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<br /> , j. �z�r���
<br /> �«� �.• ,ub�tantially ryuivalcnt murt,,ugc intiuranrc ru���ragr i. nut�i�ailablr,liurru��rr,h,dl ��a� io I rndr� �•ach m�mth a.um cyual tn �:.: .'_=`
<br />+>,,::•�.� � ;, � � onc twcUth ul �hc ycurly murt�ugc intiura�irc prcmium hcin� ��aid I�y Hurn��vcr whcll Ull'tlltilli:llll'l'C11�41�i11!.P lapud��r rrahcd�o ��,-�_
<br />_,,., ., .. �:�. hc in cll'cct. l.cn�fer wiN ucrcpt.u.rc aiiJ rctuin thctic pc�ymcnh :�, u lo„ rc,crvc iu licu ot' murtgagr in,ur�mrc. Lutiti ���ticrvu �,- --
<br /> puqmrnts may nu I�mgcr bc reqwred. at thu uptiun uf Lrndcr, il'murt�u�:c in,uranrc cu�•rragr tin thc unu�unt:uul lur thc periud�,
<br /> ' ., ��,� that Lcndrr rcquirc.� provi�lcd hy uu in.un•r:�ppr��ved hy Lcnd�rr;�}.ai�i h�r��nn.availahlr and i,nht:�incd. li��rrn�ti•cr.h;�ll pay� �:-�Tf
<br /> thc prcmium+rcquircd tu muinlain nu,rlFa�r in�uranrr in rir�<<.�,��<<,n���,��a��i�,••���,�����e. un�il Ihr reyuircmrnt li�r nwrtg�igc �`'; �.T
<br /> in,uranrr rndti iu arrurdanrr��ith any writlrn i!!:1'Cl'IIIL'OI I1CI\4l•cn H��rrnwcr:utd l.rndrr ur.ippliiahlr�.i�v. �,,-K,:
<br /> �, 9. Inspttition. IAnJcr ur il, ;i�rnt muy nu�kc rca+onablr entrir+upun :uid in,prcnuuti ul thr f n,pert�. l.rn�lrr tih��ll givr�
<br /> Hurruwrr nutirc ftt l�ll'1tI11C�N�n'(1I1t�1'l��All Ilri�l'Cllutl ti��CCIly10�'1'C:t+utlah�C CaU�C�i�f I�1C i1lti�tc�'Uull. .
<br /> . ' I11. CottdcmnuYlon. Thr pri�rrcd� �,(;�ny a��•iird ur rla�m ti�r d;imagc,. dircct ur r�,n,�Nucnli�il. in �•�,m��cti�m «itli .iny� .;np?
<br /> ; b � :.''y,,;,4!,.:
<br /> �; runJcnmutiun ur u�her tukirig uf any part �,I thc I'r��prrty. ur liir rune�y,mrr iu licu��f rundcmn+uinn. ;n�n c�rchy u,.i�nci!and0 ...�•.
<br /> .;,�� tih:dl hc paid tu L.cndcr. -;_
<br /> , In thr cvrnt nf a tutal takin��,I thr Pr�,perty.�hc prnrrcd+,hall h� applird tn thc�um..crurcd hy thi.Sreurity In+trumcnt. .,�.
<br /> whcthcr or nnt thi�n �lu�, with auy c�r�+, pai�l t�� Iiurrun�r. !n thr c�rn� ��f�i��:�rti,il �:il.fn� ��f thr 1'ruprrt� in whirh Ilir I�air �.
<br /> .+r�- . , . � � ' al i�� ur �rcatcr than thc anuiunt uf(h�yulllti ��:�urcd hy lh�� ��_A:�.'..
<br /> „�t�,,,,y,�� markct valuc uf thc Piu�xrry imnu�liutcly hrti�rc thr takin�, iti cqu �. ----
<br /> Scruriry In�trumcnt imnudiatcly beti�rc thc takin�;.unlc,�Bnrrawrr and Lcndcr e,thcrwiy��igrce in�+•nting. thr+unu ucurcd hy.
