�� � - S...� �,. ,.4. _ . , 4,� �` :F.
<br /> . �`. �,��5 4.'..... �.�Qu:.. _'_ _ _ i l �y? ^«w`' _ - ..
<br /> . r ` -,F : __F � _. ;"'° .,� r __,�c _hY^ ._ _ ._ . 4 . _ _ r_.__ 6--� ,- � —
<br /> / �.a---- r t �"G`� - ,t •- � ;_�-� . - , _ .-v L, . S-� - � i� j, �'- y, ` o� � T-
<br /> .,. r '"�."_.�� <T t e'-�._ `-�-`-r-�. . _ ..--. ' — �: :
<br /> l . _ t L ""--�--"'f �.:�'t^"<_- i".i-=.-FS_.'--x-�T„t"._�_•, i' . ` =4 .
<br /> C .` ,�u � rt� .£� _E .,. � . . 'S- ' . . t. 'Q . c v. � :-�-r---.
<br /> '4. c�`i�.ti .` l� �S�� t ,F, .t . �'_� c. _ ' "c� , s. . � . 2.d�.� G . .
<br /> �,. ° . 'E..� �i' ..��• 4 .. S . . � c1`` - c�'r �Y. �_ c. � ,'c _
<br /> �'r tf.: .4 .� �l . � .t `F i_ n.` � � �� �. � . . f ' yc '.Fd.
<br /> C ' .- � ' , ' �... �iY. ', 5 - � 'S.". S ..-t . ' . .
<br />� _ .. . � �J i. � � . .�� -. ' / � �• f.
<br /> - . -�j . . � -� . ;�S<< ..�: . � v �. r . "t� .� . 4 r. E
<br /> �t� ` �'u� , .+-.'.. ..,£F,' r .. �..� u �� `t, t� � . , s t tk •�t' — ..
<br />- �, ': 1•:• ' '- '`�..�...:�—+�-��^ � ��.C
<br /> ' `4 `; . . � � � ���4i110� ` ` F ,c<.
<br /> <.. , _ .• {�� .' � , ', .
<br /> va
<br /> �, � _ , �t . ,..,
<br /> . s'= �� 16.Borrawer's CuPY .Boaower shaII he given ame c�afo�d copy of the Note a�of this Se�urity insciume�►t , ,'`r�-�' ��:'��---
<br /> . �` • 17.'h�sfe of the P1n���ar a Benefteial Int�!in Bosmwer 1f atl ar atry part of the Avp�clr oF a�►Y intraest in it is . , �,.
<br /> _ . . �;�.: � .
<br /> � sold or uansfca�ced(or If a ffieScial inieaest ia Bo4rawet is soi�ar traasferted and Barrower is nat a naAUal person)widto8t �` F •�'
<br />.--_ � � i.ender's wias writtQa coasent.Leader may. option;require a ent m fnD of all sums s�d by S�is Socu:iiSr ..�
<br /> • wri a si iis ���F��r���fv�tasat Taw a�o1F the date of this ,` 'y--� .-`
<br /> � tnstrumeaL Hnwevea,iLis opIIon shall aot Oe e�c�w v�*;� .,..._.�. :
<br /> r �4
<br /> $C�Q[1L1t TlffSIIi1Q1Qli. 1'�18II0$OC S�SII Vt�68 Qf IIOi�C53
<br /> ��.'< ... -�5 If Leader exe[cis�ttisoption,l.ender s6an gi�'s Bmmwea notice of acc�leration. P�'+ ��
<br /> i ati
<br /> � t6an 30 days frum the date the notice is delive�d ar ma�ad witbin whic6 Baaowea m�st pay afl�ams by�is 5ecmrity . < <.�.. ..
<br /> �., ma invoYe� re�edies p�d . , .
<br /> `�;: Iastmm�t if BoROwer fa�7s ta pay th�e sams prior co th$e�ation of this peaiad.Ixa�der y Y ;., : `��,:'
<br /> • by d�3s SeAait�r iastrnment withoai fmthac not�e ar demsnd on Baaowec go�wea s6aD Gave the right to hava" � : ,",� _
<br /> � � 18.Born►wet'9 BttgLt to R�ns� 1f B�mwer meets certam ooa�s. ,`.., _ �
<br /> L ° '`.
<br /> �..� eaforce�ent of ttus S���t dis�eontinued at any time p�iar'oo the earlier of:(a)5 days<oa snch uth�pe�iad as . ,a _
<br /> 2e law �ffy for�eut)Uefore sate of the Pmpertyp� to�y powe�of sate cxnrained in dris�S��r •w
<br /> sa
<br /> � �or{6��u y o�a!„d g m e�t e n f o r�g d u s S e a m t y T n s�n m e n t T�n d i ti n u s a re t h a t Boaower:(a 3 P� 8v •-- -
<br /> n ti Y
<br /> s m n s w h i c h tt�ea wanld be dne ander tbis Sec�ity�t and the Note as if no a�te�tian Uad aocaaed;(b��g�� ,. -c,r����. .
