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<br /> � • �1 4.:
<br /> • ' 17. Tranefer of the Prop�rty or a B�nofialal {ntHrsst in Borrower. it nn or any pert �f the Properiy or :. �
<br /> any interest In It is sold or trnneferted (or li o beneflclal Interest In Bonower Is sold or transferred end Borrower Is not e naturei ;`,r^_n'
<br /> peraon)wifhout Lender's prlor written consent. Lender may,nt its optlon. require Immedlato payment in full of all sums aecured by � .-,ti.J,,.
<br /> thls Socurity Inatrumenl. However, thla optlon shall not be oxerclsed by Lender d oxercise Is prohlblleA by taderel law as ot ihn „ ,:?„'t`^
<br /> dnte al thls 3ecurity Instrumont. •,::��..%�
<br /> It Lender exerclses lhls option, Lendor shell glvo Bortower notice ol ar,celeration. Tho notice sheli provldo a penod o1 not _
<br /> lesa then 30 deyg Irom the date tho notice Is delNered or malled wilfdn which Borrowar must puy all sums secured by Ihis �:,%�r-%h��
<br /> Secudty Inatrument. if Borrower te�s to pay these sums prior to the explration ol thls perfod. Lender may Invoke nny remodlos� n, iT_
<br /> permlried by thls Security Inslrument without lurther notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> ��'�`�'��''r'.,••
<br /> �A. Borrow�r's Right to R�In�tate. If Botrower meets certain conJitions, Borro�ver shall have Ih� nghl io havo ( ,�T�,m_ `"
<br /> ontorcement o1 this Security Instrument discontinued at any tlme prlor to ihe earller o1: (a) 5 days (or such other perlod ns� _-_ -
<br /> eppllcable law may specify for relnstatement) betore sale of the Property pursuant to eny powor ot sale contalned i e ts�LQ d�rr�a I� _--=- "
<br /> • ,,,,.-.»�*' Instrument; or (b) entry o1 a judgment enforcing thls Security Instn�ment.Those conditlons are that Bonower. (8) P � wres an
<br /> �'"� sums whlch then would be duo under this 9ecurity Inslrument and the Noto ec if no accehls 3oc:u 0.d Inst ument. Including.b t�
<br /> default ot any other covenent or agreements; (c) p a y s .•• �.<p e n s e s I n c u r r e d I n e n i o r c i n g t t y _
<br /> not Ilmited to, reasonable attorneys' foos; nnd(d) takes such action as Lender may reasonabty requlre to asoure that the Ilen o f �� - _`_
<br /> thls Securlty Instrument, Lender's rights In lhe Properry and Borrower's obligatlon to pay the sums secured by this Security r--.
<br /> . Instrument shall continue eclive es�if oPo ccei`eratlon had occ u ed.WHoweverSti Isri ght t nreinstate sha I notbelpply In ihe case ;
<br /> hereby shall remain tully ett
<br /> of acceleration under paragreph 77. -�
<br /> 19. Sele of Note; Change of Loan Serviaer. 'rne Note or a o partlal interest In ihe Note (together with this
<br /> Secudty Insirument) may be sold one or more tlmes without prlor notice to Borrower. A salo may resutt In a change In the entlty `,-
<br /> (known as lhe "Loan Servlcer') that collects monthly peyments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also rnay
<br /> be one or more changes oi the Laan Servlcer unrelated to a sale ot the Note. It there la a change ot lhe Loan Scrvicer. �._
<br /> Borrower wili be gNen wrltten notice of the change In accordance wlth paragraph 14 above and epplicable law. The notice will
<br /> L =
<br /> state the name and address ot lhe new Loan Sarvlcer end the address to which payments should be made. The notice wlll also _
<br /> contaln any other Infortnetion requlred by applicablo Ia�N. -`
<br /> 20. Haxardous SUbSt8I1C88. Borrowar shall not ceuse or permit the presence, use. disposal, storage, or release ot
<br /> t, ! any Hazardous Subatances on or in the Property Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anylhing efleciing the �-
<br /> � Property that is in vlolation of any Environmental Law. The preceding twu sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> ;� storage on the Property oi small quantitles of Hazardous Substances lhat ere generally recognized to be epproprlate to norcnel -
<br /> N. resldentiai uses and to malntenance of the Property.
