• ' �`.:�.-l�" :'s�.i.:_..:� �:F"�:. -_�._.«t.«_ o _ t� .,�. :.s ��r-- c., � .S�;s,+13. c�'ca::^� t z .�:i_.
<br /> c : .. i._,;. .:.°::. .tc' __. ._ 'i.'_r r.. �__ .�.� .�_i;lt .e.c�' 'm-_s,...__ -
<br /> ... ..,_ __ _' ,._ .__. ._._ ...__ ___ . _ - -_.-.. .. -.. . _ _ - ..
<br /> < ` ` ..-•' . ... - \ i �.� ( � . y -' yj74. � � .. tl
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<br /> `L ( :kt LL _ ._ `J .Ci �.-�_�, .FT ."GS..� � 4. . i.
<br /> ( ._ _ . .. :.lr '�( i�l �� . y r� �yi. ..T . ci' "
<br /> 2.i -£ ' `�' �,� P":',�• .f4 � . 6 . `T�f�` :a' � -t � . - ..x-. �
<br /> � 2.' 4 �,<. �,�� `�" ` � Y • ( . � , k � • •� fL � ,�"t
<br /> �.t - _<k2 . , ' 'c ir`(F;` � '. :' r. '. .`L � µ . '
<br /> ��`. � �� '� �h .r C .�' � ` v� �� r �} - � - f<.,-
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<br /> _ . , ._` . ,' . � � � � . 9�7� i10�� � . _
<br /> 'i • e. 4V.,. ' • ' . . � . ._;
<br /> yt ,� u a . •
<br /> � � paytrtea►tv�nsy aa ton�r bs ieqn�.at the aptian pf Lender.if ma�gege ins�anc�cav�age�Cm the araomit snd far the pEnind , �'"'`
<br /> ', ,,� �� ` • ���i�)F��6Y an insus�a ap�nove�Dy i�ender�n beoomes ava�able and is obtaiued.8mmare�r sha11 pay S�e . �
<br /> .�_ •`.. '"� �ms iequ�tn mainmin mor�gage inctuaase in effe�t.or to pmvtde.a toss�nr�unt�t�e r�aaement far martgage °
<br />.•�,,
<br /> ,"` `�;, insursncr�atds iu ciocordance with any anitoen ag�neat Betweca Borrower and l.ender ar agp2icaDtc law.
<br /> . 9.IBSpertTTon. Leades ar i�ag�t may ma�rea�onabls ai�Ies ugon ffi►d insp�xioms af the Aropeety.L�der shaU glve .
<br /> - � • '.- A/vl�vrR wM3..1...�A.��i.ws wC ...i..��n.f��nanAPf�/N►aFN�iFVifle�1P9osN1A�}��Cw�dew iApyp�� ` ';
<br /> �- . ww�m t�►tuts�.v�N jnav��wr w.."".p"��.""'q"""�J�•O wta tu► . . .
<br /> -.f. id Cotai�2maaltan. ZIle prac�ds of any award�cda9m far Gamag�s.dir�t or��dal.m �on wnh any
<br /> ry� cv'h y � .:`
<br /> . �on9r�naa�a an ot�er ta�ag of aay part nP�he t�ropeaiy.or for com�eyauc@ in!�af cond�on,�h�ry�gned�d
<br />_ s�all be paid w I e�da � � �°�,:• '��
<br /> ' � _ ta the eve�t of a t�ta��ng of tfle Pta�ty.the pr+oceeds shall be apglied to the snms sscm�ed by�tP�s Se�ity Instrmnrau.
<br /> ' : � whether�rnat d�ea due.a�aay excess paW to�olma�er.In the eve.nt of a pa�ai taking of the pmgeaty Fn wLich the fairmmdcet .
<br /> �.' '� �� ,. .. � vaiue of ti�e Pmpesty immeEIateIy befose the IaI�ng is eqQal ro or greater t�the smouac of the snms secared by this Securiry .
<br /> . . . , • InsW�►mt ImmediateIy before t�e.m�ing,anless Bamaarea aad Lender othec�vise agrea in wrmng,the sams seaned•by tbis , . _ �;
<br /> ;• ��.