<br /> < defanit af aay othea coven��ar agreemeats:(c)Pays a11 exp�s�I�c�m enforcing t h i s Seecurity I n s u u m e n t,� , _.
<br /> I�en of t�is ` �
<br /> � � n�t limiied ta,zeasonable att�neys'fe�and{�rakes sncv actiou as Lffid��ay�abh+�e►Iuire w ass�e that the ° .�.:�_N=
<br /> ths sams seaued b tlris S�min► �'
<br /> � � . S Inst�ament, Lender's �in the�PbPatY and Barmwea's obli�atian to palt Y �'�_:'
<br /> n t�st�mc�t bY Barrowe.r,tlais S Instrume�t aad the obli�0IIS seaued �• .
<br /> � . , ' TpSl�l�ACIIL S�1 COIIi!lU18 11IIC�1�.Z.�O I li!�CBSe Of �1 ��-
<br /> ,_ �1PdCvSi.S��£illl}1 CffCCtIV6 S4 P�f I10 8LCC1�ShOII 112(l OCC�.R��►�+��iA LCIDS[87E SH2�II4L 8�y� ,�`" —
<br /> . " ,- ac�daatinn�paia�aph IT. 'Ilie Note or a intecest in• the Nate (mg�tter wlih diis Sea�in► .� : ...�
<br /> �.„� 19 Sale oYPiote;Cbaa�e o4 i.oan Servl��ei: P� � - ` -
<br /> : �,� ,. Insuame�i)may 6e sotd oae ar�times withoui p�r aof�w Boaowe�A sate may resWt in a ctange in the�it9(�own . 5 =-..--a-
<br /> .. , , `'+ as t h e°L o a tt S e r ri�t h a t c o ll a s t s m a n t h t Y P a Y m�t s d n e�d e e t h e N o t e a a d t h i s S e c�i t y Inshumen�'i�e aTso maY�e ane or � �
<br /> ---k.—•,,�,.;: mase c&�nges af the Loan Services unrelated tfl a sale of the Atot�.If d�ere is a c6ange of the Loan Seavtcer,Boaower w�be �r =__-
<br /> �. �� �i � giva�written aohce af the cl�ge in socardance with para�raph 14 abave�A applica6Ie taw.�e norice an'II state tiie s:�e aud ` .'�•-Y-
<br /> add�s of the new Loaa Servicer aud tke address to wiuch paymea►te shnr.:.d be made.'the notice w�l also contaia any athea • r'• ..�--
<br /> , ,'. ' ,r:':� informarioa�quired bY app�ble law. or ne2ease of any _ u---
<br /> : , ,� : 1A.AazaadousSubstances B6uowes shaU aot canse or pennit �e pm�ac,e, use.d�ar�l.storaSe. .-.• _
<br /> . `�`�, .. Ha�dous Ss�bstances an or in tPce P,ropecty.Boaower shall not do,aor allow anyrane etse to do.anything aff�ag the Aope�iy -
<br /> ns or e on the ""`'
<br /> � f t6ai is m,viola2ion af an�F�virar��►ra1 Law.'II�e prer�ding two senteaces shall ndt appty to the preseace. c. storaS
<br /> � recognizcd w Ue c^pp:opsiatE to no�mat residetttial asea �° =
<br /> , "� ' ` ,: , � propeny of sma11 qaarttiues of H�rdouv Substaacea diat are genaally : , a -_
<br /> and tn maintenanaz of tAe Pmp�►• :� _
<br /> . �� � � Baimwer shall pi+nmP=h'S�+e I�eader wriuen nodce of aay a�v�rrs.clamt,demand,tawsr�c�other actioa by any
<br /> , , � �.'iF 8oveaamental ot regulatory aB�Y�P�F�Y u►volving dte Prope�ty�an,Y�ous Snbstanc��Env�amental Law " °��� ---
<br /> . . of wluch Borrow��as a�1�rnowledge.If Bmrower learns,or is nodfceil by aay gov�c,ntal ar rega�iury suthority.ihat as�y ,"��' —
<br /> Harardons Substauce affc�ting the Pcoperty is necessary►,Bouawer si�all Pmm�IY take a11 :` ','' `
<br /> : . ' '.�� remoFal ar atha remedi2tion of any _� ""..
