�G~'i"�y �[ �- l:. _ �.-P ^��.S:. . lt ,�.�"--_.�._�.`_ ,da .•.i.• ��:. . . _t
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<br /> � , `� � rc v �� � -e
<br /> . ��,� r r ..e y` 4 O' . . �� .
<br /> ,}Yt `. . ' 4 '� •� .� . •' • ;` , ' � g. � . i � ! y.
<br />� - '�`�'�� ' _.�`�5`��� � .W f `�� �u. 4 _ 5� ° �.c..
<br /> . � . c'. . � - a. .�t.: _ . . � . . .
<br /> . '�,='.:�r::Fa `.,��'� " F ` . � �`y�- ��� - ,F � F;.��`- t` 'e
<br /> - � ` ' ' . . ' . .tr ' ' ..r� y. . ' . . , .�.G -S:` ` . _
<br /> '-C . , .� � ` i . � . `, t. C`° .� ' - . .. - .
<br /> . . c. .i - , `+ y •'� .
<br /> � ' � .t r ' C f `t, 2 , � -�4` . `a '�. , ' ' .
<br /> .f - r � 4 r. c . �' .. `f.`' �4
<br /> _ �`�£. . .F • �4' . :.t- .r "
<br /> k ���' .
<br /> , .t.Ct4
<br /> .4.,` ' � �f�f a�t of the Pmpert�i os any�irterest in it �Y,' : � .
<br /> c� 4 4 ' , in Bare+uw�.If all or auY P ersaa)without . : , ;�
<br /> t 19.`Transfee�f the ProDeKY or u$eaeftda!Iaterrst, .
<br /> gorrowee is not a natural p b � � ,
<br /> �4- , . `.,.�, ..o....,.a�...:F a t+�rr�iciai interest in.Borrower�s sold ar�e�mrnA�nt in fuU of aU sums secure� Y ,_._ _ —
<br /> .. ��.n t:�p..,...�,.. a�its opuv�►; �'° • -,
<br /> j � Ixndcr s prior written oonsent. Lender maY. .
<br /> �Y.° SecuiitY ImSUUmens.Hawever.this opdoR shall not Ee exerc�sed by lrender if e�cercise is pm�ibited hy federat taw as oi��•� c:� .
<br /> , L .
<br /> , . .. o f t h is Securi n i n s u u m e n t. ve Bostoaer no t i ce o f a c c e t e r a ri a n.'I g►e norice shala1 p�5��by� � � ;-�,�.._
<br /> If I�etcder exercises tbis ogtion.Ixnder shall P,i 1 :,«..�--:.
<br /> ,�'� • . .
<br /> less tfian 30 daY&irOm��te the nouce ts delivered ar mailed within which Bo�rawer must PaY . .
<br /> _ �- �..r :
<br /> _ SecuritY Inscro�sent.If Borrower fails w pay these sums Pt�or ta the e�cFiration of th�s peaod.Lender may�voke any 1 .
<br /> • permitte�by this Securicy Ins���thaut further notice ar deu�and on 8ormwer. Lo have
<br /> to Reinstate. If Botrower meets certain coaditions. Borrower shnll have the n8ht nod as ��' .
<br /> , � . 19. Sorrower's Rlg6t time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other pe' •�+,.; . .
<br /> ° � Insuument discontinaed as a�t t to an ower of sate contained in this � ,�,.`..`,
<br /> ���'.. , enforcement of,this SecuritYfor�instatemc�►t) before sale of the PraPertY Pursuaa Y P _-. .,---
<br /> . °��. � Those cond�uons are d�at�onower:(a)PaYs _--
<br /> ���;��. , aPplicable law Y �� of a judgment enforcing this Security Insuumen�• .���"�"'
<br /> — -- SecudtY Instn�meat:or(b)eMrY Instrument aad the Note as if no ac�this S�:(b) '
<br /> ' ����±�� Leader all sums whtch then wouid be due under this SecuritY a s all expenses incyrred in enforcing I�sin�nt' , �:_�°�.,`-
<br /> .. }. " :. ��any de[auit of any ather covenants or agr�'�')P Y s�c�a action as I.ender maY�asonably recNire to assure
<br /> and(d)tak�s the sums sec�aed bY r�:� —
<br /> ` �• � including,but not limited to.��e�e�ef s n$�'m�e p�op�y and Bo=rower's obiigation to pay ���� � �
<br /> � t h a t t h e lien of ttus Security t b Borr�wer. 'this Security d-`'-` =
<br /> `��s Y �' fnstrument shall coi�tinue unci�g e�- E 1P o n �°� y However.ttiis ri$hi t o r e i n s t�e� ' �
<br /> this SeauitS+ on 6ad occurred• is � �: .-
<br /> • - obligations secured hereby shall remain full}�effecm+e as�f no acceleiati ` .
