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<br /> _ r �•op-., �.TC�': .QC �''s. o' �2 '} t� ��',- 'e4". 'f.� .. 'yf. r v ._ '� � F,' " " '�
<br /> _ U ' $. .} �l r•. .� . C ` � .� ( -f ! .
<br /> . 'F � ' !l ' }' ..�..' � ,f. ' �y.l' .
<br /> Y,i�l�r. ,i t� ..t� .�.�. • i' • " C, ♦ . . �, - _ t�y iW, `f Y �E4 K •. �f-.�.�'i ' �a.
<br /> . ., 4' ``� t n � ' c � - - ` _ � __ . . .T, -.. 5` � r� . -
<br /> ' '_ '! ' . ' z. • .�. . , ` . .. ' ..Y� � 't. .. ..
<br />.. �� .�. . Z- ` �.f'. � . . . •. . .
<br /> Tf . .c��. .`, , c� .s L' �E" ' . ti .L- � 5� . _ �.�. s-F'-
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<br /> ,�.-f .' 19.Trmssf�of ttt�Ftope7,49 or a BendIcts4 Int�t i�Bon+nwer.If all or any part of the Praperty or a�r iatere,st in it ., } �✓`�,.`.�°�`.
<br /> c
<br /> <�'.:�e`.`.���'= is sold os�(or if a beneSdal iat�est Iu Bmmw�r ts sold ar u�asferted and Bonowet is not a nat�al parsoa without �� "`.�.°�, .�._
<br />_ � `` Leade�s pr3�r cyrltteu cansent. I.ender maY, at its opti,on, r�u�e ima7edi�e pay�eqa ia flill of all sums�by tius ;„�A> ` : `• `
<br /> � ` °�� � " � ' � Ses�tty Instcament.Iiawe►�er,tbis optian shall not b�exerdse�by I�ender if��iss is proHibiu�d by federal taw as of the date � : .
<br /> . , � ,; ., . .� _. . :
<br />—=T:.cr-- of ttds Secariry Inat�en�. .. " �
<br /> : � ..' ff Ixader e�et�ises Wis aption,L�entder sbali give Bormwer nattce of soce2era�ian.The notice shall p�vide a period of not `.t �. .
<br /> _"� iess ttaa 3fi 8ays from the dste�e uotice is detivc�d or ma�led cietLin�� Bormrrer mnst pay all snms secured bY this ` -- -� .
<br /> � , Secmity Insumn�t.tf�Sirower fails w pay these snms prior w the expi�aaian of this pertod,Lender may iavoke aay cemedies `'� `
<br /> 4t
<br />`. . , ,` pe�itted by this Secarid.y Instraanent wahoat fu:ther notice or demaad on Bnnower. `;�� . . ',�'�
<br /> • � �
<br /> , � � " '" 18. Borrowet's P�p�ttt to R�t� If Boirower mee� certa� condlt�ams. Bosmwer shall have the right to bave _ r -
<br /> . :�_::
<br /> ` . .�:���� enfamen¢eat of tt�is Secmary Iasdnnnent discort�u�at any time grfor w the earlier of:(a)5 days(or sach otber pertod as _ .Y ..
<br /> apglicaTote law maY sPecifj►fos�t)befoie sa2e of the P r�r�•p�aat to an3►Power of sale conlaiued in this . _ _
<br /> e�ay Ins�t:or(b)enuy► � Smeut T h o s e c o a d i t l O n s a n e t h a t Hormwer:(a)P a Ys F'`_
<br /> ! - . I.ender alt s�s w l�U ten vl o o 2 d b e,d a e n n d e t t h i s S g e c u r I ry�a n d t h e N a t e a s i f a o a e ce l e r a t i on had acciured:N) -
<br /> � rutes&aq dsfautt oY eay other cbve�ts or sg�ts: (cI P���P�s iacurr�d In enfo�inp,d�is SeCaritji Tnatrnment, �� - _
<br /> r�l ,�. IIICZfl����IIL IIOZ�IIIIL�L11�IE850�18 S�OZIICj�B��'s ����+S S1ICd18l�UII'�4�C?III�I�f YC830ll8�11j►�1�.�O c14411i8 -_.` 5�-��V Y
<br /> tl�4�lien of this Secutityr Insu�ume�t,Lrndec's sighffi m the Pmperty and Bo�uei's obiigation to.�ay the sams se�aued bS► ' .. `�r =--_
<br /> "' this Setariry Inscnmuent sLa11 co�riaue tmr2�aa8ed. iJpaa rems�t by Bouawer, tbis Se�mty 7nsttamend aad the ' .
<br /> ' abl8gadons seaued hereby si�all remain fuIIy effective as af no acceieration bad ocx¢rred.Havaever.this rtgbt w�instate shall ?.',`. ..
<br /> ` , a��p ly in the case of anceleiaSoa uudet paiagraph 17. �-
<br /> : : `�°. , 19.Sale at Nat� CLange oY Loaa S�vIa�r.The Nate or a partiai inteiest m the Note(together wtrh this Seauity `.-=-��:��
<br /> . f :. , Insuu�nt)may be so2d one or mnre tpnes without prios nodce to Bormwer.A csaie may resatt in a c�aage in the e�ttieY(t�own � —
<br /> ,. as the"Loan Sera�x'}tbaz caliects montlalY Paymeata due nndsr tfle Note aad this S�acIry Iasavmeot.There also may he oae �".
