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., . <br /> <—,�'=._. _ . : � _ .••..�`..._•_ .: .�.: . ,:�� :.;Y_..,�.�:>- _ - � �� c _ <br /> __ .: " ° . .�.���c> _. � �,. ,.._:�. '_ <br /> __..c-- - - -. . .."- ,..__tr_ -- --- ' '- <br /> , •.r . . , . _ "� '. • c. - ',; �,�'d ' �t' �ji,-' `�%` .� .� ' " - _ <br /> ,. <br /> '.. .*,;.� .,a _�i``, ..�i. � - --- - :�lt . <br />- �• � ' . .•��. . ���.i;_. ,. <br />. =-_.�;--=�.: c:r r... , ���._. <br /> - . 17. Trana4�r of 4he P►oaatty or a Benefictal IMerest !n Borrower. ti aD ar any part at tha Fcoperry cr ,.:i ;;. �. <br /> :.>"; ' `.,` . ' any(n2erest tn ft is sotd or hansterred(or R a benefldat tnter�t in Borrower is sotd or transterted and Bortower is not a naLual . . < : <br /> � :�c.�.=;.`._.;`�•�,- <br /> , . : person)wfNout Lender's prtcr wrftten eonseA.Lender ita optfon.require tmmedfdte payment in fu0 of aU sums secureil by . •.'i••,•' <br />,_. • ` ' �", this 3eeudty tnst�ument optlon sha0 not be e�cetdsed by Lendet d exercise is pmhiDlied by faderal law as of the <br /> , c. � , dffie ot this Sera�ri�t Instrumen� _ <br /> _• _ '�.:� <br /> ... `.< If lender exzrdse:s this opttan.Lender s�aU give 8orrower notice ot acce[eretton TAe natice shall provid�a per[od oi not '".i.`��, _ `R- <br /> .. �, �_..,:" "'� tess than 90 Qays ftom the date the not{ee is d�'iver2d or maIIed wiW�whtct� Bormurer must payl eil sums sec�ted Ey this '� �:•�`�-..:;.,; <br /> , . . , < <.., t . <br /> _ geqiaty Instrumen�H Bortower fsfls to pay these sums pdor to the e�iratIon of thEs pectod, Lender may invake any remerlles � , �' <br /> � pemiitted by thts 3ear8y InsLumer►t without furtlt�notice or demand on Bormwer. � . ..,.,. . . .•. <br />_. ' � � . . •/8. BoROwe�s Right to RetOSR84�It 8orrowei meets certdtn conddions. BorrmK�shau hav�the dght to have � ,�.� '<�,�`:;�.;`:;c;:,.;°'.: <br /> . , entorcement of thts Secudry tnsfiiment�seoiRtnued at any llme priar to the ea¢Tier oi: (a) 5 days tnr such othv period as � , ::<<,.• . <br /> ",�.~ SDPUrahie t�w may specity►for reins�temenl)betote sale of the PtoP�Y Pursuant to any power of se[s coc�ined in thJs Sec�xity► $� .�;��, x <br /> ��,_ .�''' � Insb'umer�k ar(b)entry o}a Judgment entord�g this Securtry tnsQUment Those cand'Afons are that Bortower: (a)pays Lender aD � : „ <br /> � ;,..,=, r _ ;,.�-�- surna which then wautd be due under tAts Secu�tly tnstrument and the Note as(f no acceteration had oewrred: (b) cures eny � � • <br /> � detauR of any other eovenairt or a�ements: (e)DaYg e6 e�enses incurred in entordng this Sec�m'ty(nstrumen� lndu�ng.bat � _ ,`'s ., <br /> , ` -, �< not QmRed to.reasonabte attorrteys'fee.x and(�tatces such asdon as Lertder may reasonably tequtre to assure ttsat ffie Gen af q� . <� ;_�:�,. .. <br /> �.`r;f Utls gecudty t�st�ume�t, {.endeYs dghts in the Property and Barrowe�s obif�gat[on to pay the surris secured by this Secu:ily ` ' <br /> at ' <br /> ..� �,._'- .�. <br /> Instrument shall eontUtue unchanged. Upon reinstatemert by Boarnv¢r. 1his.Seair[ty► tnstrumerrt end the obBgallons secured .:.�.��,_ . <br /> . � ..,� <br /> ' hemby sNall rert�ain tuQy eftecl[ve as if no acceteratfon had owurred. Howev�thfs rigfit to refistate shall nat aPPN in the case _-�� x•- _` <br /> 5 ` ' ot ecceteration under paragraph 17. � d"z ' <br /> t � �:{ 19. SBtA of No4e; Cltattg9 of Loan SenriCer.The Note or a a partiai tnterest tn the Note (together with this _ <br /> , � �� r• Sedtriy tnsVumcmt)msy be sotd one or more Umes withaut pdor notice to Qorrower.A�le may resuft in a change in the eJ►tny _ <br /> . , . n=,,: pmown as the'loan 3ervic�)that eoQeets monthty paymeirts due under the Note end this Security Instrument There etso may ��.,z;_�-`� <br /> x ;,�� - . . • be one or more ehanges ot the Loan 8ervicer unretated to a sata of the No�. H there Rs a change of the Laan Sendcer � Y_ __ <br /> . ;,.,� Bormwer w�71 be given wdtten notice a1 the cb�ge in aaardance wfth paragraFb 14 ebove and app4cable taw. The notice vra. : <br /> r.. .