C'..m.m.Y.�Sr-. : . in . �, '.... ^.'' .l..c LSC.:ai.. t - �I.s_ � '��"'!' .is�
<br /> � . . ._..
<br /> . _ -...� ....._.� �...._._._.w._; . . ti -., . �.-.--.,. ,. _
<br /> �_._ . , . .' '. _ _ . . _ .� �
<br /> __...-,...—�.-..-�.,. _ . . _ __ _ _" -_ ._ __ .. __ ��'
<br /> .:- Y, . !.' .. . .. i--r-T-- _ . ..i -.:-"__ .___.".-1.. -_"' . �
<br /> ...� ...,.. .... .. _.� _. _ _
<br /> -'Ci+ . -C y �-4� C �. �`&�t !4
<br /> ;. • . R ..i t . u� . tiC -R t � __
<br /> .'!� -. t r[ " � ( `� v �:. � _ .Q "it' � ._�. { - f_. '���1< _ �l�i�_ _ ' .
<br />-. _ ..{' � 'h -y ��. .F ,9:r` {' .t - . • 4,' d'.. �' -r." .
<br /> `a
<br /> . ' • �Z�� �c v��� __
<br /> �� - .n '`i - . � _� 4 v . "
<br /> Borrawer may aue such a defauft and reUisi�e. es Pmvided tn para�aph 18. bY c�ustng tho aGion or psoceed�g to Ee �` o <'S
<br /> . .��`� "'.�� , � dtsmissed with a ni6ng tha1.in Lendds good faNA det�minaSon.Drerdudes fort�ua of the BoROwer's t�ecest in the Prapert�!at ' ,,,:. "�,�„,.� ,y•
<br /> • .' � other mate�fal tmAaUment ot the Qen aeated by this Seauitfl tnstru�sent cr lesdePs seauiry inierest Borrower sha0 atso be fn • . '� , :
<br /> . .; v faLse or U►accurate tntom�ation or stateme►ts to Lender(or . '�.�. f :. ._ ,N,,..
<br /> - de�ilt ff Banower,duting the tom�appltcatIan ptocess.ga e�ad�iauy << �_,•e:;:.. `;,.�.t,
<br /> � ' fa�ed ta prov(de lender w�h�ry mad�laf intom�aUon)!n carme,ctian�lt tRe taan evidenced Dy the Note. inctu�ng.but not� ; r'•:`.-..:
<br /> = m aU c ,
<br /> r.; .
<br /> .- � Qmtted Ta reP!'e�er�mttans eonceming Bortaw�s����n°af the lease.p I�t Bortowv�ecqufres'tea tttte W��e� . � ._ -.
<br /> . .°� ,fistmmeent is�on e tea�ehotQ. BoROwer sfi�comDl�f .
<br /> , ; Properry.the te�sehatd anp the tee t2tle sha0 not merge unless Lender a�to the merget In wr�1�g. . .
<br /> 7.PreEeeHon af Le4ider's Rigids tn the P�pperty.�t Borrov,er talts to peitorm the covenants and agreements � `
<br /> . _ ., ; eorrta6ied tn this Searily Instrument. or thc�e is a legal Proceeding that may st�efficamty aHect Lender's Aghts in�the Froperty p . .r.�. ='°..
<br /> ''• .<< foT Co�IdB(f1I18tl6T1 0�tOtf2R17re ot t0 @�ifOfC018Nt3 0�segu(8tI0tt9�.�tieit LQI1dEt lftey � .
<br /> _ �.:- :_.��, (secN gs a proceedmg 6►Gania�tcy.Drobate. and Lender's dgbts in the P[opertY. Lender's actlons � ' .� .
<br /> `, � y . :. do and pay tar whatev�is rtec�sary!to proteet ttte vahte of tha Pmperty �9 ia couR. P�9 � ` ' �-
<br /> ` ` � --�=-':' may incfude payir,g any sums secvred by a Ren w�[ch has pdofity over this 3ewrfry tnstrume.nt. aPP . _
<br /> ��r^�* to rt�ake repairs.Aithaugh Lender may►take.ec8on under Uits parag►aAD � �. ' .