<br /> �`.`, , ` � S�uty I�strument shall.6e redar.e�6y t�e amount of the pracceds mniapl�ed by the foIIow�r►g fracrion:(a)rhe wtat amuunt of�� ; _:- -�a
<br /> ,:R� �
<br /> ' . � `'•'i fhe s�s s�ed 3mm�iatety 6efare the tatdng,divided bY(b)the fair Enarket valne of Itae Fcopescy immed�teIy befo�the _,���•
<br /> • .���- � �ng.I#ny bataace s�be yald to Bom�wer.In the event of a parpal taldag af the Pmpeaty in which the fair ma�ket watae ogthe .
<br /> � . '` �: . <.`-`. p�,p�y immQA;arPiyj bCfOSl3 the 12kiIIg is Ies4 Wan the emaunL oY lhe�Snms seaued immediateiY 6e�'�e the�itiIIg►uAL�ss _ ,�- .
<br /> � � ` . .:.`�� Bmmw�r and Ix�der othe,nvise ag�ee in cvrilmg ar anies�app�cabte hw affiecwi�piuvides.the pmceeds sbaII be app}ied w the -�,`:��
<br /> x
<br /> . ° ;y sums ses�ed by t6is Set�riry Ia�ament wh�ther ar not the sams are th�da� . � . ,`
<br /> "" •`� .�'.. ,..�.`-;' .if the Fmpexty is abandoned by Ba�rowet,.aa i�after nolice by L�der to Boaow�ttiag the condemnos offeag to maYe an "�.`;
<br /> .?� award or seute a claim for d�nages,Bosower fa�s to respand tn LerMer within 30 days after the date the notice is g[ven,Lmder j
<br /> _.... -,.. �f� is amhorized tn collect aad apply the proceed�.ai it�aptina,eit6e�m resooration or re�as of the Prap�ny nr La the sums seuue� . � � t�
<br /> . .�`��'- ,by dns Sec�niry lnstrumen�,wjietTieior aot theu dae.
<br /> �, .�� Unless I.aid�er and Boiiower othe�rw3se a�+ee in writmg,anY$PP�c�tion of pmce�ds w prioqcipal sbaII aot e,�d ur postporle -_
<br /> � ...,f; Bie Hne date of the monthly payrnents refemd to in�aregrapl�s i and 2 or change the ansouatof suc�payme�s.
<br /> • • � 11.�orro�ee�Not Releas�d;Fosb�arance By l.�nder Not a Watver. F.xteasion of the time for payment ar ansdifirafian � r`�� �
<br /> ..'`��-.'°..�``��.� of mnonizatiiau of tbe sams secured by Qus Seauity lasWmeat � .
<br /> � gran�ed by l.endet tn any suocessos in intecest of Bosrower shall t ,�.:;.;._:
<br /> � .�.�.�� aot opetate to release the tiab�Ity�of the m�igin�l Boaow�or Bmrow�'s suc�ois in ino�a�t Lendea sha11 nat be zeqased w _- _
<br /> commence procee�ia$s against eny sacccssor in uiterest or refose to eaaaid time for�paymeAt or o�eiwise modifj►amortim@on af —
<br /> . { @�e sums s�by this Sec�ity Inson�ment by reasan.of aay de�nand made by the origmal Boaower or Barmwea's saccessois I `_' -
<br /> g' al
<br /> ,.��•..,��.�� in intcaest.Aay forbeaiance by Lende,r in ezercisIng any right or reraedy sLall aot be a waivea of or gmcIade the exeacise af any `_-
<br /> ',•'•, -:.. ' rlgfitorr�ra�edy. ' . ''-.=
<br /> _ ' � . ' `�S 12.Snccassnrs and Affigns Bouad;Soint and Several Lia6�ity;C agreemeats of this -
<br /> o-s'gQere. lhe covenants and
<br /> �. ' '` Secasity Instmmc�t.shail biad and benefit the svccessors and�ssigas of Lendes and Bomnwer.sabject to the ymvisions of r-r`
<br /> . . :•.' �para�raph 17. Bomuwer's covenaats and agreeanents suai� be joiat aud�several. Any Barrfswer who co-sI�s dds Secarlty � ..�.,
<br /> : . . � Iastr�maent but dfles not e�cecute the Not�(a?�s��►g tHis Sec�rity Insan�ment onIy 6o mortgage,8rant aad convey'W�at E .:�_• _
<br /> �. •• �; :;� Boriower's iuteaest im�e Propertyr undea the te�ms of t4is Seiauity Inswme�fi @)is not peasonallY o6li�ated w pay•the sums. .
