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O �C rn � —' <br /> � l .'.�G `•� � I � o I'�'1 —1 u. <br /> � Q� n C7 -< p <br /> �� T � i �, ( � 7 �„� p n � <br /> .w�w'�A'� � �`•" `��,, � J� N � � �"'�►� -. <br /> , ......e � f � � ! � n � r Ta Q� • <br /> .. m b � : � ; cn ..c 3 = - <br /> � �`� � � ►��+ n � ^' - <br /> � �� <br /> O � W N N � <br /> � <br /> ,� NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST <br /> � (With Power of Sale) <br /> � <br /> da of '8��— ��"-� <br /> � THIS DEED OP TRYJS7'. made ihls 9 Y DECEMBER , <br /> lxtwcen JOEL C ANU CIN�E A H OFFM AN HUSBAkD 6 WIFE AS JOINT TENAN7S — <br /> h whosc mailinB eddress is 91 3 N AHIIA ST GRANO ISLAND E 68801 <br /> as Ttustors, STEWART TITLE GU AR�NTY COMPANY , <br /> �� '*�. tvhosa mai13n8 uddress L� 1 220 WASh�INGTON ST SUITE 100 KANSAS CITY MO 6A105 <br /> as Trustee,and Norwest Fiaanciol Nebreska,Inc.,whose mailinB address is 2319 N WE88 RD � � g�ACficiaty, <br /> � GRAN� ISLANQ NF 68803 y wer of sale,thc followingdescribed <br /> WI'►'NESSETH,Trustors hereby irtevocably,grant,bazguln,sell,aad conve m Ttustee in trust,with}x� <br /> r ro c in HALL County,Nebroska: <br /> P P•rtY <br /> _____ ___ ,_.�' ruF GeciFRl Y FIFTY FEET OF THE WESTERLY ONE HUN�RED FORTY^EIGH���nEET <br /> � OF FRACTIONAL BLOCK SEVENiEEN, WINDOLPH'S nuuii iuhi, �i�� �� ���^�•� <br /> ISLAND, HALI. COUNTY, NEBR�SK�. <br /> �. <br /> Together wich tcncmeats,6erediiemeats,aad appurteaenccsthercunto bclonging or in anywLse aPlxrtai�l�g°nd thc rents,issues aad pro�ts <br /> � thcreof. <br /> Thls canveyance is intended for�he purpose of securtng the payment to Beaeficiary of Trustors'promissory note of even date in the an►ount <br /> � of S�� 7dR,00 (Totnl of Payments).Satd Total of Pa�mment shall at thc Bcnefiiiaty opdoa nnd vv�hout nodce or demnnd,�rc det tho <br /> edvence in uny nmount nt any t1m�•Default im m�king eny p Y <br /> entitc unpaid balax►ce of said loan at once due nnd paynble,less any requircd rebatc of charges. <br /> To protectthe security of t�is D:cd of Ttust,Tn�.stot covennnts and agtees: <br /> ` .. •`+ 1.To{ceep the property in good condidon nnd npair;to petmlt no waste thereof;to complete any building,structute or improvement being <br /> built or ahout to be built thcreon;to restorc promptly any building,structute or improvemcntthercon whlch may be dnmagcd or destroyed;and w <br /> � comply with all laws,ordinnnces,regulations,covenents.condidons nnd restricUon+nffccting the property. <br /> 2,To pay bef'ote dclinquent all lawful taxcs and c�ssessments upuu Aic property;to keep the property trce nnd clear of ep other charges,llens <br /> �• or cncumbr.nnces impuiring thc security�f this Deed of Trust• _ <br /> 3.To kecp ull buildings now onc�rcafter crected on the ptoperty described Lereln contlnuously insured ageinst loss by fire or othct hazards <br /> � in nn amount aot l�ss thnno c ond�ave WsstP Ynbit c first t th B neficinry us�ithinterestcmnyy ppcur andcthen�to the Trustor CTho emount — <br /> T;� thc Benefic)ury maY nPP <br /> � collected under any insurence policy may be npplied upon nny indebtedness hereby secured In such order as the Beneflciaty shall detetmlue• <br /> � Such applicadon by thc Bencficiury shall not cuuse discontinunnce of oay proceedings to forcclose this Deed of Trust or cure or wnivo any <br /> dcfault or nodce of dcfault or fnvalidntc eny net done pursuant tn such nodce.Lt the event of foreclosure,nll tlgl�ts of the Trustor in insurntsce <br /> , policics then in force shall pass to thc purchaser at thc foreclosure sale. art thereof and nny <br /> 4.To obtain thc written cansent of 9eneficinry before selling,conveying or othcnvise transfettnig thc ptoperty or any p — <br /> such snle,conveynnee or vc�ns(er wiihoul the Beneficlnry's written wnsent shall cons6tute a defnult under the temis hereof. —_ <br /> 5.To dcFend nny xction or praeeding purporcing w uffect the sccurity hetcof or ihe rights ot powers of Beneficinry or Trastce. <br /> G.Shonld Trustor fuil ta p:3Y�vhen due any taxcs,assessmcnts. Insnrancc prcmiums, liens, cncumbrances or other chargcs ngnuut thc = <br /> propeny hercinabove descrihed, &nefici:u�y muy pay the snme,and the wnount so pnid,wlth interest at the rnte set forth ln the noG,secured ` <br /> ' herchy.shall hc c�ddcd to nnd bec ome�part of thc debt secured in this Decd of Trust as permittcd by law. ! <br /> ITIS MUTUALLYAGREED'fHAT: � <br /> �,(n thi evenl any p�rtion of�hc propcny is mken or dumaged in an eminent domain procceJing,ihc endre atnount of thc nwurd or such � <br /> portion there��f�s mcty he necestiary�o(ully satLsfy thc ubligution secured herehy,tholl he paici to Bene(iciuty eo be applied w snfd oUligation. <br /> 2,gy nccepting paymcntof nny sum sccuredhetehy ufter it�due date,Beneficinry dxs not wnive its right to require prompt paymentwhen <br /> I du�o(all othcr sums sosecured orlo dcclatt dc(ault Fur failurc tn so pvy. <br /> 1 3.Thc 1'rustcc shcdl rccunvcyall or nny part uf the property covcred by this Dccd of Trust to the person entidcd thcreto,on written rcquest <br /> ...•,�,..T.�.�f,,.:..,d�}ic Bcnc ficiary,�r upon satisfaction��f thc obligauon sccurcd:ind wriricn requcst for rewnveynnce mndc by the Bcncficlazy or <br /> � thc{xnon entitled thrrclo. � : <br /> { � <br /> � NE•991�1191•1 t <br /> � �// •�c5 / <br /> �1 _. _ <br /> _ _ _ <br /> _ _ __ <br />