<br />_ ' � thiti Sccurity In�trumcnt .hall L•r rcduccd hy thc :uuuunt ut thc prurcrds multiplicd hy thc ti�lluwing fr:icti��n: (al thc tutal
<br /> cnnount ul'thr ,um� +ccurcd imm�diutcly hrtiirc thc taking. dividcd hy (h> thc tair niarkct v:iluc uf thc Pn,perty immcdiatcly
<br /> .l� hcli�rr thc taking. Any halancc �hall h� pciid t�� B��rruwcr. In thr cvent uf a parti:d tal,ing ut' thc Property in whirh thu I'air
<br />- „ � nu�rket vulue of the Prc�perry inuncdi:url� hcf��re thc tuking iti Icti�than thc anwunt uf thc�um� urund immc�liut��ly hetirr�thc
<br /> . i; taking. unlc,� Borro�vcr and L�nd�r�,th�r��i.c:�grrc in u•riting�rr unlrti,:�rrr�:,ni�la�e�,lhcrw ix pr��vidr.. ihc prurud, tihull
<br /> �• bc applicJ tci thc�um�x�ur�d hy thi�Sccuri�y Inyn•umcnt N�hc�hcr nr nut tlir,un�+ur�thcn duc.
<br /> r If thc Pr�perty is ab:�ndancd by Borriiwcr.��r if,alicr noticc by Lendcr to Burruwcr that thc cundcmnur offcrs tc�mukc iui
<br /> . � award or +rlQc a rlaim for damagc+. Rorrow�r lailti tu rctipund tu Lcndcr �vithin 3U days at�tcr thc datc thc noticc iti givcn.
<br /> � LenJer i,authorized tci ci�llect unJ apply thc procecds.ut it�option, cithcr tei restoration or repair c�f the Proprrty or to the sum�
<br /> ,�� �erurrd by thi�Security Instrumcnt,whether ur nut then duc.
<br /> Unle.r, I,cnder and Borrowcr utherwisr agree in writing. any app��catioti oF prixecds to princip.d shall not cxtend or
<br /> postponc the due Jute nf thc monthly puymcntti refcrred to in puragraph, I and? or chungc thc umnunt ol'.urh paymentti.
<br /> �' 11. Burrower Not Releused;Forhearuncr By i.rndei•IVnt t�titi'ui�•er. �xtensiun of the time fnr paynient ur moditication _
<br /> c�f anwrtizution of the.ums secumd by this Seruriry In.trument rranteJ by Lender to any tiuceestiur in intere�t c�f Burrower shall
<br /> not uperate tu relca�e the liability of thc original Bunvwcr iir Burruwcr'�sucresu�r�in intcrest. Lendcr tihull not br requircci to
<br /> �* . rummcn�c prurccJings aguimt any xurrctitiur in intcrc�t ur rctuu tu cxtcnd timc for p.rymcnt or othenvitic nu�dify umortitntion _
<br /> � uf thc tiums scrurcd hy thi, Scrurity Gt�trumcnt by rca�on uf any dcmand madc by thc c�riginal Bc�nc�wcr i�r Borrowcr'a
<br /> yucrctitiur� in intcrest. Any fonc�arancc hy Lendcr in cxcrcisinp any right ur rrmcJy shall nat bc a waivrr of ur precludc the
<br /> excrcise c�f any right cir remedy.
<br /> 12. Succrwsors und Assigns Bound: Jolnt und Severul I.iubility; Lo-si�Rerti. Thc covenunts and agr^ementti uF thiti
<br /> �� Securiry (nstrumcnt shall binJ and hcnctit thc succcssurs unJ assigm ��f Lcndcr und Bnn•owcr. .ubjcct tu thc pruvisions nf
<br /> ' parugraph 17. Bormwer'� covenant, und .igreem�nts tihall hc .juint anJ �everal. Any Borcower whn cu-tiigns this Security
<br /> y � lnstrument but d�� not execute the Notr. (a) i�cu-,igning thiti Srcurity Ins[rument only to mortgage, gront and cunvey thut
<br /> Borri�wcr'ti intcrc�t in thc Prnperty undcr thc tcrn:�of thi�Srcuriry[ntimmicnt: lb) is nut �xrsonally obligateJ to psy the sums
<br /> _ -.-__. __ securcd by thi�Sccurity Instrununt: �uid(r)agrec+that Lender and any ��ther Borrower nu�y agrce t��rxtend, m�dify. tittbear or
<br /> ------- makc xny accommodations w�th regurcl ti�tne term+or ini+�rcu�iiy S��,ir�r��crt:s:tF�^:^:":`.•9th^'�r rl�;�t R�irmwer'��onsent.
<br /> 13. I.oan Charfies. if the loan tiuured by this Securiry [nstrument is subject to a law which sets maximum lo�m churFes,
<br /> ' und that law i. finally intrrpreted so that th� intcre+t i�r uther loiin churges collected or to hc caUected in c�mnection with the
<br /> loan exreed the permitted lim�ts, then: lcil uny surh loan rhurgc shall be reducrJ by the umount necessary to reduce the chargc
<br /> to thc pern�ittc.�l limit; and (h)any xums alrcaJy callcctcd fr��m Borrowcr whirh excceJed permitled limits will he rcfunded to
<br /> Borrower. Lcnder may rhoox tu makr thiti rcfund hy rrduring thc principal awed under the Note ur by muking x direct
<br /> • paymcnt to Borru�vcr. If a rrtunJ rcdurc� principal. thr md�rctiun will he trcatcJ a� a pureiul prcpaymcnt without any
<br /> ;. . prepaymcnt chargc undcr thc Notc.
