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<br /> ' ` 1 . . . ' � � . ��� ������ •r�4`:
<br /> �<:��' ' ` or u Bene�ictul Iaterest fn Eor��cee.If all or eny pari of the PropertY or any inic�est in it_ Y� .'..�,�:'-
<br /> l9.Tr�sl'€*oY the PPaperiy £''-.
<br /> � ��� is sold or transferred(or if a beneifc�al intemst irt Sorrower is sotd or transferred and Bo�rrone�ll of apnsams�pesecurcd by this
<br />. .� ,<. < Lender's prior writaen coasent. I.ender may. et its option� cequire immediate�paYme
<br /> � -- . gec�rity Instrument.However.this option sttail not be eaercised by L�►der if exercise is pmhibited by federal taw sis of tt�e dute `a`=
<br /> '�� •°` �' ` of this Security Instn�ment. ,
<br /> '� � ' Yf Ixnder exercises this opteoa.Le�er shalt F,ive E��wer notice of acce2eration.The natice shall pmvide a period of�►ot
<br /> .:y'"".=�'T�- . less t6aa 30 days from th+e date the nntice is detivered or maited within which Borrower must pay all swns secured by this `�,.
<br /> � . Security Ynstrument.If Borrower faiLs to pay these swns prior io the expitstion of this period,I.ender may invoke at�y remedies , � .`.
<br /> ' permi t t e d b y t h i s.�i t Y instn�ment without fuKher notice or demand on Borrnwer. `,� '.,'
<br /> 18. Bosowei's Right to I�einstate. If�vrrower meets certain�the��lier of a)9 sda�}rs l(�r vs�d�i otnhe�r p�c,r�'cod as -
<br /> . .. .eafonement of this Se�vricy Instnmieat_dissominued at any time p� �L to anyr power of sale wntained ir� this
<br /> applica6le law ma}+ sPec►fY for reiastatement)6efore sale of the PcopcctY P '�
<br /> `. Secnrity Iasuument;or(b)emry of a judgment enfon�ing this Secarity Instnmment.'Fl�ose oornlitioas are tEfat Boimwer(a)paYs ,
<br /> j^_J �'mc�c�then would be due under this Security��the Nflte as if uo acxeleration had accorred:(b) '.'�`.
<br /> •'' (��L f K{�{���D� k
<br /> . _ �� ,:�: c u r e s a n}�d e f a u l t of an y other cove�anu or agreements; (c)PaYs all expenses incused in enfoTCing this Security In�a�►�. 4 r.,,:-
<br /> . iactuding,but not limited fo,reasonabte attorneYs'fees;and(d)t a�s su c h a c c ion as L e n d e r m a y r e a s o n a b l y r e q u ire w assure
<br />. � . �: �° that the lien of t}us Security Inmvment:Lender's rights m the Ptoperty and Borrower's obligation w pay th��n�the _
<br /> � " �' this Securiry Tasuument shall co�inue anchange�i.�Upoa reinstatemem bY Borrower. this Security —='_-_
<br /> , � this right to reinstate s6a11 � _
<br /> -.. � obligations secured hec�eby shall remaiu fiilly effective as if no acxelerntion had oaumed.Nowever, �
<br /> :,,.�.:, � not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph l7. .
<br /> • i of Loan Servtcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(together with this Security -;
<br /> : 19. Sale of riote; CAange _.
<br /> , �n s t r a c nent)ma y be sotd one or more tunes wittroat Pnor nodce to Bonower.A sale may result���5,�����00�
<br /> t s d a e u n d e r t h e N o t e a n d t h i s S e c u r i ty �f r.-
<br /> `r ' -;� as the"Loan Servicer")that collecu cno m h lY PaY� � =��
<br /> .•' �„f. : ar more changes of ti�e Laan Seivicer unrelated to�i sale of the Note.ff there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Bo:rower will be .., .v.
<br /> : " .-;,::,- ' ^" given cviitten notice o f t he c h a s�ge in acco r i 9 a nce wi t h p a r a g r a p h 1 4 a b ov e and a p plicable Iaw.TTie noti�ce will state the name and � . _,..�r
<br /> � �� uts should be made.'Che nodce wili also contain a�a t h e r � -
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payme
<br /> . . infom�ation required ts}+aPPlica6le law. � osal. stoTaBe, or release of any, �`
<br /> Zp. Ha7ardovs SnUsmnces.Borrower shall not cause or permit the preseace.�se,disP ��g � ,��,_
<br /> �~,'� Ha�t�n9s gubstances on or in the Pmperty Bomow'er shall not do, nor a31ow anyone etse to do. anyttnng �' J�
<br />_ .�.'�,�.:;�: . ap e�-:--.`:
<br /> .. �:.;,,.�::.;.; �;.:�; propetty that is in violation of any Environmental Iaw. Ttie preee�ing two seatences sb�all not ��be �p�riate to noemml 4-.,_,.