<br /> ._ -- • ar more cLanges of the Loan Servicer u�elated w a saIe of�e Note.If the:e is a change of the Loan Se�vicer.Bamnwer w�l be —
<br /> � _ given+�rtittten notice of the c�aage ia a,cxordance wi4lt paragtaph 14 a b ove and apg2icable taw.The ttotice wlll staie dte name and ,�L j v
<br />_ . � � . a d d t�o f t�e n e w L o a n S e t v I c e r and the address to whirh p a y m e n t s ahoutd be made.'ihe notice vv�ll also oontaiu a�►other �--"_ ,�.�.-
<br /> by lic�blelaw. � ,. ; � ��``_
<br /> '• • info�aiQl►�uined aPP , �. -�-r
<br /> ` , " 20.�ardoas$nbstan�es.Eusmwer shall not cause or permit the ptesenoe. ase.disposat, swrage,or tetease of aay
<br /> .. � .°,:`€� ' Ha�atdaas Sabst�c� oa or in the Fiopeity. Batrawer shaII not do. nor allow anyone else to-do. anS+thing aff�ng the _ ;�
<br />-': , Prupetty that ia in vtolation of aay EmIm�tal Iaw. 1he preceding two sentences sLaU not apply to the pre�eaaz�use.or �..�:.,::�._ �_
<br /> � .. t _
<br /> '::'.�. atarage an theprop�y of small qnaatiries of Hazandaus�ubstaaoes t�at ate gene�alZY reoo&u��d to be appropr3ate w aormal :�
<br /> *r ' �al uses aad w-mainte^A„�p of the Pt+nperty. �
<br /> . `. Bormwes sttall pmmpdy give Lendec written notroe ef aay inv�dgation,elaim,demand.i�wsait or other actioa by�y �I`;
<br /> . �.,• . .:` :;,.'r, govemmental ar regalanory agency or P�ivate partY invulviag the Prapest�and any Aa�antoas Sabstanoe or Faviromnental I.acv �.:::;"�,,�,:�-
<br />_ .. of whic�Bon�r.�has actaal Imowledge.If Bouower teams.or Is acat�d by any govemmental or ngu2atory authorIty.ti� ,— I....--�
<br />_� . ��."} any remoyal or�er remediat�oa of any Hazardons Shbs�nce affecxmg�*re Praperty Is necessa�►,Bormwer sball ptomptly taI� . .�'.`�f' :_
<br /> ;:�� ��: ell n�ssac�rrem�dial actions�n accor�dance wlth Enviroameatal Law. ,,;,,u�,� ---
<br /> ,�,=`:�=' ' '" t: . As nsed in this para h?A, "Hazazdous Substaaces'are fhose substances de�aed as wxic or ha�rdaua substances.ti�► .. ,�� —_
<br /> `r� .: � '.h�;� EnvlronmeIItal Law an� �foIIowiag substaaces: gasoline. kerosene. other flammable oi waic petmtaim praducts, tozic .� _'
<br />_ . .. ��,.�c. pe�iddes and flerbicldes,volan'te solvwts.�at e r I a l s w n t a i n i ng a4 b e s t o s or f o s m a l d e hy de.a a d r s d�o a q l v e m a i e r i a l s.A s u s e d i a -
<br /> ' �. ' ��'.;, dus paragraph?A,•Environmental L.a�v' �s fedeml laws aad tawa of the jurLtdicxion wbeie the 8roperty is loc�ted Wat .,'.�y._"
<br /> �:-
<br /> . . • �',,�; cr�ze W health.safetY or�ro�ental prc�don. , >-# '���. .
<br /> . . :. NON•UIJIFORM COVSNANTS.Borrower aad Le�ter fmrther covenant and agee as followa: _T__.•�.
<br /> � . ..,i k 21.Aceelesaflon;Remedta.I.�der sYuill gtve na�e to Borauw�r prior to accederation foItowing Borrower's b�eac6� --
<br /> � ,., ot eay covcaant ar age�e�ment in t�ls Secmrity Inshra�art (but no! prlor to acceieration�der parr�naph 17 aWess . r'. � _
<br />--;�y, . � � '�'.:; ;. appllesb2�law Qmvidcs otheswLse}. The no�tce shall specify: (a)t�d�efan(t;N)the ucttoa req�ired to c�e the defaWt; � .•, ;:. :, :_
<br /> .--.�.,—� = .
<br />- ;, :�..; �(c)a date,not te&s tban 30 days Sram t F ce d ate t h e u o i t c e i s g ivea b]3`uarow�.b3►wbicm the defantt must 6e c�:and . „�,,....
<br /> . � � • ;,��' t�tEat Wilme tu care ffie defaatt on�l�riore the date sgcrti�r�t�¢�ee nottce may resalt in s�eleration of the soms ". `_
<br />