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IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />Cale No. CIO2- 30 <br />KAISONE KHANTI- iAVI�AY, FILED � <br />Petig <br />ti ner, MAY 5 2003 <br />I ) <br />VALORIE eiNDIXE <br />CLERK OF DI$T CT .Lp <br />KHAMLAY KHANTHAVD T " — " 1 ' "' <br />vs. <br />Respondent. ) <br />201306799 <br />f <br />MILD CUSTODY AND <br />dPERTY SETTLEMENT <br />AGREEMENT <br />THE PARTIES to this agreement are Kaisone Khanthavixay, <br />Petitioner, and Khamlay Khanthavixay, Respondent. <br />WHEREAS, the Petitioner has filed a Petition in the District <br />Court of Hall County, Nebraska, the object and purpose of which is to <br />dissolve the marriage heretofore entered into by and between the <br />parties to this agreement; and, <br />WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to compromise and settle <br />all of their property interests, each against the other, subject to the <br />approval of the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: <br />1. This Agreement shall be submitted to the District Court of <br />Hall County, Nebraska, for the Court's approval and incorporation into <br />any decree of divorce the Court may render in said action. <br />2. The Respondent shall have the permanent custody and <br />care of the parties' minor children, Chindalone Sandie Khanthavixay, <br />d /o /b December 6, 1988, . Vannakone Peter Khanthavixay d /o /b <br />November 25, 1990, Franky Khanthavixay d /o /b March 8, 1993, <br />subject to the right of reasonable visitation by the Petitioner. Such <br />reasonable visitation shall include, at a minimum, one month in the <br />summer (June if the parties do not otherwise agree). In addition the <br />parties agree that the Petitioner shall be entitled to visitation during <br />the children's Christmas vacations in odd numbered years. The <br />parties shall split the cost of transportation for the minimal visitations <br />described in this paragraph. <br />3. The Petitioner shall pay to the Respondent for and on <br />behalf of the parties' minor children, child support payments in the <br />sum of $500 per month reducing to $419 for two children and $292 <br />