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<br />O
<br />QQ domiciled and ruing in Grand Ialaxc, Hall, State o'LQc have made, constituted
<br />and appointed, an by these presestts Jo make, constiute and roxuint ROSANNE
<br />CHRISTENSEN rte' true and lawfitl Ittorney -in -face forme and in nay name, place and
<br />stead, and on my behalf, and in my capacity as Trastee wider the Wiliam i. Grossed and
<br />Pauline Grossartlieiocablerrust dated August 26, 2D02 subj to de provisions of
<br />Paragraph 14 hereof, to do and execute all or any of the followng acts, deeds and things:
<br />!.o.{
<br />1. Ts receive debts, paynents and. property. To ask, demand, sue for,
<br />G\I Keener and receive at sums of mcne*, debts des, goods, wares,
<br />n etc andiae, chattels, tfd'ects and thirgs of whatsoever tare m
<br />des ption which nomr are or hereafter shill be as becorani due, owing,
<br />mettle or belonging lc me in or by any right, tit e. ways at means
<br />howsoever, and upon aceipt thereof, ar d aay part thereof to matte, sign,
<br />eremite and deliver suds receipts, release; of othr discharges fa the saute
<br />respectively as my saiiattomey -in -fact shall dean advisable.
<br />2. To settle accounts. Tr settle any account or meaning whatsoever
<br />%Hein t now am or stony time hererfte: shall to any wise interested or
<br />coroerned with any person whomsoever, and to pay or receive the balance
<br />Owed as the case mazy require.
<br />3. To satisfy security iat_rests and nrrtgeger. To receive every stem of
<br />natty which now is w hereafter sal bedue o_ belonging to me upon the
<br />seemly or by virtue afany security irtennt or apneement, or mortgage,
<br />ant on reeeipr: of the hit amoemt searedtherel:; to execute a good and
<br />sufficient release or otter discharge of suit sec ity interest, or mortgage
<br />by iced or otherwise.
<br />4. Tocompound, submit to arbitration or otherwise settle or a4just
<br />df4rences. To compound or make dlowar ces :o any person for or m
<br />res%ctto any debt ordemand ve•%%blebstowisorshallatany
<br />tire haeafter become due and payabe to me, aby tr.e, orupon my
<br />account, and to take orreeeive, or to pay artd discharge, as the case may
<br />bc,ary composition crdividend thereof or therei j on, and to give or
<br />receive releases or other discharges fir the whole of such debts or
<br />derands, or to settle, compromise, or sntmit to arbitration every such debt
<br />or lonand and every offer right, matter, anc thirg due to or concerning
<br />mean my attorney -in -feet shall think aesi, and fcr that purpose to enter
<br />iota and execute and deliver such bonds of arbitration or other iashuments
<br />as su aftontey -in -fact nay deem advsabe at the premises.
<br />S. Tolandle all Trust natters. To act on behalf of the principal in all
<br />Heaters relating to the principal's duties es Trustee under the William J.
<br />1
<br />a
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