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<br />_'.r �i. . _.'.C: ."r '' � .
<br /> `� • ' principal entouM of itte trtdeQ�dness sesxusd by U�,s Oeed of Trust.rtot tndudtng sums advarsced�pr��f S��Y ot ti�s Oeed sf �'.�•�� >�:;�.c
<br />: }' . `.. _ 7�sL�Me aflginal prindpal amnuM stated herein.or S . • ,
<br /> ... µ` :� t6.t�lawi�rtaoua P�cvlsbns. •<•:.�. .,`�.:.<.,
<br /> � (a)eorio�,ate�ramrt Rei�s.6d�nsfon of tne vme rcr paymsnt or�n ot ama�zaUon a the s�uns seaued Dy tl�s .`��...
<br /> '��:.L.F. ��e..4- .:..:-:.
<br /> , , eeed otTrust aranted Cy Lender tA any suocess�t In irte�st ot 6ocrower sh�ll notoperate to retease.tn sny manner.ttes 1►ant�-
<br /> .. .. ;, s ,
<br /> ` , �-.
<br /> ` --. tY at the originai 6arcouer and Bartowet's sttoc�ssors in tnierost.Lecsder sha�l not b�a�^d��e��P��� .
<br /> _ -� . �gaTnst s�t�successar or retusa to ex�eaa iima ivr�aynrmn vr w�rnr����a,••r•r•�•r..»�. -• ��ar. - -
<br /> ' • �` Deedat Trust by reason af ar►y Qemartds made by�s ofiginas Bomawerartd Bonawada sucoessors in intarest � � -
<br /> � `:.`: ` '' � (b}i,+andcr's Pa�ers.Wcthout sffecting the RaabD'ity at any othet Petsan tiahte for the Paymen�t of arry abllgatto�he�stn me ,`.,,�� : . �
<br /> ' . S o n e d,s a d w J t h c u t e H e c U rt 9 t h a Q e n o r c h a t g e o f��$a t t o n s,�e n�m a y.f ro ti m e m��vrithuut rto�oa�mf e a s�° 4� _., '�. :..
<br /> �, t.. ��:,:.. � r a t e a s e d a s s e a u i t y f a r f h e f u l l a m o�m t o u n� 8 o 4 h e r i n d u T g e n c e s. •� •° :
<br /> '� �;� . �Y R�n sa Qab,e.M e�tend tfie tt�aludtli or atter any of the tetms at any such ob�ga t�nns.(i i�B r� ��:��.-�„_-.
<br /> `•�-..�°.-.,�.�.`..;..' wiease or re�mey.or cause L�ba releassd or reoonusysd at any tlme at Lendefs ap�on arry Oar�f.PoMon or sil af . . ."�•
<br /> :�,"� ....° pruperry.(v}taim a�rel2ase enY cther or edQltt4r�!seauitY tor ar►Y ahligation herein menflon�d.ar(v�m�oomPositIons ` '
<br /> .� �'°;a'� ather atrangsmeats wffh dabtors fn relatfon thereto. ��`:� :
<br /> � . '`� � (c)�arbealanee by L•esl8et t�fot e{Na[ver.My torbea►anoe bY Ler►des in exer�sing anyr dght or remedy here�mder.w oth- �.- .. ", °`�
<br /> ... � .�.��` , ; enafse afforded by aPPftcable tav�.shall not be e w2tver of or pr$Gude ths exerclse of anY sud►dgrit or�emeGY.The ptocur� .:^ '�:•T`,',�
<br />- �'�',! -' '' •�'�, ment oi insusanfle or the payment af�tes or other ITens or c harges by L en Qe r shaU not be a waiver or lerider's ri�t ta a�r- <•' :�s..":;.
<br /> � `•s-� -, "�.•: -••, ate the mahrtity oi the i�tdebtednesa seauted byfhis�esd oi l'a�st 4 -�'-``--.
