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<br /> ' -'— 13.11�a#taes.AnY notice to�otmwer pmvld�for ia this Secaaity Ins��s]�all be given by dclYVering it or , �.-t `` -T
<br /> `� �` �,�� 1ry ma7iag it by fi�st ciass ma�w�tess aPFlicable taw tequires use of another method:The notice sball be directed w ,
<br /> .,"�` ��P�Y A��or any other a�d�Bnaower designates isY notirx w Iender. Acry notic�to Leader sha116e __ 4'.,, .
<br /> � � . � .
<br /> ° giyea hy 5ist cla�mail to I.mder's•address stated Ileseia or a�r add�ss Leader desi�bl+n�otioe to B�rrower. '`,
<br /> : � p�r notioe pmvided fnz in this S�itY�s�am�shalt be deemed to haire been given�o Bortoaer or Lender when �`:
<br /> ,� � �,° .�, ��14.C:oveming�.a,F S��abilitY.TWs Seattiry�n�tt�`-�be govemed bY R�eral law and the Iay++af -•' _ _
<br /> - � =.- � �--: r# th�jur�sdfc�on in which the FroPertY is Iocated.in tl�ee eve�tIl�t�3'F���or cLa�e of tbis Seattity tns�tent �;:. ,.� . _
<br /> n
<br /> � :;`-:# or the Not�conflisxs with agplicable laar,sn�t evaSict s�al�not affect atHer P�uns of tb'ss Secncity Iasmmseat or �i`;� _
<br /> the Nate wlt�h can be given effect withoiu the oonflictinS Pmvision Ta this e�l the pmvisions of tLis Seauit5► ;
<br /> , ,. . . �::
<br /> � •_�;; Insuument and tt�e Note ar�decia�ed w be severable. �,� _ _
<br /> ab
<br /> • , . .,�- 1S. Bormwds Copp. Bo:rower shall be giv� one confomied capy of the Note � of tt�is Seauity .--- _
<br />� t ; ` -
<br /> �.. �, 16. �r�dous Sn�stanr�• Bormwer shall aflt cavse or permit t?ae presence,use.dispos�.��ar retease ,�:�- �
<br /> ` �;-�r . c�any Ha�dous Substaaces on or ia the Pi+operty.E��sravuer shall not do,nor allow anyone eTse to do.anytbinS . . r _ -
<br /> Ha
<br /> . �.�,.:`; affe�in8 the�Y tflat is in vi+alation of aay F�vao�ental law. '�'�e pr�ding taro s�shatt not apP2�►to. [� ;- --
<br /> . - , ` .� the preseac�e� qse, oz stoiage on.tbe Fcop$rty of smaU 4uanti� of Nazardous Substances that are ge�terallY _
<br /> �� `� . :x recognize�d w be appropriate w normal�sidential uses and w maiat�nsnoe of tfle Praperty. _..j�:„ � �_._
<br /> . ,j � Bomawer sbaU pra�ptlY Slve Lender writt�notice of any iavemtigatian,claim,demand,lawsuit or other aaron ,. ,: ,��
<br /> �; 1 ��' ' en ot �ate involving the PrapenY aad aW►Ha�dons Sabstaace or . �
<br /> ,��i: by any govaamental or regalaw�y►ag c�+ D� F�Y �� - � —_-
<br /> � � Environ�atal Laa+of which Borrower has'acaial Imoavledge. If Bormwer leams,gr is notified bY anY gov�nmen� � �i�
<br /> � ' ,�� that any cemoval or other remes�iatIon of any Hardrdaus Sbbstaaces af�ng the PcoPenY is - . �1",,.- --
<br /> . or t�egulato:Y amhnrii}► law. . � '`�_, -
<br /> , ` nece.ssary,BDmower shali pmmPttY take aU n�ssary r�m�iai act�ons in accorAaafle witb E�e�1 __� `-
<br /> , � As vsed in ttds paragCaPh 16, °Ha�rdous Snhst�ses° a� t�ose substa�r� defined as wxic or hazaMons � „�x, ��
<br /> �bstances bY Envimnmental Law and ttte follawin� substaaces: gasoline, �Cerosene, other tt�oable or w�ic %�S`{ ---
<br /> � � , . p�xrolenm pmduas,toxic gesdcides and heibicides,�olat�e solveats,materials containing asbesws or formatdehyde. ;ci`ry, �f
<br /> px . ; ,
<br /> ` � ' and rad�oaaive matetials. As used�n tWs paragcaph 16. 'EavIr+unmental Law'means federa1 laws aad laws of the ,.:F�ry,;,: . �'
<br /> . . � ` jutisdia"s��here the Froperry is Iacated thaz relate w heatth,safety or environmental pmteaion. '. ;.1,. _.
