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<br /> � , If thS�OUatS hCld ITyI LCIIaCt f0!ESCtOW ILCIDS BaCeed thC:�LS�
<br /> . ar'-�s,:� sliall acoou�tt ta Boaawer for the e�c�css fvnds a9 requi�ed bp R�SPA. If the��znoimts of funds heW by Lender at a�►
<br /> ` u no �he�ornawer mmd requir�Borroarer to �.
<br /> ti m e�c n o t s u ff c i�t m p a y t t t e E s c r oar I�ems whea dae.i�xler ffiaY t�Y:...: ,� °
<br /> ♦' � �`.i make up t�te sh�rtaSe as pesmitte�bY RESPA. ��'� , �'
<br /> " . . , '� The Fscmw Faads are ptedged as a�itional s�curity for alt s�ums seruiied isy thi� Se�ritY Inst�e�- � _==
<br /> �.;�. � Soaower tendeis w Leader the full paymeat of all sach sums.Bcraower's account st�be coedited with the balaace ` �� ,�.'.
<br /> �` aad(c?��►Y���:P��II`;n�nment�Iender has -
<br /> ',�: �a*^,.,a�-_ir++n�f0i 2�;n alimeftt�CIAS(8�.(�1). x _
<br /> ` �. not t�ome obligated to pay W t�e�eccetary,and Lender shall pmmptt}��d aap.ex�fands w Bouuwer. ,
<br /> y f i� ;;,�{: immediatelY Prior to a fo�+ectas�ue sale of the Pmpecry or its acqmsiuo�b7���� ��et's account sbali ise E
<br /> Ciedlted with aay balaIICe tema�in$f0T 8I1 ina�t*+E'"14 for i2e�s(a).(b),2�id tC}. �' -
<br /> `".��� • '�• '� 3. c�tton of Playmez�ts.All payments under Paragc�Phs i and 2 sball be app3�by L�stder as follaws: `` , .
<br /> gca
<br /> -�3:_ ' L�`�-., r .y f� ��/��p �^� }�� *���M M.^•����}����}(►Q ^1��; ,
<br /> :_)� ,'t'... ' . '�.'. {T{}C* �L3�Oa�iYJYif�Myy plirLYWM�Y�i���LJPWGf W���Vi W YW WtiIlYY)�^O��� . - "
<br /> , .�°�'= gecret ry=Instead o�Yhe monthty mortgage insuaance premium: .:`< '---�
<br /> eronci to txay taxes.sPecIal 8ss�""?�'��teaseliold payments ar gcaufici�r+ems,and fire.flood and other har�d
<br /> '.�;� . �� .
<br /> i�saranCe premiums+as zeqwr�. _
<br /> . . - �r'n ,to i�ecest dae uader the Natc: - �` _:'-
<br />- � - Fou�•to a�rtlzasion of the p�Incigal of the Note;aa� . . . . . . � _ -- __ —
<br /> : �jft,�,to tate char8es due urWer the Note. : -
<br /> �:,;" a.�,�ooa ana ou�er�ra�ra��Bormw��u���mmv�n�s on a�e rmpercy,Whaner t <,
<br /> • * now in exiscence or subsequeatlY erected,aP,ainst ffiY b�T�r���es'and cantingencie�,;�ucluding&e.for wludt ,� *-,�,t,�:�----
<br /> In the amo�ts a�st foic the petinds t1� IenQei ;y: ,_.<.
<br /> ..- , Lende� �equires insmance. Tbis insutance sLall be manntained f."'�= �-.
<br /> .�.`�.. . �eqniies. Bomawer stsall also insur+e a11 impmvemeats on the�ProPertY, vuhet6er now in�icisience or snbsequeutlY _ _
<br /> � e�.against lass by floods w the e�aent required bY the SecretaiY.All iasurance shall be cartied with campanies � .