<br /> ` h 17. ���
<br /> : notappfy in the case of axeleradon under paraSraP ,� �ute or a partial uuerest m`h e�i�a t c�h a nge t����i+� '
<br /> �•�. . �, 19. Sale of Not�ChastSe o f I.a a n S�v t ce r-
<br /> ` ' ' ,.;�;:c�',.�. t m a b e so t d ane o r m o:e t i m e s w i t h rn n p n o r n ouce ta B N o t e a n d t h i s S e c�u n't y I n s a u m e n t-'1'f i e r e a t s o ma y 6e one �:.;__��� -
<br /> � . 4 .. . InSwmen) Y „ a nts due ander th
<br /> . -.,� . :'�.:•,�: as the"I.oan Servicer )t�t calle�s monthly P Y� �.�,,.'i°�
<br /> ' :`•""'-°i h 1Q above aad appiicable law_'The aotice w�11��e�� �--` '__4
<br /> or more changes of the Loa»Servccer uttrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of[he Loan Serncer, rrower
<br /> ' • ,;`:��.t� g[ven vvritten n�t�ce of the change in aocordanse erith Pa��P ertts shoutd he made.The nodce wiU also canta�n any other ; ___
<br /> . �. � - address of the new Loan Servicer and t�►e addtess to which paym
<br /> . :�;��., infomnation required by applicabie law. disposat.�swraSe. or release of•any .,, 'v
<br /> ZI►. Ha�rdous Sabstances. Borrower sbaU not cause oc permit the presence, use, �n ��ng the �. _�_
<br /> Bormwer shall not do. nor allaw anyone eTse to do��p�ence,use. or �� -
<br /> � - Hazardous Substances on or in the PropertY• ,n two sQntences�shall.not aPPl�r ro riate m normal
<br /> ll
<br /> . �;-. pruperty that is in violadon of any Environmental Law.The Preced� 8 to be aPP p
<br /> .. . ' sterage on the Ymperty of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generallY�ecognizod �',`.:--
<br /> - � �ential uses and to maintenance of the PropertY• tawsuit or other actioa by ar►y __-_-
<br /> , Borrower shall promptly give Lender written norice of any investigation.cl Hazarddous Substance or Emironmental Law _ ___
<br />��� or rivate partY involving the P r o Pert3+an��Y ovemmental ut ceg�a=Y s u t hori ty,t1�t �"�_
<br />��,:''... . . governmental or regalatoryagencY P ls ,Borrower shalt pminptly take ---
<br /> . `,,•,� of which Borrowee has actuallai°wle�ge.If Borrower learas,or is no��p�8 n�� ��;.
<br /> any removal or other remediation of any Ha7ardaus Substance affectinS sY.__-
<br /> ' ' • . ' all necessary re�edial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. � . .
<br /> As used in this garaB�raPb 20, "Ha�ardo�s Substaa�e�eraseneuother fl daminable or ta c petr la eump pradncts.tox c �,�•r -
<br /> ~, :;?��;`.`:. '' . Environmental Law and the foliowing substances: gas {
<br /> ��',� ¢sticides and herbicides..volatile solvents,macerials wn��ng asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in . �.'
<br /> '' P• h 20. "Enviromnental Law" means fetteral laws and taws of the jurisdicuon where the PcopertY i§located that �.1
<br /> � �:.;�.; tWs paragraP M.,.....
