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<br /> • • ��� •Proceeds')In connectlon with ccmdemnetlon or other teking of the Property or pert lhereof,or for conv�icv n du o n emnetlon. --_
<br /> , ,,(� Lender shall be entltted at Ita optlon to commanca,eppear In and proaecute In Ite own name any acqon or procoedinge,and shefl elso __'.
<br /> �; be entitled to make any compromlae or aettlement In conn�ctbn with such tnking or damaye.In the evont eny portlon oi the Property is �:�,_
<br /> � '� so taken or dameged, l.ender shall have the optlon In Its sola end ebsolute dlscretlon, to apply all such prceeedg, after doducting
<br /> +" • ' ,;; therefrom ell costs and expeneea Incurred by It in connaction with such F'roceeda,upori any Indobtodnoss socurrsd lioroby and in sur,h .
<br /> order as Lender may deteimine,or lo apply ali euch Proceeds,after eiach deductlone,to lhe rostoratlon of lhn Property upon such con•
<br /> � �'! dltlone as Lender may determine.Any epplicetlon of Procaede to Indebtedneas shell not axlond or postponA tha due deto ol eny pay
<br /> � ments under tha Note,or cure eny detauft thereunder or hereunder.Any una{�plled funde shall bo pald to Trustor.
<br /> ~ � 8. P�Aortnanc�by l.�nd�r. Upon the occurrence of an Evant oi Default hereunder, or if nny act ts takon or legal proceoding , �
<br /> commenced which matorially effects Lender's Intaresl In the Property.Lender may In its own dlscretion,but without obligatlon to do so, �
<br /> • �-•��' and withoul notice t�or domand upon Trustor and without roloeain�Tn�stor Ir�m any ohilgetlon,do eny ect whlch Trustor has agreod
<br /> ,..i�.,i��
<br /> �'����. �" but falled to do and mey alao do eny other act It deems neceseary to protect the security hereot. Trustor�hall, Immedlately upon
<br /> , ��� demend therefor by Lender, pey to Lender ell costs end expenaes Incurred and sums expendetl by Lender In connactlon with the oxer• .�' _
<br /> clse by Lendar of the foregoing rights,together wlth Intoresl lhereon at the dofaull rate pravided in tha Note,whlch shall be edded to
<br /> ' � ''� the Indebtedness secured hereby.Lender ahall not Incur sny Ilebllity becauae oi anything it may do ar omit to do hereunder. �`
<br /> '����; 9. Hwrdous M�terlds. Trustor shall keep the Property in compiiance with all applicebie lewa, ordinances and reguletlons
<br /> . relating to Industrlai hyglene or environmontel protectlon (collectively referred to herein ea"Envlronmental Laws').Trustor shell keep -
<br /> - . T the Property free from a�l subslances deemed to be hazerdous or toxlc under any Environmontal Laws(coUoctiveiy raterred t�herein �:'�
<br /> '.a. as'Hazardaus Materials"). Truator hereby warr�+nte and represents to Lender that th�re are no Haz�rdous Materials on or under the .,-,-
<br /> Property.Trustor hereby egrees to Indemnify and hold harmless Lender,Its directors,oNicers,employeos and egents,and any succes•
<br /> - s�rs to Lender's Interest,from and against eny and ail clalms,damages,losses end Ilabilities arising In connectlon with the presence, -
<br /> use,diaposal or transport of any Hazardous Materlals on,undor,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ANQ �:
<br /> 10.AQSipnment ot Rents,Trustor hereby asaigns to Lender,0nd grents Londer a securtty interest in,ail present,future and �
<br /> after arising rents,Issues and proflts ot the Property;provided that Trustor shell,until the occurrence of an Event of Defauit,hereunder, _y
<br /> hove the right to collect and retaln such rents,Issues and proflts as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence oi an Event ot __
<br /> �. • Qefault, Lender may,efther In person or by agent,with or without bringing any actlon or praceeding,or by a recelver appolnted by a �"
<br /> ��•. court end wlthout regard to the�dequacy of its security,enter upon and teke possessfon of the�roperty,or any part thareof,in its own �__'
<br /> � ' name or(n tha neme of the Trustee,and do eny ects whlch it deems necessary or deslrebie to preserve the vatue, marketebU(ty or '-
<br />... " t rentebllity of the Property,or eny part thereof or fnterest therein,or to Increaso the income theretrom or protect the cecurity hereoi and, f.;.
<br />= with or without taking possesslon of the Property,sue for or otherwise coliect the rents,Issues and proflts thereof,Including those past _
<br /> ° ` due and unpald,by notifying tenants to make payments to Lender. Lender may epply rents,issues end protits,less costs and expens• _
<br />-, ,� es oi aperation and coliection Including attornay's fees, to any Indebtedness sacured hereby,all in such order as Lender may deter• -
<br /> mine.The entering upon and taking possession of tho Property, the callectlon ot such rents,Issues and proflts, end the application
<br />� . thereof es aforesald shali not cure or walve any defeult or notice of default hereunder or Invalldate eny ect done In rasponse to such
<br /> � detault or pursuent to such notice of default and, notwithstandiny the continuance In possesslon of the property or the collection,
<br /> � recelpt and appllcatlon of renta, Issues or proflts,Trustee antl Lender sha11 be entUted to exerciso every right provicind iar i�i ai�y ot iro
<br /> � Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Dafault,Including wlthout Ilmltatlon the rlght to exerclse the power of se0e.
