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5���� ��. - , t. . . . .4__ .s. , .i <br /> . . <br /> ... . <br /> .c � ..:° ,.. , . .. ..�is. • � _ _ �,- _ -x:` _ _..IA s' ,_:e: c - �, -� �- <br /> •_---� - � <br /> . .,..,-c-"�'_"._Ff. ,. ! ` G `.` ` , c(...` _ _.� L ` __ __ . _ __. � .�� �.i �_..- .. <br />— __ C' _ ___.s..L'__"_ c.`_ - _ __' c _ .-. i ^( i. G Td S, �' -,t• <br /> - �f_r —S. �'c '_ _=c�._y:._G.�:_... ., <br /> ... ;S.'` 's �� �vf y _ . <br /> , i r` r,. c;' ,' <br /> � TOiiEiliER WITH e0 the 6nprovemerrts mm�r or heresfter erected on the properly. and a11 easem�ts. appurte�sces• end � t � �.. <br /> .y': � - � <br /> �-:,�� : -` :- fi�ures now or heseafter a Part ot ths ProPenY.Ad�P��and adddIons shaD elso 6e covaed by thfs SecuritY Instrume�. i •,,,r.• <br /> ��<;�`.�� Instsume.nt as the'Prope�tY-' < �`:` .�` <br /> � . . . AD of the focegofng ts retened to(n this Secudty �`. . <br /> �,<'` .: : �. . � BOARCW�i COVENANTS that Bcrtower ts �UY seized af tha estate hereDy conveyed and has the dght ta grant and �,., �.. _ ;' ?.;,. <br /> � '` convey the FcoP�ty►and tAat the �p�l is unencumbered �tor encumbranees ot record. Bartower wairants and wtll „ ` ,_�f. <br /> �`°` daf�d genera�y the tPJe to the ProPacy►egainst e0 daims and danar►ds.sublect to any enwmbrances ot reccrd. <br /> � f i. <br /> ° ,;' ` 7Ht8 SECUAIN tNS7AUMENT combines unTortn eovenaMs tor national use arsd nbn�nKmm covenents wdh lirttited , : �.` r <br /> ,: � ? . ^ � <br /> � varfatlons by jurisdldton to constih�te a unitorm seauit�l tnstrumerrt eave.ring reai PmAertY• � . t` <br /> UNIfORM CdYENAP)f5• eflrrow�end Lendzr eovenerrt end�and�La4e C9tstges.Bortower shall prompUy PaY when __L <br /> � .��.,.. 1.Paymont of Principat a�ed tnteres'� Preivay�e ;:, �' . <br /> Que tha P��PaI ot and Interest on the debt evid�ced by the Note and arry DrePal►mertt snd late chargea due under the Ncte. , .:.4•.`'. .,•�,��;i��. <br /> 2. Funds far Yaxes�sd t�surance.s�,biect co appr►mnte iaw or sn a wrmen watve tn►tenaer.Bomower shaU Pay ,.�;:;�- . <br /> ' �,;'F % � � mds ere due nnder the t�ote.un�1 the Note�paid in tuD.e sum('Funds') tor. (a3 Y�D ..,�.r ";, • <�.'<•.�=.. <br /> - to Lender on the day motrthty paYm Ieasehold �� <br /> f.:--� taxes and assessmenta whtcl�roay attain pdority over this Seairft�l Instrumer�as a Qen on the Propeny: (b)Y'��A► •• "�'�� ; <br /> • pazard cr pmperry insurance premiums: (dJ Yea►N flaod insurance ,� <br /> v� �` .':,.`'::"�"i:'�� paym�or�our►d rents on the Propety.H any. (�)Y�Y an sums payabie by Borrow�to Lender in acoordance � . :...�. <br /> < r — pretnit�ms.H enY�(�Y���3Q insuranee premhm�s.if any:and(� Y __1 s:-=-- <br /> ' with tbe provislons o1 para�aPh 8. tn Ueu ot the pa7Rn� of moRgage fnsuranee premtums- These Rems ere �ed '��OW <br /> . ��•f � � <br /> ��� , items.• Lender maY. ai any�ma cone e�de�orrowefrs�e.s�sceouat unde the tedeeral R Estate.3et8ema�'Procedures ;`y <br /> • . . federa(Iy retated mortgage laan may reQulr pESPA'), untess another(aw ffi� appdes to the Funds :F--'- <br /> k.-'.=� � � Act ot 1974 as amended iram time to tlme.12 US.C.