. . _ _
<br /> . . .,.,
<br /> . . .. . � .. . _ - ��,t�: .t ::r �_� # .�: s.v e�
<br /> ---- ----._ ,...._, w����.._�_..._.�..� = -
<br /> — . - -c- -._ _ ... _ ,.—._ .._ .--- -�c -- �_-- --- - —. ..-- - = r `--= ���- --- _- ``
<br /> --_t^..—..L= - .c.-_ �:�..e t �---.�� h w—�.. .� �..,.i_=•. Q.. ----`---�� _�,T _.Y F f_.
<br /> : �.-` �,�. • 4 ,� ^ •
<br /> _r~`: _ G ...w�. _ ,�.' _ .,�_.
<br />..� ,`a�'; �(, ' t 5< ��4. ^��.i�'.�
<br /> .<<ti<< - . � � 37m ���� _. :��
<br /> �. ,.„ ,,� � . . �: :��.
<br /> . ,::::_ � ;.: �: o �
<br /> •of Tc�st is ca�aNt la a condc�minium a�s plenn$d anit Qeve2apment,Hon�wer�aU psrfurm att of Bmm�wer'g �`,.�;° �
<br /> . :. , . ' cblfp�tioas anQer t4te d�atioa or uavenanrs creat�g or gaveming the aoadominium or planaed uaic d�velopment, - . `.�' : :.,.�.
<br /> ' � aus of she aoadom�aium or pIanne@ unic�vetopmeat,ead coastitnent doc�men�s. �, �w;��;�:�.
<br /> `� . ,_ t�Dy-Iaws aa8 r�$u1atI h ts aoataiaed ia this ' < �--
<br /> .. -'�, im the Oov8D3�tS 811d agtCC� �
<br /> � >t 7 �j�DCYI�� Tf BOitOw2T f2�19 LQ pCIbO �n th8 Fi0 s ` ` ,: .'•,• _
<br /> y .< .a • . g�g C�II9m@IIOCSl W�1 n]St8l18�i S�CtS�I�d�I'S iIItCICSL p� ,`.`
<br /> ' .'a nC�Or''�lya`Ks��BII�SC{�OII OI pI00B�tt 1�8$B SIIC�1811Q�8l8IIOE� ",�
<br /> "�� � aotioewBuaawer.�aY dlsbuisesac�snms.inrduding , ,.` �
<br /> �. , tflea Iender.at Lendss's option.upon "' �•. `� '��`
<br /> �': aa to mtert Lend�'s intera�t. If Leuder r� �
<br /> � c ' " reasonabte stwmey�f�.and ta�e such acHsa as is necessaty p •'t:`+� ..
<br /> _ • ;.:� tbis Deed of Tmst,Boaowersl�aII pay th�P��°� . _•.
<br /> � mortgage insnranoe as a oQn�itIon of mat�iag the toan se�ured DY ent fur such insmance te�minates ia . ;_ =
<br /> - �quicai tu;�„ �'�s"°•••°n�w in effeci mntil sttc�wme ss the ieqn�rem r _--
<br /> � ��•` ent or a licable Iaw � -`
<br /> a000rdan.ce with Barmwex's and I�enQer's wiitten agreem �7,with iaterest thereoa,at the Note rate.shaII
<br /> t'�"}�� AnY amounts disb�by Lender putsaant to this paiag}�ap � - -
<br /> "' �"'G` bemme sddltional Indebtedae�s of Eorrawer secared 09 this 13eed of 1Yast Ua�s Borrawer and Leader agr�e eo E 4 �
<br /> .; i ' .� other tetm.s of gaqmeat,sac�amomus si�a11 be g�ayable upon aotice from Ieader to Boaawer reqnes�nS pa9�� �..`��`
<br /> . . .� thereog Notmingaontaiued it►tbis paragre►p$7 shaUreqndrs Iander w incaraay eapense or take a�a�xion herenadei �..� , .,. _�
<br /> c �.. �� °-
<br /> � . g insperatoa. Lender majt ma�or�use w be made reasonabie entrles npoa and inspecHons of the YmperiY. ,��' ,_
<br /> :;'- . Boaoveer not�oe rlor to a�sac�inspec�tlan sgedi�Iug reasw�able ca�se therefar � :� -, �
<br /> , ' _. provided tbat I�nder shari g,ive .P
<br /> relatea w Leadei's intete.st in the Ptopenp r" -
<br /> �;< , � � �� rpp�Qg pY ffiy 89VSId O!CIS�f0I dSID3$CSs dll�t OT CDDSCijitED.tIS�„III COnII�OII Wlth �
<br /> _.f,�. . 9 ��, p _
<br /> 5',,�;i'l"'� anp wademnation or otLer taldng�uf the Properiy.or part therea�or for comreyaneed�d of ttast or other secari .., �e,'. �
<br /> � �� here�assigned aaa sl�i be paid w r.enaer,sabf ect w tne iesms of any mo�aS�• � ���_�_
<br /> '...N_,. ,..;',, _.
