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.7�: � <br /> •� • <br /> ._.�� ' ..tid�0��_!S�:.-"::"�_ .. <br /> .-- — .. .. ...' ._'""'�._.....„""_'_..___"'...._....... _ _ ..._,_"._ '_ _, " _ _ – <br /> "��—1 � <br /> t"� ��:�.'. . . .. • ytAiA�'Y�IA�^.I.�ati^ - • ' ..1 . � �1 'iYSSN�!1M" ''.`� n�_ <br /> � ]' � . . ...... ��rvw�d!!YP'�{�}�ihQ.�►�r� { . <br /> fr+wi. �M���'" � �r."c" <br /> ��.sr•.:.... <br /> Rorrower mey cure euGh e defsult end relnstate, as provkled In pAregreph 18. by causing ihe nction or proceeding to be ��,+ <br /> dlsmiseod with a rulinfl that, In Lender's good faith determinatlon,precludes lorfelture oi the Borro�ver's Intorest In the Praperty or <br /> �;.--- <br /> ' othor malorial impalrment ot the Ilen created by �ocesn.egavfe malerually tnlse or�inuccurata in`t rm tlont ors tat ments lo Lendore(or <br /> detault il Borrower, durinp the loan appllcation p <br /> Ialied to provlde Lender with any materlal fnformation) In connectlon with the loan evidenced by the Nota. Inciudng, bul not — <br /> Ilmlled to, representatlons conceming Borrower's occupancy ot the Property es e principal residence. 11 Ihis 5ecurity <br /> Inatrument Is on a leasehold, Berrower shflll comply wlth all the provlslons of the Ica�o• If Borrower acquires fee titlo lo the .'' <br /> PropeRy.the leasahold and the tee Iltle shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in wriling. <br /> teCtlon of Lender's Rlghts In the Propertyl. II Borrower tails to perform the covenants and egreements� _�n <br /> � 7. Pro <br /> contelned in Ihis Securily Inslrument, or there Is a legal proceeding that inay slgniilcantly aHect Lender's rlghls in Ihe Prope�ly� �•�. <br /> � (such ae a p ocwhetover Issna estae yto p8otectrthe al enol the Prope'rtyr nd Lender'sCrlght sin the Property. ,Lender'sdact ons� �� <br /> , do n�nd pay <br /> ' may Inciude payfng any sums secured by a Ilen whlc to mttke��e eirsver�`�hlu9heLenderl may ake ctonaundernthlsuparagraph� <br /> ..«+� ' reasonable attomeys'fees and ente�ing on the Property P <br /> "'�' � 7, Lender does not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts dlsbursed by Lender under paragreph 7 ahall become addNOnal debt of Borrower secured by thls Security __ <br /> 1 Inatrumant. Unless Bortower and Lendar ngree to other teans of paymen�, these emounts chell bear Interest from the date of �—- <br /> disbursement at the Note rate and ahall be payable, with Interest, upon notice Irom Lender to Borrower requesting payment. <br /> 8. MOftgage Insuranee. It Lender requfred mortgage insurance as e conditlon of making the loen secured by lhls <br /> � Security Instrument,Borrower shali pay the premlums requlred to meintaln the mortgage insurance in efiect. If,(or any reason, the <br /> � mortgage insurance coverage roqulred by lender iapsea ar ceases to be In eflect, Borrower shell pay the premiums required to <br /> obtaln covorage substantially equlvaient to the mortgage Insurance prevlousiy in e8ect, at a cost substantialty equiralent to the <br /> cost to Bortower of the mortgege Inaurance previousty In ettect, lrom en alternete mo toBLen'der eachPmonth absumeequal to <br /> � � substentlaliy equivalent mortgaga fnsurance coverage is not availeale, Borrower sha�pay — <br /> � one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage Insurance premium Ueing patd by Borrorier when lhe Insurance coverage lapsed or ceaaed to <br /> �. be in ettect. Lender will eccept, use and retaln these peyments as a loss reserve In Ileu of mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve <br /> ' paymenta may no longer be required, at the optlon ot Lender, if morlgage insurence coverage(In the amount and lor the period <br /> `� � thet Lender requlres) provlded by an Insurer approved by Lender agaln becomes evailable snd is obtained. Borrower shalt pay <br /> }�" tho premlums requlred ta malntaln mortgage inauranco In eBect, or to provide a losa reserve, untll the requirement(or mortgage <br /> q� <br /> Insurance ends fn accordance with any written egreement between Borrawer and Lender or applicable aw. <br /> y�. J. II78peCtlOn.Lender or Its agent may mRke reasonable entries upon and Inspectlons oi tho Property. l_ender shall give <br /> Borrower notice at ihe time of or prlor to an Inspectlon specltying reasonable cause for the f�spoctlon. <br /> �� 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of eny award or clatm for damages, direct or consequential, In connectlon with any <br /> �, condemnatlon or other taking ot any part of the Property, or lor conveyance in Iieu of condemnatlon, sre hereby asslgned end <br /> shall be pald to Lender. <br /> In the event of e lotal taking of the Propert/, the proceeds shell he applled to the suma secured by th�s In whlch <br /> -- ;n�tr�mer.'