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<br /> <<<.: ,_ '. • 16.�arnmver's�apy. Bosrower�h$I1 be�cven ane wnfoimed copy of the Note ead of t�is Seca�rity tnstr�eat . .
<br /> . "F.; 1'.'i'rau.�er o!tda,2 Arapertq or e BeaePisial Ynterc�t In Borravree� If a�or any ga�t af die Fmgeny or sny interest in it is .
<br /> er
<br /> , .`, sQtt!ar t�ansfared�{ar if a taeneffdal Inte�est in Bonuw�r ls soW or t�ansf�cd and.B�aowea�s aat a n�nual peason)withaut
<br /> r .`,,... i.�.'o a�t...b,an,.. � i.»a�•.�►v a�:eo.�.ui�u► .pnni.w tmmaA{ara aavrru�.�t in fidl�f aii aim�ccrpr�.il bv tb3A Secroritv • •
<br /> _ _ �sW�emtr`�er.�optinn sball not 6e eae�'by 1 dea if exesdte is prohibi�d t+Y fede:al laxr as of tlie drate of t6is -`
<br /> � � ��
<br /> U �` c� , t �
<br /> _ �x?.rs8�e�[[�thls�m n.l�des s6at!gtve Borco�res�ot�on.1l��tls�e sha3b�avitte a of aoi less
<br /> _ �...� � ' @�u 30 days fram tlte date the no�ce is de.�verod or ma�ed withirt wt�B�mower must pay a11 sums s�this Se�ity �,:;:_`
<br /> �. '� . �stmme�t If Boaawer faiJs w pay taese sums prior t�the explrfldon of dils peeiod,L�nder may iavoke�y��s p� � --;
<br /> ": by th�ios Sec,�,,.tr�i,ry�.,I,,n�sfW�ent withrnit fur�ter noticc or demaad an B,o,,a,.o.,,vtr.,er. .,w�.i,,.,,, :':
<br /> - ..�: '. . , � aO.BWauaY.��B��ZtDllOffHC}OtP- IL HOnOWP� IIICCtS KaWU� COuWi+u++n. Bonrowea shall 6ave the rIght to 6ave d�.�...__,
<br /> � �'�..'� ea�forcdment of this S�n�r Ins�cent.discont�ued at any time priar m die ea�er oF(a)g days(or sncb o$�ar periad as �
<br /> " �� � � appl'sable Iaw maysp�fy fas reiflstaiemeat)fsefore sale of ths progezty gwsuant tn any powea of sate cantained ia this S� r
<br /> ' `� . instmm�or(6}�tty o�a judgm�nt�fos�fig tWs Securiry In�ea�t 1�ose condidans are that Bariower.(a) ays trea/u �."�,�;
<br /> � ms
<br /> �`���� � s�s w h i c fi t fle��o u l d b e das�t b d s S e c�n i t y r 1 n s n v m�t a n d t h a Note as i f no a c ce 1�t�i i nn�6 F S d �(b)ca�m►y �e°�.-
<br /> .f . . ou sd
<br /> �: ;•' default of any ather covenantv ar a�aent�(c1 PaY$aU e�peas�ia�u�ed ui eafas�iag this Securiiy Insocument,tnciudtng,imt ,
<br /> t�... �:� not IIm�tEd to.reasanable atmmeys'fees;aad(�takes�acdon as Leader rna�r reasanably reqnire w a�ure tLst the liea af tlus
<br /> ,`� .'. �� :': S� Ias�umart. I�endds righis in the P��ty mid Bormwrer's obb�on to�y the sums secmred by this S�irp � ��
<br /> ,. ,: .��:�.° Iasuument sLall ooatir�ue uncLang�l.Upon .narement by Bmrowa. tlus Sewriy Instnmtent and the obtiga�ons sec� �-
<br /> . t�ereby shall remain fn]Iy effecnve ag if ao acceI�rinn Uad ao�ured.However,thss right w reinstate sbati not app yS in the case of s''_��
<br /> �, � td -
<br /> 1.... scce�aauon unaear n 1�.
