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<br /> a;.. ... � ` a" .t�� -� . - a- . � . 1.�.r' •—s'' r ,�� . •..-
<br /> � � i,. -° _ ' s. - ��t _ �'. "� .
<br /> . ``r S .` . .Y .
<br /> :C �F .`�.�•:� E . . . .-. .Ci .
<br /> � ,!' C< f � _.. . �. "r= i.
<br /> . i , >� -.�. � � . , . : ` v�: t . ' �"
<br /> "�t�� � 5 . - . t' - 'i r <F ,c . . f`^ . . `a_.°�-C -
<br />. � *.� . --p- "`' (';,, ' cf• i . _ . .�.�i � F . ``"
<br /> . . _. � . . ' .7,t1'.x . - 'u.� _ j; l�.
<br /> �-;
<br /> ���•-� � � �9��9tF�3� ' . .
<br /> _' ::-�: �. �v�.. _ �
<br /> � . :'y'f
<br /> � . . ..t i I PaI���Y��ger DG require�.at the apti+an af Lrnd�.if maatgege�ce�vra�ge(in tLe amaant and for ihe period � s , ,
<br /> - —_—:�� that icud�ceqmlres)Fmvided bY en m�u�a�aved bY Lead�r agai�Be�mes a�7able aad is obia�d.Boaawea sha11 FaY the <... . }.
<br /> _ � . pte�nns mquited�maiatain mc�t�a„e ia��e�e�,��P�vide a Iosa�es�e��u�the�em�far mactgage � �. ,:.
<br /> ''4 �.`' �t�t�41i1 SOOOI�SIICQ Wiih 2bJ1,P/AYPA 8$�hClWBPA B�7IOW?Z 8IId L�d?d AI8�11�Ie 1�Vfi. �t' Y _ .: 7',.
<br /> ��` . . 9 irssp€�on, Leader ar iss age�t ma5►make ce�anab2e eataies upon and'msp�ans Qf the Ptop�cy.Lead��ha11 give , :;,..
<br /> --m� • ssf . ` �`'...,."�°� �� • � :.
<br /> Souower noti�se at the dme of ar prinr to an mspestinn spe�rmg reasonable caas�far the mspecaam
<br /> � P.0 Coa�. Th2 prooe+zds of aay awand or cimm for dama�es.�ect ar aonseqn�tial,in connectian with any �.
<br /> • _ ;�� are heceb assi and �'" -'".. ,
<br /> �ti�or othar ta�ing of say yaxt of.the Fmgaty.or for oamveyanoe m tiea of can�nn, Y � �
<br /> '- sbaII6epaidtfll�e;ndca. `. ' �
<br /> . :>: , ..
<br /> sLa11 be 1�to the sams s� f�s S�9� '.` ,`.-..
<br /> � � �: 5 In tP�e eveat of s mial takimg of the Prapeaty,t�p�o�ds �pp� 's-: `
<br /> P peaty � ��
<br /> � � `' e in ga�1 8 �P�Y in which the f�aior �. --
<br /> . .,,�; v�her or aot t�ea du�wi�any exoess pabd tn Banowe�r the evemaf a takin of the . . .
<br /> — —` valt�tt€d�e Pt'tlgetly imme�ate3Y 6ef�e the taki�is eciu�tD or gi�eatr�ih�t the a�aotmt ofi the svms sec�aed by this SeCtuity �:. � .
<br /> ` ��::�`
<br /> . ;� taswm�t ialme�iatelY i�efare the ta�mg,nniess Boaowea end L�dea o�avirise a,�cee in wr�wg►tt�se sums s�by this �:--
<br /> ' . . . '`' S�►�t ssta��e r�aoed Dy the ammmi a f�e p z o�e d s m W i i p r i e d b Y t h e f a l t o w i a g f i a c b n n:(a}t h e m t a l a m a u n t o f - , } ._--
<br /> ���,
<br /> • . ' `. �; dse s�nus�immediatety�efare tIIe takaug,divided by N)tae faie�vaIue of tLe Fiopeacy imme�iateIY befoie the . .- .
