'Y' ' ,'�, . �. �Y a_�.s_ `��5� - LC.`,�`ric^_��-.�_c��_�_ �.� n 2-
<br /> �4 i_� _ < - � ` � : z:,.,. _-,�r - : _
<br /> - _.rr �_ _. :c. 4: A A� ' . -�, c ` .c i t � J -— - _ � -r a
<br /> C , � . � l ' . 4-� - at• -._.t-' - t_�i�
<br /> ._ �,:' ._ . _ `2�.'`...� _._ .-�:F .iti.. _ _ ,� .
<br /> �` l. � ~r'� <.c . _� . ' . . r. '4�� �L,�,.;".
<br /> , <' .qiG �. � _ . - - , ' '4 :� . ,c' ` - . ` } s: -! ,
<br /> � (�e, . C� , - � . � ` . . . . ` � < `, fi. . - • ' �.t �� fhZ ,:* ..1��` ` l , .
<br /> -r .r ' ' ' .. ' ` � ° .. . .. ... _ , -h � _ �.c-^ . , a
<br /> . `�,� Y, �
<br /> ' �°j n�S_�'
<br /> a° �i���� '
<br /> ` ` 16�Borrasves's Co�y. B�nwea shall be given on�donfaimed wpy of td�e Note mad of t2�i�Sea¢rtty Inisunm�nt. `�� �� `z
<br /> , �
<br /> ` ' 19.'Fra�sP�atthe.Frop�rty a�a Eeaet'ccial interest in Borrowar. If aIl�aay ga�t of the Prnpeity ar any�ntesest in it is t 'x x ,
<br /> :< . .. • soIsl or t�ansfeaed(or if a be�ue5cia1'm�eiest in�auaWer is sold ai uan�eaed mnd Haumwer is not a nawcel g�son)wlthaat 4°. �., .
<br /> ua
<br /> � ` 1�t's paar wtiuea�onscut,Lender maY,ei its a p ti o 0.i'e fl�re Im�¢ediale pay�e�t ia fuD of sI!snms secared b�r dri.s Secxuit�r , , `
<br /> ,. ' T�L However,this ap4inn s�aII ant be exea�e+scd by Leader i f ea�i s ps+a f u'b�t c d b y f e d�a l l a w as o f t h e d a L a o f B�s � .� `
<br /> ''�' � '.�� - _
<br /> � � .:.�:.�.: S�I4ander execases t3�is ton,Leuder shall give Bauawet nolice of accelaawon.The notice sha11�uvitls a ' of�ot Zess . ,
<br /> �p u� :� : � .
<br /> tt�►30 dFSys fmm the da�the notice is deiiveied ar m�1ed witl�which Borm�must pay�snms by thia Sec�ty ., �`.° `
<br /> sys
<br /> _�..;.t,_t�._�. Inso�t.�f Boaow�fa7s tu pay t�se surns prlor to th�expaatiron af this peiiod,l.eader may mvoke any�es peamitt�d ' '` . .Y= - .,,�-*
<br /> hy tLts SeauIg►Ins�ament wir�a�fa�tlter uotice or Qemaad an B�caw� -
<br /> t
<br /> - . 1�.Bas�ovreNs BigL!to�s�tx �f �ostawea .q�ts c�im a�nans, Bmiowea sdaU have the right oo I�ave .
<br /> ' �t of tbis S IASt��nt�u�at aay mue pri�r to the eazlier o�(a?S d�ys(ar sarp ather pea�od as _ . . ;
<br /> .s � fS .
<br /> ` . • � _` 8�f�8�SW tp3j/specdy � ��C SB�C Of ihS P[Og�l�t pin8O2DL m�j/j104i►Ei Of S81C CAIIE�IIC�1II t�L1S$ECIRlijt ,r � r
<br /> ° ��'4��' ' Ins�e��(b)�riY_ o�a Judgmeai enforaag t6ss Sec�aity InsOmm�t Ztlose�s ere that Ba�ovtea:(��ays Leudet ai1 ..
<br /> '`'r �ms wluch t�ea wouId i�e due�this S�y Ias�ment.�the Note as if no accetea�on[�oocaaed;@)c�aes anY .s ---
<br /> .--. '-- :�� defa�Ti of�y othe�ooveaaats ur�(c)PaYs aD tx�;ac�eed'm e,nfurcing dris secaaity Iastsum�t,�ctud'mg,buc . �_-_ __
<br /> � '�, nea
<br /> not 1�to,�affible atmmeys'�and(�mkes sucb actian as Lende�ma�r reasoaabJy�uit�to assure that ths tien af tbig � ' --
<br /> S�cauity Ynstiameat,L�eade..a.'.,s.l.ri,..g.h,.ts,a am the Ptagesty �ul Bormw�'s abligauon Lo pay the swus seaued Dy this S� .. h ., �.,.:.,.�:.�
<br /> � � ' �y,` Ia�trameai sLall GOA�QIIB Yu��iau�Gi UFOII TCIII�QlAfPmCtlt��WCL�this S Ias�eut and the ab seciaed ;��.
