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<br />-�'�+:r�v�l:",`!M The Funds shull be hcld jn a�� institution whose dcp��sits are imured by u federal ugcncy. instrumm�tality, or cnpty
<br /> �-.'" �;_•_� � (including l.ender, ii'Lender i,such an intititution)��r in any Fcdcrul Home Loan Bunk, [.end�r,hall apply tl�c Fund.ti to pay the
<br /> �. . ,� . Escruw Itcmti. l.cndcr muy nut ri�arg� Bo�rciwer f��r hnldmg und upplying thc FunJs,annuully unulyiing thu csrmtv ucrount,ar
<br />- ' ' •7! verifying th�:�scruw Rem+, unicti.Lender pay+ Borrowcr intcrest on thc Fund.and upplicuble I�rv,�permit+l.ender tu make surh
<br /> • . > a chtirgc. Huwcvcr. LrnJcr�nuy rcyuirc Bc►rruwcr tu puy a i+nr-timc churgc ti�r un indcpendcnt rcal cstiuc t:ix rcpnning s�rvicc
<br /> ,:� u,cd Ny l.rndcr in rouncrciun wiih this lu�n. unlr,s applicublr I.►w pruvidc. ��thrnvi�c. Unletis an al;rccmcnt i+ mudc i�r
<br />- •ipplirahlc law reyuirc. intcrryt tu hc paid. [.cndcr�hull nut hc reyuir�Yl ta pay 9orruwcr any intcrcht ur cumingti on thc Funds.
<br /> . . ` �,` Bi,rrowcr tmd l.cndcr nmy ugrcr in wrmnb.hnwever. thut intcrc�t tihuil hc puid un thc Funds. �endcr yhull givc tc�Barrowcr,
<br /> �' withnut chargc, an unnuul arruunting of du Fund+, yhuwing rndit+ und debits to thc Fund,and the purpose f��r which u►ch
<br /> debit tu thc I�und.wuti madc.Thr Fund�uro picdgcd as udditiunal scrurity fur uU,wm ticrurcd hy thi.Srcunty lnstrument.
<br /> :>c� ' If'thc Fund.hcld by Lendcr cxrccd thcumciuntti permiltcJ to bc hcld by upplicabic luw, l.cndcr,hull uccc�unt tu&�rrowcr
<br /> � tin•thc exrc., Fundti in accordunre with thc rcquiremrniti uf upplirublr luw. If the amaunt of thc Funds hcld hy Lendcr at any
<br /> time i>,nut �uf'ficient to puy the�scww ltems when due,l.ender muy tiu notify Bun�awe+in writing,and. in+uch case 8nrrc�wer —
<br /> � � tihnll puy tu I.endcr the uuu�unt nc�etisary to muke up the dcficieney. 8ortower shull muke up the deficiency in no mare than
<br /> �`- � twelvc munthly payment�,ut[.ender's solc discrction.
<br /> Up�m payment in full of ull sums suurcd hy this Seruriry I��strument. L,endcr shull promptly rcfund to Barrowrr any
<br /> Funds hcld by I.ender. If,under para};raph 21. Lcnder shull ucquirc or scU the Propzrty, Ixnder, priar t<�the acyuisition ur sule
<br /> ' " � uf the E�ruperty, sh�ll uppl,y uny Funds held by Lender ut the time of acquisition e�r sule as a rruiit ugainst the xums sec.urrd hy
<br /> thi.Srcurity Intitrument.
<br /> �.Applicatfon uf Puymcnt.r•.Unles+upplicuhte luw pnrvideti atherwi,c. all payments re�civcd hy 1.rnJcr under paragraphs --
<br /> ��� I and ?.ha��br applicd: first, to airy prepuyment chargc,Juc under thc Nutc: sccond, to unwwu�puyublc under parugraph 2:
<br /> ' third, to interest due;fc�urth,h�prinripul due:and lu.+t.tu any lutr rhurge�due under the Nutc.