<br /> ��: . . .<° 19.Sate af Ptote;�6ange of Laan ServIoe� 'ihe Not� ar a pa�Fal int�est iu the Nate (tag�iher with tdis Sec�uity . .-._
<br /> • v ,
<br /> . ' '<�:, Insuvncc�nt)may 6e sold ons or maQe�arithn�prios notice to Hairowa A sale may resuit in a cbange in the antity(�awn .
<br /> � F ::�,�.
<br />-- ,_ _ as.(he°�.oau Servtcer")drat�llects mandity due�Sie Nate and this Secqsii�+rnm�,en• Z��e atso may be ane or � ,`.'�
<br /> ;;° .��.. mmre chaages of.fl�e Loan S�anre to a.8ate of ine Note.If theae is a chan of the l.oan Se�vitxr.Bairow�w�71 be —:-
<br /> '` at ge
<br /> �'':,, ',.:��, ��,'.� . g i v�arrim�n nodc�of the c h a n ge in scc�dance with g a t a�a ph Ia above an�l Iicable law.1]ie notice will staza the dame sad '��;�:�:
<br /> dc app
<br /> .Z � ',; add�ess af @ie new L+oan SPavtcea and We address to wlvch paymeats sltonld b e made.Tbe noticce w�l atso contain any other _
<br /> ' • mfa�ma�un re�a�ed bY ePDlicable 1aw. � "�4��
<br /> ?A.I�asdsasSa6staaoes. Horrow�shaII dui cans�ar gemit the presence.us� storage,or reIe2se of any . ��:.°,'•�.'
<br />.- _ ' .,..:� � H a a a r d o n s S n 6 s t�m o e s o n or iu the P m p e�t y.Baanwea s6all nat dfl,nor ariow a n y a ne else t�y t l 3 m g a�'e c�i n g t@e P,ro r p e rt y R�
<br /> ,� ; tbat is in vialajian of any Enviranm�l Law.l7ie pr�g two senteuc�s shall not sprply to the presena�m�or smiage oa die � i ,�.
<br /> ' � � p�yp�y af small quant�des of Ha�rdous Snbstances d�at are genera]Iy recognaed to 6e appioptlate w na�mal revdendal uses --
<br /> � .. � .,<i andto �a�mmce af the Ptopealy. . -
<br /> � �. ' �s Bmmwer shall_gmmPttY 6�e Leadea wiitiem noflce of any invesdgadan,c]atm.d�mand,Iawsnitoz other�estinn by eny � --
<br /> " h .
<br /> ` ` ��1�r����Y�D�B�Y involving t4e Fiopeny and any Ha�daus Svbstaace ur Env�ronmeutal Lsw �
<br /> � �� " � of which Brnrawer has actnal2mowledge.If Burrowea Ieams.ar is noti6ed by any govemmea�l ot tegulatary mithoritq,thai any �.•`-�°,
<br /> � . .. . � removal or othea*��Arinn of at►y Hazardoas Sn6staace aff�ecdng the Pr�acy is neres�y.Ba�iowea stmII piamgtty taice aU
<br /> . � :" � . nec$ss�r�medial�s in ascortlance wuh Environm�ssal Law.
