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<br />�� ( ';;��� .�.5 . � � ecected on the ;;;,,
<br /> �` ° t g, �er pcopertyr pnsuranae. Borrower shall keep the impsuveme�s now existing or �ereafter ,;: z,�.
<br /> — .- �n;;;�a-;:d..'^.,�...�.h.o:ha tgrm"extended coverage"aad a�+other hazacds,inc�uding �
<br /> progert}insuted ag�nst ioss oY iuc. — -"
<br /> � tlaods or flaoding:for which I.ender requires iasuraace.This insurnace shal!be maintalned in ttie a��rs an�ior aie pariw� �
<br /> - ; ;�.,� t h a t L e n de r r e q u i r e s.The incurance c�arrier providing the insnrance shall be chosen by Barrawer subject to Leader's approval `. •,•
<br /> ' whlch shall not be unreasonalsly wituheld. If Borrower faits co maintain coverage descn'bed above, I.ender may.at L e n�er's ��'
<br /> ' option.obtain coverage to proted Lender's ri�hts in the PropertY in accosdance with Paragraph 7-
<br /> hts clause. Ixnder f.
<br /> � � • Alt insurance policies an@ renewals si�alt 6e acceptabte to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage `.
<br /> �. ,: : � e to I.ender alI recei ts of . .
<br /> . ,��.. • • shall have t he ri g h t to hotd the licies and reaewals.If i.eader reguires,Borrower shall pmn►PU]+�' p ' <::�;�-�:� �
<br /> . ...� .s•, paid piemiums and renewal aoric�es.Ia the evwt of loss,$orrower shall give pmmpt notice to the insuianoe carrier and Leader. � ,},,,: _.�L
<br /> . . . . ->,-;:,�--�
<br /> � `� r� "; I,en�er may make praof of loss'sf not made pmmptiy by Bormwer. ' - - _- =--
<br /> . ; ` Unt�ss I.eader attd Borrower othetwi�e agrze in writing,iasurance proceeds shall Ire apptied to restoration or repair of the ;'•':,t,;:;;.
<br /> � ' �F�Y�,if the restarasion or repair is economically feasible an d Len der's s�uri t y is nat lessenet!-If���°sums �t r--.;`.n�-_ -
<br /> • .. . , repair is not eaonomically feasibte or Lender's securiry wauld 6e tessened,the insataaoe proceeds shalt be ap'p
<br /> ' ' secured by this Security Iasmunent,whet�er or not then due. with any excess paid to Borcower. If Borrovrer aba�ons the �.ry:�'.``�.,.
<br /> � �� � `Property.nr does not answer within 30 days a notice frum I.ender that the insnrance carrler has offered w settle a claim,then :. ..
<br />� . .. . . Lender may soltect the insutance pmceeds. l.ender maY use the proceeda w repair or restnre t�e PropeTtY or to pay sna� -; ..
<br /> ;'�. � <,,�',,��-
<br /> ... ` ,. . secured by this Security inmument,whether or not thea due.'lfie 30-day periad ari13 Ue�in when the notice is given. �.,�,:�•4,_
<br /> . . ' .. Untess Lender and Borrower othera�ise agree in svsiting, anY aPPlirdtion of praceeds to principal sha11 aot extenci or �._:. `�.:
<br />.. ' • � gostpone the due date of the montbly paymec►ts refer�ed tfl in Pa�b'�P� � �2 or c6aage the amonnt af the paymeats. If � r, °
<br /> olicies and raceeds resolting from �.• w;`.
<br />� • .`, "'. , an der paragrap b 2 l i h e P r o p e r t y is a c q u i r e d by Lender.Borrower's rigt�t to aay insuiance p P t R-'�--___-
<br /> ', damage to the Property prior to the acc�uisition shal'!pass to Lender to the extent of t6e swns seca�+ed by this Security I a s t r u m e n t � R•,�`;; :..
<br /> :� immediately prior to the acquisition. `� ' •.
<br /> 4,� . -' a.:.rv-
<br /> � � � 6.OccapancY.P r e s e r v a t ton,M a t a t e n a n ce a a d P r o 4�t i o n o f t h e P r o p e T t Y;Bo r ruwer's Loan A p plic�tton;Leaseholds.