<br /> • 4.ChurR�; Licns. Burrowcr+hall puy aU taxes,usscytiments, chargcs, tinc,anJ impo�ition,a�tribut�►hlr tu thc Pruperty
<br /> � which muy uttuin priority ovcr this Security[ntitrument, and Ieaschold puymcntti c�r ground rents, if uny. Borruwer tihall puy
<br />� � thc�c ubligations in thr munncr provided in parugruph 2.or if not paid in chut munncr, Borrowcr shull pay thcm��n timc dirrrtly
<br />-� . tu the pertion uwed puymcnt. Borrnwcr tihall prampQy furnisl�to L.cndcr ull natires��l'umount,to be paid undrr thi,puragraph.
<br /> if B��rrnwer muke�thetir puymentsdirertly. Borrower tihull promptly furnish to I.ender receipts evidenrin�the payn�ents.
<br />- � Bcttrower�hull prc�mptly disclwr�*e uny lien which has priority ovcr thiti Security Inscrument u�ilr„ Surruwer: ta)a�rees in
<br /> �vriting to the paymem of the obligation serured by the lien in u m�i�ner acceptable to Lender: Ih)contetic,in g�x�d fuith the lien
<br /> by, c�r defends uguinst enfi�rcement cif the lien in, legul proceedin�;s which in the Lcndcr', opiniun uperatc tc� prevent the
<br /> enti>rcamcnt��f thc lien:or(c)�ewres from thc holder of thc lien an �+greement sati,factory to Lender�uhordinating thc lien to
<br /> � this Security in+trument. Tf L.enderJetermines thut suiy pan of the Property is subject ta a lien which inuy attuin priurity over
<br /> thi+Security lnstrument. Lcndcr tnay givc Borrowcr a n��ticc iJcntifying the lien. Borrc�wcr shall �utisfy thc licn ur take one or
<br /> morc of the urtians sct forth abuvc within 10 Juys of thc giving i�f noticc.
<br /> ° 5. Hazurd or Yroperty Insurance. Borrowcr �hall kecp thc improvcnunt� now exi.rting ��n c�rcuftcr crected un the
<br /> � Propcny insured uguinst loss hy fire, h�v.:irds includcd within the tcrm "cxtenJ�d ruveruge" and any othcr h:uards, including
<br /> ' tla�dti��r fl�xxiing, tiu whirh Lender reyuires intiurance. This in,urance shall 6e maintuinai in the amounts and for the periods
<br /> �� � that l.ender reyuires. The in,u�unce curr�er pruviding the insuranee shall be cho�en by Bon•nwcr suhject to L,ender's approval
<br /> ' . whirh tihull nuI be unrcasonably aithbeld. if Borrowcr fails t�� maintain cc�vcragc dr,rrined abovc. [.cndcr muy. ut Lender's
<br /> _ _ ���,rinn.c,htain rnverace tu pmtect Lender'�riy:ht�in the Property in uccordance�vith purugraph 7.
<br /> All in�uranrc polirieti und ren�wals shall he uceeptahle tu Lender and shall mrlude a stanaard mortgugc ctuu,C. Lc�iucr
<br /> � �hall hav�thc right to hold the pulicics and renrwals. If Lcndcr requires. Borrower shall promptly givc to Lcndcr all reccipts of
<br /> � � p;sid premiums and renewal nuticey. Tn the event uf lus,, Borrowrr,hall�ivr prumpt notice to th�insurancc carrier And Lender.
<br /> L.ender may make prouf of'lo.r•s if nnt made prompQy by Borrower.
<br /> Unlctis I.rndcr and Borrowcr othcrwisc ugrec in writin�.imururnc procccdr shull hc applied to rctitnration or repair of the
<br /> ,1-;� Pr<�perty dumaged, if thc rc�t��rution ur rcpuir i,�cunomir•rlly fra,iblc and I.cndcr's scruriry �s not Ie�scned. lf thc retitoration or
<br />_ ' rep:�ir is not ccunumically f�a.inle or Len�ier', +ccurity would be Ie,srned. ►hr inwrance pru�ecds,hu11 bc upplied ta the�umti
<br />=r• �ecurrd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt, whcther ur not then duc, with any cxrc+s paid ta Borrower. If &�rrowcr ubundons the
<br /> - , Propeny, ur docs not amwcr within 30 dtry�a nutice trom Lcndcr that thc imurancc rurrier hus offcreJ to sctdc a claim, thcn
<br /> - L.endcr muy collect the insurance prucceds. L.ender may u.e the pracecJs tu repuir ur retitorr the Prope�rty or ta pay �umy
<br /> ' •' - ��.' • sccured hy this Security instrument, whethcr ur nut thcn Juc.Thc]0-�lay periud will btgin when the ni�tice i�given.