<br /> ' ' " �` f� relate to health,safety or environmantai protecxian• �,�:._
<br />: • NON-UNIFORM CUVENANTS.Borcower and aottce to IBorrow prior w a�raeteratta fallotiviag Bo�'o h 17 anless �`-;�•
<br /> � � •: � °. �: 21.Acceieratto�;Remedies.I.�ndes sh$U gie to care tl►e defaWt; �°'��-
<br /> . ;': . '_�-`,;��; � of anY covenant or agreement in this Se�vrltY Inst�ameat (bat aot prtor to acceleration under par'ag�aP —
<br /> , , - . (b�the adton reqWre�1 -�'
<br /> ' � �.; applFcable[aw proWdes othervvise)•T�e n�n�s�all specity: (a�tlie defaWt; w���e de4ault must be curea,atid. �__
<br /> �;.. .. ,;� . .. (c)a date,not tess than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by �._ -.
<br />.���., . ' (d)t6at tailure W c�the deftiuft on or before the date sPeci���ce sYiall farthyer infvrm Ho�w�r oY the rlght� ---
<br /><,� � ' �..`.' ... s¢�u'red by thls SecaritY Instr�ent aud sate of the PropertY•
<br /> �`� reinstate after acoeteratia^�dAeid'ato D��d�sale IY the defaWt is nat�on a�befoa��e the date spccifi dt In th�e not�tce. �_;;:"
<br /> -� . � . defense of Horrower ent wiWout ��;_�;:
<br /> ,�,, . . . . uire tmmediate paymgnt in fu11 of sU sum.s secnsed by thls�b e ta�der sHall6e
<br /> ., Lender,at its optlon,maY r�! railtted by a1�P �:'"J:
<br /> '�.,',. � � . � furthes demaa 3 an d may i n v o k e the p osves a4 sale and eny other remaiies Pe �2�,��u��bat not limited =_,-,,
<br /> entttle�l to collect all expenses inwrred�purs°ing�e mmedie'psovld e d i n t Ws p a i v g r u P
<br /> . �..,,_`
<br /> ' to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs o�tttle evtdeace. u� !e law w 8orro�ver and to � �
<br /> � . If the power of sale ls invotced,Trustee s��e°in the manner prescribed bycapp�b in whfch an9 lr�of the �t.'.'::�.
<br /> � ' . . , i?sopert)'is tacated antl s?�at1 mail copies af sucb �suble law,Tsustee shal��P Pnb11c notice
<br /> At_. . . '� �,:�,� the other geus��prescribed by applica�sle law.Afic-+r tr2�etime required by apP� ---
<br /> licable Iaw.Tnistee.w�thout d�mand an Borrowe�',s1�aU seDl
<br /> ° ' `• ` oY sale to¢lte persons a n d i n t h e m a r.��p r e s c r i b e 8 b y a P P
<br /> aroel of C:�e �
<br /> ���'.. . " • � the Property at publ3c auction to the highest bidder a�t��e�jn�Tr�u.s�t��$Y�po�pfl11e sale of al l�os any P i�ce�f � -
<br /> ��`, . � � � sate in one or more pan�c1s and in any ordes a� Iace pf any previously scheduted sale• Lender or its des gn Y
<br /> , • . . pmperty by public announceme�►t ai the time p
<br /> . • pusctiase the Properly at any sale. ..
<br /> :,� � ,
<br /> �; . '. ,�' form 302t3 °.'90
<br /> �,: ' .. �
<br /> • ' � . . . Vago 5 0�8
<br /> F.`.�'. . ' . .
<br /> . _ , .. . , . � � .
<br /> . . . . ,.-.--,-,�--^..^ . � .... , .. . . . ; . - : ' . . . ' . . ,.
<br /> . . , - � � , �.� . • _ ..� . . . r; . . ' � -. .. � • " _ . , '' - . . � . ' ' .
<br /> : . . . . •. . `�f . , � � • , •� .��...�-»_......,�-�-,-.r-� `'^ - . • —' __. .
<br /> _ _ - ,..r..-^+--�--�n-- �"-.........'t-^c-^'_'t-""�'. . .. �.t # - � .
<br /> - " � "'��.�.. �_.. .... �_ . ._ . . . .... .. . ... . .. ... .e_.:.7�' . _. . . . . i�_ 1..: _._ . � . ___. . .___.. _. . ... � � . .. . . .
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<br />