<br /> ` " `�? . takiag,pny bamnce st�It t�p�d m Honowres.Iu�he eu�mtof a gatial n�kmg cff thePmperty�which tt�se faa a�rket vatueof the 'F;. ,..:,•(-. - _ .
<br /> em
<br /> ..�. �' g4�opeity�eAiatcly 6efose the ta&iag is 1� tLan the�nmmt of tht�sams��zed�edi�TY befa�the t�g,�� ..
<br /> a
<br /> � �' Baaowea aa�l+ende8 athca�vise agc+�in wriring or untess applicable law athera+ise provid�s.d�e Pmceeds shall�appli�d oo the .
<br /> . � t smms s�d by this S�arity instnnmcnt whed�or noxthe sums are th�du�• :'"t�4 -
<br /> . ,. If the p�openy is abandaned by Bo�oaa�,or if,aftca n+otice 6y i.atdet M Baaa�wea tE2t We ooademnar aff�s m�aTce�an ;_;:, ,.
<br /> � aw�d or s�a claim fas damages,Boaawer fa�s to�d W Lendes v�30 days after the da�tLe natice is given.E+eada . ;
<br /> .. , is�d tn oollect and apgIy tfie pmceeds,ai its optian,ei�er tn restarativa ur tepair of,the Ptopetty oT tu the smms secare� : , ; .:
<br /> rt f• ' bj/I�S SCCIIIIt��SStmment w�i6t OI AOL th��. ' _--.
<br /> •r g��• �g,�y app��on ogy�oceeds tn�ine�pa1 sbaII nutex�ed ar postgone� .�---
<br /> , •���� ' � ilnIess Lc�d�c and Boimwer otheawise w �� . ,�`_--_=_
<br /> � • . - • tlie d¢e date of the monthty paym�tg�fe�ced ao in�ag�aphs 1 and 2 ar cbange tLeamoa�tof sucb paymeats. ,; ......,,.,�+.-
<br /> .�'' _... . 3Y.Bormwa 1�tM Beteas¢di F�nse By Lc�des NoZ a�7Vqafver. Bx�nsian of th8 ttme for payment oY madiScation = --�r"" _
<br />' ~ of amaltir�tion of the snms secvred by ttils Sec�itY Instramen��ant�by I.eadca m a�►s�ia iat�est of Bama�v�shall . . ; _—_
<br /> r . � � �'I n�t agetat�to zelease tlte liab�ily of the o�ig�Bamawea or BanovF�s su�ssms in aue�rest.Lendea sball not be reg�rired to � �.,,;. ---
<br /> ,,.: ` cammeace p r a c�t i m g s against anY sac�or ia interesc ar refuse�u extend tisne far paymcat as othetadse madifY ammt�an af -,,,:�;�rF._
<br /> , �e smms fi�b]►tms S�tY�ns��Y b Y�an o f any d e,m a n d m a d e b y t h e o ri g'm a l Bmmwes or Bancower's su�es�s :a�,�_�
<br /> �.��, •. ' .` in in�aest Any faib�tane��Y Lend�r in ex�casing sffty ri$ht or remedy sA211 not 6e a waivea of�ar greclude dte exercise of any -
<br /> f�•:
<br /> . .� � f. A��Sum�flas an� Bonud;�aiM and Saveral Y.taO�ity,Co-sgners.'Ihe cov� and a�ents oi tais N�r. . -----
<br /> .. . . . � �_ —
<br /> . . .. ge�uity Instrtm�teut sbaD bind aad benefit dte suoc�ssots and as��s of Lc�dea and BormR�er, snb,ject.ro tt�e Q�ovislans of ,,._,;�_::,:`�
<br /> ,� `� ; _ p�h i'I. Bmrovrer's cave�anss and�gtee�ent4 sbari ise ioint aad sevesal. An7► Bmrnw� who casigns this Seanrity _,,�,� -_
<br /> e an e
<br /> � � �nst�ument bnt does not exec�the Not�(a)is casigpiag th�s Sc�avr�ity�ast�ament oNy to mortgage.g,�nt aa¢convey tBaE . _pa...��
<br /> � ,. Hdrmwds interest in tae F�oDeatq mid�r the trams of this Security Ias��@? P�fl�i► � r.• .•�;^.
