- ,,�. ..._. r . ; : _ �
<br /> :
<br /> c i • . . . -.': t �f
<br /> ..:
<br /> .�..... -...:". ..�.'"�.S'.. �`zr,.e..:.-_. ..:., . .' - ::.— . _�.:. .:^ .'.."."_�.. :5�::.`3. � a�'_:' c.r"C � _ '_ ..d�^ :l'__....:__.
<br /> —..�+'r_,�.T�`— a . .. "T•— _ _ _�s.i_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _� _` . _ " _
<br /> ' _,.�--.—^�'G� . . ' � _F� � _ � }. — Z �-� �T'•,—
<br /> _^4r it c. ' _ a ��.< . 1: . a�`` _. _ .�> ���f L. � �5 .�� ,
<br /> ��i.�` � �c cr-��. .4. r. _ _ _ _ _ ' ` _
<br /> ,'.� `..4 ,Yrt` '��.'.
<br /> � •. ��� ���� F..0 ` �'C..
<br /> ` � `�,� • �10��i . •Q� � ... _ ' . .
<br /> . �...<� . NOl�-UN�O1�M�VFI�TAI3Z5. Harra�ver a:W Lender ftirther ooveQaut aud agree -_ `
<br /> ��, :ro v • :..
<br /> . , � i? A�d�a��-��rt as proviaea m parag�apn 16 nereo�upoa sfl�er's bmaeh of a�►cvvenaat "° , � '�
<br /> �4�``'�' i , of a g l r e�t�At oi BoiroaPer in tSis DeeA of 7lrtis�iadutiing Barto�re�s f�i[ure w pay.DY the�ad�f 10 calendat�ays '��..'":., �...;,'��=: '
<br /> ' ' ,• `:� after th�y are da�anY sums secared Dy tIds De�oYTrost,LenQer Prlor w sooeleratIon sicail give ao t tce w B o r m w e r •',t... • .
<br /> the ac�ioa uired m cnre sur�breach:(3)a dat�, ; � ,' .'.
<br /> :. �. • .' � as provtd�d ia paiagtaplt 12 2tereof sped4yin�(1)the breach;l2? �9 ":- .;,, u:.ti.�"., �. , ;
<br /> ; ..�t . ,..... �� IIDi ECSS th3IIZ0�$ftQm thC QStB thE AOtiCB�S�{1Ca t0 BOIIOW@!,$yQYbiCh SIIdl�ICBt�mUStltE CQ[�6:8IId���t� . ,
<br /> . , .<< '� •`�, .failure to c�re such Dresc�on osbe€ore tIIedate sgedSed ia t�eao8ce may resnit in aooe2erationof thesnmssecara� _ ;,�� :F...
<br /> e
<br /> �:._,� ``` ` t w z�,t c i?�0 e t'i'r u s t a a d s a l e o i tlte Yto p e a t y. 'IRe notiae&tiaII fnrtLer irtfumt Bo�tower of tbe rlght W reinstate a�er �., ;�� :
<br /> �'T acoeleratioa and the rig,�t to brfag a comrt ac�ion to ssscn me noues�s�v�a ii��:�:��^"f�`-'^� - - =
<br /> _ . r'_ `.�.` .....
<br /> `• �� Borrower to awelQSattoa and sale..1f ti�e brear,h Ls Bot cnred on or before the date spedffed in t�e aotic�Lender, � , :
<br /> � � J' at Lende�s�ptton,maY decta�alt oi t�s�s se�ot�efl by tbis Deed of Tlrast to be Imme03ate15►dne and g a y a bie s� ;. "` . �
<br /> ° �"..r wtthout fanherdemsnd aad may InvoYe the gw�er of sate anQ a�r other ren¢edies peimitted by applicabte taw Lendea ,u "_ `..
<br /> - . . • � s9a11 be eatitted w odIIecx all reasonable aosts and espeas�s iacurred ia puisuing the remedies pravIde� in t6is � `'F�''� ' .
<br /> ."., , .� P��PH 17,iaciuding,Dut n�nt limited to�rea�nable suomeys'fecs. `' � � ��.
<br /> 4 � [- .
