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<br /> . .., `��� (i3 Ai1 or part af the Pmgr.�t�►,or a is�ficial inter�t in a uust orming all or pa�R of the Progerty.is sotd -� .
<br /> � , r as otheiwise uaasf�aced(othez than 6y devise or de�oent),and :'`�;
<br />- ,r. ('u7 The Property is aot axupied by the pu�chaser or gr�te�as his or her princtpal�esidenc�. or the '_ , _ ..�a_�'
<br /> ` pnt�baser or g�aantee does so oowpy the pcoperty bnt his oz her credit has not baa approved ia � ���.��_� -_
<br /> � , ' aecordaaoe with the�equirem�ts of the S�retffiy. F -
<br /> �``' ' (c�No Wsiv�If ci�vmstaaoes ocxur that would petmit Leader w require immediate payment m fiill,b� ,� •,?`,.-_
<br /> ... - `f-�� Lender does not teqaire snch payments,l�nder does not watve its rigbts with tespecx to sabsequent events. _ _'
<br /> � ��" (d)Re�ata�ons of IItJD 3ecretary. In maay cutumssances regnta�ns issaed by the.Seaaetary w�l llmit " - __- _ - _..
<br /> .. Lendes's rigMs,in t$e ease of payment defauits,to iequire immed�ate pay�ent tn fiill aad forec2ase iS not • ==�.T�'��
<br />" . paid.T�is SeauIty Instrameat does nat authorize acoeieradon or foiecIosuce if aot permitted by regolatians -_£��`--'-�
<br /> �,-
<br />_ ' of the Se�retazyr. • �='--
<br />< " (c�Moitg�gE Nut Ins�u�.Boirawer agtees ti�at if tlus S�cnrity Insomment and the Note are not determined ' '•-�_,
<br /> _ �� . �. w be et��te fos insnrance ander the Natianal Housmg Act wItbin 60 days fmm the date betwf� 1�nder �_.`;;_>'_,-.
<br /> , � may,at its opiion.reclnire immedIate PaYmeat in fnD of aU sutns seca:ed by tlus S�utity Insernment. A -__--
<br /> " .` `; , wzitten statement of any anthorizal agent af the Seccetary dated snbseqnent w 60 daya from the date heteof, ' ;�::-�-�.j
<br /> _ �'. .3. :.'�.•..... ,� _ ,
<br /> • . ' '` 'S.�'- d2CI111�ri$ t0 �SUIC t�S $CC�t}i I�St[�IDCIIt aiM t�C NOtC. SI1211 I1C dEE'IDCd CQIIC1tiS�VB j1Za0�O�Si1Ch � ,
<br />� ' _ ineiigibility. Nomithstand�g the foregoing, tl�s agt�an may aot be execsised hy LRnder when the - �..�=•':`- --
<br /> � � --
<br /> :� unava�ability of im�uance is solety due tfl L,ender's failute to temit a mortg,age insmrance premium w the � ,.�:,��
<br /> . ��g $fCi�aTy� . �
<br /> . , ... r: .,'.;...� , �::;�
<br /> . ..�� .. . ""�' I0. Reinafste�men� Borrawer has a�dght to 6e refistated if I.eader has r�Immediate payment iu fQll --=_
<br /> . .`i.',`' bec�se of Bamnwer's fa�ure to pay an amonnt due und$r the Note or this Security I�ea�This rigt►t applles '`'•�`.
<br /> � _ ' even after fosec2osura praceedings are instituted. To reiaqtate the Se�urity insuumsat, Bormwer shaU tender ia a =-_-_° -
<br /> ' ; lump su�s�?1 amounts negulied to bring Borrowec's accoimt aac¢at ineluding,w the extent they aze obligatiops ot .=--_-
<br /> �-: '`;.' Borrower under @us SeWriry Instramenb famciosune costs and reas�able and crstomary auomeys'fee.s and expeases ��,,��.;:;;��= N_
<br /> . . . ;...f�..�: properly asseciated with the fomc�osure pmceedi�.Upon mins[atea�at by B�awa,this SecurIry Insu�ument aud . Fic�p��.���
<br /> � . . : the obligations tha� it secares shall remain in effect as if Lea3er t�ad not r�rired immediaie payment in flill. G�.-.__�,
<br /> f. However, Lemder is not required t,� penmit ninstate� �. ti} I.ender l�as accepted reinstasetn�nt aRer the
<br /> commeaeement aP fomctosure proceadings witbin cwo Y���Y P�g the commeaoement of a ciurent ' �� �
<br /> :i.�,� : - _-
<br /> �� : � forectosure pmceeding. (i1) reInstatement will gmchide fareclosu:e on di� grounds in the futarer OT\U�� � il��j�41If,: _=-
<br /> ,f;���ys:�sT. .
<br /> !� —
<br /> :;•_�f' � , , re�++�*ArP,•��,t wIU advelsely affect the prfoiity of the lien created by this Securlry Inst�nent: ;�._tih;._ .'�,�
<br /> � � � ii. Bore+nwer Not Itet�ed; Fosbearance By L�ader Not a Waiver.Extension of the tuae of payment or -
<br /> . . •... modif cation of amoTdratlon of the sums secured by this Security Iflstrument grantod by Lsnder to auy sace�ssog in :• ��-�'
<br /> :: . .. • :��: inter�st of Boiravrer sball not operase to release the liab�7ity of the origIaal Bonower or Barrower's suaeessor in , .: �•°,°_.: -
<br />': ,•� • -� : interest.Lender ehall aot be sequired w commence proceedings aga9nst aay successor ia intenest or refuse to extend . -_�'=; : _ ,�
<br />,. �.::;��`:�' '. . time far paymeat or othe�wlse modify amortlzation of the sums secure4 by this Seauity Insuument by reason of atry ... ::-'�':-° `�
<br /> • . .• `,- � demaad made by ihe original l6orrower or Borrower's suacessois in iuterest.Any forbe�ance hy Lender in exer�lsiag � ____
<br /> " " aay right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exerctse of any right o:remedy. " ---
<br /> � . • ��y : _ 12.Susc��and Assigns Baentd;Joiat and Several Lia6Dlty.Co-Signe�s.Tbe o��rnants and agreements .1:,,. �
<br /> ` � ' of this Securiry Tnsuument shall bind and beaefit the suocessoss and assigns of Ixnder and Borrower,subject to the -
<br /> ': � ' �; sovisions of ara b 4(b). Borrower's covenants and a eats shall be oint and sevesal. . . 'i�"•'
<br /> P p grap Sreem j AnY$orrower who
<br /> . casigns tWs Securiry Insuument but does not eaecute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security In.mument only t� , . -
<br /> . '. ` -�.'�� ' mortgage,grant and oonvey that$orrower's interest ia the Property under the teims of this Securlty Insttument;(b) ,.' ••:�•;^�°-�,?z�
<br /> . . � is not pessonally obligated to pay ttee sumv sec�ued by this Secu:iry Insm�ment;and(c)agrees Wat Lender and any : . � -.� '
<br />"- . � ather Borrower may agree to eatend,moQify, forbear or make any accommadations wiW regard to the terms oY this - � � � � '
<br />� � � � ' SecurIry Instrument or fne Note without tbaz Borrc�er's wnsent. � . -
<br /> '`�. . •� . ` . . - � _
<br /> . .. ,,,.
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