<br /> . , is not ob L�pay tHe sums �
<br /> ' s�mreA Dy this Seeaidy Insuume��and(e)ag�es thas Leandea aad any othes Bonower may agree ro exo�td,madify,fo:bear or ' �_,�,_
<br /> � "� � make any accommodarions witb reg�d to the terms of this Seauity Insuum�t oz fhe Nate without t4ai Baaowea's conscat � _
<br /> � . 13.Luan Charge�.. If We ta�►secured by ttris Secority Ims�ent i�subjeca to a taw wLich sets m�imam Ioau chazges. , � . �-�' "
<br /> u : -
<br /> . � , .�� and tAat taw is fmally iaterpreted sq tLas the mt�est or othea tn�charges wllectcd az tn be collectcd'm cannecc�or�wIt�the 1�n N^rf•-.'~Y---
<br /> .; n ou mduce the �.- .�':L,_.
<br /> . exceed tLe permirt�d lim�s.then:�(a}any sncII Iaaa char$e sbaII be m,duced by the amauat �Y cbarSe to tne _' _;
<br /> .�. p e r m i m e d limifi and(b)aa},+sums atreadY collected fram Bmrowes wDich exceedcd pemdtted 1'units wiU be refnnded to Hmxowea. _-� _- }_-
<br /> p mi
<br /> .� ` I,i�dea may chaose tn make tLis refimd by redncing the pnac�zi owed under tne Note or by �g a d�st}laymeni ro = -_
<br /> � � � � � Bormwer.If a refimd redrtces PrinciPal,the reducdon vrill be�ea:�ed as a F�D�D�ent witha�aay prepayment c h a tge � �' � r, _.�
<br /> " 'e. uridet the NoT�. • �,�::`�;..�:.:::
<br /> . i • 14.No3�aeg. Any notice w Borrower provided far in ttis Secoriry Instxumeut shaU be given hy delivarimg it or by mailina it - . _
<br /> . .: � : by fust class mail unIess aFDlicable taw reaqaacs use of anotha method.'ihe no6ce shaU be directEd to the Yropeny Add�sv os ,. ,.
<br /> � . any oflier 2�"ss Boaowc,r designates by notice W Leuder Any noace w I.ender st�all be aven by first class ma�to Lenda's . .
<br />- . . . ad�ress sta�herem ar any othea address Lender desigaao�s bY cotice tio Bouower.My notiee gmvided for�this Seeruiry : _
<br /> ce
<br /> ,:�. �nsuwneol shall be de�:d W have beea giv�to Emruwe,r or Lendcs when given as pmvided in tbis puag�aph. � . .
<br /> n
<br /> : � � fS.Caverning Law;SaveraD�ity. 'I1�is SeauiEy Iastmment s b a ll b e goveaa e d by f e 4 r a a 1 1 a w a n d t t t e I a a► o f t h e �
<br /> . ' . : ''��� jnrisdictiun in ahich the�raperty is Iocated.In tde event that any provision ur clavse of this Secvrity In.�mum�t or the Not� ,,
<br /> ' � ' � �onfli�ty cv�appticable 1aw.such confliet sLall noi affect othca pmvisions of this Secutity T.�suument or the Note wtuch c�n De . • .
<br /> . . �� given effe�t wathvat the cont�ting Dmvision.To tLis end tDe yrovisIons of this Securiry Iastr�ent and the Note are declarect ro � . ...
<br /> . � . �� be severable. � .
<br /> : . ...'.:
<br /> � . Form�028 9l90 '
<br /> ' Pa 0AOf8 Initl�ts:_____.___ ,. . . �
<br /> . . . ' �•8R(RL-'�ca2�a).o� 9 . ,
<br /> . • ; .
<br /> � � . .
<br /> - ' 1 1 v �4+1�:�� ' .
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