� siate the name and address of ffie new Loan Servlcer end the address to which paymeMs should 6e mad� The noUce wOf also <br /> ,(} �:-----_-_ <br />{--� .. . � cant$in any atAer tntortnatien requhed bY apDGcable faw. <br />.p•, . , R�'� ,._ <br /> `` �� ` 20. HazB�dOU9 SubstaDC89. Bom�wer shall not cause or permit the presence. usa disposal,storage,or retease of <br /> _ - •` �_ arty Wa¢ardous Substances on or in the PropeRy. Bomawer shalf aot do, nor aIIow anyone else to do,arrything affecting the �; �' -°° <br /> • - - - - pmperty tAat Is In vto(aUan of eny 6►vironmerrtel Law. The precedtng tvw sentences sha11 not appiy to the presence.use,or �_- '---' <br /> , �, ' storage on the Properly of small quam�tes af Hazardaus Subsffinces that are generally recogetned to be approprtate to nom�al '�' -- _____. <br /> , residential uses and to maintertance of the Property. • a � ,- <br /> � -�.7.:�,. <br /> .. . Borrower she0 pmmptly glve Lender written noUce af any imestlgatton, daim. demand. Iawsuit or atfi� action by atty - __ _ <br /> ' � �.• ;° govemmenffiI or�egufatory agency or private party tmrofvfr►g the Pcoperry and eny H�rdous Substance or Environmental Law of � :` <br /> . . -`.� whkA Bormwer has acO�a}Imowledge. it 8orrower teams. or ts no�fled Isy any govemmerttai or regulatory authorfly. lhat any � `'°'�- - <br /> • ��`,,, • <br /> ;,''.'� .. removal or other remediation o} any Ff�ardous Substence af[ectlng Properry ts necessary. 8orrower shaR prompUy�ke a0 t,.- ;.��:;. <br /> � necessary reme�al aetfons in accordanee wlth EmAre�e�tel law. = '' <br /> �;� , As used in this pazagraph 20.'Ha�erdous SubsCances' are those substances deftned as tox(c or heiardous subsKances hy " <br /> � � . and the foltowin substances: . oQne, kerasene, other flammable or toxic petro(eum produe�s. tnxa — <br /> �• ental Lflw 9� � " <br /> �:`• � '� : . Emironm 9 -__-- <br /> ;.: • pestiddes and herbicides,votaU1e soMents,mater(ats coMakiing asbestos or tortna(dehyde,and radtoaetive materlals. As used fi _____ <br /> :s: ... .. para�tph 2p, •EnyUonmentel Law' means tede�at tawa and laws of the Judsdictlon where the Properry ts focated thaf retate to �`.�.. ` _ <br /> � � , heatth,safety or environmer►ffiI protecUon. , � s <br /> � •• � • • NON-UNiFORM COVEIVAM9•Boaower and lersder turther covenarrt and agree as follows: '' ''_ <br /> �� ��� '� �� . � 21. Acceleratton; Rame�Pt�s. Lender shaq give nottce to BcROwar pNor to acceleratlon � � '�-'�. -- <br /> ' 4oflowtng 8arrawer's breach of any covenant or agreemont in this Securiiy lnstrument,(6u! not ��`�'�' "� �°•—_ <br /> • . � • • prior !o acaeteration under para8raph 17 unlesr3 applicable law pmvldes othenvls�)., Ths notice - � <br /> ,�a_ <br /> �• • ��� sha11 speaity: (a) the de9a�at� (b� the actton raquired to cure the defaut� (a) a date, not teas than �. >:,� •'a- <br /> ' •� 30 days trom the date ths notice is gi�ren to Borrower, by which the de4sult mus! 6e cured; and . '�� <br /> f�'' (d) that 1a99ure to cure the detauit on or be�ore the daie specifiied tn the nottce may resutt tn - <br /> : ; , <br /> � �� � ' acceleration of the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument and sate af the Properh+.7'i�e natico . ; ��`� .. _ <br /> �-�' , �� ' shali further tniorm Borrower of the right to relnstate after.acceteration an6 the right to brtng a •° �-° � <br /> � court actlon to assert the noa-extste�ce of a de9auit or any othe► deiensa of Borrower to � � <br /> � ' �� _ = <br /> � � acceleratlon and eate. ff the detault is not cured an or betare tfte date specifled in the notice, <br /> '�:�.