<br /> • , . a�t wItla a ltea wbir,h has prIority aver this Deed of Tmst . ent or � .�--
<br /> � i[b Bas�avra Not ReY�e����Not a� Fxtensfon of the t�me for paym , .�; :�-
<br /> � � ' "� madi$rat[on of amQttlzatian of the sams sewred by tHls Deed of ZYast�anted isY I�nder to any saoccs�or In interest : .c -_--
<br /> :�`.�• .�.. ...; :
<br /> ', r,: ' .qf B o r t a w e r s�a l!no t o p e s a t e t o t e l e a s e.it►a n Y manaea�the Sabiiity of the o�Iginat Bntrower aa� Bomowet's _� r s
<br /> ` =.':� saccessars i�i�r�t Lender shari not 0e reqnfred to oammemae pro�eedin8s againn sas�sar�cessor or r e f a s�w �—'-
<br /> . . ;rti�: , esteIIO time�2paymEnt or uthezwtse madifY amnr�adaa oithe sa�ns sesure8 by tbiis Deedaf�t��oa�� . -�
<br /> t" d�D18IId IIl3dC bjlt�iC O$g�31BbIiOW�IBII$BOTIdWC2'SS�SSOLS lII$itCi86L /4�0y�OIb�3iSII0B� � --
<br /> � —- �� —
<br /> '� < � � aay tigtit or remedy I��ffer,or atheiwLse afforQed hY apPl�abte law,s4�1�ot be a waiver of or preclude ttie 5, ��—
<br /> ;s,; ��E.�. ga ' `5��' `
<br /> � OS fCIII �.�� {
<br /> '�i8 OOVCI18I118 81Id 8$TCCIYIC1115�1'P!'� � > r �r:J-
<br /> , ..�, ,, :' ��Q°Yg���g�sso�im���intaa�se�al���► aaa assi of i.�naer ana � -�`- --
<br /> ,.,. , •� • s�i3ll biail.and the d�ts he3�ut�dES shall im�s'�t0.���°B snccessOg � �.: ;
<br /> ; :; ': �`.W IIonowe�snbject w the gam�vistons of p�raBzaPh 16 hereo� ALt eavenants a�sd ageemeats of Borrawer s�haU be joint ,:.<: .�-—_
<br /> .; (1.,/J r�
<br /> `, J;. :�': .' this Deedc�r'"iTrasl,but does nat�te�:eNote,(a)is co-si�$�be.eA ;„:�
<br /> ` aa�iseveral, A�rBo�aar�whoc�-si�.s —
<br /> of TYast only to giaw aad oonvey Wat Borroovds interest in the Yroperry w'ITrustee auder the terms of t�is Deea of. . _ "-
<br /> . ..� .-. '1'rnsc.(b)is not pe�sonaity liable on tHe Note or nnder this Dee�af Ttast,and{e)agrees tbat Lender a�td aay otiier ' _.-_--.,_._
<br /> .. • Borrawerhereuader may agcee wexcen4�0�9,fo�bear,ormakeaaY otheraccommadatlonswtth seg�d w the tesms .
<br /> ��-_.
<br /> � of this Deea of Trast or the Note wlthont that Borrawer's aonsent and aithont releasing ttiaat Borrower o=modifyln8 . ,�-,-�-
<br /> '�`�, th1�Deed of'IYast as w tUat Hasmwer's interest ia the PropercJ►
<br /> - - I2 Notts� Excegt far any nat�ce r�nire�nnder appll�b2e law to be givea in another maaner.(a)anY notioa 1 �
<br /> � : �. ,:�� to Bflaawer pmv�ded fnr in this Deed of Trast sheU�$gtvea by deliveriag it or by mailing such not[aa by ce:d8e4 -- ____
<br /> � � mail a�dressed to Bormwer at the Propertp Aadrass or at such other aQQresg as Boimwer may designate�y aotiae w =,..��.�
<br /> notice w LenQes sball be gtven by c�rtiSed mail to Leadei's.sdQress stated �� �-p-ti�-
<br />� • � Lender as pravIded herein�and @)an7► .._. :'�'r-•--
<br />;"�� . :�� � heaein or to sach other address as Leader may designate Dy notice w Boimvrer as pmvtde4 hereia. Aay natto� '.•�• �.;_.
