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<br /> � ' yaymeats maY no ian�er be raquited.at t$e optioa di Y.ead�r.'dr mattgage insoiance ooverage(i�►dze amo�t and fas the paf� :}. ti
<br /> '�`.°. �,:��� ��� ��,y)Orovi�bY aa ins�r agpsaved by Leader again becomes available aad is�bm3ned.Bouow�r sball FaY . , `
<br /> the p r a m iums requi�ed to�aintain�ort$�ge in�uan�e i a�.or w p m v i d e a loss c e s e x v e.u n 4 i 1 c h�r e q n i r e m e n t f a r t u o i t g a g e e�,
<br /> � � ins�raaco e�ds ia ecQOrdance aits aay writt�a s�Ce�me�nt betw�u B�mwer and Leada ar agpl3eable law. . . ;.�`���
<br /> � 9.Iaspecttoa.Leuder or�ts ageat may`ma�e reaonab2e eatries apan aad i�spxaioas af We Fa�ageity.�_s�a1t give ```�.
<br /> � ,_ ' �ottotvt��oiFCe��tt�e of oipriorro���Y�r+*��"�°'�`.i�. _ �� -
<br /> �� 10.Caud�aa.The pm�eds of aay award or nlaim for damage.s.ditect or oonse�aeatial,in co�cdon arith aay
<br /> . -_;. . __ __ ,
<br /> � ., � .� : : . �on or at�er ta2dag of any pazt of the Fmperty.or fa�oonvey�ce m lieu of cande�on.are her�►a�an� .
<br /> . ahall 6�paEd to I�er. , ,.:
<br /> ,ar `k... . .
<br /> '' .4; i4 In the event of a total t�3ng of.Q►e Property.the pmceeds shall be appl�ed to the sums sec�rad by this Sean�ity Insaumeas. .%%.��,
<br /> ,-.�._:l • ' R$Ct�i 6F tiUt tllE�Q11C.wuD a�Y�s Paifl to Bormwer.Ets�tlte e�rent of a partial taking af tfle Pmgerty in wbirh ihe fais ---
<br /> .` � �� market valae oY the Fmperiy immediatedY 6efo:e ttt$takln8 is eqaal to or gc�r tb2n the amQn�t of the sums sectste�by d�s . ,,,c�
<br />- . ,� , . . eQOC�T�}I�C[!t��I�92f0Ir:LhP.�s�BOIIQWC[��!O�C��D QPl�s�1Pi 8UlILS 6�:CUTC��► �,L .
<br /> . , lied the following fras�on: (a)the tota1� �=--�
<br /> . this Sec�uity bast�umeat s&ali be�dnoed try the amoaat of the pmaeeds maltIP D3► �;___
<br /> amammt o€the s�ms sexaied T�iatei3►6efur�the tai�►dtvId�.bY @)the fair mart�t value of the Froperty imme�llatelY '.,-
<br /> � be for�t h e t a l d n g.A a y S a I a n ce s v a ll h e p a i d t o B o�r a w e r.I n t6e event af a partial takm g of the Property Ia whic�the fair �. _
<br /> �_�.;,._�,,� ; . � ararl�valus of the$mperty fm�ateiy befo:e the tatdng is Ye�than the amount of tge s�s seaue�i�iate�Y 6efo� �,,_;
<br /> � . ta�Iag,unIess�ortower aad Leader otbeswise agzee ta wrttiag ar unless applisable taw otheiwise pmvid�s.the pracee�s � _:
<br /> . � 6e apptied m the siams secusecl by thls Sesurity�ast�ment wh�ther ar aot the sums ar�8�t due. ' `
<br />�'..�.,., ... . .
<br /> `ti.�;..�' If the Ptoperty is a6aado�eA lsy Bonaw�r.or if,after aoEt�e by Lendes w Soaower that the candeQmor offe�s w make$a �;'�:�-
<br /> .':,.,°� � avratd or settle a c�n fos damages.Bormwer fails W respond w Lender within 30 days�afoer the date the aatiae is.given, ,
<br /> - .- ati
<br /> _'`:-��`.�.:�^"f I,eudcr�sauthoriu�to ooltea aad appIy thepmoeed9,at itsapt€o�a,eitlietw�ondr�air of tIIe�i+operiy os to�e sums � --
<br /> � sec�ed by this Securlty�nsu�ment,prhether ar aot then due. • �
<br /> ` � . tJntess t,ender aa�Barrotv�otReiwLse agree in wriBag,any'aPPllcation of pmc�eds to principal shail not eAOend ar -
<br /> .,'; ',',� � Fustgane the dne date of the mo�ilY Faymeanta ieferced to in parag�'aghs 1 aud 2 or�ge the amount of sat�Payments• �
<br /> �-- -.�_:...:�•,,. 11.�oPr+awer No3 Redease�;Fo�bxmance By Y.padcs L�?ot�Waives.F.xteasion o�the time for payment or modiSwtioa
<br /> .a
<br /> • .' " oY aat�ortizat�on af�e su�.s sea�ed by ti�S�coodty t�ment gi�tod bY 1.�der m�}r saccersor In interest of Boaowa slratl � � :.� .
<br /> • � • � '� , nat apezate to�elease tYse liab�iry of the o�Igfial Bo�rower o�Bozrawer's su�es�ora ia inserzst.L�aer sbaD aot be requimd.w .
