,'�'_ '_ . .., " . .. , ...._.�.,�. '�.�.,;,:.:•r.......... . 'r're��'..
<br /> �7.-110404
<br /> r'-�gr..r^�. ,wfl� .�.:-.
<br />���,.,�,�, Thc Fundy shall bc held in nn institution whase deposits nrc insured by a federal agcncy, i1,+uununtulity, ur cntiry
<br />_� ,� y�� . tincluding L.cnJcr,if Lendcr i�surh an intitituti�in)or in uny Fcderul Hc�me I.oun Btmk. I:ender tihull upply thc I'unds to pay the _
<br /> E�+cruw ltcm+. l.cndcr muy n��t churgc 8nrruwcr for hulJing and upplying thc Fund�,unnuaily►inulyring thc cscruw ucrnunt,or
<br />_�• ,� f�. vcrifying thc E,rraw Itcm., unlcss l.cndcr payy�ctt:u�vcr intcrc+t un thc Fund.i►nd applicuhlc law permits l.cndcr tn mrkc+uch
<br /> a charge. However. I.cndcr muy require Borruwcr tu pay u onrtimr rharge tirr an in;lependent rcal estutc tux rep��rting,crvire =
<br /> u,ed by l.c»dcr in r�mncrtian with thi� Ician. UIIIChti uppliruMc luw pr��vidr. uthrr�vi.c. Unle++ an agrcemcnt iti madc ur
<br /> '�PPlicuhle law reyuireti intere+t to he paid, l.ettder tihidl uut be r�yuircd tu pery Hurr�,�rcr any interert ur carning+un ti��f'unds. �
<br /> Hurruwcr and l.rndcr may ugrec in writing. huwcvcr. Qica interc�t shall b�p,ud nu thc Fun�l�. LcnJcr+hidl givc tsi 8nrrnwcr. _
<br /> . i withnut churgc. an annual uccuuntin� of du Fundti. .hu•.vmg credi�,aml dch�tti tu thc Fund+and thc purpo,c fur �vhich �arh
<br /> • debit tu ti�c Fund.r�vus madL.1'hc F�ind+arc plcdged ati additiunal scrurity lirr all sums ticcurcd hy thiti Srcuriry Instrumcnt.
<br /> `� lf�thc FunJs hcld by [.cndcr cxcced thc amuuntti permiucd to bc hcld hy applicuhlc law, Lcndcr+hall accuunt t��Hurr��wcr --
<br /> ' "`�%��� ti�r thc cxccss Funds in uccordancc with thc rcyuircments of upplicublc law. If thc ami�unt uf thc Fund.hcld by l.endcr at uny —
<br /> � cimc is nut ,utficirnt a,p,�y thr F.�rr��w Itcmti whcn duc. Lcndcr muy +n nutify Burruwcr in writing.and. in such ca,c Rurrow��r
<br /> . tihull pay tu l.�nJcr thc um��unt nccc,sury to mukc up thc dc�cicnry. Bc�rrowcr shull mukc up thr�clicirn�y in nu m��r� th:ui �
<br /> twclvc monthly puymcn[s,at C.cndcr's solc discretii�n.
<br /> � � Up�m paymcnt in full �if ull �ums sccurrJ by this Sccuriry Instrumcnt. [.cnder shall proniptly refund tu Burruwcr any
<br /> Hunds held by Lcnder. !f, un�cr puragraph 21, I.ender shull acyuire or scll thc Praperty. l.endcr. prior tu thc ucqui�:itiun or�alc
<br /> ° of the Pmpeny. �hall upply any Funds held hy L.cndcr at the timc of acyuisition��r�alr a�a rreJit a�:ain.t the sum� �ecured hy _ _
<br /> ? thiti Securiry Instrumcnt.
<br /> .. 3. Appllcstlon of Pnyments. Unlc�s upplicublc law providcs othcrwisc,all payment,received by L.cnder under parugraph+ `
<br /> � '� I and 2 tihull bc applicd: fir+t. tu uny pr�p:rymcnt chur�c, Juc undcr thc Notc: sccond. to amount+pay:�hlr undcr p:�r.ipr.iph 2:
<br /> � thirJ,tu intcretit Juc; fi�urth,to principul Juc:.ind I:itit.to any latc churgcs duc undcr thc Notr.
