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<br /> • -�`L fd< ' f� o'S'� f, � i �. . ' } k t - �.tty�...F, 4 F,.
<br /> n ta"s �� `,�, '� , � � ' • `�- �`'
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<br /> � ?,``�;" �';`���.; , . payr�ts aiay no tonger be r�quiaed,at tt�ee option of Lendei,if murtgage insurause mverage Cm[he�uflunt and,for the pertod •
<br /> - - �:•.�_ � thai Iander r�quices)Provided by ao insurer approv�t bp L�ader agaib becasnes awaiEab2e and is obta3ned.�arrnwer shall PeY
<br /> the premiums requiied to mainmin mort$age insutaace in�effect.or to provide a loss reserve.an�l the reqairenient fvr mortgage •�"
<br /> � � . � � � insuranae ends in accorda�e with etry written agr�nt hetweea Borrower and Len+der or applicable iaw. ���J
<br /> .s' ,'.� 9 Inspeettna.Leadar or ita agent may make reasonable entries apa�and inspections of thr Property.I.ender sf�atl give ;�:._
<br /> .. ':� ' - 8ormwec notice at tlt�time of or prtor to an inspe�ion specifying reasona6le canse for tf�ins�cYton. � � . :�=;
<br /> . .��>-;
<br /> j-�'�. .`'. lb.ton�emnati�a.The pmceeds of aay awa�d or cisim for damages,dim,ct or consequen6al, in onnaectton wit6 any .
<br /> coademriatian or other takibg of any part of the Property.or for conveyarbx in iieu of co�demnation,are her�Dy essigned and � '
<br /> �: shali{se pai�tcs Iea�ex. � � �
<br /> :e- �,, -- - � . � . . • �-.�
<br /> . � � .� '�: . In thc event of u totai taking of the P'roperty,the pra�eds sHall be applied w the sums secomd by.tbis Securiry Ins�hume�t,
<br /> �` � • "`'` ''! • whether or not tfien.due.tivith any atcess paid to Bosmwer..In the eve�of a partiat tatsing af the Property i�wtuch the fair`
<br /> :���.
<br /> c �� R ' mazket value csf the Ptogerty i�iateLy 6efore the taldng is eqaal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this � :�°
<br /> : �°: ,�:� ° Se�urity Insaumertt immediateiy before t6e ta�ng,�lass Bonrower aad Le.nder otheawise agree in writmg,the sums secure�by --
<br /> :s-:.,-
<br /> . • ' this Sewrity Insuument shsll 6e reduced by the amourtt of the proce�ds muttipiled by the followiug fradion: (a)the Yotal ' ;��_
<br /> •`�'� � �ammt of tHe snms secured immediately 6zfore.tfie taking,divided$y(b)the fair market vatae of thc Ptopetty immediately ���, _
<br /> .:.F � „�s�,�. 8eforc ttie�taBing. Any batauce shall be paid to Borcower. In ffie e�ttt of a partiat taldng of t6e Pmpeity in which the fair
<br /> .�.�°` . :�:' market valae of the Property irnmediateiy before the takiag is less than the 2momit of the sams sacared imm�;a ply befose the `E�.�'-.�•
<br /> ta�iag,unless Borrower and L�adet otlignvise•agree in writing or anI�s applisable taw otherwise przsvides,the pnnceeds shaU �
<br /> . tss applied to�the sums secu�d tsy ttus.Security Insuament whether or nat.the snms are then due. . � �_':-
<br /> ,:' �.Y.
<br /> : If.the Praperty is abandaned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lemder w Borrower that the oomdeamos affecs ta fiake an.
<br /> • awand or settte a claim for damages.Bonower fa�s to cespond to'I.ender withia 30 days aRer the daze t�nofice is given, �-�I
<br /> .::.,`,_.r��`. . o w.-:_f�
<br /> L.e a d e r i s a u t h o ri z r d t o c o�a n d a g p l y t h e g r o c e e d s.a t i t s o p ri o n,e i t h e r t o r e s t o r a ti o n o r r e p a i r a f t h e P r 4 P�9 r w t h e s a m s �,�F:
<br />-- - •:.._:.�.,� . sewied bY tEus Seauity Fnstrament,whether or nnt tt�a due. . !��`^�:,'
<br /> Unless Lender and Bm�vwer otherwise agree in�tmg, az►S! �PF2ica6on af psnceeds ;o�princigal sball not extend or ' '�' �.-
<br /> � .. �` °'=. :,! I postpone th�due date of tbe monthty gayc�tits ieferced to m paragraphs 1 a�d 2 or cbaage the amount of sucb payments. - �•
<br /> �':. �:,' f.:....,:. tg
<br /> ' ��< <.•." . � . �,il.Bormw�r Not Released;Forb�araace By Y.eader Not e Wa[ver.Extension of the time for payment or a�wdification ��;s,„�,:
<br /> ; ` '. =s-= � of�nortiaation of the sams sec�red by t6is Security�nsunment granted by Len�der to any sacaessor in inter�st of BoTmwer shali ��
<br /> `:'.r. ° aot operate ta.retease the liab�ity of the origiaal Borrawer or Bmsower's succ�sors in interesG Leader shall not 6e xequired to . . t =,
<br /> - ' ��"., ,� :�� cammence proceediAgs a�aainsst any saccessor in interest or refuse to emend time for payment or othera+ise mfldity ainarti�tion . _
<br />- , ';." �_:.�,,.. -� of the sums secured by tius Security Insuucaent hjt reason of any demaad made by the original Bnrmwer or Boitower's -
<br /> _ - �•� successors iz�interesi. Aay forbeazance iry Lender in exercising aay right or remedy shall aot t�a waiver of or prectnde the � —�
<br /> ,. . �r;"; exercise of a�rig6t or rem�ly. , . •
<br /> _�.;.:..� .k :..�. . � 12.Suicessors.and As5lgns Bound;Joint�ed Several LtabiUty; Caslga�s. 77ie covenants and agreemeats of ithis . •
<br /> • • •.. � Securiry iashnment shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of I.ender and Borrower,•su6ject to the provisions of � . `�`_
<br /> . �°`.::.
