Y� '-=' - ` - , l'.. � c f . . �.S.` _
<br /> . .
<br /> - 4�'. . -.4 . . . .. - � ;- .. ._.:al�.'_4' _' ��y,� -L} Y M _f�
<br /> _ _---�----. -_.._ � � R — _ - Y __5 �- - t { �r`. ,�-t _
<br /> . � . _
<br /> - . i c - , ' •nr.4 - ' '�ti- a r e� _
<br /> � ;:r } � v ` r
<br /> ..J' } <i ,.-.°��,� . - -.Gy��.��. c �y :�F� A
<br /> 4. .. _ r _ y, , . � y .-� .�,. - -
<br /> <
<br />. -.� - _„y,_. _ _-_ _ _��^ _ " - ' _t'�._...__
<br /> � . f - �a• 1- .a .-.�.-- c '�;--�- `a:
<br /> ' `•t . l'1
<br /> ' _ _ " _ � : "c,. ���cT.
<br /> •• ' Bnrrawer maY cure such e detault end rdns�tate. as Provfded in pa�agraPh 18. by ea�sing the actton or proceedng to be .;:�.t,;::`,,�,�. .
<br /> _ -.��-� �' d�smisssd with a ruQng that.in Lend�'s geod taRh detemdnaffon.Predudes forteiture ot the Hortower's interest tn the Property at �.
<br /> ' other matertal hnPaGmert of the Ue�n�seat�d b5►this Securily Instniment or Lender's security(trterest Borrower stt9D etso be in =..
<br /> �`� `. . • the ioan fieatlon process.Sa+re mate�fallY lalse or inaecurate intomiaUon ar atatemertts to lend�(or `•, `,.
<br /> �.:.t``��...4 Qe(suft iF Borrow�during ePD . ; �_ ;
<br /> ��','- • taited to proviQa Lender wHh eny mffierlal(rdotmatian) i� connectian with the loan evtdenced by ihe Note. induding. but not
<br /> ' <,.4,.. ltmued to. rePrese�tions cnneeming Borrawer's ocapan�y at the RopeRy as a pdndpai residenta H tNs Securtry - �-� ,.,g� . <.�`;,:
<br /> tu
<br /> . InsUument is an a t¢asehotd, Bortower shall compiy wdA aD the provistons ot the teasa !t 6ortower aaq�ires tee We to the �:,:r`<<.: :�
<br /> �P�YR�otoCNO of Lettder'e WigMs in t�he PropBrQ}/-elt e�sr ta�s to Perto�e ccvenants and agreements =-
<br /> O' -'` ` � ` �.(. .. _kt� "'c
<br /> � " ,,`!� ` cortatned in this Sewrity tnstrument. ar there(s a legal proceemng thffi may s:gni�cantry aHeet Lenders dghts in the Property "',ti:`_,,. + '•'`
<br /> . .�;_ � .. � ;,. -`. .
<br /> (sueh as a Cmeee�rtg in baniwptcy.Pmbate.tor wnQemnaUan or foAeftura or to entaree(aws or regu1�tians).then Lender may • ..o •.'°.
<br /> . do end pay tor whatever(s necessarY to pratect the vatue of the PrapeRY end I.ender's dghts in the PropertY. l.pndefs adtons ::.�c_,. :',;_ �
<br /> :��;�.� may indude PaY�9 enY sums seatred by a Uen whteh has prlorityt over this Security tnstrumern. ePP�9 in couA. PaY�9 .:•_�.�-,1:,•�
<br /> , �.�. �'� reasoeable sttomeys'tees and ertterhig on the Property to make repaUs.Atthough Lender may take adion under tAis paragraph � .,�__.,;,A:'�
<br /> � 7.Lender Qoes nat tiava to do so. � .`':
<br /> T`` ' My amouMs �ursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shaU betom�t�°amo ms�h� bear interest from the datenot =ee� -* �
<br /> • � �� InsCum�nL tlntess 9arrowe►and Lender a�es to other tertns of paym :':�, <` `'
<br /> .� _r. i. . � � -
<br /> . �isbursement ffi the Nate rate and shall be payab[e.wHh icrterest.uPon nottce trom Lender Lo Borruwer requestln9 Dayment � :..� ", __- -.