<br /> � � . : .;s necessary remedial actions in accotdance with Eavimnntental I.a�. -�.-�-f _ - --
<br /> .. � `� ,: . �• . As nsed 'm th�s pa�h Z0,"Na�daus Subst�ces"are�ose svbstances defined as wuc or h�aMons substances by -^;;:e -,
<br /> t `s
<br /> � . : - = Environm�tat I,aw m�d the followmg sn6s�tce� gasol�ne, kemseae� a�rea Oa�ab�e or W�ac�m p�d�� ---
<br /> d �
<br /> � •`. �` pesEicides aad hesbic�des.votatile solvents,materials wntainiag asbesoas as foimatdetiyde.and radioar.tive materi3l.s.As asetl in �.;"�_f,
<br /> � fhis pa�ag�ap1►20,"Environmenral�.aw"means fede�l 1�ws and taws of the j�isdicdon where the Pcapeaty is locaied ihat relars � �i_
<br /> ,�: ; � tn 4ealth,safety or environmental protecaon. :- _ _-
<br /> +- � .: � NOl►�UNIFORM CAVENANTS.Bomower and LendeT farther covenant and agree as foIIows: ; •��xr�.- ---
<br /> '' 21.AcceYeratton;Rem�lIes.Lender shaD give notfce to Borruwer pstor to acceteratton follow�„Borrawer's 6seach of ---
<br /> � �' ` ' . any covenant or agre8ment �o W�s Se��rity Instrameut (bnt noi pdor to acceteration �der paragraph 17 antess �'
<br /> _���.:: ;�� =
<br /> Y. . ' apDticabte iaw provides otfieravise).The notYre sbaD spedfy:(a)We defanl�(b)the action reqnised W cme the defaalt;(c) _-
<br /> %� • ��� a dete,ao4 iess Wan 3U days�the date the notice is�hven to Bormwcr.by wbich tiie defaWt must De cure�.,''aad(� . •�. —__
<br /> `-.,., '' u
<br /> +: tbat faIIure to core t4e defanit e�or before the date sp�1n tlie notise may rcgaIl in acceierattan o!the s��seaaed -_ __
<br /> e . �
<br />- .. by tWs Secmrity Instsnmeni and sate of We Froperty.The notice abal!garther infarm Borrawer�.t the rig�t to petnstate �'':::�" __ _
<br /> � � after acceiera8o� aud the rfgAt to bring a coort acblon to assert the noa�xistence ot a defaul3 cr any other defease of ..��_,_.,
<br /> � Borrawer to acceteration��sa�If the defanit is not cared an os 6ePore the date specified iu t�e aoNce,Lcader,at tta . •_ �;�,.•�.,., .
<br />;.!;� : � . . ., option,may r�ire imm�pyment in PaQ ot all sums secared 6y this Secarit�Lnsdrament�vithout further demand ,-,;•;<.,--,-s... �.=
<br /> �� ��, ; and may invoke the power of sate aud aay other remedies permitted by appllcaDie�v.Leader shaD De entttled 4o cnQect
<br /> . +� aD expenses incarred in pnisatng the remesdtes provided in WL�ParageaPh 21.tactadtng,bnt nat llmited tv.reasonabte - .- - ---,.-
<br /> �': . � . attorQeys'fee.vand castg of t(tie evtdence. . .�--�`.
<br /> ' � „ If the power of eate �tmvolceQ,Trastc�e shaD rerord a notice of defant! in eac6 conat�iu w�ic6 anY Part of 46e �� . .
<br /> � � Property is laeated and shall mail cop[es of sach notic�en the mamner prescrlbed Dy apPllrabie taw ta Bosrower and to tde . .
<br /> ,.�.,. .. :
<br /> . other persons pressrlbed by aDDllca6le iaw.APter�hhe t�E requlred by appticable[aw�Srastee shall glve pa��s natice ot ,�:>,,,:' ._
<br /> � ' sate to the persoQS and tn the manner prescrlbed by appllcable Oaw.Trustee,witIIaut demand an Borrower,shaD sell the �
<br /> � ', , , . • Property at pn6[i�enctton to the 61gha�t bidder at the time and p[ace and�mder the terms da�igaated fn the notice oY sale ,�
<br /> . .'., ... . •
<br /> � . , . •
<br /> .1:•. . � . (�i�� � ..
<br /> : ::;,.: � Form 918D�� t.: ��1 �
<br /> � : , . { �•eR(I�1E)(s2t2).ot PagoeotA Initlate�� • . ..
<br /> . f .
<br /> � . . . ..: � � - ' . _ . " _ . . � .. : ` . ... . • ' _ �
<br /> ,� . , , , � . . . ,. . . . - - .� _ .
<br /> - . .. ... � . ..', ,. -• - ,. : --- : �
<br /> . , . , . • . . • . ' . :. � , ' . �
<br /> . �,,.� •• . . • . � . • . . �
<br /> ._ .�. , , � — --- - ----- — — _ . ___ ._-
<br /> . ., � . . .. � � � r� ,._....�...�-1-..---e-,—^� .._ ...... , . . _,..._ .._ ..��""��--;.�,. . .�. .�
<br /> . • .
<br />� ,. . . . �,. � . . . . . . h.
<br /> � 5 .�.. � * J.: y• �
<br /> -�.sF«�:;�-ri..�s•.-":'�"..t�-`- _ . _,.. . t°. _. "r-�. _. �rt._ . . .. .. .... . . . ....... . . -{k. S .a:� . .�`:�' a. .L�--��•`5�-. + ... . • - - . :i�. . . . . ` • .
<br />