..r�h°Lh?r nr not then due,with eny excess pald to Borrower. In ihe event of a partlal takinfl of the Properry <br /> the falr market value ot the Property Immediatey before the taking is equai io or y�aatar iFar tha sm^ur.t o!tF,e sums secured <br /> � by thls Securlty Instrument Immedlately before the taking, unless Bortower and Lender otherwise agree In wdtin9, the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the emount of the procthe taUumarket v lue ot the P operry�mmediat ly <br /> total amount of the aums secured Immediately before the taking, divided by @1 <br /> before the taking.Any balance sheli be pald to Bortower. In the ovent of a partiel taking of the Property In whlch the felr market <br /> value oi the Property Immedlately before the taking Is less than the amount of the sums secured Immediately belore tho taking, <br /> unless Bortower end Lender otheiwlse agree In writing or unless eppllr�We Iaw otherwlse provides, tho proceeds shall be <br /> epplled to the sums secured by this Security Inatrument whather or not the sums ere then due. <br /> If tha Property Is abandoned by Barrower,or h, nfter notice by Lender to f3orrower that the condemnor o8ers to make an <br /> �' award or settle a clalm for damxges, Borcower taus to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice Is given. <br /> �. ' Lender Is authodzed to collect and appty the proceeds, at Its optlon, either to restoretion or repelr of the Properh� or to the <br /> sums secured by thls Security Instrument,whelher or not then due. <br /> � Unless Lender end Borrower otherwise agree In writing, eny application oi proceeds to principnl shau not extend or <br /> �� postpone the due date of the monthly peyments reterted to in paragrephs 1 end 2 or change the amount ot such payments. <br /> - 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance 8y Lender Not a Walver.Extenslon of the time tor payment or <br /> �. modKicatlon of amortizatlon of the sums seoured by this Securlty Instrumenl gr�anted by Lender to any successor In Interest af <br /> - - - Borrower shall not operate to release the IlabWty of the original Bortower or Borrower's successors In Interest. Lender shall not <br /> be required to commence proceedinys agalnst any successor In Interest or refu3e to extend tlme for payment or othervviso <br /> �, . modity emartizatlon ot the sums securnd b�y�l��sA ce by Lender Int o ercising�any�rlghteore m dy shallt not be a'walverWOi or <br /> B o r r o w e r's s u c c e s s o r s I n I n t e r e s t. A y <br /> � preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. JOint a11d SeVeral LlBbil(ty; Co-eiglters.The covenants and <br /> 12. Sucaessars and Assigna Boue�d; <br /> agreements of this Securfty Instrument sholl bind end benetit the successors and assigns of I.ender and Borrower. sub�ect to the <br /> '± � provlslons of paregraph 77. Borrower's covenants nnd agreements shali be jolnt und sevaral. Any Borrower who co•signs this � <br /> T Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-slgning this SecuNty Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey �•- <br /> � ' that Borrower'� Interest In the Property under tho terms of this Secudry Insirument: (b) Is not personally ot�lignted to pey the <br /> � sums secured by this Security Inst�'ument; and (c) agrees thet Lender end any other Borrower may agree to extend, modily, <br /> :• i forbear or make any accommodatlons with regArd to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note wlthout that Borrower's <br /> - � conseiit. <br /> � 13. Loan Ch81'ges. It the laan �ecurod by thls Secudty Instrument Is subject to a law whlch sels meximum loen <br /> charges, end that law is tinally interproted so thel the Interest or other loen charges collected or to bo collecled In connectlon <br />_ with the loan excoed the permftted Iimits, thean (sums Iready colle ted irom IBorro er which exceeded permfttodslmlts wlldlube <br /> � tho chargc to the permftted Ilmit; and (b) y <br /> - , refunded to Borrower. Lender mey choose to rneke thls refund by redueing the principal owed under the Nate or by making a <br /> nncl al. the reductfon wfll be treatPd es e paHlal prepaymPnt without eny <br /> I dlrect payment to Borro�ver. If a rehind reduces p� P <br /> � prepaymeM charge under U�a Nutc. <br /> _ I 14. NotICeS. Any notice to Borrower provided 1or in thfs Securiy Instrument shall be given hy delirering it or by meiling it <br /> _ � by iirst class mall unless npplicable law requires usr o+ �nother method. Tha nutico shall be diracted to tho Property Address <br /> _ i .., o�� mnPr address Borrower designa:es by natice lo Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to <br /> - . . ., o.....,...... env nntirn nrnvfded 1of Iit thlS <br /> 'r . 1 " ` , v............ '•___ . _ <br /> � Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lencler ansignaies uy +�o��t� ... •-•, •� <br /> Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or L?nder when given as provided In this paragraph. <br /> 15. Governing Law; SeVB�ablllty. This Securily Instrument shall be c�overned by federal law and the law of thct <br /> jurisdictlon fn which the Property is located. In the event thal any provislon or clause o( this Security In�tmment or the Note <br /> - ' Clve'nICeN ctttw'lhoull thle con(Iicting p�ov'isfonr'TIo thisae dtll0ehp�ovislonso ol ihis Se ue�YriltnStrumenteand the Nole arehdecla edlo <br /> 9 <br /> ' • ba severable. <br /> ;:,. 3�rrotler�9 rQ�;� R^rmwPr SIIRII bP qivnn one conlormed copy ol the Note and of this Secu�'ity Instrumenl <br /> I s 1• . � <br /> ��, � . �.-1� - ------ <br /> ' t�11��I M�� �7•i/-� I <br /> — I <br /> • �.^.�.il.11 11 <br /> I <br /> r <br /> 1' _ <br /> .. .. __ ..._... . . <br /> "_'.... . . .... ...... . <br /> .�. ..._.__...__ .._... .. <br /> • _ . ...... . . . . . . . <br />