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" `_ wMKy4Y/1�1�rt�: - ,. � . ..... ... .. . .. ...Rwy1�r 0..,'�, . . „ ..... +°�. . ..�.-.. ..�. .. <br /> . � ,.- ..�.• . � . . <br /> _ - ... <br /> . <br />. . • � . �, ..._ . . .. . ..... .. � � � , � . <br /> , � .r l-:.": <br /> . . �� .o-... <br /> �,; <br /> � �J?'` �1a482 --�- <br /> �}r,_ f, A.As uddidonal�curiry,Trustor harcby glves w und cnnfers upcm Bencflcl�uy thc rlght,powor und uuthority,cluring thu ccmttnwincc uf �� <br /> theso'I'rus�s to collect thc tents,issuc�nnd proFits of snicl prupctty,rescrving unto Trustor�hc rlght,prlor w ony default by Trustor In pnymcnt <br /> of nny hidcbtcdncsssccurcd hcrcby or!n p¢rf��rnmnr����f nny ngreemcnt hercunder,tn collect and retnui such rents,lssues und profi�y+�.v lhcy <br /> ' bccunu duc und payablo.Upon u�y such default,9cncficlury mey et any dmo without noticc,cithcr in persan,by ugcut,ur by u rccclvcr tc>tx; �'-_ <br /> . � _.,,� appaldted by a court,aAd wlthout regard to the adcquecy of any secutiry for thc indcbtcdnes9 hereby�ecured,unter upon attd U►ko p��.4e�slon �.°, <br /> ,..;��, _ of sald proherty ur eny purt theteof,ln his own name suc for or othcrwLso collect such rents,issucs and profils,including thoso past due und <br /> � unpald,and apply�ho sawe upon any Indcbtednesa aecared hcreby,und In such order as Deneflclary muy dewrminc.7'ho cntcring upi�n und <br /> ".'"��� � � taklag possession oi said propeny,the coUecdon of such rcnta,fssucs und ptofits nad thc upplic�dan thercof us nfc�resaid,shull noc cure or ��'' <br />,�,�� walvo any default or natice of default hcreunder ot Invnlldnte any act donc putsuunt to such noticc. <br /> � -� 5.Upon daFmilt by Tn�st�r In the pnyment of any ind�btedness secured hcreby ot in t2ic performancc of any ag�cemcnt contalned hcre��, �.`� <br /> all sums sccured heteby shaU lmmedlately becomo due and payable nt tho opdon�f thc Beneflciary.In such cvent nnd u{wn wrltten requcst of �' <br /> • Hcaeflclary,Trusua sbnll selt thc trust praperty,in uccorduncc wlth the Ncbraska Trust Dccds Act,at pubilc uuctlon to tho hlghest blddcr. L <br /> - Any person exccptTeustcc may bid at Trusteo'ssnlc.Trustcc shaA upply thc procecds of tbe sulc us follows: (1)W thc cxpease of the snlc, �' <br /> , Including a rensonable Trustee's fec;(2)to thc obllgnHon sccured by this Deed of Trust;(3)the surplus,If nny,shnll He dLstributed to thn �? <br /> ., .,� persons entitled thcreto. _ <br />''g 6.Trustca shell deUvcr ta the purchescr nt thc salc IGS dced,w{thout watranry,which shaU convcy W thc purchascr thc interest in We _. <br /> �},•� , ptopctty whicb Trustor hed or 6ad the pawer to convey at thc Hmc of hls exccudon of thls Decd of Trust,end such us hc muy Uavc acquired <br />- q�ereafter.Ttvstee's decd shall reclta the facis showiag that the sale�vav conducted in complfance with nll the requlrements of law aad of thLs � <br /> Deed of Ttust,whlch tccttnl s6all be prlma fscle evidence of such compUance und conclusive evldence thereof fn fuvor of bonn fide <br />_ � purchascrs and encumbrances fot vulue. <br />�� 7.The power of snle confcrrcd by this Dced of Trust is nut un ezcluslvc remedy;Seneficinry muy cause this Decd of Trust to bc <br /> r� _ forecloscd a.