<br /> . . If tIte pawer of sale is iuvol�,'�stee sha]I reaord a notioe of dlefault in eact�mnnty Ia which ]icable t�aw u� . �_' �` 3`
<br /> . �� saiue part ttee�reof is tarated and sball mail aop�es of snc8 notIce!n the mamaer ptescrlbed by app ': ,�-:� `..-
<br /> :��:�v: Eouawer and w ti�e ott�er peasons pres�Ihed bY aPPlicable taw After the lagse of snch time as may be reqoized by , --_-
<br /> Y
<br /> .;� aPPl�cable 1aw,Tcostee s1�aU 8ive public nflttr�of sale to the petsflns a n d i a t h e m a n n e r g�s�e d$Y e P P 1 2 c�D I e l a w ` _- __..
<br /> � �•,.,; Taustec,wlthout�lemand on Bormwer,sI�all seA the Propertq at pnb2tc aac�ton w ttte 1rigt�esc Didder at ihe�ime aad , _----
<br /> - . ptace and under 4he terms d�ignated in the aWice of�te in one uz more parcels and ia snch order as Trastee may . -
<br /> Qetermin� 17�astee may pastpone�of all or aa�►parcel of th::ProPert9 UY pu�1�anna�maement at thc time and. .
<br /> . � . '� place of any prevlousIy schedn2ed sal� Lender ot��s desig�tee may pnrcbase tfle ProPeriy at aa3►sal�
<br /> . ,<<f tJpon reoe�pt of payment of the pske bi4'��sball deliver to the pnccitaser'i�ustee's deed conveyIng tia� : . --
<br /> ' � `` . Property sfltd. Tlte reci�ts in the�raste�s deed sh�II ba p�3ma facde eafdem�e of the mtth of th,e statemeuts made ?:-:`:� ,;`:.�.'i _-- _
<br /> . � _ . . t$er�da. Ttostee sbaII�P�t the lsmoeeds of the sate ia the following order:{a)w all reasonable wsgs aad espenses i,�.._,.�,,., . _
<br /> `"r- of t�e s a�l�i u d u�i ug,but aot�imited w,l�nste�'s fecs actaal3g�of not atore th� 5.a04� �o of . �,�,�..
<br /> ` ,`:'.� the g�s'sate prF°e'reasonab2e atwmeys'fee.s anci oosts oftitteev�encc;N)w sU sumssecaredby ti�is Deedof 1Yas�' - -
<br /> .., and(c)tII�e�o�ss,if any.w the pe�saa or pe�soas tegaIIy enmtied thereW. '` �
<br /> � i8► �aa�a's�m R e d n s t s t� No t w i�d i n g L e n d e r's a c c e i e r a t i o n o f t h e s n m s s e c u r e d�Y t b i s D e e d oY � � s'_�
<br /> `•; � f��� 7Yust,dae t�Boaa��breach,Bo�ower shall have tfle dght ta�ave aa9 prooee�&g��tr9��to enforce �_ ,�, J.°-
<br /> ��� : , --
<br /> � � . thLs DeeQ af ZYast d�ntinned at a�►tiace p�Ior w the earlisr w oocar of(�tfle SRL da�rdn this�fDee4 of"IY�st � . - _
<br /> �� . .;�._ � .,,��; �, pnisuant to the pawer of sale watained iathis Deed of 1Yast or(�entry of a judg�nea g ' . � .---�_
<br /> ' ; . �, �; . i� (a)Boaodrer gays Lender ail sams wHich woutd be then due mtder tbis Deed of'IYast aa+d tlte Note had no � . :`� s -
<br /> � .;� aoce2erailon ooct�ced:Ib)Bomawer aues�all breac�es oi enp o4het v�venants or agee�aents oi H�rmcves ooataiaed .�+<_
<br /> � ; "� �; in this D�d of'IYusr(cI Boaawer paqs all reasonable eapenses incaned bq Leadet and Trastee in enfordng the: ,. . _--
<br /> � � c8venants and agree�ments of Borrower aontaiued in thts Dsed of Trust and ia enforctng Leatt�s and'YYustee's :•�.��-
<br /> �, ' ttimedicq aspravIdeA Ia gatapaph 17hereoL incinding,bnt not limiteA to�reasanableattorneys'fees:and(a)Bormwer . ~:;��;�
<br /> � takes s�actton as Lender may masoaably require W assure tnat the lien of this Deea of Trusb Lender's iater�t ia °:�;;�,. �-�--�—
<br /> �' '_ ... ; the Pro erry aad Boaower's obU tion w pay tIIe sums seciued 6y tbis Deed of Ttnst sbail oondaue aaimpaite4 � � -- _-=_:-•-
<br /> _ , �, . : �1 . Upon su�payiueat and aue by Borrower.sWs Dee4 oY Trast and t�e obli�attons seaueA here�y shaU remaia fa fi1! � .�,.._.---
<br /> . : .��'� ; force anA e�ect as if a�aaoeleration bad occnrreA. ,.�'_ ��'�--
<br /> �::.; ig A��ament oi Itents,E1Pgoin4me�at oi ReaeEve�L�e�a in P�a�.As ed�itIonal secorIty hereuaQer, a:'..:-.-'-. '�..,�-
<br /> . `: mvided that Borrower shall,Prlor to acceleratioa un�ter
<br /> - . . � : Borrower hereby asslgas to Lender the:ents of the Prop�rty.P ,�:-�� "��T
<br /> � .. � � paragrapD i7 hereof os abandonmeat of the Progerty,have We rtgUt to_collect and retain sach rents as they beooate • -
<br /> , ';. , .