<br /> .• . g o r r onrer spall ocxu p y,establish,and use the Property ag Bomower's principal residencs wit4�s�Y daYs after the exerudon of -
<br /> '-s� � • a 1 resi d e tt c e f o r a t t e a s t o n e y e a r a R e r '��`" �
<br /> . � � ' this Security Instiument and shalt continue to oxupy the Property as Borrower s princip ,.� _
<br /> . , . , . the date n�accupanry.unless Lender otherwise a„�rees in writing,which consent shall aot be unreasonahly withheld,or unless �:�.'-j
<br /> �,�-_.:_,
<br /> . exter�uating circumstances exist wtuch are beyond Borrower's coauol. Botmwer shall not�destroy. dama8e or iwpair the �{�
<br /> �.--_
<br /> ' :�'.��.:. Property.a11ow the PropeRy to detcriorate. or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall 6e in default if any forfeiture ��� _
<br /> �� action or procee�ing.whethes civil or criminal.is begun that in I.ender's good faith judgcneat cautd result ia forfeitace of the �;,�_.;_-
<br /> . �, ' '' Property oe.otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Insmiment or I.ender's securiry interesE.Botrower may E:""�_N_
<br /> cure such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 13.by causing the acdon or pro�ng to be dismissed with a mling
<br /> k {l ioI
<br /> � ��..'.,� ' Lender's ood faith determination, preclndes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Ptoperty or'other materia! ►r�;;:::;�'.;.._
<br /> that, m g . •�
<br /> , • . imgairment of thc lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest• Borro�ve�'sha1��15'°b6 in default i •;,F_,.�, .
<br /> �:�
<br /> Bonower,during the loan application pro�css.gave materisUy false or inaccurare inforrnation or statements w Lender(or failed � :
<br /> , . ���• to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with the ioan evidenced by the Note.inctuding.but not limited �.���._,
<br /> •• � ' to.representations canceming Borrower's occupancy of the Pcoperry as a principal xesidence.If this Security Instrument is on a F,-,�-•,
<br /> • • .. Ieasehold. Borrower shall compiy with all the provisions of the tease. If Borrower ucquires fee title W the Properry, the "'�'
<br /> teasehold and the fee title shall not merge w�less I.ender agrees to the merger in writing• � �,;`;�;;�> .
<br /> � 7.Protetttou of I.eader's Righ4s in the Propert3'•If Borrower fails to perfortr►the wvenanu and agreements contait►ed in ���,�.,:__.;
<br /> � � � ' ,�°+ � t6is Security Instrument.or there is a legal proceeding tl�at may significantly affect Lender's tights in the Property(such as a �;,��:, ._
<br /> ` a proceedino in banlcruptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeiaue or to enforce laws or regWatipns),then Lender maY do and ��� _-
<br /> � ' . ' ��� pay for whatever is nesessary co protect the value of the Proper:} aad Lender's rigiiis in ihe Propecty. Ixnder"s actiona may �"_�;,_:
<br /> -� �f,`� ' inciude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority cn'.a' this.Security Instrument. appearing ia cowt. paYing �,-� ..--:_:..-
<br /> � � . . `�� reasonable attome s'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although l.ender may take acdon under this paragruph �;- • --
<br /> Y . � ��
<br /> ��: 7.Lender does not have to do sa. • .
<br /> . ' r shall become addirional debt of Borrower secured by this �
<br /> �,;:s:,, � .� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragra�: "
<br />: " . ' ` Security Instwnent. Unless Horrower and I.ender agree to ot$er terms of payment.these amounts shall benr interest from the �r��'__
<br /> ' ,. � � date�of disbutsement at the Note rate and shall tx payable. with interest, up o n notice from Lender to Bonower reyuesting � =
<br /> . • ' 'y payment. . =-
<br /> ' '! S.Moriguge Insurence.lf Ler•�der reyuired mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secuted bv this Security
<br /> �.� � . � � Instrument, Borrower shall pay tfie�:+:miums required ta maintnin the mortgage insurance in effect. if. for any reason. the , .
<br /> :;� . . �_ . r mort�age insurance covera�e required by Lender lapses or c�eases to be in effect.Bortower shall pay the premiums n:c��ired to
<br /> •e
<br /> •� �� ° obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previousty in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the �
<br /> . . '� roved b Lender.,If : ��
<br /> � • cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an siltemate mort�ge insurer app y
<br />{�` f substantially equivalent mortgage insurance covetage is not avalable. Bonower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> � �� , . ��.� one-twelfch of the yearly mortgage insurance premium beinb F�id by Borrower when the ir.surance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> ' ' • � ' be in effect. Lender will accept,us�and retain these paymer.ts ds a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> � •� . . . • , '( Farm 3028 9190 � h .
<br />� - --- ..._..-._�,..� vo3osu�s _ . .
<br /> � i:.� . ' .;� � .
<br /> •.
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