<br /> '� 4. Chur�es; I.iens. &�rrowcr tihull puy uU taxcti,assessments, charg�+. tinc,und imPoti�ti�m.uttrihutable tu thc Property
<br />� which may attuin priority rncr thix Security In+trum�nt. und Icuschuld paymcnts or gruund rent,. if uny. Burruwcr tihxll pay
<br /> thc��obli�*atwnti in thc manncr provided in paragraph 2.or it nut paid in thut manncr, Borruwcr shall pay thcm un timc dirrctly
<br />= tu thc peroun owed payment. Burruwer shull promptly furnish t��L�:ndcr ull n<�ticc+of amounts to hc paiJ undcr thit paragraph.
<br /> [f Bnrrowcr mukes thctie puyment,directly. Borrowcr yhall promptly furnitih tu[.cnder rcceipts cviJcnring[hc payment.. _
<br />�� Borrowcr:;h.dl prrnnptly diuhurge any licn which h:��:prinrity o��cr thi�Serurity Instrument unle�s Burruw�r: (.il agrees in
<br /> ' .. writing tn thc payment uf the obligatiun�crurcd by the lien in a manncr acceptable to I.ender:(h)conte�t.in guud fuith thc lirn
<br /> ' �;; by. ��r defends aguin�t enforcemcnt ��F thc lien in, legal procccdings w•hich in thc I.cnder's apinian uperatc to prevent thc
<br /> ' entbrcenunt nf thc lien:or(c)sccures from thc holder of thc licn an ugrccmcnt satisfactory tu I.cnder subordinating the lien to
<br />- this 5ecuriry Initrument. If Lender drtermines that uny part uf the Property i, subject tu a lien which may attuin priurity uver =
<br /> this Sccuriry In�trumcnt. Lendcr may givc norro�vcr a ncnicc idcntifying thc licn. B��rrc�wcr shull,ati>fy thc licn�ir tukc onc ur
<br /> nu�re uf thc actions,ct furth abuvr within [0 days u1'thc giving ul noticc. -
<br /> S. Huxard or Pi•operty Insurunce. Burruwcr tihall kcep thc improven�cnt+ nuw existing or herexfter erccted on the -
<br />-, � pruperry insurcd against li�ss by firr. h;uard� included within thc turtn "extcndcd cuvcragc" and any uthcr hazurds. inrluding
<br /> ' tloods ur floixling. Icir whirh l.ciidcr rcquirex insuranrc. This insurancc �hall hc muintuined in thc amnunts and fur thc periods
<br />� that L.cndcr rcquirc�. Thc insuranrc curricr pruviJing tl�c insurunrc.hall be cho�cn hy Bun-awrr iubjcrt to l.rndcr't appruval
<br /> whirh tihall not hc unrcu�onably withhcld. [f Rorr��wcr f�ilti tn maint:,in cuvcrxgc dc�rribed ahovc, Lcnder may, ut Lendcr's
<br /> option. abtain covcruge tu protcrt Lcnder'�rightti in the Propeny in ac�urdance with paragraph 7.
<br /> �:.:... � i� �i,���i h�• ,�rrrnt:�Mr in I.enJcr anJ shall inrludc a titundarJ mortgagc cl.tu�c. L.cndcr
<br /> f�ll It1�Y1�iI�tiC �iiuC��n:.iiu :C::�:"'.�.... —
<br /> ,�,' �hall have the ri�.ht to huld the pulirirs and renewals. If Lender require�. Rorrower shull prontptly give to I.er.dcr aU reccipcs ui
<br />-. paid premiums and rencwal n��tirr+. In thr rvcnt ut'luss. B��rruwcr tihall givc prumpt nutir�to thc�n+uruncc carricr aixi Lrndcr.
<br /> LrnJcr muy mukc proof of lutiti if ncit nrrdr prumptly hy Rarrawcr.
