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<br /> _ ` .�' THtS aEED OF TRUST,[s made as oi the 24tb day ot November .19 Y 9� .. j•'�"
<br /> - ,?-,y �. �� '=i i -a'_.`-_.
<br /> ' �,"" the Tivstor. TODD SAT.FOtJ�, a s3n e erson � � .:
<br /> ; �•`.� : �ierein Tnuto�',�ethercne or�rto�e). �
<br />- - ���jR���� 1141 S Pleasant Vie�r Dr Grand Islaad NL 688 ��ss 4��__:
<br />�,:, , the Trustee CITS[ IiATIONAL BANR AI�ID TRIIST CQMPANY s;`�"_ ---
<br /> . �
<br /> �, °��'` �. . �� �� whose maiitng addnass is ro sos 349 aastings r� 6a902-0349 rnere[n�rn�tee�l.and .�_.�� �
<br /> .: i%' � , t _
<br /> � • � the Ben2ftcJary. CITY NATIONAL BANR AND TEtII3T COMPANY
<br />*�' .,.. Y,�:� y' `'" PQ Bos 349 Hastinga NE 68902-0349 (hetetn'Lende�. ' --
<br /> . .,;:,`'-'., whase mailing address is . - ----
<br /> ' ` , . ,. , ::: -� Y-
<br /> �•`. ' . . .. FOR VALUABLE CaNSiDERATION,in�luding Lendefs e�menston of ccedt identt8ed herein to TODD BALFOiIR _ :�_•�a-
<br /> . �,,:=�,__
<br /> ... �;:�` (he�ein'Bortpwer:whether ons ar more�and the trust herein ixeated.the recefpt �_ - .-------
<br /> , �.'' • , ' of whicfi is henby acknowteQged.Tnistor hereby iRevocabry granb.transS'ers.wmreys an0 assigns�o Trustea.IN TRUST.Wff't1 =
<br /> '� • ��-'�� POWER OF SAI.E,for the benefit and secur(ty of Lender,under snd subject L�the tertns and aonditIrons hereinafUer set forth.the real
<br /> ��� . . . ptoDeriYdescrfbedasfoltc� ' `-�' ..
<br /> ��:-,,� ,,' ;.,
<br /> ;;:'s ' .,�;��: .;. �-: .
<br /> t �• � �'��� Lot .Three (3), Bloc�Two (2�. Pleasant View Ztaelfth Subdiviaion to the City of Grand -
<br /> ,�; e
<br /> �� ,� •''�y�^�`� Island, Hall County, Nebras�a. - --
<br /> �. ��,t,�. , _—
<br /> , � • '/,._ � �uGensnces
<br /> (� Together uitth ell buttdings,improvements.tixtur�.str�ets.alteys.PasseSewaYs.easemanis.rigis"s.�D�leges 2.:st a�p _ _
<br /> �.- • � 6ocated thaneon or in anywise pertatnIng theneto.and the renb,issues and profits.reverstons and cemainde�s�and sud�per- �,:.�- :��
<br /> °`'� ' sonal property that ts athached to the Improvements so es to aonstltute a flxwre.inctuding.but not lirrided to,heating artd cool',�g equtp- •�„•;.; . .,_
<br /> �".� '� � men�and tc�her wiU�fhe hamestead or marital interesLs.ii any,whtch interes�are hereby reteased end waived;eU ot N►1�!ch�'c+� " .•__
<br /> ',. • ' ' � ing reptacerr.ar_$and addItlons thereto,is hereby Qedared to be a patt oi the reat estats secw�ed by the�en af this Qead of TnrSi�d � .. ••- _.
<br /> ����:�:�'" ' aU oi tha foregoing betng reterted�CS herein as the'Property�'• ' ��."
<br /> �� �'•����`'� ,�' This Oeed oi Trust sh2:7 seaure(a)the payment af the prirtdpal sum and interest avtaenced�y e pmmtssary note or credit agre� _-
<br /> ,;;'���. F• •�s• ment dated November 24, 1997 .having a matudry Aate ot November 24, 20Q4 , i ��`a'
<br /> t� ' �• r� tn the adginai pdndpai amount ot$ 6�,000.00 .and any and all madiftcattona eutenstons and renew�fs' �"'"�_ � � -
<br /> �r: : • . --
<br /> . thereot or the.�c and any and atl future�'s�ces an0 roadvances tp Bomower(or any of them if more than one)hereurtdar parsuant ___
<br /> �.." � . �• ' ���'� t�one or mo2�romissory notes or ue�:agr�eements(hereln ca0ed Ttote'};(b)the Payment af oSrr�sums advancad by i:onQer to . ___
<br /> ;;;.�.. . vy ,
<br /> _,�; protect ths security ot the Nota;(cj the performancs oi atl covenanta and egreements ot Trustar set toM herein;and(�all preseM and -
<br /> j;;, � � fuprre inQabbedness antt obligaUons o!Borrower(or any c.f them H more�an one)to Lender whether dired,indlrc�tL^sct�e or cornirn _ _
<br />`- `,. � gent ana v��helher adsing by note,guarat�y►,oveMraft ascc�hervu t se.The No t e,t h is Q a e d o t T n i s t a n d a n y a n 0 all a��r Gacuments that ., _
<br /> � ., : � secure the hate or otherwlse executed�e connectia�tt►erewith,incteding.without Iimitatlon guar�rttees,secudty agreemer.ts and .
