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- .::� - ...�..�,����1�-.a.-^�,-'�.'°_.�- <br /> __---.� _.____.�....._._._.�__�.__�_.� - -- <br /> - . -•- --... • — :..-.,�... --._ _.._ --- �_ <br /> • a .�.�..�rs�—s--.:�..--.—.—.�— ...:-�,."_...--—.�_x:=--.�-.—„-._ . �_— <br /> ~ M�"' ^ �. <br /> i�. ��. <br /> •. .«° tiubtita�ntially rquivulcnt murtgugr in.urunrr ruvcra�:r iti nut ava�laMr. burr�n�cr,I�aU pa� tu L�n.lrr rach .nonth :�,um cyual tu �; <br /> �°. . - ,•y . onc•twclCth u1 thr yeurly murt}�.igc inwr;�nc,prcmium hr�ng pui�l hy Hurru���rr whcn tlu�n,iu•.uirc��.,...a�r lupu�l„r cca,rJ t�, �- <br /> . ..�. �. hc in cffcct. I.cndcr�vill uccrPt. u+c.�nJ rrtam thr,c puymcnt�ati a la�+ rcticrvc in liru ul ::�,��tga�c in�ur.uur. 1.��„ rr,rrvc -- <br /> - • ;,�. puymenh may na lan}�rr hr re�{ the��ptiun ut LenQrr. if murtgu�:r in.ur.u�rc r�nrrugr tiu�hr:unuunt and fur th��peri�xi — <br /> .;,� that Lrndcr rryuirr+►pruvid�d h� an iu,urrr nppruvrJ hy IAn�lrr a�.►in hrromc+a�ailuhlc�u�d i.�,htainrJ. Burruw�r ,Ir.ilt pay (� . —__ <br /> . ' thr prcmiumti rrquirrd tu�iu�intuin nwrt�apr in,urunrc in cllrrt. ur tu pruvidc a lu.� rc�crvr.uutil thr nquircu�rnt tirr nwit�aµc y = <br /> intiur.incr acrur�luncr with any��riUrn agrcrnunt h�t��rcn Rnrruw�r and L�n�lu�„r:�ppl��•ahlc I:i�� ' <br /> . �� 9. Intipertlun. Lrnd�rr�u- it,:�krut may ur,d.r rc��,��nahlr �ntrir.u�,un and in,prrtum��d thc Pn,��rrty. Lrndcr ,hall �ivr <br /> � B��rr�,arr n��ticr at thr timr uf ur priiir ti�an in,perti�m.prctfyiny.rru�unahlc cautir G�r thr tn,pcctwn. �• <br /> {i • 10. Condemnution. "I'ho pr�urcdti of any aHUrJ ��r rluim tnr �lamagc.. dirrct ��r rumcyucntial. m �unnrruun wiU� .iny � _,V, <br /> . �:�1 �undrmnation ur�nhcr takin� nt any part ul'thr Proprrtp.ur ti�r rnnveyanrr in licu af cundrmnatinn. arc hrcrb} a.,ignrd aud� =�- <br /> � .hull hr paid tu Lcndrr. !es.,` <br /> .,,°"'� In thc cv�nt uf a towl ta{.ing uf tlic Pmprrty.thc pruceedti .hull he applird tu thr�um�.ccured hy thi�ticcurity In,trumcnt.� <br /> whcthcr ur n�U thcn duc. with uny cxcr�y patd tu li��rruwrr. !n thr rv�nt ��f a partiul taking uf thc F'ruperty in ��hirh ihc iair� <br /> - ,,. market vutuc ot thr Pmpcny immr�i�a�cty hrturc tl�c tatiiug i, c.{u.�( tu ur �;rcater Qian thr amuunt uf thr�um� ,e�cured hy thi� �;. . <br /> ��M +� Security lnstrument immcJiutcty hcti�rc thr taking, unlc�s Hnrruwcr and I.cndcr athcrwi,r agr�� in writing.>ucurcd hy <br />:;�• . " thi, Sccurity ln,trument +hull hc rrdurrd hy thc amount ut th� prarccd� multiplicd hy thr ti►lluwin� 1'rurtiun: la) thc t��tul — <br /> c umuunt i�Y'thr �un» .crurrd immcJi:arl}• h�li�rc thr�. divid.d hy (h1 thc fair murkrt �alue��f thc Pruperty immcdi:itrly <br /> j� bcforr thr tuking. Any halanc� +huU hr paid t�� Hurrowcr. In thc�vcnt uf .+ partiul tak�ng �,1 thr Yri�prrt� m ��lu�•h thr t:ur <br /> � market valuc of thr Propcny immcdiatcly hrtiire thc tikin� iti Ic�+than thr anwunt uf thr ,unu ,�rurcd inimeJiutcly hcfurc thc <br /> ;•� taking. unlc�.Borrowcr aud Lrndrr uthrrwi.c:�grcr in �.