<br /> Unlc+s IAndcr and Burruwrr�,tficrwi�c agrcr in wnung.in,ur:�nrc prcnccds.hall hc applied tu rc�toratiun i�r rcpuir of thc
<br />�'. Pruperty damaged.if thc rrtiturutiun��r rcpair i>cranomically I'ca�ihle and Lendrr's�ecurity�s nut lesseneci. If thc restoration��r
<br /> repair is nut crunomirally f�a.iblr ur Lrnder'ti•crurity wuuld he Ic�+cned. thr insuruncc prncecds ,hall hc upplicd to the sums
<br />- ^ securcJ by this Securiry In�trument. whether ur not Ihrn Juc, with any cxress paiJ tu Burrow�r. lf Bou�u�ver ubandons the
<br /> �� Property. ur d��es nut antiwcr within 30 duy�a nutire frcnn Lender that thc in�uranre carrier hati offercd to sctAe u claint, then
<br /> (.,ender may ciillcct thr imurunrc pnxcrd,, I.enScr m:ry u.c the procceds tu iepair ur restorc th� Pr��pci�ty or tu pay wms
<br />' ucurcd hy this Sccurity ln,trunxnt,whcthcr ur not thcn duc. Thc 30•duy periud will bc�in when thc noticc is givcn.
<br /> ' Unles• LenJcr and Burrc,wrr uther�+•i,r agrce in ��•riting, any applicatiun ol' procceds t�� principal ShaU n.�t exten�3 or
<br />-s , � , ' pcistpunc thr duc d:�tc ufi thc nwnthly paynunt. refrrrc�i a, in paragraph� I und 2 i�r rhangr thc amuunt of thc p;rym�nt�. If
<br />- � unJer puragr�ph 21 the Pruperty is:icyuirrJ hy IAnJer. Hurruwer'ti ri�ht tu uny insurance p��liries and prcueed+resulnng frum
<br /> Samagc co the Yruperry priur ta the aryw�ition shall pas,to Lender to the cxtcnt o1 thr tiumti sccured by this Security Insn�ument
<br /> immcdiatcly prior tu thc aryui,itiun.
<br />_� 6. Occupunev, Prezcrvatton.hluintenunee and i'rotEtition uf the 1'rupe►Ky;Borrowrr's I.oan ApplicuNun; I.easeholds.
<br /> Borrowcr�haU��ccupy.c�tahlish.an�l uu thc Proprrt��as Acirro�ccr'�principul rrsiJcnrc within.i�ty da���aRcr thc excrution uf
<br /> this Scrurity lntitrutncnt an�l+hall ccmtinuc tu �xrupy thr f'ruperty ci,Burn,�+•ci's principal rc�idcncr li�r ut Irast one yrur uftcr
<br />- �` thc date nf urrupanry.unlc�+ I,cnJrr uthrrwi,e agrrrti in writin�.. which c�m�cnt shall not he unreatiunably withheld, i�r unlrsti
<br />_ : . � rxtenuating rirrumtitxnces exi�t which am he�•nnd A�,rruwrr'> runtrul. Borruwcr xhall nut Jr�truy. damagc i�r impair the
<br /> ,. Pr��perty. aUuw tlic Prup�rry Ic� d�tcri��ratc. ur runmift �va�tc �,n thc PruEx:rty. Burrc��rer shall hc in dcfault if any forfciturc
<br /> • t � arti��n or prnrreding. ��•hcthrr crvil ur rrimin:sl.i,hcgun tha� in LrnSrr'�g��od la�th judgmrnt ruuld re,ult in li�rfeiturc ut'thc
<br />- +� F'rnperry or uthenvi.c matrrially iropair tl�r lirn rrcatcJ h) thi+Scrurit�� Imtrtuucnt ui•l.rnJcr'�x:curity intcrctiL Borruwcr may
<br /> rurc,urh a dcfault and reimtatr.a,pru�-idcJ in puragraph I tt.h� �:.�u,int:thr au�iun ur prc�rcrcling t��br ditintis>�d with a ruling
<br /> �� , . th.a. in Lrndrr'� �uud laith �etrrminatiun. precludc� torf'citurc �,I thc Horcu�+�r'� intrre,t in the Pruprrry ur �,thrr matcrial
<br /> .� impainnrnt ��f Ihc lirn rrratr�l h} thi, Scruriq In,trunicnt nr Lcndrr'� �crurity inlcre�l. Borrowcr �hall altiu bc In dcfault if
<br /> ' Burru��cr.during thr lu:in:ipplirati�m pr�,rr.,.Favr matcriully taltir i�r inurruratc inliumxtiun ur titalcntrniti t�,I.cnd�r lur 1'ailyd
<br /> lu pr���ulr I.rttJcr�+•iih:�m nr.ucri:il inli�rnetlianl in r��nncrUun��ith Ihc luan c�iJrnrrd h� ihr N�,tr. includin�.,hut not limilcd _
<br />' ., _ tu. reprc.cnt:rti��n.runr�rnm�: I;nrn,��rr',u�rupanr� ��I'ihr Pn�prrt��.i�;� riuirip;d re.i�lrnrr. Uthi.Srrin•ity In,u-umrnt i.un a
<br /> Irati�huld. Burru��rr �hall r�miply ��'iIh all ihr ptu�i�ium ul th� Ira�c. 11 liurru���•r arytui�•• Icr Utlr lu lhr 1'ru(krly. thc
<br /> Icatirhulil and th�f«titic�hall nut nurgc unl�.,I.cndrr agrcc,tu thc n�rrgrr in��•ritin�.