<br /> � • : paragraph 1'T. Borrower's covenaats a�d�agreemeats shall be jeiat and several. Any Boaower who c��signs this Sactuiiy =
<br /> .. � Instrument bnt does not execut�.the Note:(a) is co-signing this Security Instr�ment onty to mortgage, gmnt aad comrey that • _
<br /> _ ' �.,.���.'.'r : Borrower's interest in the Properry under the term4 of this Security Iasdumeat.(b)�is not pzrsoua�ly obligated m pay t6e sums c --
<br />` `�:,, `.. � � secured by this Secarity Insuument;and(c)agrec�that l.ender and any othe�BoFrower may agee to extend;modify._forbear ar '�_''"
<br /> . , � _ . �. make any atcommodations with regard to the teims of this Secadty Instmme�rt or the Note without that Borrower's consent. �''.:;
<br /> ; `,. ':.�_ . 13.Loan Cl�aiges.If the[oan secured by this Security Jnstrument is sub�ect w a law wlrich sets�maximum toan charges.. • �'�::
<br /> �;, .
<br />-; � and that law is.finalIy 9nterpreted so tiiat the interest or other toan charges.co]tected or to 6e collected in connecqoa with the • �=`-�.`"
<br /> � � ' toan excced the permiteed limits,then: (aj any such toan chauge shall 6e reduced by the amo�nt necessary to reduce the charge . e-
<br /> co the permitted limi�and(b).any sums already cullected from Borrower wluch exceeded perrnitted�13mits will be refuaited to �_
<br /> �ttower. Lender,may choose to maite this refund by reducing the principal av.zd�pnder ttie Note or.by malan�a diYed •. � --_
<br /> ,_— - - ' �;�mit iv Bv;;vwCr. !f a refund reduces principal. Me redu¢tion arill be tseated as a parti�l Prepayment withont aay . �";
<br /> -_ . • ' . ''� �preDayment c`.�aTge under the Note. • .�
<br /> -- ' ' �� � �,z'`_: . 44.NolYres.An nouce to onower rovided for in this 5ecuri Iasdnment shall be ven b deliverin it or b mailin
<br />_z Y $ P �Y P� Y g Y g ' �,=
<br /> '�� . . itby first class mail unless applicable!aw requires use of another methad. 19�e notice shall be directed to the Property Address �;_
<br /> ��' � � '•` or uny other address $orrower designates by norice�to Lender. Any notice ta L.e�.der shall be given by firat class mail to .
<br />;�^� � .. � ''� � I.�nder's address stated herein or any other address l.ender designates by notice ta Sorrower. Any not�ce provided�for in tf�is `�
<br /> �•
<br /> - . ' Security Instrument shall 6e deemed to have been given to Borcower or Lender whe»given as provided jn this paragraph. �•_„
<br /> • - 15.Cc►cerning Law; Stverablldty. '17iis Security Insuument shall be govemed tiy federal law and the !aw of d1e --
<br /> • � jurisdiction in which the ProQerty is located. In tRe event that any provision or etause of this Security Instrument or the Note '
<br /> ' '' . � conflicts with applicable.law.sach wnflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrumc�t or the Note which can be '
<br /> = given effed withaut the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Seca�r#ty Instrument and the Note ai+�dectamA
<br /> • . -��� to be severr.�'.s. �
<br /> . ::. ;_' I6.L°carotiver's Capy.Borrawer sftzi!be given ane canformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> � ... . .�� ' . Form 3028 9I90
<br /> -' ' _ , ..�{� vagoaot6 ' � c..
<br /> :1 , • �. .
<br /> __ _: 1' .
<br /> . - - `� �
<br /> ;•. . . . �. . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> • . . . . � . .. .. . , . .�: . .:� � . � :. . . � '�'"� � � .' : .
<br /> _ . . . , . . . . . .. . . , � . : . . , � � � : ° .. : ' . � � , �' ' : . . . �. �.
<br /> . . . . .. _. � .
<br />_ _... . .. . ..j� _ . . _ . � . . _ . : . � .. _ . � _ , .`.'. ' � ..� . � _ • .�_ ' . _�- - _' - . . �� i . . .
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<br /> ' , - • . _ ' • ..t�r.... —.--.-._.;-��..... - - -
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