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<br /> � �,f��� attatut�tttt! ��. BomQSVet aha11 aEsA be �a defautt it Boaowes, durIng tfle loan application pmcess, F,ave � . ,
<br /> �, � tnaterinity fn1s�or ina�xumte tnform�t3on or stazements to icnder<or faited co provide Lender with�y matei,al } .,, � , ,+
<br /> n
<br /> • � informatlon) !a► wnneccion with the toan evIdenced by c�e Noce. inclwd'mS, buc aot Iimiced w, �entadans " � __-
<br /> caacrntin8 Borcawer's a�upansy of thc PrapertY as a Prinap�al residenra. If thfis Secaricy 1nsm�ment is oa a �` � �_ ;:-..
<br /> t '. � Ic�ttboldi @onmva sha11 comaty adth the provisi�oas of the iease.If Borrower acqui�+es fee title to tt�e Picageaty,the - `:`
<br /> " � � � , tcasct�ald eu�[ee dde ahe11 nof ba metg�!unless Lender agree.s w the merger in wri�ng. �� .� '°.LL�-:_,_.._
<br /> . gr
<br /> � � 6.Ca�tQc�aattoa.The ptoceeCs of aay award ar clatm for damages.direct or consequ�ial,In oormecdon�ith - r R ..._
<br /> � �y sa�ldctnnatton oT othcr t�cin8 ot uny part of tice Property, or for com�eyanue in piac�e of candem�on, are �
<br /> �,. � : • . �.� hcreby agsigncd aad Ah�ll 6e paid to Leuder to the exsgnt o t t he[u l I amount o f�e i n d e b t e+d n e s s t h a i r e m a�s B a p a i d ...: ,�=��_
<br />-. : • unGrr thc Mote saud tdf�5ecuriry tastn�ent. Lend�ac sba11 apg}y snch pmceeds w the sed�ion of the iad�stedne� : �t`;''•.�-':-
<br /> . � , ':,.� unQer the Nate and t�s Secau(t� (nsuument. 8rat to any deliaqneat amnunts applied in the o�r pravide� in —
<br /> •`�! P�Dh 3.�ttd then to prepayment af prlacipal.AaY aPPlication of the pmc�ts ca cHe prmcipal sHall uut e�cttend ns
<br /> �. . '� postpone thc due date of tho montHty FaYments.wbic�er�referred to in paragraph 2,ar c�ange ct�amou�of sucd� �.
<br /> . ' pa yt�tnis. Aay exaess pmcc�Qs over an amount required co pay ali au�ng iadebtedaess under the Note and t6is •r•;�:._
<br /> �. ,,�- 5ecurlty(nsttumcttt s�aU be patd w the entiry legatly entitled thereco. '�-=-::
<br /> `' . 9. Cd�nag� to Barru�er aud �rotecdton ot Lxnder's Rt�ts ta tde Propert9- Borra'uer s�a11 PaY � ,�,.�
<br /> � . , . �,, govetaatental or mwnictpal ch�tges�fir�es end impositians tl�at ate aot included ia paragraph 2.Bormwer shall paY >tz> ,
<br /> . �'.'.�� these obliBattoas oa ti�te dire�tly to the endry which is owed the paymeut. if failure to pay would adversely�f'f�t E. _—
<br /> . r�--���y
<br />� � �� �.,� Lendet's interest In tbe Property, npon l.ende�'s r�quest Banower sbail promPttY fuin�sh w l.end�r receipts . • _---
<br /> . :'°A:;� ev1Qeucinp these payments. � h 2,or faita io erfarm aay other ',.:. � . .