<br /> •., .. . � . .assignments aff{eases and rents.shalf be:�amed to h�rain as tt�s'loan Instrumanb. . ` ,:'
<br /> ' '`. � , Trustor covenants and agrees with Lender as ta:�.��:
<br /> ��,�..�.'
<br /> - . ' 1. Payment of trtQebtedrtesa.All indet�tedness�u�ed hereby shal{toe paid wi�n due. _ �•
<br /> 2 TfUe.Trustor is the ovmer ot the R rop erty.has the right and authoriry to convey the Property,and wan2nis ehat the lien creat• . .�;��,:�: ,:'
<br /> � ed hereby is a flrst and pdor fien on the Praperiy,except for Iiens ea0 encumbrances set toAt�by TnisWr in wr.�ng end deliverea to �
<br /> � � Lender before execuUon oi this Deed ot Trust,and the execuUon and delivery ot this Deed of Trust does not vlotate any t�ntract or . . , •
<br /> ' other obligatlon to which Trustor is s+�bject •
<br /> ' � 3.Taxes,Asseasments.To pay bafore deiinquency all taxes,sAectal assessments and aU other charges against the Proyerty � . .
<br /> now or hereaRer levied. � •
<br /> :.�,��'' � 4.lnsurance.To keep the Property insured against damaga by ftre.tiaiards lnc(uded'wiUTn the feirn�e�ifended coverage'.and �
<br /> � sucA other hazards as Lender may req�::re,in amounts and witb companies acceptabte to Lender,naming Lender as an addlUonal
<br /> ' named insureO,with toss payabte to the Lender.In case oi loss unCer such poSiCies.the Lenaer is authodzed t4 adjest,catlecd and •
<br /> . � compromise,ali Gairns thereunder and stsaii have the optton of apptying all or paR o1 the insurance prooeeQs(i)to any inde�i�ess . .�
<br /> � • � secured h2reby and in such orQer as Lender may determine,(ii)to the Trustor to be used for the repalr or restoraUon oi the Property or •
<br /> . •. :. (ill)fot any other purpose or object saUsfactory to Londer wiNout affecUnr�the tien ot thls Oeed o}Trust for the fltll amount secu�d �
<br /> . ' : hereby before such payment ever took piace.Any applicaUons of proceeds to fndebtedness shall�ot extend or postpone the due date ,
<br /> � � - _ , of any payments under the Note,er cure any default thereundet or hereunder.
<br /> � � 5.Eseraw.Upon written demand by Lender.7rustor shall pay to Lender,in such manner as�enQer may deslgnate.sufficient
<br /> • � sums to enabte Lender to pay as they beoome due one or more oi the foltowing:(i)aU taxes,assessments and other charges against • :
<br /> • • the Property. (ii)the premiums on the propefty inaurance required hereunder,and(iii)the ptemlums on any mor�qage insarance • ,
<br /> �`�'�' •` . required by�ender. �
<br /> ' . . 8. Maintenance, Repairs and Compliance wi@h Lavrs.Trustor shall keep the Property in goad conditlon and repair,shall �
<br /> . • •;, promptly repair,or reptaCe any improvement whiCh may be damaged or destroyed;shaii not oommit or permit arry waste or detedora- . ,
<br /> � � , don o1 the Properry;s�all not remore,demolisb or substantlal�t alter any ot the improvements on the Proparty;sha0 etot commit,suffer .
<br /> � • or permit any act to be done in or upon the Properly in viofaUan of any taw,oMinance.or regulaUon;and shall pay and promptly dis' .
<br /> .. charge at Trustor's cost and expense atl liens,encumbrances and charges levied,Imposed or accessed against the Property or any :
<br /> , ..� part thereof. � .
<br /> " 7. Emfnent Comain.Lender is hereby assigned all compensation,awards,damages and other payrr�ents or reliet(herelnafter
<br /> .,_.•._._ ----.�_.,.--
<br /> - . . - emcs�srn�,yo.m�a.�.s� � . - . --- ._.
<br /> _ . � , ^J,aenN.mwlbr+aun.�ercetnn,.�a5+v+�,+b,ac.s.m ueno�Nes.aw � . . .
<br /> �: �
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