� " � � . Lender at its option may require immediato payment in fuil af afl sums secured by this Security �� ° ��- �- <br /> �' - ' InstrmmeM without further damand and may tnvoke the power of sate and any othe� remedtes � _ , �` �=� <br /> � perrn6ttec4 by appticabte lava Lender shall be entiUed to coltect alt expenses tncurred M pursutng �==:,- . <br /> � . 4he remomoes provided 9n.thla paragraph 21, tnclading, but not limited to. �easonabte attomeys' � <br /> � �� {ees and costs�t ti4t� evidence. • „�' <br /> i:��:�, �� tf the powes of sale is invotced. Trustee shall rocord a notice of defautt M each county In � <br /> ' . which any par� of tfle P�operty ts tacat�d and sfial! maii coptes at sa:�� nattce In ti�e mann�eP -� �," <br /> �.; � � prescrib�d by appiica6le law to Borrawer and 4o the other p�rsans prescribed by applicabte law. `'� <br /> � � - ARer the time required foy applicabte law,Trustee shall gtve public natice W sale to the persons .' „ . <br /> � ' and in the manner prescribed by appl3xable Iaw. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall soll ' . �. <br /> r��` � � the Proaerty at pu6Uc auctlon to the highest bldder at 4he time and place and under the tmrms � . <br /> � '�_ � designated in tho notice of sale i�e one or more parcels and In any order Trus4ee determtnes. � � <br /> . . Tnusiee may postpona salo o? all or any parcel of the P�operty by paTa[ic announcemerrt at�"xa <br /> tima and place of amy prevlousty schaduled sala. lende� or its des:�c+ee may purchase t�rra .. <br /> '�., � . � property a4 any safe. _. ..; ' <br /> ��:.'� � Upon rsce:�'! a� payment o! the �rice bld. T�ustee sha�! deliver to the purchaser Trustee's <br /> � � � �� deed conveying the Property.The recitata in the Trustee's de�d shatl ba prima iacie ev�dence of ��" �� <br /> : ��� �. 4he truth o9 the sta4ements made therein. Trustee shail appty the proceeota of the sale in the � � <br /> � � tollowing order. (a) to aii costs and eupenses of exorcising the power o! safe. and 4he sale, � .� <br /> ' • including the payment of the T�ustee'a tesa actuaity incurred, no!tu exceod three . <br /> . % W 4he principal amount of the � <br /> �." . . � • � note at the timv o!the dectaration of detault,and reasonable attomey's feos as pormitted by law; ' � -. <br /> ' ;� (b) to a!1 sums secured by thla Security Instrument; and (c) any excess 4o the person ar persons : <br /> .;,�; .`- . . � tegaity entitted to It <br /> .. . � '� P�9c 4 O}5 � � '� ' .c <br /> - . i Ft316.LM0 f�N� • ' � <br /> _ ' � . <br /> � . . . . 97222 - . �� . <br /> - —.—t-- — - --- — . °.:�,z,�_:- — . ,, i y; ' . <br /> . . . . - - :. . <br /> .._,_, .-�-�--,.., <br /> � <br /> _ ,..,_ __ ,_�_, . • - ..:.. •� _..- '-`'--• - :•--'._ .. .. .••._. . _ . . _.._e•:...... ... .. .'`-•--• . .. _. .... .... ....:di�...._._.. ,. .. .. ,a. .�. ._, ..._.v.c:� .,,.i�_��." ..� <br /> . . � . . .. . . . ' � '. � ' .� <br /> . . � :..� <br /> . <br /> . .'_ "__ ..__.._t. ,_.. . _ . _ _ . . . _ . . _ . .. . . ... . . <br />