<br /> .. :,.., . .>"''.'=
<br /> ' .. . � ' pr u v i Q e d for i n t h i s D e e d o f T r u s t s h a U be deemed to have been givea w Barrower o�Leader when gtven in the �-_
<br /> � maniier Qesigpated herein. � '= �._.'•.:�--
<br /> ` ' l3� (�aning Is�Seveiab�it9 'I�e state and local Iaws applicable to this Deed of'IYast siiall be the]aws oY . ..._--
<br /> �''� �� '•` is locat�Q. 'Ihe fose oin sentence shall not limit the applicability of Federal :e,�4��j.-
<br /> � : the jnrisdiqlon in waich the Ptopercy 8 �
<br /> �',�,.�.' : . . law ta W!s Deed oY Trast In the event tbat any pmvlsio�or cdause of thfs Deed of�'rast o=the Note eonfli�s with . --
<br /> f� � � a �ipble law,such oonflict shall not a�ect other provisions of t�s Deed of Ttust or the Note wbic$eau ba given . _ � ___ --.
<br /> ��� � � eff without the oonfliaing pravtsion►anA to thls end the pravlsions of this De�b of TrQSt and the Nate are dec2ared . - =
<br /> . ' � ` � , to be severabI� As�d herein,'oosts°.'CBPt''I1SG5"eIId°attoraeys'fees'incduQe all sums W the estent not prohi0itea , _ .._-
<br /> ,� .. by aPplicable law or 1lmiteA flerein. -s, __==_,:,.
<br /> ,r', . .� . � 14. Baa+aa�'s CoP9-Bonower shall be famished a eonformeA aopy of ihe Note and of tbis Deed of Trost at the . ,
<br /> � � `'� •� time of esecatioa ar after rec�rdatton hereoE �
<br /> . �5 Re�abfttmii�n La�n Ag�ement. Boimwer sHait fulHll all of BoAOwe�s obllgattons nader a�r home .. .
<br /> at
<br /> . � . . rehabilitatton,imPravemen�.rePair+or olher loan agteement wBich Bonawer eaters iato with Lender. Lender,at .
<br /> � � Leade�soptton,mayreqntreBorrawertoexecuteanddelivertoLeuder,innformaeoeptablewI.ender,anassignment
<br /> .". ' � � of aay rlgats.cia�ns or defenses wDich Borrower may have a�inst pazttes v�o snpply labor.materIats or seivIces in ..
<br /> � ' �� oonnection witb impravemenu made to the Propeny.
<br /> � ..� � ' ifi 7Y�fa oithe Pmperty ar a HeneSdal Intelest in Bormsver. If all or any part of the Property or any fnterest .����.�
<br /> • - �;t is sold or uaasferred(or it a beae8clal inter�;t ia Bonower is so2d or uansfeaed and Bonower is noc a aatural ,
<br /> �., �' � . . , .p e r s o n j w I�nt�nQ�rlor�tteHowever,t�is pt�on s+h a l l not be exer d�s e d D y L e n d e r i f p e g e t c t s e i�pro h i b i t e A �_ _. ..
<br /> - sums sec�u by
<br /> � :. h}r Federal taw as oi the date of tt�iss Deed of Trust . .
<br /> t
<br /> - � � � - 1f LenCer eserdses this opflon,Leader sbaU gtve Borcowes notice of aooeIeratiou. 'Ihe notioe sbatl pravide a -
<br /> ,;: � � . periad of not less than 30 days from the Qate the not�cae is Qelivered or maiteA wtthin vrhicb Bosrower mnst pay ali
<br /> � sums secureQ by tbLs Deed of 7Yas� U Borrower fails to ptry ttiese sums prlor to the eapiration oi this perlo�.Lender
<br /> . � � . ' may imoke an}r remedtes permitted Ay Ws Deed of Tn�st wit8out further notfce or demand on Borrawer. . .
<br />��. . . �
<br /> ,1r%'. . noe�mm�s�r�s ma cso�ea%iwz Page 3 of 5 � _
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