<br /> ,: � h�ebq s�all re,mam fnity effective as if na acxel�aatian had accmred.However,dus�n t tn rcm.state shall nut app�the c�se of ` -. -----
<br /> �� � '�.� arrelea�ation umdea 17. � .
<br /> '° 19 3aTe af No�ol Loan S�vEaeti: 'Ihe NoLe or a paMial inieiest in the Naie (cogeth�wit� this Socasity .
<br /> . .�;.`:> Insttam�at�map be so2�one or more tisaes without piimr notice tu B�awe�A sate may msaIt ia a cl�ge m d�eatiay([mown , 'E, : ' °_
<br /> �:.= as the"l.oaa Sexvic�thai colt�ts moatt�ty payme�ts dae iueder the Nate ar{d tlris Sesarity Insaamea�t Thece al�may heone ot �.:.: :>• �-
<br /> �.� m�e ch�ges of die Luan Srdvicer�mrelated w a sale of she Not�.1f tLeae�s a c�ange of the L�n Savic,�,Bonower wfII be _ _
<br /> giv �cn nat�e of the cdiange in a�ardanse wuL gar�a�ph 14 abave and a�pl�'cable 1aw.T6e aotice w�71 sta�the�e and ` "^r ,:�
<br /> - - - �of the aew Loao Sesviicer ana the addcess oo wkicb payme�ts shoa2d tte made:lhe noiice w�l also cantain�y other . _
<br /> ' �,S� information xeq�edby app}icable law.
<br /> ,'': ?A.Hazardans Sa�sta�a�. Bo�aarca shaU not c�nse or permii t�e prese�ce.�se. sw�age.ar =eiease of any '�'a ':
<br /> se d�sposaI,
<br /> ' Hazardnus Snbs�nces on nr m@ie Bormwea sdall not do.nar allow� ne else ta�fo,anyt�ing affecaing the Prope.rty '..� r' '� -
<br /> ' � thai is in vloladon af aa�r 8�vaonm�al��Iaw.�he preceding two se,atcaeces sUaD not app2y tu the p�escuce.age,or smrage oa the �' —
<br />.. ,- :.;s �.,�� gmpecty o�sma31 qaant�es of Ha�ard�s Sni�c.e.s t�at�+e gem�alty recognized ro 6e appraprfate to nrnmal resideaual oses `�" -_
<br /> , .� `,. and w mainte�ance of 4��p�Y• , _ -
<br /> . Bomawer sGall gromptlY gae Lender writtea notice of�y inv�on,ciaim,dem�ed,tawsuii or othca adion�any i :Y -
<br /> �-�`�;: goveanme�ml ar regalat�syr �cy or prn�ate party involving the Aropedty ond any Haz�douv Snbstanse or Enva�nme.n Law -
<br />: ,,. ` � �-�> of wiric�Bmmwea 6as�I�owIedg�I€Bom►wer leams.or is noiffird bY aajl gmemme,ntsl or regalat�ry satF�oriiy.dtat au�r _:'. :
<br /> cemoval ar+ot��r rcmediadon of auy►Aa�ous Snitstance affec�ng th�P{og�+is nec�ssa�y►,Bmmwea si�aD prommpt2q talce�aU �.�.:� _
<br /> .' aecessa¢y re�edial ac�ams ia accordaace with Envirunmemal Law.
<br /> - As ased in this gaiag�apb Z0."Ha7ardons Sui�smaoes" are those snbstanccs defiaed as roxic or hazardans substanoes by �':��
<br /> • � Env�tal Law and the foIIav,ing substance� gasoline. kerasene„ odtea tIamma6le or mxic petrole� pmduci�. toxic '.�'.
<br /> = �.:�'` p e s ro i c i d e s an d h e r b i c i d�s.vo l a t t t e so t v e nts,m a t r a i a t s contaimng as i s e s ws or f o r m a I d e hy d e.�d r a d io a c We m a t e a i a l s.A s n s e a l'm -__
<br /> ,;� � thisp�p h 20."Environm�tal Law"ffieans fedaal laws�d laws of tbe jorisdicdoa where the Propaty is 1ac�ted tbat relate ___
<br /> ' .� m heatth,s�ety or env�ronrnental pra�n. '�� -- _
<br /> . t '
<br /> , .. ���•.