<br />- � Further,Lender's rlghts and remedles under thls paregraph shall be cumulative wlth,and In no way a Ilmltatlon on,Lvnder's rights and
<br /> , remedles under any asslgnment of leases and rents recorded against the Properly.Lender,Trustee and the rece(ver shall be Ileble to
<br /> � account only for those rents actuelly recelved.
<br /> 11.Ev�nts oi Dstault.The following shatl constltute an Event of Default under thfs Deed of Trust:
<br /> � (a)Fallure to pay eny Inst�llment of princlpal or Interest or eny ather sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> �� } (b)A breach of or default under eny provfslon contalned in the Note,thl�Deed of Trust,any ot the Loan Instruments,or any
<br /> '• '` other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> ` " (c)A wrlt of executlon or attechment or any slmllar process shall be entered agafnst Trustor whlch shell become e Ilen on
<br /> �_ the Property or any portlon thereof or Interest thereln;
<br /> t (d)There shall be filed by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower en action under any present or future federal,state or other statute,
<br /> ��t�.5
<br />_�;'_,F�?.�,,,�*. taw or roguletlon relating to benkruptcy,Insolvency or other rellef for dobtors;or there ahall be appolnted any trustee,receiver or
<br />_ '.,,��t . � ,,, Ilqutdator of"Crustor or Borrower or of all or any part of the Properly,or the rents,lssues or proflts thereof,or Trustor or Borrower
<br /> , ,. „ ....,., syall make any general asslgnment for the benefit ot credltors;
<br />-' (e)The sale, transfer, lease, asslgnment, conveyance or further encumbrance of ell or eny part of or any Interest In the --
<br /> . Property,elther voluntarily or Invotuntarlly,wlthout the express wrltten consent of lender;provlded thet Trustor shell be permll-
<br /> -� - ted to execute a lease of the Property that does not contaln en optlon to purchASe end the term of whlch does not exceed one
<br /> . . . , year;
<br />- (f�Abandonment of the Property;or -
<br />-""�� _ (g)If Trustor Is not an Indivldual,the Issuance,sale,transfer,esslgnment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than (If e
<br /> ;' ...,,'�.. -
<br /> v . corporetlon)a total of percent of Its Issued and outstanding stock,or(ff a partnershlp)a total oi per•
<br /> � cent oi partnershlp Interests,or(If a Ilmlted Ilablllty company)a total of percent of the Ilmlted Ilabillty compa•
<br />= ny Interests or voting rights during the perlod thls Deed of Trast remalns a Ilen an the property. _
<br />-- 12.Remedles;AcaeleraUon Upon Default.ln the event of eny Event oi Default Lender mey,without notice except as required =
<br /> ' :. by law,declare alt Indebtedness secured hereby to be due end payable and the same shell thereupon became due and payable wlth• _
<br /> out any presentment,demand, protest or notice of eny klnd.Thereafter Lender may: --
<br /> (o)Demand that Trustee exerclse the FOWER OF SALE granted hereln,end Trustee shell thereafter cause Trustor's Inter- ��
<br /> ost In the Properly to be sold and the proceeds to be dlstributed,aIl In the manner provldod In the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act; �.,
<br /> � {b) Exerclse any and eIl rlghts provided for in any of the Loan Instruments or by law upan occurrence of any Event of
<br /> • Default;and
<br /> (c)Commence an action to foreclose thls Deed of Trust as a mortgege,appolnt a recefver,or speclflcally eniorce any of the
<br />— i covenants heroof.
<br /> � No remedy hereln conferrad upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is Intended ta be exclusive of nny other remedy herein,in the l_oan
<br /> � Instruments or by law provldod or permltted,but each shall be cumulative,shail be In addltlon to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> - In the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter exl.�ting at law or In equlty or by statute,and may be exercised concurrenlly,Independenpy
<br /> - or succesively.
<br /> 13.Trustee.The Trustee may resign at any time without cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appoint a suc-
<br /> _ aessor or substltuto Trustee.Trustee shell not be Ilable to any perty,Includtng wlthout Itmltatlon Londer,Borrower,Trustor or any pur-
<br /> �' chaser of the Property,for any toss or damage unless due to reckless or wlllful misconduct,and shall not be requfred to tako eny acnon
<br /> Iin connectlon with the enforcemont of this Deed oi Trust unless indemnified,in writing,for aIl costs,compensatlon or expenses which
<br /> � may be associated therewilh. In additlon,Trustee may become a purchasor at any sale of the Propeity(judicial or under tho powerot
<br /> I sale grantod herein);postpone lhe sale of all or any portion of the Property,as provided by law;or sell the Prop�rty as a whole,or In
<br /> sop�rate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretion,
<br /> I 14. Fees and Expenses.In the event 1'rustee sells the Property by exerclse uf power ot sale,Trustee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> _ � any sale precQeds first to payment of all costs and exponses of exorcising power of salo,Including all Trustee's tees,and Lender's and
<br /> 7rustee's attornvy's fees, actually incurred to extent permltted by appll�able law. In the evant Borrower or Yrustor exerctsos any right
<br /> j provlded ay law to curo an Event of Default,Lendor shall be entitled to recover from Trustor ell cnsts and expon3es actually Incurred as
<br /> I a result of Trustor's default,including without Ilmltatlon all Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the extont parmitted hy appllcable law.
<br /> 15. Futuro A�4vances. Upon request of Borrower,Lender may,at Its optlon, mako addltlonal and future advances and rQad-
<br /> , I vanco�to Borrowor.Such advances and rQndvances,wlth Interest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed oi Trust.At no timo shall Iho
<br /> i
<br /> -
<br /> '
<br />