<br /> �� due aud payabI�. 1 --
<br /> , . . , Upon aoceIera�on nnder paragzaph 19 flereof or abandonment of ihe Propeny,Lender,in person.by a$eat or by _ �__
<br /> a
<br /> .. --• Judicially appo9nted receiver s1�aaU be enttttea to enter upon,take possession af end manage the Propeity anfl to muect -_
<br /> ;� ' U
<br /> �'. � • . • � the renss oY the Property including those past du� All rents wlleaed by Lender ox We reoeiver shall be applied H�st . T-_ --- �
<br /> � II
<br /> ��� ��' �� to payment of the wsts of management af the Propeny and aollec�on of rents,inclading,bot not limited to,receivei's •..,__ -
<br /> � : . .. fees,preminms on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys'fees,and then to the sums sec�ued by this Deed of Trns� . r?-�•f��r`=
<br /> - �': LeaQer anA the receiver shall be I�able to acsount onlS►for those rents actualty reQetvea. . -_
<br /> _ ' � �': ?.� Reoomra�rano� Upoa paymeat of all snms secared�yr tWs DeeA of't'rast,l.eaQer shall request Tcustee w .
<br /> ';t� � , .. recomey the Property and sha11 surrender this Deed of Trost and all notes evldemdng indebtedne�secared�y this . .
<br /> . . - Deed of Trust to 1Yvstee. Trastee shall reoonvey We Property wlthont warranty and wtthout charge to the person or ... . ....... ...
<br /> � . � peisons tegauy en�irTed tUereta Such peison os peisons shall pay all oosts of recorQation,if at►y. _ � .
<br /> .� 2i, Sa�'�tea Lender,at Lender's opflon,may from tlme to time removeTrustee sad appoint a snccessor �.':Y_'.�;
<br /> . . . ,� �` trastee to any TYustee appointe�hereunder by an instrumest recorded 1n the counry ia whicb tbLs DeeA of 1Yust is ,. ' • .
<br /> . � � re�orded. Without wnveyaaoe of the Propeny,thC SIIC,eeSSOT ttuStee Shal�Sac�CCed to all thE title.pawer aad�nfles . „ �.: ,,
<br /> � coffierted upon 1he 7Yustee herein sud D}r applicable taw , �
<br /> .�•� . •, ?� Reqaest for Nottee.a. Borrower requests that copies of the notice of defaule and noflce of sale be seIIC to • . .. •
<br /> � , Borrower's address ahtch is the Property Address. ��
<br /> .:.` . . REQUF3P FOR N(�I`I4B OF DEFAULT � � ,
<br /> • � ' � ' MOIa'D(3AOES OR DEED.S OF'I�US°I' '. � .
<br /> . . . i . . . . ' •
<br /> ` - Bonower and Lender request the holQer of a�►mortgage.deed ai nvst or other eacumbraace witD a Iten which , , . .
<br /> � � - � � •i has priority over thls Deed of Trust to give Notioe to IRader,at Leader's address set forth on page one of this Deed �
<br /> � . : � of Trust,of any defaWt nnder the snperlor encvmbraace and of any sate or other foreclosure action. .
<br /> ' . . aoamw��csam��+ Page 4 of 5 � --
<br /> � � . . �� . .:�'..
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