<br /> ' "�.�` . Unle�s Lendcr and Borrower otherwi�� ,�gree in writing, any applicutiun c�f pruc�ed� to principal yhall not extend or
<br />:. . , postpc�nc thc duc datr uf th� munthly paymcnt. rrtcrrc�l tu in para�raph� 1 unJ 2 or changc thc amount of'thc puyments. If
<br /> � "'` ' undcr puragruph 21 thc Pruprrty i�acquirrd hy LsnJer. Burrnwcr'ti right to any insurance policieti and prorceds resulting frum
<br /> " ' . dam:�ge to the Property prior to thc ucyuisrtion tihull pa+ti tu lAndcr to the eatcnt uf'the�ums ticcurcd by this Securiry Instrumcnt
<br />- immediatcly prior to the aryuisitiun.
<br /> _- b.Occupancy,Pr��ervutton,hialntenance and ProtecNon of the f'roperty: Borrower's I,oan A�plication:Leaseholdz.
<br />� Borruwrr shaU occupy.cstahli�h,and u.r the Pruperty as Beirrawrr's principal residenre within�ixty duyti after the exccution of
<br /> ; thiti Scrurity Instrunirnt und+h:ill rontinuc to accupy thc Property us Borrowcr's principal residencc tix at Icu�t onc ycar at'tcr
<br /> ' ._�. thc dutc of�kcupunr), unlr��Lci�Jrr uthcn�i�c agrcr�iu writing. which run,cnt shull not br unrca���nably�vithhcld. i�r unlcsz
<br /> � rxtrnuating circumstancc� exi�t which are hcyona $urri�v�cr'ti ronvul. Bcirruwrr ,hall nut dctitroy. Jumagc or impair thc
<br /> „ +V� Propeny, ull�iw thc Prc�perty tc�Jetcrinratc, ur rinnmit wa,tr c�n thc Praperty. Borrowrr tihalt tx in Jcfault if uny forfciture
<br /> � ': articm��r pru�ecding. whcthcr rivil cir rriminal. is hcgun that in l.rndcr'+gnod 1'aith judgmrnt rould result in firrfciture of thr
<br /> • Prc,prny ur othcrwi.e matcrially impuir thr licn crratcd h�this Sccurity Gn.trumcnt or Lcndcr'�sccu�ity intcrcst. Borrowrr may
<br /> ' � rurr,u�h a drfault and reinstntr.a� �raviJcJ in paragraph I R.hy cau�ing thc actiun or pru�ceJing tu bc Ji�mitisrd with a rulin� _
<br /> that. in l.cndcr'. guod faith dctcmiin,uiur�, prrrlud�y turfciturc ��f thc Borro��cr'. intcrc�t in thc Yru�xrty or othcr matcri:�l _
<br /> � � imp.�irmrnt uf thr lirn crr.ri�d hy thi, Sccurit� Imtrunient or Lendcr'. �rcurity intrre�t. Burrower shall al�u hc in default if' -
<br /> � Borru�vrr.during thc laan applicaliun pm�c.,. �avr matrriullp fal,r u� inac�uratc intitttnati�m ar+tutc�ncntti tn Lrndcr I<�r f'uilcd
<br /> � tu pruvi�lr I.rndcr with any matrri:�l inli�rrna�ii,n�tn runncctiou �vith thc lu.tn�videnrcd hy thc N�nc. inrluding. but not limitcd -
<br /> } tu, r¢prcticntatium ronrrrning E3urr���rrr'��k�:upanr}• ul'thr Prupert�� a`a prin�ipal residcnc�. If thi�Scrurity Intitrumrnt is cm a
<br /> lca.chuld. R��rrawrr yhall c�umply with :dl the pr�,vi.ion. ol thr Ir:uc. II' Bcirruwcr acquircti fcr titlr tu thc Property. the ..