�2601 et seq. (' <br /> ±•: • � sets a lesser amouM. H so.lender an5►Hme, coaect and hald�nnds in en amourtt not to exceed the lesser emount _ <br /> ` � �d�r may esttmate the amount ot Funds due on the basis of qtcr�t data end reasonable esdrnates of exPendiWres of future . <br /> Eserow ttems or othenerise tn accordance w�t►apP6cable taw. o� mcGtdmg —` <br /> :�� � . The FunQs shall be heid in en insl�on whose�posiGs are insured by a federat agency. instrume�tffifity �e Esuaw . � , �`,;.�� <br /> i' �� � Lender,iS Lender is such an InstiO�t[on)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank Lender sha0 eAPN the Funds W pay «,�:. �_ <br /> the Funds.armuaU�l analYdn9 ihe esaow eccout�.or venfYl�B :`",-• <br /> `�� Items. Lender may not charge Barraw�ior holding end sAPh�9 '•:�,_ . <br /> � ' ' the Esaow Items. unless Leider pays Berrower inte►est an the Funds end appUca6fe law pemdts Lender to make such a ' _..— <br /> � � ' ' charge. However, Le�►d�maY re4�ire 8ortow�to ps�y a on�time charge for en independetri real es�te 1ax �ePor�9 servG;e — <br /> ` '" used by Lender tn eonnection with th(s Ioan� untess appQcabte law provides8o�rowei�erry UnNtt��e�st or eam�oo�the Funds. '. - <br /> �:3 ,•.,.`�.• .:. �� .: t � ,� ," <br /> - ayp�cabte law re4uires trtterest to be patd Lender shaD not 6e requhed to pay �=f<,`<:; ,. _ <br /> �� in w�ing�however,that interest sha0 be paM on the Furtds. Lender sha0 g[ve to Borrower. ,•, .,.,.,� <br /> r� . .- • Botrower and Len�der maY a9ree e tor which each -- <br />•.n ', �, .� �`.�r;.'` witnout annual accourting of ffie Funds� showing cre�ts and debfts to the Funds and the purpos . °-- <br /> � `-.'= ' .:,.:.,_�, debR to the Funds xras made. The Funds are ptedged as add'ittonal seeurit�!tor all sums secatred by the Seaaiiy Instrumetrt. _ --- <br />= � ,--- ---i:;�:' it tha Wnds hetd by I.ender e�u�ad the emounLs pe�milied to be hetd 6y epPat�te law.LeRde►sdaU accaunt to 8oaower ,"�� <br />� tor the excess Funds in ac�order►ce with tne requ(rements of aP�!`c�le Iaw.H the amouM of ths Funds heid by Ler►der at enY j�u . <br /> ��: .� ` ' �• time Gs not suffident to pay the Escrow Items when due. Lend�may so noti(y 9ortower fn wrtttrtg�and. in such case Eorm�va �,__. <br /> � ��•• sha0 pay to Lend�the emouM necessary to make up the deflctency. Borrower shalt make up the deficiency in no mo�tAan ,,,_� <br /> .' • �• . � ' ;Y�� twelve monttity Lender's sole disccetion. re(und ta Bonower any Funds . � `'� .'�_ <br />:;;:� :.-. ' �.�. �". ent in fuQ at a1t sums sewred by this Securtry lns�ument. Lender shaii prompUy - -- .�'_�: <br /> a„. �pa��ym <br /> heid by lender. 11,under parayaDh 21. Lender shaD acqui[e or self the Property.Lender�P�ar to the acqulsi�on or sale oT the ,`'-��� <br /> �.. ,. ': .� P�opeEty.sAaU ePPN anY�unds held by Lender at the tlme of acquisitlon ar sate as a c�edit against the sums sea�red by thts - • ---_ <br /> . secu�y�P 1,�on 04 Pe�yP�eBMs. UMess apAlicable law provtdes othawise. aU psymerils reeeived ssy Cender unda ;�:.,-.: — <br /> curHy <br />�."." ``•. _. ap le.under �:����r.: <br /> +� ° hs 1 and 2 shaU be epp6ed: first,W arry PrepaYmer�t charges due��11�e Not� secand to amou�s payab <br /> _ �:;.