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;•, , . , , . ... , <br /> �4 .,.�.= �....� <br /> . �_�,i�•;.���L7'�� v'���. s�wqrw..u�..•.��.. . � . . •,`.a n+� - __ <br /> '��: - .'.C_i r,�• .��.�tl��II1t�,!'�Ai�`���1�'11�►...j�,�..- ..��n,�. � <br /> • .._�.. ._i.�� _ — —.. _" <br /> ._ __ _-_.-_--_._... ._ .. ��,.�-_. _ <br /> , _... <br /> c:.:ac-er-�:aan-+�s�m.w� ..__ .____.__" _. <br /> .�...:..:t ..__...�. .. . <br /> ___sl�f;��:� . <br />-ri;:-a'°� <br /> "`�'�`���' princlpal amount af the Indebladnesa eacu�ed by thta Dead ot L[wst.�at Including uuma edvanced to protect the security of thls Deed oi <br /> �.�:`��� Trust,exceed the oripinai p�lncipal emowt ateted hereln,or s t35,UUU (JO ,whlchever is greater. <br />-�rs�t��� 18.Misc�ll�n�ous Provido��. <br /> �-",����• (a)Bonarwr No!R�I����d.Extenafon of the time for payment or modiflcallan of emortlzaFion of tha aums ser.ured by thls � <br /> .��. , . , Deed ot Trust granted b�Londer to sny sucCess�r In Interest oi Borrower shall not�perate to retease,In any manner,the Ilabltl- y <br /> =;r�rw,>�=r�? ty of the original Borrower and Borrower's succeasoro In Intereat. Lender shall not be requlred to commence pra;aedings � <br /> '�trr.,�. , <br /> �,;�, agelnet auch succssaor or refuae ta extend time for payment or otherwlae modify emortl2etlon oi the sums secured by Ihls N <br /> ;;��;;=0,,, Deed ai Truat by reESOn of any demanda made by tha originel Borrower and Borrower's successoro in Uterest. <br />��; ''� (b)L�nd�PR Povwrs.Wtthout a(fecting the Ilablllty of eny other person Ilable!or the payment oi eny obligation heroin mern� <br /> -._"'"" �'' tlened, and without atfectl the Ibn or char oi thla Deed oi Tnist u an rtlon ot the Pro <br /> n9 pe pon y po perty not then or theretofore <br /> reteaaed es aecurity lor the full emount of ell unpald obligationa,Lender mey,from tlme to tlme and wfthout notice(I) release� <br /> �__��4� nny person so linblo,(II) oxtond tho maturlty or altor any of tho terms of any such obllgaUons,(III)grant othor Indutgencos,({v) - <br />- - rebAae or reconvey,or ceuae to be relea:ed or reconveyed at eny time at Lenders optlon eny percel, portton or all of the� <br /> Prc�perty,{v)teke or release any other or eddltbnal securlty for eny obligatlon hereln mentioned,or(vi)meke compositions or <br /> - -"!''!� other arrengements wilh debtors In reletion thereto. <br /> - -= (c)Forb�sranca hy L�nd�r Not a Walwr.Any forbaarence by Lender In exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or oth- <br /> erwlae aHorded by appllcable law,shafl not be a walver of or pn�clude the exercise af eny such rlght or remady.The pracure- <br /> '' ����" ment oi Inaurance or the payment�i tax�s or othar Ilens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver ur Lender's right to acceler- <br /> '�-;�°�'!� ata th�maturlty ot the lndebtddnesa aecured by this Deed of Tnist <br />-LL��'`a=� (d)9ucc�ssor�and Asslyn�Baund;Jolnt and S�wnl Ll�blilty;C�pHons.The covonants and agreements hereln con- <br /> _-��`'.�� tained shall bind, end the riphte hareunder shall Inure to,the respective successors end assigns of Lender and Trustor.All <br /> _ ,���, covenanta and agreemente oi Truator ehall be jolnt and severel.The captions an�headings oi the paregraphs ot thia Deed of <br /> ."�;f��'•��, Truet are tor convenlence onty and ere not to be used to Interpret or daflne the provlsions hereof. <br /> —��.�,:ti*';y (e)R�qu��t for Notica.The partiea hereby request that e copy of any notice of defeutt hereunder and a copy of any notice <br /> =-:�4��_;�� of sale hereunder be malled to each party to this Deed of Truat at the eddress set forth ebove in tha manner prescrfbed by <br /> °-°--�_�� appliceble law.Except for eny other notice reqWred under appllcabie law ta be given U enother manner,any notice pruvided tor <br />-T-��"� In thle Deed of T►ust ehali be given by�ttalling such notice by certlfled mall addressed to the other parties,at the address set <br /> =��_�?�'�^S� farth ebove. Any not�e provided for in thls Deed of Trust shall be eflective upon malling In the manner designated hereln. If <br />--�'=_=��`_�� Trustor is more than one person,notice sent to the address se!forth ebove shall be notice to all such persons. <br />_�.����i (�Inspeotion.Lender may meke or cause to be made reaeonabte entdes upon end Inspecdons of the Property,provlded <br /> - '�� thet I.ender shall give Trustor notice prior to any such Inspection specifying reasonabte ceuse therefor related to LRnder's Inter- <br />--"�"�"�`' est in the Propetty. <br /> :�rk�:`i'.