<br /> � reasanatle attamays t�s artd ente�(n9 an the Property �'
<br /> . �.:: : .
<br /> ` _ ` 7.Lender does nat have to do so. 3 '
<br /> ` My amaurts dsbursed by Lender und��rag�apb 7 shaD become additlonal debt at Bertower secured by thls Secutity► ,.,�� =ti .
<br /> Instrument Un[ess Borrawer and I.ender ag�ee w other terms of payment these amounts sha11 bear interesi fram the date ot �,t ; r,' ,:•
<br /> . ;`��," msbursement at the(Jate�ffie and shafl be payabie.wNh irtte[est.upon noUce trom Lender to Bartower requestin9 DaYme� �` :; ';� �'°*•:�`:°
<br /> • ", � $. 6�ottg3g8 Insu�8RCe. I1 Lender required mortgage (nsurdnce as a wnd�ien ot malcfnn9 the toan secured b1►tt�is r�• ' --.�,
<br /> ,.. � ` Secu�ity tnstrumer�Bortowei shaU pay ffie pcemiums requiced to maintaln the mo�ga insurance in eHec1.It.tor eny `e lred to _
<br /> ,'f',;� ' mortgage insurance cov�age required by lender[apses or ceases ta be Tn e4tecR Bocraw�shaU pay the P�$ eirt to the ,
<br /> - , - obffiin wverage s�aQy e9�ivatent to tha rtrortga3e insurance ptevtausty in etfed.•at a eosl substannaltY ecN� ':_.� _ .
<br /> • cost tu Barrawer af the mortgage insurance previously in eftect, tmm an ettemate moKgage insurer approved Ey kender. If ::
<br /> _ � ` substanttaQSl�Nivale�t mortgage @r.surance coverage is not avaIIa6le.Borrower when the insurance cavera3e IaAs�d or�to • '��:s~�t�->:--�----
<br />- •' one3wetftb oi the yearly mortgage tnsurance premi�nn betn9 P� Y - -
<br /> .�• ;,. s: • ba tn efled. Lender w�l accepl.use and retatn these paymeMs as a ioss re.serve fn Iteu of morigage insutanca LASS resenre . -
<br /> • paymc�ffi roay no longer be�equhed at the optan af Lender.ff moctgage insurance cuversc3e M the amourt and tor the perlod • -
<br /> . � .. •��.y that I.erider cequlres)Prav(ded by an insur� apAroved.by Lender egain 6ecames avaIIab►e and ts obffilr►ed. Borrower shall pay `•:��Y,_
<br /> - ,;. . . the premiums requUed to mai�in moRgage insurance in eHec�t.or M provide a loss reserve.ur�il the tequL'emeot fis mortgage
<br /> . ' . :.��, ;: (nsurance ends In accordance wiTh eoY w�ten a�ent between BPROw�end!�r!der or aDDQcabte taw. ,
<br /> `� .�:�.. _ . 9 It1SpBCttOit.L�der or fts agent may rtmke ceasonabte erfilea upon and inspecdons of the PropeRy. Lender shatl gtve � - -�-
<br /> •�- � Borrower naUce at tfie tima of or pdar to an fispecdon sped(�M9�o�+����e for tha(nspectian. -.
<br /> + `..�.,`
<br /> :. 10. Cona�emi�841on.The proceeds of any award or cfaim fov damages. dUect or cansequerrtial.G►eonnedion wlth any . � :�
<br /> ' , '� +�:� cortdeirmaUon or oth�r taidng of any part ot Use ProperiY.or tor conveyar►ce in ite� of condemnaUon,are hereby asst�ed end ..`__ -
<br /> �i.,--� . .,...�.