<br /> • .. commxace against anY sa�ssor ia interest or mfnse.w extend t i m e for payment or o t h e t v�m o d i$►amord�an ��:�;-;,-
<br /> ! . oY the snms semre�by�d�ia Sesvrit3►
<br /> Insnum�t by Rason of aay demand m�de 6Y the arigh�al Bomower or Bosrower's �:.�%�;:�;
<br /> � �• snsxessors in inzemst. Anyr forbcar�by Zender in execclsing any right or nmedy sbaU not be a waiver of or giecinde ttte. �_'-
<br /> � � ' � � �..'�!5. exen�ise of anq r�ght ar ieaace�►. ' �::�
<br /> , � :�,, � 12.Saoc�o�s� �s IIo�d;doiat an�3evera!Id�biBty��o-sigReis. The covenants aud agceements of t�sis
<br /> � Sec�rIty Inr.nnme�t shall 6iac1�d beneSt the sucaessois�d assigns of I.euder�aad 8ouawer. gnbje�t to the pmvistans of . �.,-":
<br /> t- '. "11. .�4 �
<br /> , . F para�aph !7. 8ormwet's covena�ts and agreements shall be jomt and sever�il. �AaY Borrowet who co-sigps.tbis 3e�urtty .
<br /> , .�..� Iasbvment but daes aat execate ttie Nate:(a)is cast�ag this S�mit�►��t aalY to mortgage,Ecant aad co�ey that
<br /> �.... .. Iasb t �• =
<br /> � � . . . Boaower's mterest in the P,ropeny tmdez ttie iezms of this Seca�iry Instsumeat:(b)is not pe�sonally obligated to.Pa3+the sums.
<br />_ , �.:r sepued by Q�is Secadty lnsaomeat:and(c)aS�es that Le�der an�any ather Borrower may agree to sx4cIId,madifY.forbear or _
<br /> �" � '� a�ake any zcso�nodatians whh regard to the terms of this Security Insaument or the Note arithoui thai BorroweT's consent. �:�•:
<br /> �..�' ."� . "�:����� 13.La�n Cha�;as.IsF the Ioaa sera�ed bY this Se�urlry Iasaument is subJect to a law wDlcD sers maximum ioaa cd�atges, '��;';
<br /> ,�: � . ��;' : �� .` and ahai law is Snaily interpreted so tbai the inter�st or other loan cd�atges collected os to be coltect�l in co�ian with the �:: :,
<br /> �' ''_ � toaa excee�i tl�permitted limits.tbe� (a)anY sucb loan rharge sbaU be ce�aced by the amount n�sary w�ce dhe charg�e � L
<br />� � to tfle per�itted lianit;and @)ar►Y s�s already coltecte0 from Bo:mwer whic�exceeded petmitted limits wIll be refl�aded tu
<br /> �,. . .. . � fl
<br /> � . ., . • _ � Borrawer. Lender may choose co make�hia reli�nd by iedn�Ing the prInclpal owed under the Note.or by maldng a dlrect
<br /> `�: , pay�eat[o Bormwer. IS a refund reduces principal, tIle t�dQCtion w�71 be treated as a partial prepayment without a�► �`":�.,.
<br /> :: . �, �. , � ' p�epaymeat charge under the Note.
<br /> �; : . . .: ': ` 14.Noticcs.Any notice to Bnnav,rer pmvIded for in this Seauity Insnvment shall be given by delivering it or by mailing � :
<br /> �•._•.• ... - .'::''.�,� it by ffrst class taail unless appllcable 13w�quires use of another method.7�e nottce s2iaU 6e direcxed to the Properry Address - _
<br /> � --.
<br /> �::•: ' •• or auy other addmss Boimwer designatea hy noticc to IsndQr. Anyr aotice w L�der s t�a U 6e g i vea.by f i r s t c l a s s m a i l t o —
<br />:�::;1:. . . Lender's aQdress statad Ir�efn or aay other address l.eader designates by notice to Borrower.A�►notice pmvided for in tLis _
<br />,�;��� . :�;..:� '.: Secauity Insttameat sLaU�e deemed to liave been�ven to Borrower ar Lender when glven as provided in ttils para�apH.
<br /> , i,,r�Gayeming I�w; geyernbi➢itp. 7ids Securiry Iasttument svall be govemed by federal law and the Iaw of the
<br />:;�:.,� . . � � jurisdicdon in whic�the Pmperty is lacated.In We event that any pmvlsioa or clause of this 5ecarIry ,m t or the Note -
<br /> � ' wnf]icta witL appli¢able��,such oonfllct shall nflt aHect ather provlsians of th9s Security Instn�ment or the Not�vrht�eh caa be
<br />,_;�t;;�' `: . , �` .
<br /> ,., � � gh+ea effect whhout the aanflicting provision.To tuis ead the provlsions.of tbis$ecurity lasuument and the Note are declared
<br />;�:'`' ; �, �:�� to be sever�b2e. �'
<br />`;3:• ',�� � ` 16.Bnrmwer's Copy.Borrower shzU be given one confo�d capy of the Note and of tPas SecurIty Insm�ment. .'
<br /> :��. • � . f� .,
<br />:t;; . � .;. .
<br /> Form 30 9
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