<br /> �.� �._�=i:,:: n s.g h e c o v e n a n t s ana a g r e e ments heisin corF -.�
<br /> 5�- . (a�g uaessors an d A s s igns 8o u rt d;J o i�a n d&e v o t a 4 L l a b ll i t�i;C a�t t n -
<br /> '' T, tained shall bindrand the rights heteunder shaU intue b.the tespeclhre su�c�s and asslgns oi Lender sn�Ttustor.AU ��4� !�
<br /> � . covena�and agreemeMs af snrstor shap�joir�i a n d save r a L me ca p t l ans and headin g s ot the vara8�phs�ai lhis Oeed af ?��,- .�._
<br />. �: � y. � ,�( ;!�.�, tcust are far comrenfence only an6 are not to 4e used bn b�Lerpret or daflne�e provisfans hereot —=--
<br /> e . .h:_' .e"'"
<br />_.': _ ` (e)t3aqueat f�r Nottees.The paAtes hereby r�queat tl�at a wDY��Y no�ce oi Q$f�utt hereurtder atM e mpy oF ar�l no8ce .. .. •-
<br /> ` ' of sate�eretutider 6e rt�ad to earfi par[y ta tlds Deed af Trust at the add�ess set fortfe abave in the manner prasaibed by `� '�
<br /> . , � -
<br /> ,-;� ::�.�� eyp�cabte Isw.Ex�eept Por arry other aatfaa cequIred under aypQcabta law ta be given irt another manner,ar►y na�oe pravtded for •-
<br /> ;r,'� in fhis Qee�ot Tnist shafl be given Dy ma�ng sucH not�ce�y cectifted maH addressed to the ather paKtes.at tRe edQress se� -'. - _:
<br /> L ' . � fprth above,My rtoUce provtded for in tlits DeeB ai Tn►st sha11 be efte�tve upon mailing tn the rrra�mer destgnaUed hstefn-#
<br />"� °.�'� '"", � ����� Trusmr is mora tlian orse persan.rtaHae sent to the address set foM abmra sha U be n o�c e t o atl suct►pe�sons. ; -�'-.-,;_
<br /> ` . ' `i.,. (�Inspsctipn.Lender may mak6 nr causs to be made reasonabte enhtes upon and ins�ed3ons oi ttce P�oP$Rfl.D�vid�ed e,._ --_-=f
<br /> ,;. • _;=: . 19�at Lender shalt give Trustor notIce p�ior to anY�insPedIon speaKyln9 reasonabfe rause therefor cala�ed fn lendefa Urcer- �
<br /> � est[n the Praperty. E
<br />_ ` �' (g)tdeeomr0yance.Upon payment of a4 sums secured by Ws Deed af Tnist,Lender sha11 request Tn�stea to reoomrsY the �_� .:° ` •` -
<br /> � ` Property and shail surrender thls Deed of Trust and all aotes evidencing tndeDtednsss secured by this DeaA of t�ust to .
<br /> ,.t<�;. � �
<br /> � � � • Trusbee.Tn�e ahali reoomray the Rmperty.without urartanty and w(thaut charga to the person or pe�sons tegaly enti8ed ��
<br /> - ;� �Y. ,. '. .+��" tt►ereto.Tnrsmr shafl pay a0 costs of reoordation.if any. ;�r .-�:�,
<br /> - (h}Pensonal Pir+c'Pertsf:s8�uti4Y Agreement.As edd�ional security for the paymani of the Hote.Trustor hereby granb �q.: _ �. .
<br /> ' ''..::^� ''���;`�„ F endet under the[VeLraske Unifi�rm Commerc�al Cade a secudty interest in ali tbtWres.equipmen�and aUter pet5onaf pmper�l � �
<br /> ct
<br /> used in c�nectlon wtth the real estffie or tmprovements tacated t�e�eon.and not athetwtse decfaried or deemed to b�a part of �:��, °-
<br />- . . ::: �,,t fhe�eal es�te ssc�ued hewby.This tnsWment shall be eronshueQ as a 3ecuRtl►Agteemen!under said CoQe.and t#ea Lertder K
<br /> . . . c shall have ail the�ighb er.d remedtaa ot a ser�rted parht unde[satd Coda in ad�tlon to the�ights and remedlas crea�e��dar
<br /> . � Lender ursuant to this Deed ot Tn�s�Pnavided that lenders rights and remedIes under this P�S�Ah sha0 �'"-���
<br /> . ° •-. and acaatded tfie p
<br /> , ` ._ : � be cumulattve w11h.and in no way a lim�atton on.Lenders dghts and reme�es under ar►yr other sec�riry agreement signed by „��
<br /> • �� '.. BomcwerarTntstur. . •.:�'';_
<br /> (h L1en3 end�ars�sanc�.Tr�r he�eby warranta and represents that there ts no Qefa�dt undar the provFsions of atry .�.