<br /> ,; ,: ��$ -- --
<br /> , , ,. appmved by L�der.�he instiraace policies aad anyr r�nearats si�all be head by l+ender au�shall iaclnde Ioss payable .�z�. -
<br /> ����� clauses in favor of.an�in a form aaxPtable to.Le,�det. �
<br /> . . �,i•.� In the event of loss;Borr�wer sha11 give Lender immediaic not�ce by maii.Leader ma�i imake prcof of toss if not ,=P��~_--
<br /> '.:-� ma�e pm�mptly by Berrower.Fach insurance company concemed is hereby anthorize�anc!da�ed to make payment ` _ _—
<br /> '� mad AlY or� of the insnrance
<br /> �.., for sucH toss directiy to Lender, insteaa of to Bosrower aad to Lender jaiutip. ffil+F� i;�rr _�
<br /> `� '�; :�•' proceeds may be agplied by Lsn+der.at its option,either(a)to the redncaon of the in�ebtedn�s uad�;tl�Note aad ;,� =—
<br /> .� 'k �; ent amounts applied in the mber in paragraptt3,and thea to pregaymeut "?^"°"` __
<br /> this Security Insuumeat,fust w�Y deliu4a a l�c�tion of tYte praoeeds w the �: "" -
<br /> . ' of principal, or(b�m the ieswration or repair of the damaged Pmperry. Any. PP� b 2,or � '.-;''`,�`,"';-`-_-
<br /> . .�:� principal shall IIot extend or postpone the due date of the�aonttJy payments which are referted to iu paxagtap ;':-�y��.
<br /> na
<br /> . . - �". ` chaage the amount of such paytaents.Any excess iasurance pmceeds over an amount requireA W pay a]I uutstaading =-._..,o,...-__
<br /> . . i n debtedness uader the Note aad this SecurIry Insaumeat shall be paid ta the entity legally endtted thereto. �.�"�'.-°''�-==�..,
<br /> � : , �y er of dtle to tbe ����� °.,J.,..��f=----
<br /> ° In the event of forectosure of this SecarI Insuumeut or other uansf �P�Y , =.";*. .
<br /> � ,,,` the indebtedness, all right, tide apd interest of Borrdwer ia aaA co ia4urance�lici� in force ahall pass to tfle _-
<br /> '� .J�' purchaser. � � --
<br /> � . : - ; 5. OccnP��9+�4rvatton.Mainteaance and Y°roter�loa of the Properiy;�ormwer's a.om[s J�yp9icatlon; ^;�� ...�..
<br /> ' � � I.easeDo2ds. Boaower shaU accupy,establish,aad use the Property as Bomower's p�incipal residence aithin sixry �,;,,.:.n.n=.;: _--
<br /> '� ' -.:��: days after the execuaon of this Security Instrument(or within sixty days of a Iater sate or uaasfer of t�e Pi6�ezty) -- ..
<br /> � ', , , !'. ;;.';s as Borroaer's rinci al residence for at leasc oae year after the data of �_�'�`,�=�
<br /> • aud shall oontinne to occupy the Properry V F . 7 ;
<br /> � . ` oocugaucy.unless Lender determines that requirement will cause undue�ardship for Borrower,ar�ess extenuating _ -
<br /> ���', � cir+pimstances exist which are beyond Bonower's control. Borcower sLall notify Lender of aa�! exteauating • ��`
<br /> ' � '�' circumstances.Borrower shall not commit waste or destroy,damage or substantially change ehe Properry or a]tow the
<br /> .. • ' pcoPerty to deterlorate.reasonable wear aud tear excepted.Lender may inspea the Property�f the ProPe�Y is vacaat : -t�`.°= .
<br /> .- ',:_.i • , .
<br /> � � �. �' or abandaned or the loan is in default. Lender may take reasonable action to protect and presen►e sacfi vacant ar _
<br /> . ,;i�
<br /> ,�
<br /> .�� .
<br /> _ � � ; i (�4R1NE11se0a�.ot ��o�e i •�tsys•6�. . ' . . , . �
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