<br /> �� ' - 8. F1lortgage insueance. It Lender �equired moRgage insuraz►ee as a con�IItlon ot makfig the loan sed�red by this � _ ,�
<br /> . . gequity Instrumart.Barrower shall pay tha premiums r�quhed to rtr�ntain the martgage insurartce in eReci.If.tor erry reason,the `
<br /> .� . , moRgage insurance covetage required by Lender fapses or ceases to be In efted.Borrower shall pay the P���ent W tha �f _
<br /> - obteln coveraga sabsffirtUat1l►��to the mortgage insuranse praviousy in eEfect.et a costsus���� Lender. It � �---
<br /> , .. � cost to Bortower of the mortgage insurance previansry in efted. imm an aftemste martgag , �:._t.f`...vl
<br /> subsfantlellY e9uivalert moRgagtr insurance covera3e i�not ava0abie, Bartower sha0 pay to Lend�each manth a sum equal to _
<br /> _ - onetweHth of the yeady moKgage insnrance premlum bdng paid Dy Borrower when the tnsurenoe coverage(apsed or ceased to
<br /> � be in eftecL Lender wID accept,ase and reteln these paymerds as a toss reserve in Ileu oi moctgage insurance. Less�eseTMe
<br />. ' , .' paymerts may no fonger be required.at the option ot Lender.B mortgage insurance coverage{(n the emount and tor the perfod -
<br /> � '� �•:' `' roved by Lender again becomes avaDabie and is obffitned. Bortowe►shaD pay
<br /> ,.�'�(�: . , tfiat Lender requUes) pmvided by en insurer app
<br /> ` :s. .., _;.'.,f c:. the pre:niums requhed to matntafi mortgage(nsurance tn effect. or to pmvide a toss mse�ve, unt7 the requirement far crcortgage _ �
<br /> : Insurattce ends in accordance with any wr7tten agreema�t 6elween BorrowP and LendD or appUcabte faw. Lender shaD�re --
<br /> �!�, •� '� � 9.Enspectton.Lender or(ts agent may make reasonable enVtes u on and fis ectlons o!the Property. - .
<br /> "°r�,, , rPasonabte cause tar the inspectlort.
<br /> - Borrower noUea st the time af or pdor to an inspectlon speelM�9
<br /> . ':�� y ' 10. Co�demnaUon.The pcoceeds of eny award ar daim tor damages.d'med or cansequerdisl.in wnnecUon with any -
<br /> .'<< � condemnatlan or other taktrtg oi airy part°f ine Po'°FeAY• o►far canveyance(n Ueu of condemnaUon, are hereby assigned and `,a .�._
<br /> : `: � �,`,~,.. sha0 be paid to Lender •�.�"`'�
<br /> � _::..a,. In the event of a totel taking of the•P�operty. the proceeds sha0 be aypiied to the sums secured by this Security r. .�
<br /> ,`.: . atd to Borrower. in the eveM o1 a paNial teJdng af the Propert�l in which
<br /> '� InsWment,v�hether or not then due.with eny excess p �Y�a_
<br /> . � �� � the tatr maAcet vaiue of the Property tmmedatery before the mking Is equal to or�er than the amaurrt of the sums secufed
<br /> .. • . : *: ` by this Securiry Instrument knmedlatdy betore the taktng, untess 8orrower end I.ender othenNlse agree in wrtttng, the sums ��_ �
<br /> � '.y.i;. .� seared by this Security Instrument sfiaU be reduced by the amourrt of 4he proceeds muftlp0ed by the foQowing tradlon: (a)the -- _ �
<br /> .?�,:_ • - toffit amount of the sums secured immedlatei�!betore t*s taking. d(vided bY(b)the tair maAcet vaiue ot the Piropecty 1mme�atetS► � "�
<br /> in wtfich ttte fab madcet :� -
<br /> �+.:�:;.,. �, :� betore the mWng.My 6slance shatl Ee priid to Borrourzr- In tha everrt of a paRlai tetdng ot the PropeRy . ---
<br /> �< , ; value of the Pmpary imm_diately beture the tafdng is tass than the amount ot tfie sums sacured immediatcty bEfore the taTdrt9� ¢;!�,, -�
<br /> � • ,;r,�G,;�: unless 8orrower and Lender otherwise agree in wfiting or untess eppiicab�e ►aw otherwise provides, the p►viceeds she0 bo - �:�.�..
