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<br />' .v -� =_�%� on the ro e .and aU easemenu.aPPuiteaances.and
<br /> '< '� ' '` TOG�IER WITH all the improvemears now or�he��and a�dido shaU aLso be covered by t6is Secur'stS►
<br /> ' `°, . Sxture� now or 6ereafter a parc of the�rapercY• " „ . :� .
<br /> ° is iefeired to in this Securi Imshume�as the"Property �"
<br /> _ . incimmrne.All of il�e fnie�oi�ng ty . .... .,..s,.,.a���.:�+t,*�.,orane as�d —�-
<br /> e o •.,:
<br /> � � BORROWER COVENANTS tbat Boriower is taartutty seis�oi tuc esiaic+�►r:�"'�ti-�----..._......_.�-.. p-- . - � ; .
<br /> '�'` �4 . ` ` �� comey the Fcoper�Y and ihat t�e FmPertY is unencumbered.except for eatvmbrances of rerord. Borrowec warrants and will -�:�.- .
<br /> ' '✓� " p � `
<br /> defea�generally the tide w the Property against all claims and demands.subjest to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> '=�` �gg c,,����y ny�RUMEN'T wm6ines uniform covenants for natioaal ase aad non-wtiform oovenants wit1��� _
<br /> �" :" �. vareaiioas by jurisdiction to constitute a umform seuulty instivment covering real prapertY• . .�.
<br /> . . UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree os follows: ��'
<br /> 1.Payment oY PrinttPal and �ater�t; �cePaym�t aad Late C�a�gev. Bortower sbaU prompttY PaY when due the ��..�E�.�``
<br /> �� principal of and i�erest oa the debt evidenced hY the Note and anY P�S'�������due under the Note. ".
<br /> Y.. �.
<br /> � Z.Faads for Taxcs and Iasmance.Sublect w applirable law or to a written waiver by Lender,Bflrmwer shali pay to � -�-
<br /> � t�nder on the day mont}�ly payments are due nnder the PIote.unti'1 the Note is paid in full,a sum(°F�mds")for:(a)YeuIY taxe�
<br /> . ' t as a lienon the Property:(b)Yeat1Y leaselwid paymcuts _:`'��=*°
<br /> K� . ".: ,, and assessments wlrich may attain priority over this SerurFty Insavmen
<br /> - : � or ground renu on the Pivperty,if aay;(c3 Yearly ha7ard ar pnoperty insuraace premiums.(d)Year1Y ffood insarance premiums, �- ~�
<br /> `` � miums,if ,and(fl anY s�ms PaYable by Sorrower to L.ender.in axo�ance wit1�
<br />_ � � ;`, . :" . if aay:(e)Year1Y�nrt8$Se tnsurancs pre �J+ .
<br /> � ' �> " the provisions of parag�aph 8.in lieu of the p a y m e n t of mortgage insurance premiums.T h e se items are c a ll e d"E s c r o w I t e u►s.' ;_
<br /> ; ,-; t-•'
<br /> . ' `.•'•.: . �,¢��r may,at any time,coIIect and hold Fands in an amount aat to eac�d the maximuzn amouM a lende�for a f�deraliy
<br /> � : •1 �_
<br /> ` , � � � .. � reIat�niortgage loan may ceqaire for Borrawer's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Seulement Procednres Ad of �
<br /> ' . 1974 as amended from tane to time, l2 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA').unless annther law that applies ta the Fnnds
<br /> .. � ,.�;
<br /> ���,.,;,'�;,�.,�;,i y,,�.`. . sets a i�sser amount.If so. Lender may,az any time.wllect and 6old Funds in an amoum nat to exc�the lasser amouat. ---_
<br /> �-.',::�;T,.. ,;�, Lender may estimate the amoiurt of Funds due on the Dasis of carrent data and reasonabte estimates of e�cpendiUUes of fuwre .
<br /> , • :� Fscrow Items or otherwise in acoordance with applicable law. i�m��ty, or entity ,`
<br /> .��-,' The�un�s s6all be held in an insticution whosa deposits are insured by a fedeca! agency. ,4.
<br /> �� f' '' .. .� (including I.ender.if Lender is suctr an instituiion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank-Lender sball aPPJy the Funds to pay the ._�
<br /> - .. ,.�.:,;- ' Fscrow Items. Lender may not charge Sonower for holding and aPP1YinS the Fands.annually analyzing tlte escrow accouai,or -_�.'-:
<br /> - �. ,• .;
<br /> ' , verifying the Fscrow Items,unIIess L.ender pays Boirower interat on the F�mds and applicable law permits Lender ta make sach �`,;c,r,.:.