<br /> • storage on the Prape�ty of small quanri6es of Hazardous Substances that are generalIy rzoagaized aPPmP
<br /> .,,�. , .,:. tenance of the Property. --�-•;
<br /> .. resideatial ases and us main .. ..
<br /> . . ,�`' `"�'�, � Bormwer shall prompdy give Lender written aoace of any imrestigaEion,claim,demand,lawsnit or othec 8ction by SnY ry
<br /> '��.' .:. . - ,r � .goveramensal or regulBwTx agencY a�Vnvate party involving the ProPenY and anY Hazardous Subsfance or Envlronmental Law '•"•,.`
<br /> F^��5.•.
<br /> y,: ,. : , of which Boaower has actoal knowledge.I€Borcawer learas,or is ngtified by any is�nec�ssa�Y.Borrow�a hall pr�mgclY ta�e . ��..-
<br /> z ' "%��;..• any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affectin the Pr�PertY
<br /> ' . aU necessarY remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. �..••..
<br /> ... • ^Ha7ardous Sub s t a n c e s"are those substances defined as wxic or ha�ardous sabstances by �_,�,
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20.
<br /> - ' " Environmental Law and the foltowing substances: gasoline, lcerosene. other flainmable or toxic petcoleam ptadaets, touc . ,�,Y.;.
<br /> �..,,.,.
<br /> � - pesticides and herbicidrs,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and radioattive materiais i��i� �,�,_
<br /> '' • ��s paragrapb 20. "Bnvironmental Law° means federal taws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Proper►}+ ' ,;,_1._=
<br /> .� ,., . ,..`• ;.". . . ,f�,
<br /> �� relate to health,safety or enviranmental protection. �.� _'
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender further covenant and agree as foltows:
<br /> _.' ---- - _ -- 21.Acceferattoa;Remedies.Lender s4�ai1 give notice to Borrower prlor to acceteratian folla�����I7 unless �.���
<br /> � ' of any covenaat os agreememt in thts Seeaefty Instcwnent N�t uot pr[os ro)the aet�oa regduired to c��ure t he deYanit; �;���.ry,.
<br /> . .apPltca6te law pmv(des othecwise).'I'he not�ce shall specify: (a)the defaolt; aeti —
<br /> , ' . . . (c)a date,not tess than he default ontor before�t6e date�ed in the noticeymay�resalt ineaaceleratia fofc the�'sw b ;.::=:'=
<br /> :.. :. ,,�.,,�,t. ._ (d)t�t failure t cur The nottce shaU Further in4orm Borrower o th ight -
<br /> securesl hy this Sernrlty Instrument and sate af tfle Propesty __
<br /> ` reinstate after acceleratton and ttre right to brtng a court actton to asseri tlie non-e�dstence of a defaWt or ady other
<br /> V' ... - defense of Borroower ta�ce�erattan and sa[e. If the defaalt is not cared on or 6efore We date speclffetl[n the a�otice, . `�"
<br /> .;, � � I.ender,at its aptton, may requtre Immediate payment in fuli oi a1�sums secnmd by this Secmity Instrument without �T.,
<br />- • � fariher demand and may im�oke the power of sple and uny oWer remedtes permitted by�pPU�bte Iaw.Lender s6atl be ;.. �,;
<br /> r,.• .' h 21,including,but ao!limited i;:�.
<br /> • entit[c�d to coilect all expenses incurred in pursuirt�the remedies pmv�ded In this{�ar�.�'aP ':--r
<br /> � �`• to,reasonabie attorneys'Pees aud costs of ti8e evideace. '"��
<br /> ;�, :. . �• � ' 1f the power oY sale is imoked,'�'�stee shall record a rtotice of defaWt in each county in�vhfcb any part of tlne . :.�;��.
<br /> � Propesty is tocated and shall mail copies oY such no4tce in the manner prescriberl by appllcable law to Borrower and to tie;.:._�
<br /> ' the oth�r persons prescribed by appllcable[aw.Aiter the time reqnired by appficable law,Trustee ahA11 glve pablle not�ce �:•�___
<br /> � ' of sale�to the persous and in t�e manner prescrlbed by applicable la�v.Trustee,wtthnut demand on Bosrower,si�all sell, °rn_•�r:
<br /> .:..� ., � _� the fr"roperty at pnblic suctfnm[n the highest 69ddea at t�e ttme and place aad�d�4�ne sate of a�or any p 1 tof tirx
<br /> � sa!2 in oae or more parcels ai.�in any order Trustee dc�rmines•�'rn.stee may Q95Zgo
<br /> � � �. � . . . . Fraperty by puBiie announcement at the Nme and plaoe of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its deslgnee may
<br /> . purchase the Pm;.Qer4y at any sa[e. � _ '
<br /> ' � " � Fc�rm 3�28 9/90 •
<br /> � .. . .. . . Pego 6 0}B �
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