fit shall be so deposited, and either employ sash mow/ as she stall think ft
<br />CD in the payment of any debts, or interest, parable . :o tae, or tams
<br />assessments, insurance sad expenses due and payable or to biome due
<br />and payable on account cf my mat and personal estate, or in or about any
<br />00 oldie purposes herein mentioned, orothervise for my use and benefit, or
<br />to invest such money in ray moue in any stocks, :shares, boners, securities
<br />or other property, real or personal, as she Tray think proper, End to receive
<br />00 and give receipts for any income or dividend arising from such
<br />investments, andto vary err disaose of all and an such invesa!Itts, or
<br />CY, other investments for my use and benefit at my atttcrney -in -fact may think
<br />t ..i fit.
<br />CNI 10. To vote at stockholders' meetings, execute pn,sies, and erher. rise
<br />substitute for owner. Ter vote at the meetings of stockholders or other
<br />meetings of any corporation or company, cr °Surmise to actas my
<br />attorney -in fact or proxy. withpower of substitution, in respect of any
<br />stocks, shares, bonds, debenttues, or otherevide-tces of ownership, or
<br />securities, mow or hereafter head by me and issued by or on account of said
<br />corporatior or company Ind fcr that purpcse to execute any posies,
<br />limited or general, or other inm
<br />ev
<br />co
<br />0
<br />11. To execute deeds, brills, notes and similar instruments. For all or any of
<br />the purposes herein stated to eater into ant sign, seal, execute,
<br />acknowledge and deliver any contracts, deeds, or ether instruments
<br />whatsoever, and to draw, accert, make, endorse. discount, a oiterwise
<br />deal with any bills of exchange, cheeks, pwmisaoty notes, ex other
<br />oonamervial or mercantile instuments.
<br />12. To transfer assets to trust. 7o transfer, set over, assign and convey all or
<br />any right, title or interest of Principal in std to any property real or
<br />personal, to RITA K. LAMMERS and SUSAN D. L'HEUREUK, or
<br />successors and assigns, as Successor Trosee, of that certainWlLLLAM 1.
<br />GROSSART and PAULINE GROSSART Revocable Tntst,urder
<br />Agreement. dated and date hereof, executed by : ?riacipal as irantor and
<br />Tntstee; and, in furtherance thereof, my atorney-in -fact is a tborized to
<br />enter any safe deposit hoc in Principal's mine to remove ant deliver tbe
<br />contents of any part thereof tothe then Trustee of that certain WILLIAM
<br />1. GROSSART and PAULINE GROSSART Revocable Trait.
<br />13. To do all other things necessary tat connection herewith. In genera! to
<br />do all othe- acts, deeds, matters, and things whatsoever in on about ray
<br />estate, property, and affairs, hcluding thepowerso continue, modify or
<br />terminate any program cf inte mittent or periodic gifts to my individual
<br />which is the natural object of my bounty a tax- exempt charity or
<br />charities, cr to concur with pc-sons jointly interested with myself therein
<br />doing all acts, deeds, matters and things herein, either particularly or
<br />