•ntin� ar unfc+�appliruMc luw �,thenvi,c pr��vid�s, thc prurceJ�. shall <br /> bc applird tc,thc sum.scrurcd hy thi�Securit� in,trumcnt whrthcr or nut thr,um+arc th�n duc. <br /> � !f thr Pn�perty i�abundoneJ hy Hurro��rr.ur if.after n��ticr hy l.�nder to B��rrawer that thr rundemn��r��t'T'erti t�i mal.r an <br /> uward or ,cttic u cluitn t2rr damaEc+. Borrawcr f.iils tu rc.pand tu LcnJrr within ;0 Jay+ uft�r thc datc thc nuticr i, Eivrn. <br /> - I.enJ�r is authoriud to col�ect and upply thc pr�xrcd�,ut itti uptiun. either to re�toration ur repair uf Ihe Pr<iperty ur tc+thr tium.r <br /> ,ccurrd by thi�Scrurity Instrument. whcthcr or not thcn dac. <br /> Unlcs; 1.endcr und Borrowce �+thcrwise ugrec in writing. uny applicution uf pmrccJs t<� prinripal .hall not extrud or <br /> - � potitpone the duc dutc of thc m�mthly puymcnt�rcfcrrcd to in parugraphy I und 2 or chungc thc arrmunt of such payment+. <br /> � 11. Borrower Not Released; Horbe�ranee By I.ender Nat n Waiver. Extensicm c�f thr tiine ti�r puymem��r mc�ditiration <br /> ° uf am��itizutian of by this Security Instrum�nt granted hy LcnJrr tu uny tiuc�e+hor in interest of 8e�rro�ti•er shull -- - <br /> nut uperatc to relcuse thc liuhility uf'thr uciEinal eorruwcr or Borruwcr'�+ucrc,yorti in intcrc+t. I.endcr shall not hc reyuircd to <br /> " connnence proceedings ugainst uny �urrrswr in intcre.t or ret'usc to extend time feir puyment or utherwitie mcidify umurtizutiun <br /> � .' of thc sums ,ccurcd hy thi. Sccurity Instrumcnt by rrasnn uf uny demand tnudc by thc uri�inal Borrowcr ur Bc�rr��wcr'ti <br />- ° sucrc�s�irs in interest. Any fonc�aruncc by LcnJcr in cxcrci�ing any right or rcmuiy �hall not hc a wuiver��f or preclude the <br /> "' exerci�c of uny right or rcmcdy. <br /> 12. Succcwson und Ati�i�;ns Bound; Joint and Several Liubility; Co-si�;ners. The c��venunts anJ ugrccmcnts ol' this <br /> � Seruriry Imtrumeut �hull bind and benrfi[ thr succetis��rti and .usigns of C.ender and Borrower. subject to the provisions of — <br /> parugruph 17. Burruwer', cuvcnants and ugrcemants tihall hr jnint and tieveral. Any Borrower who co-sigm this Security <br /> - Instrument but doeti nut execute the Note: la) iti ru-,igning thi,Security Instrument only tu mortgagc, grant und cunvey that <br /> Borrvwer'� intere�t in thc Property under thc tcrm.of thi�Seruriry In+trununt; (b) is not personully obligutcd to puy the sums <br /> secured hy thiy Serurity Instrument; nncl icl agree+that Lender anJ any other Bu�rower muy agmc to extend, modify, ti�rbeur ur <br /> inakc unv accommodation�with rey:urd to the tenn�:�f'thiti Sccuriry Instrumem ur the Note without that f3orrower'�consent. <br /> 13. I.oan Charg�. If thc loan sccarcd by thi� Sccunry Intitrumcnt is subjccc w u iuw w;�icf,,Ct� u�un�i;�u�«toan:S:.rbc�, <br />- , and that law is finally interpreteJ ru that thc intrre,t c�r other loan cl�arges collected or tu he rollected in connection with thr <br /> loan exce�Kl the permitted