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<br /> �i• 44 r,F c � t -''S� . ��", t `F,. . ..-y.'. .�'�� .. , i. •�F � t;� . _/.< �1`. .�. �;
<br /> 4 c .��,'G.. "' C .. Z�3 . t. d-`� (� �r 4 E .1�r i �. 't� ��r .
<br /> � � a.-n ', � `! - . � � � k o• � t °��'t..
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<br /> ����'��,� • . . . . , ' . �T
<br /> , ~.����_�°��?°� � . at the o on of L�epdes,if insarance cu . ,
<br /> . . , �... pay�nents may r1a taager�e requ�rad, Pti mnrt�ge ver�e tIn the amouat s�ad for the geiiod ��V
<br /> � ;�. that Lender requires gmvided hy an insurer appmved by Lender a�in heoomes avai2able aad is obtained.Borrower s6ali pay �!-�
<br /> s� ` `'`� • the Pmmiums�ecl�W maiaffiia amrtgage insuranoe sn e�ect.or to prnvide a loss�serve,�nW tIie requiremen!for iuort�aaSe . ��
<br /> - ;�,� . . - �ansina�corQamxwiCnanYwr�teua�enrbecw�aisoaoweraaai.sn�esor�ieia�r� • _ � -�=^
<br /> ` �.�a'.;; '•:'. :`� � 9 I�spa�nn:�der or its age�t may makc r�sonabte enuiss upom.ana insgec�ans of the Pmpenyr.i�der.shal!give
<br /> ��� .� "`',.�.• Bomnwer notice at the time of or priar to aa inspectian sperify�ing reasona62e ra�se fos the iaspecii�on.
<br /> � ;.� Id. Coad�natdoa.'fhz proc�ds of any award or r.laim for dama�es,d'uect or consequeurial, in wnnecdon wiih nnX� ` •
<br /> � -, ooad�mnatioa or other tatcing of any�art of the Fnogerty,or far coaveyanc$ir�lieu of condemnaiion,are he�ehy a�igagd anu� ,
<br /> '" ` :a . s4a1}be paid to Leader. . . � � i�:;`
<br /> - �=`�.�- �� In thc eveat of a wial talwig of the Property,the pcoceeds shali be app[ied to tke suads secured by tttis Secarity tnsdvinent.� :�'-
<br /> `��,� ' w1�etLer ar not then due,�vith auy excess.paid to Harrower. In ihe event of a partial taking of the Praperty in which the fai�� {��;�
<br />-',,?.� 't-':''r ma�vaIue of the immed'e befone the takin Is ��:`.
<br /> � �F�Y� �Y � g equal w or g�eatea t�an the amount of the sums secuied•iry
<br /> . ;iY�' � . gecaiity Ynstrument iuvme�iately before the tskmg,aniess Borrower ana Lender otherovise agree in writing.the sums sewred by� ..�,
<br />- ' - '��..`f��_�, ;�� �this 8ecuiity Insuoment shalt 6e rednced by the a�of tl�prac�eds �itiplied by die foltowing firactfon: (a) the wi�l '����
<br />_ ` . , amotlnt of the snms secured iamtediate3y before tbe�ag,divided by(b)the fair ma�cet value of the Pmperty immediatelq `a`-,-
<br /> !'''r�� � � ���--
<br /> . '�.::°'.,, 6efore the talcing. Any b�lance shall be paid W Borrower. In the event of a paiRial ta�ing of the Pr+Uperty in whtch the fair � , �¢v
<br /> .". `�'���••��:��`.".�`...� maiicet vatue of the.Pcop�rty imm�ediately before the tat�ng is Iess s�the amaotmt of the sums sectued immedistely befori:tt�e • .� .-
<br /> � .:�' :� .. :,� taiang;untess 8urnswer'and Ieudes otherwise a�ee in writing or untess applicable law othernise prnvides,the gmcee�s shall =:
<br /> , ;�
<br />_ � � be appGed to the snms sec�red 6y this Secnrit�►Instr�ment whether or not tl�e sums are titen dne. �,-
<br />_ If the Property is aban¢oned by Bamnwer;or if.a�r nntice hy I.ender w Bauower ttiat the oQndemnoz offess to make an -�;
<br /> ., . , , aarani or settte a ctaim for dama�es.Burrower fails to respond to L�nder wlthin 30 days after the date ths notice is�iven, ' �
<br /> ;.. � ':.; � I�nder is.autt�ria�d to oaltect and apply the prncads.at its option,either w restaration or repair of the Properiy or to the sutns .
<br /> • .�`: secured�by tLis Siecarity Instrument,wheWer or not thc�due. • �
<br /> .•.��y�•. . ;:'"�. UNess I.ender and Borrower otherwise agree n� svriting,at►Y aPPUr�ation of pnoceeds to principal shall not'extend or ���.
<br /> ,. .Y.<: . �°stPon$the due ctate of t�e monihiY Paymems refer�9 a�n in.PazagraPbs 1 and 2 or cL'ange the amoaat of such payments. � • i : :
<br /> • � ; � il. 8omnwer leiot Reteased;Forbe�rance By Lender Not a Waiver.Fxtension of the time for paymeni or awdifica�ian `.
<br /> •-..,: . : of amortization af dce snm�sec�r�d�bx tl�iis Sec�erityr Iasuun�eat�by Lender ta any snccessor in int�erest of Borrower si�l � t t_
<br /> . ': :.:'{ . not ogeraie to retease the liabiliry of the origiaal Bonvwer or Bona�'s saccessois in iuterest.i.ender sha11 not be required t� � �..�-
<br /> _ .: �:?� ,..,�.:�.�,+, gl
<br /> oommea:,e proceediaga against any�succe.ssor in interest or refiue to auend time for payment or otherwise madify'am,orti�ation •#'`
<br />- < «;�.
<br /> - ...: ,'��� of the s�ns secutzd by tlus Seauity Instrument by sr�son of any demand made by the original Borrower or Bonower's �"°'
<br />