�n mo�tgc+go. <br /> � 8.In the event of thu death,Incapnclty,disnbillry or resignadon of Ttustce,Beneflclary may appoint la wridng a successor trustee,und <br /> upon the recarding of such appolntment in the mortgage records of the county ln wt►ich this Deed of Trust k recorded,the successor trustee <br /> , shnll be vesG:d with nll powers of the orlginal trustec.Thc trustcc Ls not obliged to notify any party hercW of pending:�►le under any other <br />, .� Deed of Trust or of any scHoa or procceding fn which Trustor,Tnutec or BenofIciary sbaU be u patty unless such acdon nr ptocecdlag is <br /> brought by thc Tcustce. -- <br /> 9.Th1s Deed of Ttust applles to,Inures W tb�benefit of,and is binding aot nnly on thc parties hereto,but on theln c�lts,devlsecs, _ <br />-� � Icgatces,adminlstrators,execuWrs,successots and esslgas.The tcrm Bcneticlnty ahaU meun the Lalder nad owncr of tho note sccurcd hcteby, _ <br /> � whether or not named as Beneflciary heteln. ° <br /> •� "�� • 10.Request for Nodce of Defunit or NoUce of Sale.It is requested ihat a copy oi uny ivodce oP Defuuit vi i.uiicc uf S+d�bc�aui�zd ta _ <br />±i, �,• each persoa who Is named in tlils Trust Dced at We mniling address of such persoa a9 set out sbovc. °. <br /> r, . NOTICE TO CONSUIV�R. 1.Do not sign this paper before you read it. 2. You are entitled to a <br />,�:. ., copy af thts paper.3.You may prepay the unpaid balence at any tLne wltLout penalty and may be _ <br /> _`: �. ,. entitled to receive a refund of unearnsd charges in uccordance with law. _ <br /> �'��A. Signed this 9 day of DECEMBER ,A.D.1997_ � _ <br /> --_._r:x�.,.�.�, l� <br /> .. . ' STATE OP NEBRASKA ) .. <br />�r �SS. - <br />; HALL COUNTY) � - <br /> � _. ,r. . <br />- �.+'-:: On this 9 day of DECEMBER , A.D. 1997 , befote me, the undcrslgned, a Notary Public, duly <br /> '" ���`'}' commLssioned and quallfled for and residing in said county,personully came JOEI. C & CINDE R HOFFMANiUSBAND & <br />-�"�`"��''��~` WIFE AS JOINT TENANT5 to me known to be thc idenNcul person S whose natne S nffi�ced to the foregoing Instrument <br />_ •i.�� . <br /> .:+ 8S�I�NS�Oi S ,u�J u..�+.,,,w1�Jg�d lli��ui�c lu ix: TM�II: <br /> ." �. <br /> ' '• � � voluntazy nct end decd. <br />= • Wilncss my hend and Notatial 5en1 the day and ycnr lust nbovc wrlttcn. _ <br />-:':y. . .�. My Cummissiou expires the STH day <br /> . � of FEBkUARY � 1999• �LIqTA11'3pNMN16113 '�,�,��,,�-���_ _ "_ <br /> °,,S,;F. ,_. � SFIERRI Y. _ Notaty Public "' <br /> . i �A; <br />= STATE OF. ) `�'� <br /> �SS. ��•� <br /> COUNTY) <br />- Entered in Numericul Index and tiled for record in the office oF the Regtster of Deeds of said county,t6c <br /> day of , at o'clock und minLtes M., <br /> and duly recorded in Book_ of Muttgugc�page <br /> � <br /> � Registcr of Deeds <br /> � <br /> i <br />:- _ � Deputy <br /> _ � � -__= 1 NE.99,.,,9�.2 ��- <br /> \ <br /> 1 <br /> .... _ ._... .... .. . . . . ....... ._�-.... <br /> . . . . , , ..c�•..y�, <br /> .__ .. ... . . .. . ....... .. . . _ <br /> � _ _ . _. <br />