limitti,then: (a)any �uch luan char�e shall br reduced by the amount neceszury tn reduce the churge <br /> to thc perntiUCd litnit: und(b) any sums ulrcaJy collcrtrd t'rom Borrower which excceJcd permitted limits will be refunded to <br />- Burruwer. I.ender muy rhuo�e tu makr thi� rcfund by rcducing the principal i�wed under the Nate or by making a direct <br /> � , payment to Borri�wcr. If a rcfund rcJuceti prinripul. thc reduction will bc treated us u partiut prepaymcnt withuut any <br /> prcpuymcnt rhargc undcr thc Notc. <br />� . 14.Notices.Any notice t�i Burrower provided ti�r in thi+ Sccurity In�trument tihull be given by dclivering it ur by mailing <br /> it by tirst ela+s mail unlc»applicablc law rcyuircs u,c ot'anuthcr mcthod. Thc nuticr ,hull be dircctcci to the Prc�perty Addmss <br />- or any other addre,ti Borrowcr dcsignatcti by noticr to l.�ndcr. Any noticc to Lrndcr shull bc givcn by first cluss mail t�� <br /> - • � l.endcr's addresz stated hcrcin i�r any othcr adJres� I.endcr detiignutcti by nutirc to B�xrowcr. Any noticc providcd for in this <br /> ' . Sccurity Instrumcnt tihall bc dcrnud to havc hern given ta Borroa•cr ur LenJer when given as providcc!in this parugraph. <br />- �..: , .,'°; � I5.Governin� Law; 5evernhilfty. Thi, Scruriry Instru�Txnt �hall hc governed by frdcral luw and thc law of thc <br /> • . jurisdiction in which the Pmp�rry iti lacuted. In the evcttt uny provision or cluuse of this Securi[y Instrument or the Notc <br /> • �, ronflicts with applirable law, such contlirt,hull nut aFfcct othcr provisic>ns of'thi+Security Instrument ur the Note�vhich eun be <br /> givcn eFfect without thc canflicting proviyiim. To thiti end thc pruvisinns of this S�curity Instrument and the Nc�te arc dertarcd <br /> ti: � to Ix sevcr.�blc. <br /> �, , !6.I3orruwer's Copy.Burrowcr shall hc givcn i�nr c�mfi�rmcd rapy uf thc Notc und uf this Security Instrument. <br />- 17.TrantiYer of the Proncrtp nr i� Reneficlal Intere�t in Borrower. If all or uny part ot thc Property ur any interest in it <br /> -� .�c i.�old or trantifcrrcd tor if a hcncticial intcrest in Burrowrr iti s<ild��r trantifcrrrJ and Burrowrr is not a natural person)without <br /> - .. . "� [.cndcr'+ prior writtcn rununt. Lrndcr roay. at itti uptiun, rcyuirc innneJiatr puymcnt in tull of all sums sccurc�l by this — <br /> _ . ,F, Security Instrument. However. Uiiti uption shall nut hc exerciseJ by Lrnder if rxerci�e is prohibited by fccleral luw as of the date <br /> ' ut'thi+Srcurity Intitrumcnt. <br /> '� If LrnJer exerriticti thi�upti�m. Lrndcr shall givc Burruwcr notire c�f ucrelerution.The notice shall provide a period of ni�t _ <br /> Ie,ti than 30 duyti frc�m thr date thr nutirr iti delivcreJ �rr muiteJ within which Borrower must pay all tiums secureJ by this � <br /> Serurity Intitrument. If Bon•uwcr I'ailti tu pay the�c�um�prior tc�the rxpiration of this period, Lendcr may invoke any rcmedics __ <br /> , permiUCd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt withuut fwthrr nuticc