<br /> 14.NoNcC+.Any notice to Burrawer pravided fur in thi+Scrurity Instrument�hall br given hy delivering it ur by mailing
<br /> ,,, ..� it by tirst rla+s mail unlesti applirablc law rcyuire�u�c of unuther nutttcxl. The nutire.hull be directcd to the Property Address
<br /> - or any uthcr aJdre�s Burrower Je,ignatcti hy �wtir� tn Lcndcr. Any ncuicc to Lcnder shull bc givcn by fir:,t clusti mail tn
<br /> L.cndcr'ti addresti statcd hercin c�r any uthcr addm�+ Lrndcr dc�ignalcs hy natice tu Borruwcr. Any noticc provided for in this
<br /> � . Securiry Intitrument shall hc dccmcd to havn c�en givcn tu Burrowcr ur Lcndcr when givcn as providcd ia this paragruph.
<br /> 15.Governin� Luw: Scvcrublllty. Thi+ Srcuricy Instrumcnt shull bc g�vrrncd by fcdcrul luw and thc law of thc
<br /> jurisdiction in whirh tlu Propeny i, locatcd. In the cvcnt that :�ny pruvisiun or rlause of this Security Instrument nr the Note
<br /> ronflictti with applicablc law,,uch ccmtlict sh:dl nut affrct uthcr pro��ision.��t this Scrurity Instrument or thc Notc which cun bc
<br /> givcn cffcct without !hc cuntlicting provisiun. T��thi�cnd thc prc�visions�if this Sccurity Instrununt and thc Notc urc declured
<br /> • to Uc�evcr.�blc.
<br />' 16.Borrower's Gzpy.Borrower tihall be given unr cunformcd cc�py uf the Ncit�und uf this Serurity in,trument.
<br />_ ` 17.Trunsfcr uf the Property or u Beneficial intere.t in Borro�vcr. If all or any purt of nc�Property or any intcretit in it
<br /> �� iti�old or transferrrd(or if a beneticial interetit in B��rrower i����Id ur trun.f'erred and Borrnwer is not a natural person)with��ut
<br />= I.ender's pric�r written run�ent, [.rnder may. at ity ��ption. rcyuir� immeJiatc paymcnt in titll uf all sums securcd by this
<br /> � • Scruriry Intitrumcnt. Nuwrvcr,thi,uptiun�hall not br cr�rri�cJ hy l.�ndcr i(cxcrc�sc i�prohibitcd Ny fedcral law a�of thc dutc
<br /> ��f this Sc�urity In.rrununt. __
<br /> t If LcnJcr cxcrcitir+thi+uptian. Lcndrr tihall givc Burr�,��•cr nulicc ui arccloratiun. Thc noticc shall provide a periud of not _-_---
<br /> � Ic.+ thcm 30 d�rys fro►n thc Jatr thc ��utirc iti Jclivcrcd or m:�ilcu �vithin whic:h F3orruwcr must pay all tiums securcd l�y this _--:-
<br /> Scrurity Instrunt�nt. If B��rrowrr failti tu pay Ihcsc wnt, priur ta thc cxpirution uf thi>periud. Lcndrr may invc�ke any rcmrJics �`�
<br />_ pcmiiur�l hy thi�Scrurity In�trutncnt withuut furthcr nc�tirr ur drmand un Borrciwrr. �-=�'-
<br />- 18. 13orroµ�cr'� Iti};hi tn Rcin+tute. If $orrowcr �iiut+ rcrtain rondition�. Burruwrr stiall h�tvc thc ri�ht tci lu�vc ���;..`
<br />-- cnfurcentrnt ��f thiti Sccurity� Gutr�mcnt Ji,c�mtinu�d at any timc pri�u t�� ihr rarlicr of: la1 5 Jayti �ar xurh ��thcr periixl u� '�:,,.