<br /> , . ,;:�,3: -
<br /> .. .:-.. '...{ . . asfoIIaws: "". ` �
<br /> '�'• � � . .,; irTON-UNIFORM COVENANZ'S.Bormwer and LEnder further wvenant and agree � - .��`�'-��,;
<br /> � ,::,.�'�.' ,. _ . iT. Asst�ment oY Rcatg.Borrower vncoaditlonally assigns aad nansfe�s to LRnder aU the rents and revem�es '�'-;,:•.;. -
<br /> .,,:<,:'.�`. ' -:
<br /> ..�..''.i �: . `.�i of the PropertY-Bo:rower authori�es Lender or Lender's agents to oollea the rents and;evenues aud he�eby dire�ts . � ��-
<br /> ,.:; ',•'-::v.:.�.>;s -
<br /> ,� � _ i .eath tenant of the PmPertY ta PaY the te�ts to Lendes or 1Rndei's ageats..Hawever,Prfor to 1.ender's aotice to "--: ��
<br /> _ :;�� .,:, � Borrower of Lorrower's breac3�of a�►Y wvenant or agreement in the Securiry tnsnvmeat.Borrower s�iaU co]Iect and �_ ��.�: :;
<br /> . . .,, seceive sU rents aud revenues of the PropenY as austee for t h e i sen e fi t o f L e n d e r a a d B a r r a�v e r.'P h L g a s s t g n m e n t o f , r�, ,,
<br /> �: � ��.. -�-
<br /> � :�.� re�tts constiurtes an absolute aasigament anA not an agsignment for additional seciuity onty.
<br /> . . 1f I.ender gives notice of breach to Borrowes:(a)a11 rents reoeived by Bormwer shaU be,held by Borrower as �_Y�,.., _
<br /> ." �, • � trustee fos benefit of Leader onty,w be�lied ta the sums sec��d[ry the 5ecurity Insuam�;{b)1�eader aha11 be � _
<br /> " �� endded to oollea and receive all of the rents of the Propercy:aud fc}eac1�tenaat of the Property sha11 pay ali nents _ : . .�
<br /> . . � . due and vnpaid to Lender or Lender's agent on Lendes`s wrItten demaad w the teAant. . �s.�-�-�"
<br /> =- ' _ .;` � Bormwer I�not executed any prior assignmem of the rents and IIas no2 aad c�ill not perfom►any act that would ..,',�:,,.�_.
<br /> • •. Prevent Lender from exersising its rights under this para$raph�7. __---- -
<br /> Lcader shall not be required to enter upon,take control of ar maintain the Property before or after giving natice ___,
<br /> - .�. '. � I�. of Dreach tu Bonower.However.Lender or a judicially appointed receiver may d�su at any time there ls a bmach. � .
<br /> _. `` � � :: AaY apPlicadon of rents svail not cure or waive any defaiilt or invalidate atry other right or:emedy of Lender.This . , :
<br /> a
<br /> - , � '' assignment of rents of the Property abaU terminate when the debi secured by ths Securlry Instrument is paid in fiil1. . .
<br /> . � ' .j. ; . � fi`�:
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