or dcmanJ un Bc�rrower. �w` <br /> 18. Borrowcr's RiFht to Rrinstutc. If Burrowcr nuct� r�rcain runditiim+, Burrowcr shall havc thc ri�,ht to havc - <br /> rnfirrrcmrnt ot thi� Sr�urrty lu�trumcnt di.c�mtinucd at uny tinu prii�r to thc carlicr nf: (a) 5 day� (��r �uc;h othcr perwd :is <br /> applirahlr law may +p�city fur rcinstatcmrnU hcti�rc �alc uf thc Praprrty pursuunt tu tiny pi�wcr uf .alc containul in this <br /> Scruriq� Intitrumcnt:i�r(b)rntry��t�a judgmcnt cnfiirring thi. Securiry In�trumcnt. Thosc conditions arc that Borrowcr:(u) pays • <br /> I.rndrr all wnn which then wi�ulJ tx dur undrr thi�5ecurity Imtrument and thc Nutr uti if nu ur�•rlrrutiun had urcurrcd: (b) <br /> �•urc� any drl'.wh ul am ulhrr ruvrn:int� ur a�.rcrmrnt�: Irl puy�:�II rxp¢n��� inrurrcd in rnti�rrtng thi� Scruriry Instrumrnt. <br /> inrludi�tg, hut nut limitcd tu. rr:n�mahlr :tttornr)•�' tcr,: and tdl tahr�.u�h 3irtion a, l.rndrr ma� rra.unahlv rrquirc to assure <br /> that tlir licn��t'thi�Srrurity Imtrutiicnt. LcnJcr'+ rightti in lhr Pruperry:tnd Rurruwrr'���hli�;atiun tu p.ry thr�um. ticcurcd by <br /> thi. Scrurity In+trumrnt �huU runtinuc unrhan�:r�. Upun rcintitatrnunt hy Hurrc�wrr, thiti tirrurity In,trumcnt and thr <br /> obligatiun� .crurcd hcr�b�• ,hull remain fully cflccti�•r a, �f m� arrrlrration haJ iururrcd. H��w�vcr. thi� right tu reimtaur ,hall <br /> nut apply ia thc c:nr of.urrlr�ution w�drr paragruph 17. <br /> l9. Sule of tiote: Chuny�e of Loun tier�•icer. �I'hc N��tr ur a p:irtial intcretit in the Ncitc (tugcthrr H•ith �hiti Srcurity <br /> . . .-. L�.trum.•ntl nu�v h.��nIJ nnr nr nitth'tI177C�N'1[�IUUt I1f1U�'IlUI1CC l0 filt(fUWI'1". /�1.1�1`Ilt:ry rcwlt in a chan�r in thc cntity lknuwn <br /> � a�thc °I.n:►n Scn ircr")that rollcrtti munthlr paymr�n,du�urnirr thr Nutr.m�thi.Scrurity Gistrumcnt. Thrrc al�a may bc cmc <br /> ��r morr rh:in�c,��f Ihr L�r,m Srr��icrr unrrl:dc�i t�,a�:�Ic uf thr Nut�:. II thcrr i�;�rhan�c��f thr Luun Srn•�crr. BurroH�er will h� • <br /> gi�•cn��riurn ni�ticr uf th�rh,tn�:r in;irr��rd,mrr���ith paragraph I�l.�huvr and applicahlc la�e. 'Ph�nutiri��•ill �tatr thr nant�and <br /> addrr•+ ��i thr nra• l.uan tirrvircr .u�d tl�c ad�lnti• a, �+hirh tr.p•ment+ shuul� h�: madr. 'thr nuucc �vill al+u cuntain cury uthcr <br /> inli�rmati��n rryuirrJ hy:ipplic:�hlr la��- , <br /> 20. 1luu�rd��u+ tiutistuttc�h. H�,rrc���cr ,hall nu! cautic ��r prrmit thr prc.rnrr, u>r. di.p�nal. �turagc, ur relrux uf any <br /> Huiar�luu. tiuh.tanrr. �m ur in Uu I'r�,prrtr N�rrm��rr �h:�ll nnt d�,. nur allu« anyunr rl.r lu du. anything al'1'crtin�: thc <br /> {'ruprit) tliat i� in ����latiun u� an) limtrunmcnlal I.a�►. �Phr prcrcJiny_ tau .rnt�•n.r+ tihall nut apply tu IhC prrxn�c. u��. or I <br /> .��na�:: ��n th� i'i�,p�it< <,1�mall yuantitir�of 11,�i.�iJ��u.tiul�tit.�nrr� th:n arr Lrnrrall} rrcugni�cd a, hc apprupriatr tu n��rnial <br /> rc�i�lrnu:d u,r..inil t��m;untrnanic ul thr Pruprrh. <br /> � � <br /> ' �•,,,,. �..�o Form 3020 9�90 <br /> ' _..1_ - �_ <br />