<br /> applirablc I:�µ� m��y ��x'cify f�,r rcin.latcmrnt) hrti�rr �alr ul thc I'ruperty pur,u:�ni tu .my Ewwcr uf ,alc �untaincJ in dti� �.;�-�,_,
<br /> S��urit�� Lntrumcnt:u:1hl rntry uf a juil�mcnt rnl��rr�n�,thi•tirrunir In>trument.Thu,c con�{itium are that Burr<�wcr. (al pays
<br /> I.cnJrr all sumti whirh thrn ��•uuld hc Jur undrr Ihi� Srrurit� In�tiut�icnt ainl thr N�ric a�if nn arcclrratiun had ur�urrcd: (hl
<br /> - rurr. any dct:wlt �,I'auy �,thrr ruvrn:mt� or aercrmrnt.: i�•i ��ay.all rxprnx� fnrurrcd in cntiircing thi� Scrurity In.trumcnt. �
<br /> imludin�. hut not Ifmilyd tu, icatiunahlc aUornry,' frrti: :uiJ tdl t;iti�:�tiUCh artiun a� Lrndrr ma�• rra+cmuhl}• rcquirr tu a.tiur�
<br /> tl�at thr lirn ul thiti Sr�urit�• In+U•umcnt. l.rndrr'�right� i�� thr F'ruperty and Burruwcr'.uhlig3tinii tu pay thc tium..crurcd hy
<br /> Ithi. 5rrurit�• Imtrumcnt �hall i��ntinur unchangr�l. l�p��t� rrimlatrntrnt hy Barru�ver. thiti Srrurily lmtrumrnt and thc .
<br /> � uhli�:atiun,xrurcd hcrrh�• .hall rcmnin fully rll'crti��r ati il' nn arccicrali��n had urrurrcd. H���+•c�•rr. thi� ri�;ht tu rrin�tutc tihull
<br /> n��t apply in thr ra+r ul arcclrratiun undrr par.i�ra��h 1;.
<br /> i l9. tinlc of I�otc: Chi�nRc of' Loun ticrvircr. Thr Nntr �,r a partial intrrr>t in thr Notc (tugct!mr with thi� Sccurity
<br /> .�.. .�... .. .,i..........
<br />, I G�tiUUnlcltU ttta)�hr wld unc nr m�,rc linu.wilh,wt priur nuurr lo Hi�l'fuwCi. H�aie m:ry �c�uii �u.����ni��;Z i��.��� .�i�:j .........•. _
<br /> ' I a,tlir "l.�r,in Srrvircr"�thai r��llrrt� nu,rnhlp p:q•mrntti�lur unJcr thr Nutr an�1 thiti Scrurity Intitrumcnt. Ph�rr also m.�y bc��nr
<br /> - I ur murc rhan�!r���f'thr I.i,au Scr�•ir�r unrrlatrd R,:�y7tIC ttl Sf1C N��tc. II thcrr iti a rh.uikc uf thr L�,an Srr��iccr. Burr�,�ver will hr. S.
<br /> . - I �i�•rn�ti•riurn nuiirr�,I thr rlr.ui�.r in arr�,nlanrr��•ith p,u�agr.�ph I�ah�,vr:mJ:�rrr�:�ni�law. 'I'h�nutirc�sill titxtc thc namc and
<br /> :idJrr�+nl tlir nr�t I.uan Srrvirrr and thr .i�ldrrti. to ��•liirh payntcnt� +h��uld hr mailr. '1'hc n��tirc ��ill al.�� runlain any uthcr I
<br /> " � inll,rmatiun rryuirr�l h� :ipplirahlr I:i��. '
<br /> � lll. Hs�zurdutt� �ttbstsmc�s. B�,n•�,��•cr tihall n�u rauu �,r ��crniit thr ��rr�rnrr. u,c. �li,p��,;�1, til�,ra�r. �,r rrlcatir nl any
<br /> j Hai:u�luu, Suh.lanrr, �m nr fn thc f'n,rrrt}. 13urn,��rr ,h:ill nul �1u, nur .illuw :m�•unc cl�� tu �u, anplhin�: ailrrting thc
<br /> - I'rupert� ihat i� in �i�,l,uiun „I am F-nvirunmrntal I.a��. �I�hr precrding t�+•u ,rnlrncr. •hall nnl apph h� Ihr �,rr�rnrr. u,r, or
<br /> - ! ,tnra�.� un thr 1'in�irrt) nl .mall yucinuurti ul Il:vanluu. tiuhti�:ui.r. Uiat are �:rnr�:ilh rrrnF,niittl a�hr a����n,pria�r ��, nurntal
<br />- rr.i�lrntial u.r�an�l ln m:iinlrn;uirr��I Ihr I'i�,p�rt�.
<br /> ' ,:,,�,.,,,,, Form 3028 9/90
<br /> � �
<br /> �� __ —_ __ _ _
<br />