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<br /> ' S, Hazasd or'ffenPeKY �nsur�ance. Bomower shali I�ep tII� �mpmvea�ats � ' ' -
<br /> . ., pruperty inseued against lo�a by ti�e,Haaatds uaslnd�a�I�in the term'eueaded oovrrage'�d asy other haTards. inciudin� �_�°
<br /> - - flaads or floading.foi tiyhicdi 18ndea requites�s�a a°e.T l ri s insvr�ce sball be ma�tained in tbe amounffi aad for the perInds `
<br /> � ` ` � tbat Iender Yequiies.'1'he�c�sier provi�.ing tl�e insivaac�sbaU he dwsea by Borrowcr subJect to d.ender's appmval -
<br /> ` ` � � a�vera e described a'iwve, Lender umy, at l�nde�'s
<br /> V `.`'' ms.;.a+�hAt��u t�e un�easonabtv withheld. If Bnaower fails to mai�►tain� g
<br /> � option,o�tsin oovetage to protea Lca�ePs tigt�ts i�the�toperty ia accordanae vma P�ag��• —�
<br /> ` _ °-`—�� ' pi!�go1€des aad renewals sha�l 6e acceptable w Iender a�d st�ali inctude a standard mortgage clause.Leader �
<br /> ' j7'� � :� - s6a11�ave th$rIght to dn2d the policies an�reaewala.If Lender recprires•Bomawer shall pmmptIy give w Lender att reoeIpts o� ..
<br /> pa�d premiums�d r�newat uotiees.In the event of Ioss,Bnrrower shali give pmmpt aotice m the iasuianc�cantier aud Lender. � ��..
<br /> •` ```V: � `�:, L�ndet ar�y�ake pmof of Ioss if not made promgtlY bY Borrao�er. :.:�
<br /> ' . ` ;-� ��.� `�� � Unlesa Leader and Boaower otheiwL�e ag�e ia writ�ug,iasnrance Pmcee�sLall be app2ied t�tesooratioa or repair of the ,
<br /> . h'� • t i
<br /> . . �P�Y�S�if the restorattoa or repair�s econnffiwity feasi'bte aad I�eader's se�rIty is not lesset�d.If the�estoratdon or
<br /> . aepau is not eenao�mic�UY fessible or Lender's sea�dty wonld be lessene�l.the�ce pmceeds st�ll be sgpl�ed to t�e sums Q ,. `,:
<br /> •..`,:.� . secared by this Secutin►In�t.wtiether or not tfleu due,with auY e�Paid to Bormwer. if Bonower ab�dons the '.,,:.,
<br /> - ` ,�.. carrier has off�l to settte a claim,then 5�.
<br /> �P�Y,or does not answea within 30 days a notice fmm Lender that the iasarattse hen
<br /> '�:r .°-.�. I,eader may colIerx the insarmace Pa+qe�ds. Leade��3►use the proc�ds w repair or�essore th�Pr�ty or m pay snms
<br /> `'' ,�. s�by this 3�v�ity.Yn.anumeat,whether or nnt thea due.The 30-day peiiod w�l begin when the notice is given. .,..�.
<br /> �. `, :� : � UWess I�nde�r a�d Bomnwer otlr�wise agree in�g, �l+ �P�catioa oY pzac�s to prindpa]st�11�uat extend os �.�,`,•
<br /> '.� '' V,�t� ' , ane the dae date of the mnmhly payments ze&sce�l to in paza�rapbs 1 �d 2 or change the�mnpt of the papmeats.If . `,,,
<br /> ' Le,nder,Bor�awer's right w�ay�Polides and proceeds resnit�fmm � '`" .
<br /> � ` ' ;: u�nd�er paragraph 21�e PiopertY i`s scc�niied bY • �
<br /> . . . d a m a g e ta the P r a F�Y l mos w the soquisition sball pass w Leader w the e�ent of the sams s�nred by this Secarity� -
<br /> ,,t� i�mmediatetY pzIor to dte acq�isit�on. � 3ieat[aa;I.ease�Ib. '
<br /> .. ' 6.pccapancy,Preservation,M�e.�"'end Prut�4ion of the PraperiY;Bormwer's Lo�n AP�► � ,--
<br /> • ' : �. Boimwer si�aU occupy,e s t a b l i s h,a n d t�se t h e&3 u p e rt y a s B o:r ower's p�c i pal residenoe wit6ia s�xtyr daYs aRer ti�e�on of ,;;�
<br /> � � . . � '��,i t t�i s S e a u i ry I n s a u m e a t a n d s h a U c o n t i n ue to o o c u p y the Pr o perty as Bomnwer's princtpai resideace for at teast one year after ;�:�t,_�_
<br /> eat sd�all not be um�asanably witbheld or uai e s s ,,:T;,'
<br /> :" _ � ''s:;;,,:y
<br /> °_ .>:...,°•,�.: t he d a t e a f a�c y,t m u s s l:�a d e r u t h e n v i s e a g r e e s i n�r r i t i n g,w h t c b o o n s ,:,;.,,�,;:-_
<br /> .. �..: �t
<br /> ' x excenuating ci�cu�tan�exist which ate beyond Barrower's control. Bo�� II°�b�°,Y default if anY�� " ��
<br /> Fmperty.allow t�Property to detertorate.or commit cvaste an the Property. cuuId resWt i�forfeitare oP tlte '
<br /> � aaroi►or prn�,' a,whether civit or ciimina2.is begun that in Leader's gaad faith iudgtaeat
<br /> n
<br /> �=
<br /> , �.�, ���r Fmp�aay or otherwisa materia1ly imPair the lien created bY t1jis S�mrity 8�s�rm�at or.Lender's secatity inter�st.Bossower may .