<br /> �.' .�..�_•., .. r. _' .� . � � �;'..I3,�,.':
<br /> ; A9 ased in tBis parag�apb 20,"Ha�rdans Snbstances are those snbst�ces defined as.toxic or La�antans sabstances hy
<br /> � �tal Iaw.and the faIIowing substance,s: gasoline. kea�ose�e► odtWt f�ammable ar t�Ic peuolwm tmdc -
<br /> ammab
<br /> � , , f � p�sticides and I�erbicides.valaLTe solvents.mateaials cQa�ning asb�.stos or formaIdehyde,and radioacflve ma1e. a��.�ased in
<br /> • • � ' this ga,�a h 20."Envi��mental Law"means federal�aws and laws of the,jarisdierion whece the Property is located t6at relate _
<br /> -.1 g� a d
<br /> .•u �; , r to he�Ith,safety oi�nv�unmca�tal psotectinn
<br /> , ,r��
<br /> _ . ....f j . _ -_
<br /> , NON•UN�ORM COVENANrS.Bormwer aad L�der furthes wven�t�d agr�e as foltows: �
<br /> t '� ' � Zi.AooetcrflHon;Remedies.II.eader sbatl glve notice to Borr�ver�rtos to eeceIera�to�foIIowt�g tdorrazver's Dpeach af � � _
<br /> � ' . (?. any coven�nt or agscemeat tn tht3 Sec�Ity Instrament (but not prIor to acceIeratton and¢r PriragraD4� 17 untess _
<br /> ` appltea6le taw pravhtes oWerwlse).The aotire syalF sp$c1ty:(a)the defanit;(b)the actton rmqaiae�to cure thE detauIt;(c) �.
<br /> ��;' . � , ��: ��_ a da4e,not tess tbaffi 30 d9ye flrom the date Bit�aottce is givren to Borccxc�er,by whtch th�deP�nit mQSt be'cm�ed;and(�
<br /> � � �', .�. �;� t�at fa�ore to eare the deianYi on or before�date.specifced�n the notFce may resuIt in�eceiermtian ot the su�s se�aed
<br /> ��� � ��. ,' by�1L9 S0�Qt189 I09�lfti4 8Ad&8IE OS WE P1'0�.79l��rtire sbaiD fi�thRr infor�Bnr�avger ot the rigM tar s2instate � �'
<br /> 8D
<br /> � .� , a�¢er acceteratton and the rlgbt to b�e coart a�bx�ssert tEe moa�dsteace of o defanit ar any other�tefense oP
<br /> �,; r1
<br /> '°"' � Barrower to aoceleration and sa2e.�IP the defaott ts not car�on or 6ePore.tQe date speci�3ed in the nottce,I.e�der,at t� ' � �
<br /> ��_ �� � , optPoa.may reqaire immedia4e paqment in fafl qf at!snms secured by thts Sewrity Inste�ent wttflaat fi�th¢r demand y'` �_
<br /> �<` . .� , and may invoge the pawes o?saYe and aay a�rem�ies permitted by apgiica6Ie taw.Lender sDaD be en�to coIIest ... ,
<br /> , � �.'� , aD eapens�s fncarr¢d in pw�satng ttee semedics pmvid¢A in tbfs DaragreP�Zl,�aciuding,but noi limited to.e�easonabte .
<br /> :q..' • ..�� , ` attorneys'Pee�ar�A ca.gts of tltie evldeuc�
<br /> . . . IY the powes of sale ts fnm�ced,7Yastee shall record a no4ice of defnWi in e�ch county in Nhfch any p�rd uf tDe :.
<br /> , ' Froperty is loca3eQ.rmd s1viI1 mail copies of such no4ice in ttte ms�ner prescr�'bed Dy appuca6le law ta Bornower and to the ��•�„
<br />. . `� . ` other persans pr�ssnb�d by applicebte Itm+.A6t�er the ttme reqnvred by appllceble law,Trastee aba[!give pnblic notice of '
<br /> • ' : sale to the persons�nd in the man�er prescri6ed by�ppticable tsw.Trustee.wtthont demanA on Bormcver,sl�D seU the �
<br />:�,� �, � � Pro�texty at pnblic uucNnn to the hfgh�t Didder at the ti�se and ptaee and auder the terma d�nated In ffie aotice of snie
<br /> t.. .. . .
<br /> ;,.». .
<br /> � Form 8028 9/9Q •
<br /> ' ,�y,�', •BRINEIt9a�2t.m Papa6ote �muata:
<br /> ... .. ,
<br /> '� , . ^ . . . � .. ._ .�.� ;.,; . . .. . .. - . . .. .
<br /> __.�. . . . _ . _. .. .. . . . � . . _ .
<br /> �' ," . , . .. ' . .. . . . . • • , ,' . . . . ' ' ' .. , . � .,
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