<br /> �. . � ^�.���� mortgageL�'eed of trust.lease ot pw��se wrtbaet descrfbtng a0 or atql P��tha PropettY,or other conb�instnunen4 or �,,.,• �L
<br /> a�eemenq censt�ing a asn or ena�Drence against aff ar arry part ot the P�psrty(aoRect�►ery,`ttens'y,existing as of the
<br /> ' date of thts Reed of Tnist.and fhat any and aU extsttng Uens cemaln unmadifted except as disdosad to Lendor in T�ts writ ��`a"� .
<br /> � ' ten d�sclosure of.tiens and encumhrances provided for herein.Trustor shait timety perforri�at!of TrustaPs obligations, �;=_�-
<br /> �;� covenaMS,represenlaBons and wartanUes under any and a!t existtng and fuWre Liens,shatl promptry fonvacd to�ender wgtes ,�,,
<br /> � oi aft notic�s of Qefault sent tn connecdon witt►arty and aIl exfsdng or fWture Uens,and sha11 not wi4hout Lender's prior wr(4ten � `;�, �
<br /> � oonsent in any manner modil�l tha provls[ons of or aUow amr tuture advances under any exisBng or futiue Ilens. �-_:F_,,_:
<br /> • ' '• . • (�App!leatto»oi Payrtee�.Untess othervufse required by taw,suma paid to Lender hereunder.incfudtng without timit�:an �-.%i�•,.:
<br /> � payments of pflncipal and interest,insuranee pmceeds.�aondemna8on praceeda and renb and pmftta.shatl be aypiied by ��,,;,
<br /> '.� � LenQer to the ameunb due and owtng from Trustor end Bortower tn such order as Lender in ILa sole discra�on Ceems.Q9sir- '
<br /> ��=;_
<br /> :,� ' :, • � abla. �'_-- -
<br /> (k)8s�rerabil(ty.li any provtston oi this Oesd ai Ynrst conftiGs with apDl�eabte iaw or ts dedat+ed imralld or otties�tss unen- y _ _
<br /> • ' .'::"s',:t torceabte;sucA cordlict or invalldity s.�`J not affect Ne other prov(sions oi thfa DeeO of Tnist or the Note whic�can be given
<br /> '`• ' `�';:,:� effect Kdrix�ut the confic�ng pravislor,�,.�d to t h is en d t he prov is ions o i t h i s Oee d of Trust and t�z Afate are Qsctared tn be sev- ��,`��-.��
<br /> � .} � :` .
<br /> � erabie. w � _.
<br /> � (Q Temte.The tertr.s'Trust�'and'Bortov�ef shali Ucfude both aingutar and pfural,and when the Tnistar�Borrower are
<br /> � � ��� � the same person�s).thase tertna as used tn this Oeed o!Truot shall be interd►angeaQle. '�''�:u'� .
<br /> �. � (m)6aveming Lev�.Tt�is Dead ot Tnist shail be govemed by the tav+s of the State of Nebraska. � �.�:;,��,.•;�_,
<br /> • . . . �. ,
<br /> . . ,, .
<br /> ..' ', � . � .
<br /> <` : •
<br /> � � . . :•+� . , .
<br />: ,.. . . ' ' '
<br /> :,• . . Trustor cute this De� T a�,b1.lb9�V?��qve. . ;, .. .
<br /> �YtrtV!F�*JCB�.,y "• �j
<br /> :. `. . . � .... �Mc�M Y.0169lk&'tio C3 pi7�?S�9, .
<br /> � , � o Ba our Trustnr Trustor : .
<br /> � Trustnr Trustar .
<br /> : .. : � � ..
<br /> �.,�.�,:.:—- - �_,�_ _..,_,_-�_ _i�° _;,,—.:-,...._.,. _
<br /> .. .._. ._._..�--.r-°'�'�:---�_:.�.� ---__.....-- - --.... . '��_.._ ... .. . .... ... . .... . .., . _. .. � .,. . _. ... �'.. � '., . .. . ... . . .. . . . _ . .
<br />