<br /> � 4 , ca:��r1s a default and reinstate,as provided in paragiaph 18.bY causing t�e action ez�ceeding to be d9smdsse�vnth a mltng �,�r,,:.-
<br /> � `�i�E that, iit Leader's good faith determinazion, preclu+des forfeinue of the Bomower's n7it�st in the PcupeHY os at�er snat�ea�
<br /> � �:��
<br /> �� ': .impairmeat of the lien c�eated by this Secmicy Insuument ar Lender's securlt5+inte�est.Borrawea shall also�e in default•if
<br /> � � Boirower.during the loaa application pmc,�ss.P,ave macerialtp false or'�te informadon or statements to I.endar(or�a�ed �
<br /> . , r hf
<br /> � � to provide Lender witb auy materlal information)ia comaection with the loan evidenced lry the Note,iut�udinS.bui aot linnit�
<br /> %�r;-::�-"i lESidsII4e.If t1��s SeCUtI�y+11LS[[uIDerii 1S oII a . Gf r -
<br /> • , to,rePresentatiang wncemiag Bvr�trrwer's accupancy of the Property�a griadp2f
<br /> -t
<br /> . . lease�otd, Borrower shall compty wlth all t1►e pmvigions of the lease: If Borrower acqnires fee atle to the Progerty, the.
<br /> • e
<br /> ` .�. .r. leasehold and the fee title shaU not merge unless Le�tder agmes to the merger in writjng. : .:
<br /> . • 7.protecfiton of II.endes's Rtghts in the Ptoperi�+.If Bosrower f�ils m perform the covenants aad agreements contained in i. :'°
<br /> . : ,.,- :
<br /> �,,:, , :, � ° , tl�is Secarity lnsttnmenb or thece.is a lega}pmcceding that may signiBcanUy affect Lendet's rlglirs in the PropettY(such as a � •
<br /> , ,.�� � prnceeAAi�g in bantc�upicy,probate,for wndemnatlon oz forfeiture or to enforce laws or regtilatlons),then 1.ender maY do and
<br /> cee
<br />-_. � . �,.' pay fo:whatever is necessa�yr to protect t he v a iue o f t l i e P r o p e r t Y a n d I.e a d e r's ri g h t s i n t h g P r o p e t t y. �.e a d e r's a r�o n s m a y t�:
<br />- .��. ; :. inchWe Paying anY sums seci�red by a liea which has priority aver this Securlry Ins�nent. aPPe�ttg 9n court. Paying _
<br />�'• .: � reasonable attomeys'fees and emeriag an the Propeny m make repairs.Altteovgh Lendes may take acalon wnder tHis paragraph .
<br /> .•.��. •..� :� .
<br /> 1,. .t�.�. ':_��: 7.Lender does not have to do so. �,
<br /> . ,: � � , � My amounta distsursed by Lender under tbis paragrapb 7 shall become addiaonal debt of Boarower seaued by this
<br /> ..:;�:. . -����
<br /> ' Securicy InstNment.Unless Boaower and I.ender agree to other terms of paymenb these amouats ai�a11 bear interest from the
<br /> .., ' • � . ' date of disbiusement at tHe Note rate and shall be payable.with interest, upon nonce from L�der to'Bormwer requestin8
<br /> • � payment. � .
<br /> _ - :_- .,_ - 8.iV�o�4ga�e Insmance.If Lender requircd iaortgagc inswance as a condition of making the Ioaa secu�d by this 5ecurity __-
<br /> _,_,�. Ins�umeat, Borrower sha11 pay che p:emiums re4uired to maintaia the mortgage insurance in effec�. It, fo:any reason, the . ..
<br /> ' . � . . ��age insutaace covetage required by Lender lapses o;ceases to b:in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums required.to
<br /> � � obtain caverage subatantiaUy equivalent to the mortgage iasi!*�nsp previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> - � oost to Boaower oY the mortgage insurana:�reviously In ef�'ect, from an altemate mortgage insuter approved by Lender. 1f _
<br /> � substandally e�'LL:valent mortgage insurance ootierage is not available.Bar�ower shnll pay to Lender eacL month a sum equal to
<br /> ' � c:�-twelftb of the yearly mortgage insurance premium beir�Daid bS+Borrower when the insuraace coverage lapse�d or oeased to
<br /> ' . • be ia effect.Lender wi11 accept,use and retain these pay�..°-*...s as a loss reserve in lias of mortgage insvrance. �oss reserve
<br /> .., . Fa�ao�
<br /> , �-BRIN�192+s).o� Paso 3 a e tNU� / '
<br /> : . --�.,--�,.-----,--«---_ —•-_,._.. � . . � , . � , . �
<br /> ._ . _ . � . . . . . . . •
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