<br /> • • lf Bormwer(afia to make these Qaymenta or the paymcnts reciui�rd Dl+P S�P p
<br />`"'�. "• ' cavcawta mid agre�ments coatai.ne8 io t6ia Sepuity Iasteu�ent.or t a a e i s a I e�a 1 praceedin 8 that m a Y�P,�uY ��`A"°"•` �--
<br />- ` � � . ��.�� affos�Leader's ri g Lta in ihe Ptopetry(such as a proceedmg ia baakruptcy. for candemnat�on or to enforce laws or ':�`;�`' =
<br /> �',.; . . • regWationsl�then dender may do and pay afiatevec fis nscessasy►to Dmtca the vatue of the Pcope�ty aad t.eader's E + .,_„_ ��
<br /> � _ • :. } rights W the Paapecty,Gueludfng payment oY taxes.hazard iasurance and other items memtened in paragap�2. , --
<br /> . Any emouats disbu�sed by LenderunQer thi9 Qaragcaph shall 6ecome aa additional Qebt of Barrower and be ��,�,t�. ,
<br /> . setu�ed by this Securiry Instniment.'fhese amauats ahatt bear irite�esc from ttze date of disburaemenb at the Note ;�,; .�
<br /> � . � - rate,and at the optton of l,en8er.ehalt bs immediately due and payable. Y+"r�;; -__
<br /> � ;; 6ortower shaU pmmptly dlscharge euy lien�vhich has prForIry over tbis Serurity Insuument�mless Bosrower: . r .-� _
<br /> � : � ., (a)a$cees in writ(ng to the payrment at the obligatioa seaue4 by the lten in a manner aa�ptable to l.ender: N) '�, ...: _ _�_..,
<br /> • contests in good faith ehe lien Dy.or defends a�tast euforcement of[he Iten in, Iegal pmceedipga which in the • �"i�s:=°
<br /> ` . � Leader's apinion operate to pievent ttto enPorcemeat oi the lien; or(c) sec�res from the hoider of the liea an '� ��--�`
<br /> :.: �:�::_
<br /> ,,��, '�� ag�emeae satisfaccory to Lender sotrordinadnB�he lien to ihia Security Iusaument•If lxnder d�termincs that a�'part . ��;_L �.._
<br /> _ ' ...�y-�: . . ..,; of the Praaetty is subject to a Hen which may attain prioriry over this Serauity Insuumeat, 1.ender maY 8�� . -�;�. � --
<br /> -� � . . Borrower a notioe tdentjfying the tien. Bormwer aha11 saNs�►the li�ar take one or more of the actions set forth _:�,,4,,�
<br /> � .� . � above wlthin IA daya of the giving oi aotfte. - ``
<br /> _ . ' . � ,; 8.Fces.Lender may coltect fees end charges authorized Dy the Secretary. �, � �
<br />�,. . m ' : -
<br /> � ' � ' 9.G�oun4v!or A�eetemtto�oP Qebt. � `: � z --
<br /> - . . � • � (s�Defnult.Lende�may.eacept as lit�itod by regntatfans issued by the Secretary,in the case of payment _ry ��,
<br /> � —� defaulta,require imsnediate paymem is�Nlroi�11 sums secured by�his Secur3ry tnstsumeat i& . . -- _
<br />_ . • `� (i)Borrower defaults by fniling to pay(n fY�ll nny monWy payment required by this SecuritY lnsuument •R . --.�;= ,
<br /> . � . s prtor to or on�he due date of�he aeat monthly payment.or • ;:
<br /> ,..�,��
<br /> :,�. (ii)Bornow�r defuutts by failing.for e petiad of thlrty days.to perfoim aay other ob]igattons cantaiaed ,
<br /> � in this Securiry lnstrument. �•'� :'.�� .
<br /> � ; (b)Sate Without Ctcdta IOpprovW.l.ender shall.it permitted by appltcable law(includ�ag Section 341(d) . :
<br /> • i of the (iam•$t. Germajn Qepository (nsdtutions Act af 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(�)aad with the prior .
<br /> rma
<br /> . � ap�mval of the Secretary,rcquire immeG�ute payment in Poll of ell sums secured by this Securlry Luarumem
<br /> . : . . .�.:i; ;f: . . .
<br /> � . .
<br /> . . .s . . .
<br /> _ , . , .
<br /> - ., ' �.i �qfltNE)ieoos�o� ►�eme �mva�:S�� ��.
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