<br /> , ,��.;,'` app�ed to the sums sewred by thts Seeufily inst►umc�nt whether or not the sums are then due. ,.:��'`,_ --
<br /> �.',1; ��the properry is a5andoned by Bortuwer,or if,after noUce�y Ler►der to Bortower thel the condemnor aHers to make en ,X4; -�_
<br /> � " . , e�a g�te B ciasn ier damages. Borrower tails to respond to Lender withfi SO days after the data the noUceo�� 'i;.. _
<br /> ' � . � Ler►der Is authorhed to coilect and ePph►the proceeds, at fts opUon. either to restarattan or repair ot 1ha Properhl R�t ��
<br /> ��^•,.• —
<br /> -•' sums seaued by thts Securiry Instrument,whether or not then due. . '��-
<br /> ' � ° • Unt2ss Lender and Borrower othen�vlse agree in wr(tfig, any aDAUcat1on of proeeeds to pdncipal shaU not wctead or �
<br /> ° � . � postpa�se L1e due date ot the monthty payments referred to in P�9T�P�� �►d 2 or change the amouM�af sucfi paymer►ts• _-= ���^_=
<br /> ` 1 i.Botrowor Not Reieased; �orbearance By Lender Not a Wafver.Bxcensbn o1 the Ume tor paqmer�t or
<br /> modiflcation o1 amort}zatton of the sums secured by this Securtty InsWmerrt granted bY Lender to erry successor In interest of
<br /> �`� Bome�ser shail not operate to retease the Itabifily ot the odginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in fnteresi. G°nder sAail not y �
<br /> .'�, • .. �
<br />- . � a nst an successor in interest or retuse to extend tlme tor pay:nent or otherwise ���_�_•��=R_
<br /> . be rc�:.�red to commence proceed[ngs 9ai Y --
<br /> � modity anloNmUon of the sums secured 6y this Securiry Instrument by reason of any dertmnd made by the orf9h►ai Borrower or �-� :-
<br /> ' Borrower's suceessors in tnterest My torbearanee Dy lender In axerdsing any AgNt o►remelY shal� not 6e a waiver ot or l(Y
<br /> :�'r .� - .. `-.y, preclude the exercise ef eny rfght or remedy. n919.The covenants anQ -..s�;�':``y`�.�
<br /> �� 12. Successors and Asstgns Bound; JoiM and Savera! Ld�Rt.`11ty; Co-s19 ��..,,.�=;,.-,_
<br /> ', � , ac,Qeements of this Security tnstrument sha0 bind and benefit the successors and asslgns o1 Lende►and Borrower,subjecl to the � , :_.___._
<br /> ,..•`�h, r provislon3 ot pa[aqrapb 17. Bortower's covenarrto end agreements shall be joint and severa). Any Borrower who co-signs this �;��,,,`,; ..;
<br /> Securlly insuument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-stgning this Security InsUumerrt ony to mortgaga.�ant and convv� 4;....:,.��,
<br /> � ' that Botrowet's frrterest in the Property under the terms ot thta Security�nstrument: (b) Is not personaUy ohligated to pay the � .. ..
<br /> • �• . ' � :� forbear or make any accoe m�odaUn ns with regerd to the terms�ol his Secudty►nstrumen�or he IVot�of T t5at Borrawe s �y��;'�.y�.
<br /> ;r,... . . ;. .
<br /> eonsent . . '
<br /> • ' 13. Loan Chargea it tne loan secured by this Securily InsUument i3 subject to a law which sets maximum (oan
<br /> . '� charges. and that taw is P�nalty interpreted so tfiat the interest or ather foan eharges coUected or to be coUected in connectlon . . .
<br /> ' with the toan exceed the pertnittad tlmRs.then: (a)eny such Ioan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessaryr to reduce _
<br /> the eharge to the pertnitted Qmit; end (b) any sums aheady collected irom BoRawer whieh exceeded pem�ted Iimtts will be . . ,
<br /> retunded to 8orrower. Lender may chaose to make this refund by redudng the pdncipal owed unde�the Ncta or by making a
<br /> ' direct payment to Bortower. I} a retund reduces pdncipal, the reductlon will be Veated as a parNal prePayment witflout arry .
<br />• . . '. � ' prepayment charge under the Note. . ,
<br /> • 14. NotiC99.Any noUce to Bortower provided tor in this Security InsWment shall be given by del'ivering it or by mailing it ,
<br /> . . ; • by Tust Gass maD unless applicabte lav�requires use of another methad. The noUce shail be dUected to the Property Address .
<br /> or any other address Bor►awer designates by noUce to Lender. Any noUce to Lender shall be given by firsl �dass mail to
<br /> � � • Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Arry notice provided tor in this •
<br /> � Security InsVument shall be deemed to have been given to 8ortower or Lender when glven as provided in this paragraph. �
<br /> ' 15. Oove►ning L.aw; Severability. This Secudty Ins2rument sha0 be govemed by tederai taw and the faw o1 the _• •
<br /> ,;i• . . � judsdction in which the Properly is located. In iho event that any provision or ctause of thls Securily InsVument or the Note
<br /> � � eontlicts wRh appllcabte iaw, such conilict shall not eNect othet provisions ot this Securily InstrumeM or the Note whieh can be
<br /> . . . � � • given eftect without the conflicUng provision. To this end the provisions ot thts Security Instrument and the Note are deciared to . . ,
<br /> . . bo severabie. . .
<br /> • 16. 8orrower's Copy. Bottowe►shall be qiven one con}ormed copy o1 the Note and ot lhis Security InsWment. __ : ___
<br /> �,� - , � Fi315 L�dO 1L971 Page 3 of 5 �---- ��fF- . .. ' • .
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