<br /> 7. !'rotectlon of Lendcr'ti Ri}�ht�in the Prupert}•.If Burra�vcr fail�tu perfurm thc roernant�and agrcrmrnt�cuntaincd in
<br /> thi.Srcurity� Imtnnncni, ur thcre iti a Irgal prurrrihn� that ma} �ignilirantly :ill�rt Lcndcr'. righh in tlic Prupertt• (�urh ati a
<br /> - ��rurrrding itt h;oikruptry. pr��hatc, lur cunJcmn:uiun c�r li,rlri�urr ur lu rnt��ric la��.��r re�.ulatiun�), thrn l.rnder nriy dn and _
<br /> pay I�,r whatr�cr iti nrrr.,ary t�, p:�ut«t thr caluc ul �hr F'iuprrt� and Lrn�lri', ii�h�. in llir l'r��prrt}. Lrndrr'� arliciro ntuy
<br /> ' inrlu�lr paying anr ,um. ururrd h� .� lirn ��•hich ha, �riurit� o�er thiti ti�rurit� Imtrument, appc:inn� in court. paying
<br /> - rca.�mcihlr att�miry•' Irr�and rntrring�,n thc Pru��cit� lo m,ihr rrp,ur.. ,Vthuugh I.rn�lrr may IaF,c artiun undcr thi.raragraph
<br /> 7. L�ndrr di�r.nut h:i��lu il��.u.
<br /> Am :�nwunt, Ji,hur.c�l h� I.rnJrr unJ�r thi. para�tra��h 7 ,hall hr.•un�r aJ.htu,n;d ilrl,t ul 13urru��rr sr�urcd hc lhis
<br /> ..�..... � ..r� ��,�•n� �h�•.,•:m���uni. .h:iU hc:u ultrrc�l li'unl thC
<br /> = Sl`t'lllll\- �I1�l�Ullll'lll. l�Illi'�ti ISnII����l'� .nni i.��iuiT .:�:��:::::..,,.. .."7::•. ... r':!) . . ... . -
<br /> J:u< <,I �li+hurticmrnt :it Ih� tiulr ial. :md .hall hr �ri�aL•Ir. ��i1h uttrir,L upnn rn,Ii�'� Ir�,m I.rrnlrr t�, linrn��+rr rrqur.tinE
<br /> = p:i�m�nt. �
<br /> � S, �lort}�a�:c In.ura�nrc. II LrnJri rr��uirc�l nu�ri�.i�.r in.uianrr a�a i�m�liuun��I mal.in� ih�•I��an.rrwrJ h� ihi. �r.unt�
<br /> In,uumrni. l;�nm��rr •h:dl ��a� Ihr prrnuui�i• iryunr�J I�, mauuam th� nturt�';i�r in.ui:u��r in rll�•il U. I��i :ii�� rra�un. �hr
<br /> mni��a�e in.uranir rmria�:r ici�ui�rd I,� I.rnJrr lap,r�w r�a��� lu hr in rl�crl. I�nrirn�ri .h,ill pa� lhr pirunu;�i, rri�uirril lu
<br /> ' uht:Ul�i���i•IaLi•.uh,lalll4dl� Cyul�-:�ICltt I�, th�nu,fl�d}`��Ilwr:�n�•C�`t�•�wU.l� �I�cllCil. :�t ��i�,d �Uh,t:UlU:�ll\ C��U��:�linl In IItC
<br /> iiu.t i„ Iiuirn���•i nl ihr mrntt:itr m•ui:inr� �ar:wu.l� iti rllrit. In,m :�n :tltrrn:itr uuu��_.i�'.• imurri .q���im,•�I h� I.rnilri. If
<br /> I
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