<br /> Bortower shell prompty give Lender written notice of eny Investigani�OnBnclaHaza d usnSubstun�ce or Envronmeintal law of
<br /> � ovemmental or re ulato agoncy or private party InvoNing the Property Y
<br /> -ie which tioituwci ha act a: kno+"!°d9Q. �f R�nower leams, or Is notified by any govemmenial or regulatory autha�iry, thet any
<br /> removal or other remedlatlon of any Hazardous Substance attecting Property is necessary, tiorrower sneo �rui����+ ��'�� �'�
<br /> necessary remedlal actlons In accordence with Envfronmental Law. --
<br /> As uaed In thls paragraph 20, "Hazardoua Substances' are those substances deflned as toxle or liazardous su6stances by
<br /> Environmental Law and the tollowing substances: gasoline, Kerosene, othar tlammabie or toxic petroieum products, toxic
<br /> .� pesticides and herbicides, volat�e solvents,matedais contalning asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactNe materials. As used In
<br /> ; paragraph 20, 'Environmental Law" means federel laws end laws of tho Jutisdictlon where the Property Is located ihet relate to
<br /> • health,setety or envlronmental protectlon.
<br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender turther covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> t 21. Acceleration; RAto'�edles. Lender shall give notico to Borrower prior to e�cceseration
<br /> �'>" following Borrower's breach of any covonant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not ---�-
<br /> �' prfor to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless applicable law provides otherwise). The notfca
<br /> A' ahall specify: (a) the default; (b) the ection required to cure the default; (c) a data, not lesa than
<br /> � "' 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrawer, by w h ic h t h e default must be cured; and
<br /> (d) that fallure to cure the default on or befo�e the dete specffied in the notice maThe nuotice
<br /> r acceleration of the suma secured by this S�cu:t.; ...sirament and sale of the Proparty. __
<br /> �� shall further inform Borrower of the rlght to relnstate atter acceleration and the right to bring a
<br /> court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defense of Eiorrower to �_.
<br /> , � acceleration and sale. If the dofault is not cured on or before the date specified In the notice, —
<br /> i Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of all suma socured by thls Security
<br /> inst�ument without further demand and may Invoke the power of eale and any other remedles
<br /> ' permitted by applfcable law. Lender shall be entftled to collect all expenses incurred In pursuing ��__--
<br /> the remedies provided in thls paragraph 21, Including, but not limited to. reasonable attorneys �T=�•:^==N �
<br /> fees and custs of title evidence. `�'�.:�.
<br /> If the power of sale Is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in ,.�,,.�,,,�,.__
<br /> whtch any pa�t of the Property Is located and shall maU coples of such notice in the manner �.,r�..;
<br /> preacribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed k:�� applicable law. .:,3s;,T.-_
<br /> � . �':,:... ,
<br /> After the time requlred by appllcable law, Trustee shall glve public notice of sale to the persons .'s
<br /> and in the manner presaribed by appUcable law. T�ustee, witheut demand on Borrower, shall seil
<br /> i the F=roperty at public auction to the hlghest bidder at the time and place and under the terms .,
<br /> desl�7nated in the notice of sale In one or mora parcels and fn�anY ba��an�,outnc metnt at the
<br /> 1 Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property y p
<br /> ; time and place ot any previously scheduled saie. Lender or its designee may purchase the
<br /> Property at any sale.
<br /> I Unon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall delivor to the purchaser Trustee's
<br /> . _�_.. �_ .,..e..... �s..te nvidanca of
<br /> , deed�conveyfng the Property. The recftais in the irusiee's detlu n��a�� .+o r��•••� .�-._ _•--- ----_
<br /> the truth of the st�tements made therein. Trustee shall apply the procaeds of the eale in the
<br /> � following order: (a) to all costs and expenses of dxe�cising the power of sale, and the sale,
<br /> Including the paymont of the Trustee'3 foes actually incurred, no�o of the prinhcipal amount of the
<br /> note at the time of the decla�ation of default, and reasonable attorney's fees as permittod by law;
<br /> (b? to a11 aums �ecurod by this Securiry Instrument; and (c) any excess to the p�raon or persnns
<br /> legafly dnti4led to It. I
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