<br /> shatl be peid to Lender. � .•'`"`�
<br /> - � In.the event o! a tatsl taldng of the Praperiy. the proceeds shaU be apptied to the sums secured by this 3eair�ly � .�,; :i
<br /> � � � '.. �m•J'' Instrur�rt,whether or not then due,with any excess Patd to Bar�awer. In the auent oi a pardal taIdng of ths PrupertSl br which , -
<br /> �'�: ' �.++r . .� immemately betore the t�ldng is equai to or greater than the amaunt ot th�sums secured �� ��-- _
<br /> . the talr market veiue of the ProPeit�l �' _
<br /> � by this Seanttyt Instrument �rtunedratety betore the taidng.uniess Bocrovuer and Lender othe�wise agea in wrffmg. the sums � ^ -
<br /> secured by this Seas�iry Nstrument shall be reduced by the amouat ot the proce�ds muitiptted by the fotlowing i�acuon: (a)ths � �-
<br /> s �
<br /> � tohl amount ot the�ums secured imrtediateiyr betare the taidng,�vlded by(b?the tair madcet value of tAe Pr�operry irtened{ately ; __�-__
<br /> . . . .. hefare the taking.Atry baiance sha0 be paid to Bortower.In the event of a patttal tatdng of the Property in whi�h ths tetr maiket .:r,:�.�_
<br /> -: '_ . "•��::...
<br /> t����• � � � vatue of the Propetty tmmediately before the taidng is tess than the emount of tha sums secured immediately before ffie tak3n9, __
<br /> " � �• �> un[ess Bonower and i.e.�►der othawJse a�ee in writtng or uNess applicabie lax► otherwise providAs, the pmceeds shaU be . ,���:�_
<br /> appRed to the suma seared by thts Seau�yt insWment whether or not the sums ere then due. ;;�-�A..��_,
<br /> � . • � If the Properiy Is abandoned by 8orrower,or H,after noUce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnm oRers to make en • =�,-;-.__
<br /> .. . . . ;�,; �-.��_• '.
<br /> award or settle a dalm tor danmges� Botrbwer fa�g to respand to Lender withtn 30 days after the date tha aottce is given, "
<br /> �� ' lender is author(zod to eoReet and ep�ty the proceeds, st its option, erther to restoratlon or repalr ot tha Property or to the � °�:�..'. .:—�:
<br /> � �� sums secured by this Senurity Instrumen�whather or not then dus. � , . _`��.�:'�-
<br /> , -�.
<br /> '� �' ' Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise agree in w��tin9. �Y BPP�i�on o1 proceeds to pdncipal shall not extend or � `.j�#, �,_..
<br /> .�,.
<br /> r , postpone the due date ot the monthry paymeMs refetred to in para�aphs 1 end 2 or change the amount of sucfi payments• _
<br /> ' 11.Borrourer Not Released; Forbearance By L.ender Not a Watver.Extens[on et the Ume}or payment or •.,�r*%
<br /> �' � �•• moQiflcaUon of amortimUon oi the sums secured by this Seturtty Instrument granted by lender to any successor tn interest of . -- _.
<br /> " � � Borrowe[shaA noi operate to retease the liebftiry ot the o�jinaf Barrower or Borrowe�s successors In Interest. Lender shall not �V�y -.='••
<br /> - be requhed to commence proce¢dings against arry successor in interest or refuse to extend Ume tor payment or otherwise �—
<br /> �-'•• �. , �� , modity ecr�orttrallon ot the sums secured by this Securriy Instrument by reason of eny demand made by the origtna{.BoROwer or = = �
<br /> � , .. _ �; �. '�.; ':`_
<br /> BocrawePs successaTS in interest. My to r bearance b y Lende► in exerc(sing any dght or �emedy ahail not be a watver af or ` •:�. ., .-�__:
<br /> �L� �-��. .. ' � ---
<br /> . preGUde Me exer�dse pf any dght or remedy. _ _
<br /> � • �. � 12. Successars and Assigns 8ound; Joint and Several Liability; Co-signera The covenants and i__ _ --
<br /> _ . agreements of this 3ecudty tnstr�ment shall bind and benefit the successors and assi�s oi Lender and 8ortower,subject to the !"-
<br /> . � � . pmvisions at paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shali be Joint and several. My 8orrower vfio co-signs this �F.�.:•. :;, �..