<br /> Ir:urhuld anJ thc 1'cc tidc,hall n�x nirrgc w�lr.�Lcndcr a�!r�c.to Ihc tn�rgcr in writing.
<br /> 7.Protection of Lcndcr'ti RI};htti in U►c Propert�•. If Borruwcr fail.t�i pertiirni thr ruvenant�un�agmrmcnt.r��ntaincd in -
<br /> thi� Scruriry Intitrum�nl. ur ih�rr ir :i Ir�al prurc�ding that ma�•.igniticantly affcrt l.rndrr'�righR in thc Property (.uch as a
<br /> prorccJing in hankruptry. prnhulc. ti,r runJ�mnation ur furfciture��r tu cnti�rrc li��v.ur rcgulationtil. thcn I.cndcr may c!u ana
<br /> - pa�• tnr ��hatr�•rr i+ ncrr�..u�y t��prutcrt U�r �:du� ��1'Ihc 1'rnp••rl} unJ l.rndi�'� right. fn th� {'roprrty. Lcndrr'� :Il'UU111 Ill:l�,
<br /> mrludr ra)�n�: an� .unn •r.urcJ M :i hrn ��hirh ha, pnunh �,�rr thi� tir.•urit� In.trutnrtu, ap�r:�rin� in ruurt, paying
<br /> rrawn;ihle:�uurncr,' Icr+ :md cntcring un�hr k'ruprrty t��mal�r rep:ur.. Alth�,ugh Lrndrr mc�� tal.r urti�,n undrr thi. paraEr.�ph
<br /> �. �.COI�Cr����C�11�11�l8\��'lu l�u 1U.
<br /> ..... ...........�. .t:.�,.��•...,t t., t ..�,.1..�• ��n,lrr th�� n:�r.irranh 7 �h:dl hrronu a�liltlt��n:tl Jihl ul liurt����Cr �ccur�J hY Ihl�
<br /> _ . - � Srruru� �Imlrumrnt. l'uleti. fiun,�wcr an�l I rndcr a�:rrc I�� nthcr Irrtu�ul pa�nirnt. thr�r amnunt. ,hall hrar intrrctit 1Yunt thc
<br /> datt ul �li,hunrnunt at thr N��tc r.itr a�id .hcdl hr p,��•ahlc. ��i�h unrrc.t. u��un nu�irr fr��m Lrn�lrr tu B�,n���a•er rcyuctiting
<br /> p.i�mcnt.
<br /> 8. ;11ort�;u�c Iutittruncc. II Lrt��lrr rcyuinii mi�n�.arr in.nranrr:�,.i�•�,nJiti��n ul nial.ing thr luati�crurrJ b�•thi`Srrunty
<br /> In.trununt. ft�n•n,�crr tiiiall p:�� dic prctmm��. iryuirr�t In m:un�.nn thr m�ut�:�Ec in�wancr in rllcrt. 11. Iur an�• rra.un. �hr
<br /> mnrt�a�r u�.ur:uirr c���r�a�r ivywrr�l h� I�•�i�lrr la�ne. ur c�•a.r�I�� hr in rllrit. liurt���+rr .h;ill pa� the��rrmu��uti reyu�red I�,
<br /> Iuhtaui:���cra�� �uh,tann.ill� ryun.►Irw tu Ihr inwl�:agr in.u�:uirc ��rr�u,util� m rllrit. :n .��n.t �uh.tanuall} ri�ui�alrnt In th�
<br /> i i�»c tu K��rru��ir ul thr nwil�aEr ��t,ui:iwr ��r.•�u�u.l} in rllrct. I�um :in alt�rn;rtr tnuutta�r m.urrr .��,4�ru�rJ h� I.crnlrr. U
<br /> I , � . ._� Furm 3028 J�90
<br />