<br /> , � sec�ed by t�s Securiry Ins�me��and(c)a�s that Leader and any otkea Boaowec mgy ag�ee w eatead,moctify.forba;or .
<br /> . . •` m�'sv.�ny accommadarians cviih regsrd oo tha tenms of this Sec�uity 1ns�ament or the Note withont that Boaowxr's eonseat.� -�� ;`�`�
<br />; � , `;,,; g3 Loan Cbarges. �f the Ioan secured by Uus S�urity Inswmea�t is subject to e!aw which sets maaimum Wan eLarges. ' =
<br /> . .. � : 1 ; � an�that 1aw is fm�ty inoarpreted so that the mtecest or other loan c6arges ocilected ar to 6e colteaed in cunae�tion with the loan . . _--
<br /> - � �� � �; �acc2ed tbe peamiued limits,th�:(a)any sacb Ioan charge shaIl be reduce3 by the arnoaat necessa�y w reduce the cdarge W tha .
<br /> _ � , t ; -
<br /> . �, per�,.iued 13�and(b)anY sums already colIea�d fmm Boimwer which exceedcQ peamitted limits wf11 be refunded to Bomawea. ---
<br /> - � � �,. {. . Le,�ea may c�aose W make this refimd by reQucing the�apal owed ander ttie Note or by making a di�ect payment W �
<br /> � � . � �' � B�areea If a refaad reduces PiinciPal.tHe red¢caon will be aeate6 as a pa�tial prepayment without any PrePa}�ent ed�arge .
<br /> . � nnder the Nora . �.,. �--
<br /> .�.��' !4.IVnttces. Any nottce w Boaower provid�d for in tLls Secarity Instrament shall be given by de3avermg it o:by�mai'ling it -
<br /> • ` �. � �. by first class mail unless applicable law reqaires use of anotlte.r method.'�'he notice shall be directed to the Ptopeary Address or
<br /> , , _ an�orher address Borrower dees��gnates by no6ce to Lender Any nodce to Lender shall be give,n by fast class ma�cn Lender's ;;,:,:`�:;
<br /> . " . address sratcd heran or any o�r address Leader desigaates by notice w Boimwea.A�riy notice provided for in cG�a Sec�uiry .
<br /> . . . Ins Wment shaill�deemed to have been given to Botrower or I.ender whea given as provided in this parag�aph.
<br /> . ' • 15.Gav�,�Law;Severa6Wty. This SeCarity Insmmment sha'.� �be goverued iry federal law and the Iaw of the �
<br /> , �` jurisdicdon in whic6 the Ptopeity�S tacate�.ln the event that any provis4on or ctanse of this Security lnsuument or the Note � � �
<br /> _ . � coaf7i�ts with appllcab2e taw.such cont�ict shall noi affecc c��provisians oY thls Secnriry Instrument or the Norc a�.icS�can be '".
<br /> � given effect without the wnflicdng provlsion,To this end�TMe provisions of thls Secariry Instrument and the Note�a c�ectared W �
<br /> � 6e severable:
<br /> ;. .
<br /> . Form SO 190 .
<br /> " . � . _ ' ��R(N�(fl2t2).6f Page4ot6 l-�,z�e• � _ �
<br /> . . ' . � . . . ' . . . ! . . , . •. " ..' . . . ' .
<br /> , • ' . . . . . _"_, . , . . '
<br /> � , i . . . . . . . . ' ' .. � .
<br /> ,. � . ' ' . � � , � . • , ' . . . - .. � . .
<br /> •r . ' ' ' . . , . . .. . , . • .
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<br /> ..._.-........-.r— �--�----�-;- ' f . . ' - -' - . !R' - �
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