•... . �. paragrap �,�;=�rat.:,,_ <br /> ?+_,,' .. paragrapb 2:thiM,to irtterest Que:touRh.w pdncipal due;end tas+.tu et►Y tate GhargesRn��e enC Imposition attributabte to the � =_P,.__ <br /> • . . 4. Cherge9: L.Een�Boao er this Sea��nstrumen and Ieas ho1 payments or ground re�ts. if arry. Bartowes shaD ��' --- <br /> . ProPerlY whicA ma�►attaln P �tY ts �, <br /> -'�;�. � � , ' pay these nbQgatians tn the mann2r provided fn paragrapt►2 or if not paid in that manner,Bartower sh�pay Mem on ti^e ,T�, — <br /> ,�-., .,.. _--- <br /> �",•�� • : ;.'; direetn►to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promBp�tumis hall V��rdpeUrll�tumish to I.ende�ceipts evidenci g the .:.y.;-�,�"� ___ <br /> �"; ' paragraph. If Bormwer makes these payments daecUY• ,.•:' :,_ <br /> r;r i�, ' : payments. '`"', <br /> , , ga�oWer shall pmmpUy dlscharge any(!en wh(ch has prtority over thts Security tRSWment unless Bortower. (a)agrees in �__ <br /> eontests tn good faith the <br /> � ,� wr�ing to the payment of the obG�tfon secured by the lien in a manner aceeptable to Lender. (b) u•;,;;ti�_ <br /> t �. . �en by. or detends agalnst er�torcc�►ent of the Uen in, legal proceedu�gs whleh in the Lendets opinion operate to preverrt the . <br /> �'':, � � enTorcemeni of the flen:or(c) secures irom the holder ot the lien an agreement satistactory to LenQer subordinaUrtg the Ilen to _�,;��. ;:: <br /> � � this Secu r i ry Instrument N lender determ(nes that any part ot the Praperiy is subject to a(ien which may attatn pdortty over thts <br /> ` -'�-.t�:. - <br /> �� � � : Secucity Inshument.Lender may give Borrawer e noUce identitying the Ilen.Bortcwer sha0 saU s t Y ths lien or take one or more ot �._;. ;` <br /> � �:•� � t h e a d l o n s set toRh abave withtn 1�deYs ot tAe gi+Mg of noUce. � "- <br />�:. , . o r h e m s f t e r erected on the . <br /> ,T�;. . • 5. H�ard or Property 1nsurance.Botrower s h a D k e e p t h e i m p c o v e m e M s n o w e x 1 s U n g <br /> ��� • : � . ` �' property insured agafnst loss by fue. hamrds inciuded withln the term 'e�Rended cove�age'and any other hatards. irt�u,�ng .„ .;.• :•`: <br /> �:, � ' <br /> F ��' � ttooQs oT flooding.for w h ic b L e n d e r r e q u h e s i n s u r a t►c e- Th�s ir:=Tan�e shaD be matntaU►ed N the emounts and tor the perfods , :��v_ <br /> E,.:'•,. ` . . - - <br /> b.;,, . ;. that Lender requires. The tnsurance cartier pravtding the insurance shail be chosen by Bocrower subject to Lender's a�prova l <br /> '�•� � � ' � whtch sha0 not be unreasonat�ry wfthhetd. tf Borrower fa(Is to malntain cave�age described ebove, Lender may, el lender's . : <br /> �;,• , . opUon,obfain coverage to protect Lender's righis in the Properry tn aecardar.�with paragraph 7. '� . : ___ <br /> All insurance poUcies and renewats shalf be acceptable to Lender and shall (nciude a standard mortgage ciause. LenQer '�:�._y,�� <br /> - . �. � shall have the dgM to hold the f-oJCies and renewals. It Lender requires.Bortower shall pra�ttyl 91ve to Lender ell recetpis o1 . <br />' � . paid premiums and renewal noticss. In the event of loss,Bortower shatl give prompt noUco to the insurance cartier and lender. <br /> T�• ' Lender may make proof of losa H not made promptly by Borrower. <br /> '- � � Untess Lender and Borrower othernise agree in proeeeds sha11 be appiied to restoratton or repair ot the <br /> - Property damaged,H the restoraUon or repaV is economic;aUy teasibie and Lender'e secudty Is not tessened. If the restoraUon ar • <br /> ' repair is not economiealy feasibie or Lender's securriy wouid be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be app�ed to the sums <br /> ;�.