<br /> a ° a d�arge.However.I.eader may requice Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax reporti�►g s�ce _
<br /> ` .. : `� � ase� by L.ender in conn,ction with this toan. un2ess applicable law pmvides otheruuise. Untess an agreement is made or _v:
<br /> �`� appliqbte law requires ir,teresc to be Paia.L.ender shall not be r uired to pay Borrawer any iuterest or eamings on the Ftusds.. _ _Y m
<br /> _�;��: ::<.°'�• :�.... .,. _ . � . - ___
<br /> f; .:• .:•:;.; $o�wer and I.ender may agree in uziung.however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shaU give to Borrodver, �.-_�..
<br /> �:: ,� `°=z:
<br /> ,,;,`� � without charge, an annt�ai acconnting of the Funds, showing credIts and debiu w the Funds and the pwpose for wluch each ' :�
<br /> „ � _.;.� debit to Ne Funds was made.The Funds aze pledged as addltional security for all sums securecl by this Security Insuument. p�
<br /> '` � • If the Fuads held Iry I�ender exceed the amouats per�itted to be he2d hy applicable law,Lendes sha}1 account to Borrower `'•�<
<br /> :�_
<br /> '�� .,�-'• � f o r t h e e x c e s s F u n d s i n a c c ordance with[he r e q ninements of applicable law. If she amount of the Funds held by I.ender at any __-
<br />`� •�� ��''.'• �', �'��'�•� time is not sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in wtiting.a a d.in suc h c�s e B o r r o t+t a r ,.-;��_
<br /> � ` � shall pay to Lender the amoum necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up tfie deficiency in no more than ,;,;,-�:
<br /> � • : •°� �twelve monthly payments;at Lender's sole discnetion. �';;=-
<br /> � � � Upon payment in fu11 of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower ar►y r --..
<br /> �: '��� F u n d s h eld b y Lender.ff,under parngraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prior w the acquisition or sale � _
<br /> - ` of the Property.shall a��ly any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against t he sams secu r e c l b y .. ...�
<br /> ::: . . ��} i this Securlty Instrument.
<br /> �,; .,. . . ;.: �r•-.,;:A
<br />��=. : _—,�..-�----:� � 3.App3tption of Fayme�is,lJnle.GS applicable!aw provides othetwise,all payments teceived by Lender under parabn'aphs � -
<br /> � � " ' 1 and 2 shall be applied: frst, to an}r pcepayment charges due under the Note;second.to amaunts payable under pa�,�ph 2;� -, ;<-
<br />_;.�' . •
<br /> ? � third.ta interest due;fcnrth.to principal due:and]as�to any lat�cherges due under the Note. . ,.:_-...;.:
<br /> �� ' � • 4.Charges4 Li�.Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments.charges.fines and impositions attributabie to the Properey
<br /> � � which may attain priority over this Security fistrument, and teasehold paymeats or�round rents,if any. Borroarr shall pay _
<br /> ���� � � • �� � these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on ti��directly _
<br /> " . � � `. �; to the person o�ved payrnent.�orrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amoun�s to be paid under this para$raPh• .
<br />,s..,.�. ... , ,�' { If Borrower makes tL•ese payments directly.Banower shait promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing ihe payments.
<br /> '#i Borrower shali pfc:nptly discharge any lien whicb has priority over this Security lnstrument unless Borrower:(a)agees in
<br /> • � � °��� writing to the paymer.t vf the oblisation secured by the lien in a manner aoceptable to Lender:(b)cantests in good faith the tien ,
<br /> ,. • ; � by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in. tegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the �
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the hoider of the lien an agreement satisfactory to I.ender subordinatin�the tien to�
<br /> - • this Securiry InstramQ:t. if Lender determines that any part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> `'�` '�` ' � , this Securiry Instrumer:t.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisty c.�e lien or take one or .
<br /> ��� � more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> :r `. . . .. .! • Form.?�028 9(90 .
<br /> � . . :l'� �afle2olB . - .
<br /> . . . . . _ . . r—�". . . . . . ' . � ' � ' . . . . _ . ;.. ., -. T� _ .. : . 4.,... .
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<br /> . . . _ . . . . , . . � , . � . , . .
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