent and future Indebtedneas,Ilabllltisa,obliDatlone and <br /> �' covemnts of Borrower or Onntor(cumulstively"Obll�ntlons')to Lender pursuant to: _ <br /> *• a Lthis Deed of Truat end the followin �promisso notes and other agnements: <br /> ' NTFH�� PN IPAI.AM N�/-- �UADl}ia j �lllilTi/ .CUbTO�l�lt - _ <br /> ��! IIAT�i CREOfl'I,INIT AGREEMENT DATE DATB NUM�EII NUM�ER <br /> .�. vn�ii� $ae,9ss.�a 12/05/97 is/is/o� a9zas sw soiaes � <br /> � <br /> �� � I � __ - - <br /> , ` �— �---—----� 1 !)h�_- - <br /> d"'_`=_`--- <br /> (b all oth�r prssent or futuro written egreements with Lender that refer spe—fCfically to th a Deed of Trust(wh�thp�x-�aut�3-ior th�sam�or -= --- - <br /> dlHennt purpos�a than the fongoing); �'M'�±R <br /> (o) any guaranty of obllQatlona of other partles given to Lender now�r heroaker exoouted that rofere to thls Deed of Trust; �+ <br /> _sr` <br /> (d) future advances,whether obllgetory or optlonel,to the eame sxtent as If made contemporaneously wlth the executlon of thle Deed of Trust, <br /> made or extended to or on behalf of Grantor or Borrower. Grantor agrees thet If one of the Oblipatlons la a Ilne of credlt,the Ilan of this Deed of � �� <br /> Trust shail continuo until payment fn tull of all debt due under the Ilne notwithstanding the fact that from tlme to time(but before tormination ot • � � - <br /> the Ilne)no balance may be outstnndin At no tlme shall the Ilen of this Deed of Trust,not Includinp suma edvanced to protect the securlty ot = <br /> this Deed of Trust,exceed g 4$1.955��3 _.. __;and ' � <br /> (e)all amendmants,extenslons,renewels,modlficatlons,raplacements or substitutione to nny�f the foregoing. <br /> As used In this Paragraph 1,the terms Orantor and Borrower shall Include and also mean any Orantor or Borrower If more than one. <br /> 2. REPqI�SHNTATI0N3,WAR RANTIES AND COVENANTS. Grantor represente,warrante and covenants to Lender that: � <br /> � (a) �rantor has fee slmple rnarketabl0 tltle to the Property and shall malntaln the F'roperty freo of all liens,security interests,encumbrances and <br /> I clalms excapt for thls Deed of Trust and those described in Schedule B. which is ettached to ihla Deed ot'frust and IncOrporated hereln by . <br /> 1 reteronce,which Grantor agrees to pay and pertorm in a timoly manner; <br /> (b) Grantor fs in compliance in all respects with all applicable toderal,state and local lawe and regulations,including,without Ilr�itatlon,those <br /> relating to °Hazardous Materials,"as detined heroin,and other environmentai mattero (the "Enviienmental Laws"), and nelther the federal <br /> i government nor the state where the Property l8 loCated nor flny other governmontel or quflsi governmental entity hes filed a Ilen on the Property, <br /> n�i dio ii�oin di�y yovainmaniai,judiciai or adminisirativa actiona witn respect to environmentei manere penamg,or to tne oeat ot the GtBntor's r -- <br /> knowledgo,threatened,which involve the Property. Neither(irantor nor,to the best of Grantor's knowledge,any other party has uaed,generated, � <br /> ' released, diachnrged, stored,or dispused of any Hazardoua Materials as defined hereln, In connectlon with the Property or transported any � <br /> I Hazardoue Materlals to or from the Pro erty. Grentor shall not commit or ermit such actiona to be taken In the future. The term "Hazardoue � <br /> Materlals'shall mean eny substance,mnteriul,or waste which fa or becomes regulated by any governmental authority Including,but not Ilmited � <br /> � to: (I) petroleum; (ii) irlable or nonfriable asbOStos; (iil)polychlorinated b(phenyls; (Iv) those subatances,materials or wastos deslgnated as e j <br /> . 'hazardoua substance" pursuant to Section 311 of the Cloan Water Ac:t or listed purauant to SeCtion 307 ot the Clnan Water Act or any <br /> amendments or roplacvments to thdae stetutos; (v)those oubstancea.materlals or wastes deflned as a"hazardoue waste"purauant to Section I <br /> 1004 of the Resourco Coneorvatlon and Hecovery ACt or any amendments or repiacements to that statute;and(vi)those substances,materinla or <br /> ; wa9t8s de(Inod as n"hazardous�ubsta�co"pursuant to Sectlon 101 of the Comprehensive Environmentat Response,Compensation and Llabllity <br /> Act,or any amendments or roplacements to that statute or eny other elmllar state or tederal statute,rule,regulatlon or ordinance now or heresfter f <br /> in effoct. Grentor ahall not lease or permit the sublease of the Property to a tonant or subtonant whoso operatlona may result in contaminatlon of � <br /> the Property with Hazardous Materials or toxic substan��ea; i <br /> (c) AJI applicable laws and rogulations.including,wlthout Ilmitation,thv Arnericano witn Uisabtlities Act,42 U.S.C.Section 1210t et seq. (and all � <br /> regulations promulgated thereunder)and ell zoning and building laws and regulations rolating to the Property by virtue of eny foderal,state or ', <br /> municlpal authority wlth�urisdlction over the Property,presently aie and shell be observod end complled wlth In all materlal rospects,and all � <br /> rights,Ilcenses,permits,end cortificates of occupancy pncluding but not Ilmlted to zoning variances,special excoptions for nonconformfng uses. � <br /> and tinal inspoctlon approvalsl.whethor tomporary or pormonent.which are meterial to the usn and occupancy of tho Proporty,presently are and � <br /> shall ba obtainod,proserved and.where necvssnry.reno�vod: /J� <br /> . � ...n. , , rn��� . „ (a�� . <br />