` � ' secured by this Securily Instrument. whether nr not then due, with any excess C�td to Bortower. It BoROwer e6andons the . <br /> � Property.or does not answer wtthin 30 daya a notice trom Lender that the ins�uanca carrter has offered to settle a�aim.then <br />�°}S��'` � � Lender may coUect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repah or restote the Property or to��sums , . <br /> �� � . ' ' •• secured by this Secudty tnstrument�whether cr r.ot then due. The SO�day p�`�d wiit begln when the noUce is gNen. . .. <br /> Untess Lender and Bortower othenvise a�ee in wriUng. eny appllc�:c� oi Proceeds to Odncipat sitaU not extend or <br /> . ' � . , postpone the due date of the monthly payments reterred to in paragraphs t and 2 or change the amount af the payments. If , <br /> . � under para9rePh 21 the Property is acqulred by Lender. BoROwePs dght to any Insurance poltcles and proceeds resuWng lrom <br /> i� •� � Eamage to the Property prior to the acquisitlon shatl pass to Lender to ihe extent ot tte sums by this Securiry instrument <br /> Immediately pdor to the acquisition. • � <br /> ;��; ! 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Matntenance and Protectaon of the Prope�`�; �aROwer's Loan . . <br /> . Applieatton; Leaseholds. Borrawer shall occupy. esteblish, and use the Property as Borrower s prscipal residence vrithin <br /> , � . . i sL•cly days after the execuUon of this Security InsUUment and shall conUnue to occupy the Property as Bortower's pdncipal <br /> • � residence for at teast one year atter the d�te o1 occupancy. uniess Lender othemrise agrees in writing,which consent shall not <br /> � � � be unreasonably wfthhetA,or unless e�ctenuaUng circumstances exlst which are beyond Bortower's control. Bortawer shait not <br /> � � � ' destroy.damage or Impatr the Property.albw the Propedy to detedorate,or commit waste on the PropeAy. Bortovier shatl be in <br /> .. � n�lorteiture oltlhe�Property or olherwise materialty Impa1`r the lien created bythis Secu�ry tnsWm nt orf Lende s�securiry interesLt . , � <br /> _�... . . <br /> :�, . . . ' <br /> � . . � - .' c,i+5��1Ca n�7) aag�2 cf 5 —�-- � � • . <br /> y <br /> ..,. .. . <br /> ' --- - -- ---• -- _. . .. <br /> °-°-°°:-] — <br /> ..� . � . . ! 97203 _.-- _..�--.,_..__.�._-3' ,. , <br /> �'`:_ _ J . _ - <br /> , <br /> . . . <br /> , <br /> ,._. . . ...--- — � -�--- ' : <br /> i -- - - - • - - --- - .._... _ .. .. .. '..'isry^.';°'"f'-�;�"'s:.�.�?°`- <br /> ' ' _ v,.,�t,..,,,' �`�...�.« . ' . . . .Y:' ?Yri..:....'{y'.��'�-_ <br />. . .-.�. . . .. . ,. _... .. . • � . . . . .. _... . . .. . - . . ._ .a ....... ._�... ...,. . . . ._. . .... ._. .. ... . . e .. _ ......_.. .. . _i_ .._....... <br />