� (g)R�conwymce.Upon peyment ot all sums secured by thfs Deed of Trust,Lender shali requost Trustee to reconvey the <br /> '=��'�1:_k� Property end shall surrander thls need oi Trust and all notes evidenc{ng Indebtedness secured by thls Deed of T�ust to <br />��:t;�� Trustee.Trustee shatl reconvey the Property,wlthout werrenty and without charpe to the person or persons legally entided <br /> _;��� thereto.Trustor shall pay all coats ot recordotbn,If eny. <br /> '-�•:;?�� (h) P�nonal Prop�rty; Sscurity AyrNm�nt.Aa additional security for the payment of the Note, Trustor hereby grants <br /> •-*�"' �ender under the Nebraske Uniform Commercial Code a security Interest In atl flxtures,equipment,and other personal property <br />---��-y`" used In connectlon w� <br /> � Ih the real estete or improveinents located thereon,and not otherwise deGared or deemed to be e pert ot <br /> =��k-'��,� the real estete secured hereby.Thts Instrument shail be construed es e SecuMty Agreement under seid Code,and tho Lender <br /> :�_ �i�nii i��nvn nii ii�n rignio nnd remedies ofi e secured party under said C:oae in additwn to tne nghts end remetlies created under <br />-�'--"''�'� and accorded the Lender pursuant to thls Deed oi Trust;provided that Lender's dghts and remedies under this paregreph she�1 <br /> '.�� be cumulative with, and In no wey a Iimltatlon on, Lenders righta end remadies under any other security agreement signed by <br />=-`�:^�::.'�'.�� BoROwer or Trustor. <br />�«zr:*�t��� (i)Lt�ns and Encumbranc�s.Tnistor hereb warrants and re resents that there is no default under the rovisions of an <br /> -��,�,.�... Y P P Y <br /> •..�;�t� mortgage,deed oi tNSt, lease or purchese contrect describing all or any paR of the Property,or other contract,Instrument or <br />-�'��=�y egreement constituting e Ilen or encumbrance against ell or any pert of the Property(collectively "l.lens"),exisUng es of the <br />__����� date of this Deed of Trust,end that any end all existing L(ena romaln unmodiBed except es dlsciosed to Lender(n Trustor's writ <br /> _ .--- ten disclosuro of Ilens and encumbrancea provided for hereln. Truetor shall timely perform ell ot Truetor's obligationa, <br /> :�;'t�_� <br />_,�:_,�.-;•��� covenanb,represente�ons end warrenties under eny and ail existing end future Liens,shall promptly forward to Lender ooples <br /> =.s�r�.,;,'� of all notices oi default sent in wnnecUon with eny end eil existing or future Liens,end shall not w(thaut Lendor's p�ior written <br /> �,,�� conaent In any menner modify the provislons oi or allow any futuro edvancas under eny existtng or future Iiens. <br /> ��,�.,.__,� Q)Appllcation oi P�ym�nbs.Unless otherwise requir�d by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,InGud(ng without Ilm(tatbn <br /> -=-- peyments of pr(ncipal and Interest, Insurence proceeds, condemnetlon proceads and rents and proftts, sheil be applied by <br />-:,�:���� Lender to the amounts due and owing from Trustor end Borrower In such order as Lender in fts sole dlscretion deems desir- <br /> "."a��,��"°`� 8�(k)S�v�rabll Nan <br /> v__.„�,�,,,� ity. y provlsion of thls De�d of Trust con}Ilcte with appllceble lew or is declared Invalid or otherwise unen- <br /> "';"wy., ' torceable,sucb canflict or Invalldity shall not aifect tho other provislons of tlils Deed oi Trust or the Note whM.h cen be glven <br /> ;, ,.�., effect without th�o conll�Nng provislon,end to this end the provisbna of this Deed of Trust and the Note ere doclared to ba sev- <br /> ;,�pi�,.��:: erable. . <br /> -:'' (I)T�rms.The terms"Trustor'and'Borrower shall(nclude both singular and piurel,end when the Tnistor and Borrower ero <br />`�"�'"'TM• the same porson(s), those terms es used In thls Deed of Trust shall be Interchan eable. <br /> , .;;:,`_. g <br /> �,�^ (m)Gov�rnlnp Derad ot Trust sAali be governed by the laws of the State oi Nebraske. <br /> :�iiri� <br /> �M n� <br /> �`e:'-T.�s•'i!;' <br /> �-.i�Ai.�"t�'�� <br />:r_^��S ,�i!» <br /> Trustor hes executed this Deed of Trust as of the date writtfhl�bov�.� + � ...�t <br /> ' �,' rr•,r (, . .. , ' ��. <br /> . � <br /> s. <br /> B ri a n J. Z k a Trustor Trustor � <br /> i� D �7�/J� � <br />- - _ _ �. <br /> Vicky . ause rr�scor rn,scor <br /> . � <br /> - 1 . . _ <br /> : j <br /> � <br /> , f <br /> - --::�► - <br />