<br />_� .. � . HON-LJI�ORM COVENAN!'S.Boaower aud I.ender fmtha cuvenant and a�ree as folYowx � '_"�'-
<br /> ' � �°;� 2!.Acceteratfon;I��.Leader s6aU give notice M Borrmver prEor to acceteration PoIlowfng�omuwer's 6reacin of •.�:. �.� �_'z'�-:
<br /> % . .. � , O
<br /> ' ` any oovenant os agreement in this Szcarity Tastrament (bat not pr�or to ace�eration nnder ParegraPb 17 tmYess ':. '� __.._
<br /> 0
<br /> ',:../ ` . .�,?:., •.',:''_
<br /> ,, ..� aPpllca6�e Eaw psavtdes ot�erwise?.'i'fm IIotioe sF�sD sPedfy:(a)tIIe defautt:(b)ttie acflon reqafreQ to c�e the dePanlY;(c) _ _-
<br /> . : ; a date,aot ts�s tbun 30 days fram the date t�e uotEs��s given to Bosrawer,6y w6fcb the defaWt mnst 6e c�ued.an�t� ---.t�,���-:
<br />_ • �� : �t le�mre to c�e the defantt on or beParre the date s=secified tn tlte r�ottoe may r�1t in accderatiou of We sm�s sccared ' --.-
<br />_ . .;�-'�":, by tWs Sec�ity Instrament aad sale of We Peoperty.T6e Qobice sbaA further iniorm�ore�awer ot tAe�t to reinstate �. -_ `°-R
<br /> -", --
<br /> � � after aceeieratton ant!tIle rigDt to brtn$a conrt acdna to assert the uon-e�dstenc�af fl defauIt ar rany at$er defense u! � • -:. �;-=�._,�
<br /> e '
<br /> � � , ���� . Borrowes to aooeleratton and sai�U the defnatt is not cared on or before tHe date specified in the IIaHse,Leader�at Its . ' "�
<br /> { o ptIo n,ma 9 r e qatre Immedtate pa y�ent in 6bD af aD smms secar¢d 6 y t6te S e a u i t q Io.Sbvment wtt�oat t�uther demaad :. }'
<br /> : � � � ' t sad may invoke ttie power ot sate�ead any othes re�mdt�permitted Dy appl�Cable Iaw.l.ender shall 6e em¢'�tte9¢o coltect - .
<br /> . ,: aU esp�n..res inc�rred in pursoing t�e remedtes pmvid¢d in t6fs paragrap6 21,tncYuding,but no!Limited to,reasonable .
<br /> . attomeys'eees ena cosG�of rttle evtaeac� . .
<br /> '. . ,� � IP the pawer of sate ts invoked,Tr^�..��ee s�aD reoord a nat[ce of defaait in each ea�mty in w6tt6 any part oY�he �
<br /> , . F�roperiy is tnmt�aaal sha[I maD mpt�,s of sacb notice in the manuer pressribed 6y apphcabte iaw to Borrower a$d to the . . �
<br /> � . o16er pelsons prescrfb�by aypticabte Isw A�te:t�:�e req�by appli�bte Iaw,Trustee shaII give�publIr noHce of � � .
<br /> .� ' saie to�the persnns and in the manacr prestrlbed by appllcab2e(aw.Trustee,�without demaad on_Boreawer,ebal!se0 the ..
<br /> � Frop�rty at pnblic aection to We btgh�t 6idder at the ttffie anA place.sud nader the terms dcs3gnated in the Qotice o!sale ,-� � � , ..
<br /> . � �orm 5018 9l80 .' • ,. ..:,•
<br /> �Z,U1L'8�(H�t9212).Ot Papo8o18 tnitWs:_ ..._ • , ' • '" lr
<br /> —cv
<br /> ., .� � : _� � ' .
<br /> . , ' . 1 �... . .....,. __ �. . • .. ...
<br /> ' � • • .. � � � . • ' �.s . � . . •
<br /> � . • ' • . . � � ... ` .----�-�--_,�T--.--�--�...._..;.,.._._. -.-,
<br /> .�`....as,�«r..l-�...�.. .[n.a-....�k�....a.s..._... iw.__.....t � .. :_t. . � . a� . ' ' . _. f. . .� ��.. ._ . . . ....i .. . ... . . . .... ... ...._ . .. :.5�1.4 .� ..t. ` . . . .... ...it�, ..
<br />