<br /> � .. � � Sewrtty tnsUument but daes not execute tho Nota (a)is ca-si�ing this Security Instrument ony to moRgage,grant and cnnvey ; �,, °r
<br /> �• • • � that Bortower's I�erest(n the PropeRy under ffie tertns o1 this 3ecurity InsWment; (b) Is not personalty obUgatad to pay tbe .
<br /> �'• �� sums secured by thts Security Instrumenk and(c) agrees that Lender end any other Borrower may agree to extend,modRy. • .
<br /> Y� « " . forbear or make eny accommodaUOns with regard to the terms o}this Secudry Instrument or ttie Note wfthout that Botrower's ; :.
<br /> ' conseM. : ,
<br /> ' 13. Loan Charges. if the loan secured by thls Securtry Instrumen! is subject to a law which sets maxlmu:n loan „
<br /> :�, charges. end that taw is tinally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges co::e�ted or to be coltected in connectlon
<br /> ` � � � wfth the loan exceed the pennttted limtts.then: (a)any such loan charge sha11 be reduaed by the amount necessary to reduce ,
<br /> , • - the charge to the pertnitted lim�: and (b) any sums already coilected irom 8orrower which exceeded pertnitted 1lmits wifl be . �
<br /> reTunded to Borrower. Lender may chaose to make thls retund by reducing the princ(pal owed under the Nete or by mzktng a
<br /> ;��•� � • � d'aect payment to Bortower. H a retund reducea pdncipaf, tRe reducdon w;ll be Veated as e pe�tial prepayment wRha•11 eml �
<br /> : prepayment charge under the Note. • � .
<br /> 14. (A�liCOS.My noUce to BoROwer provided tor In this Secudty Instrument shell be gluen by Ceiivedng it or by mailing it .
<br /> - • � . by first class meil untess applicable law requires use ot another metAod. The noUce shai!be directed to the PropeAy Address
<br /> � � � or eny othee address Borrower dest�ates by noUce to Lender. My notice to Lender shall be gtven by flrst class mail to , .
<br /> ' • Lender's address ststed hereln or any othet address Lender designates by noUce to Bortower. My notice prorlded tor in this ,
<br /> �. Securiry InsUument shall be deemed to have been given to Bortower or Lender vrhen given as provtded in this paragraph. .
<br /> = , 15. Governing Lavw. Severabillty. This Security tnstrument shalt be govemed by tederal taw and the taw oi the .
<br /> �' � jurisdiction in whicf+ the Property is loceted tn ihe event that any previslan or clause o1 this Security InsUument or the Note
<br /> .. � � con�lcts with applicable law,such eon111ct shatl not aNect ather provisions of thls Security InsVument or the Note which ean be .
<br /> � given eHect without the conflleting provision. To this end the provlslons oi this Security InsWment and the Note are deciared to
<br /> ' � be severebie. �
<br /> �-�` � � 16. BOI►Owef 8 CO�y.Bortower sdall be given one contormed cnpy of the tJote and of this Security InsUument. -- •-- - .
<br />'' . . L � .
<br /> � � . . �� /I��� /��\�� � .
<br />. -� �. ( F7376.LtAG(1/9� P�qc 3 ot S J-�--- �r--- .
<br />- _�
<br /> , . ..
<br /> - � • . ' 97227 �. � .
<br /> .. .( . .
<br /> ' _ _ -.-:,y- "S�,:i.ty.�:; .:�c :-�=Ty_-_
<br /> . � .._ .... ' . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. �_ � ._ . . . . . . . . � •. . 'ri' .. ..�4•' . ' . •. ' �.. . .. � . " I`_ . . . .
<br />