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<br />. ...( - ,�`- ' * � . • ` ' . . � ������� . .. � .
<br /> • ,.1�`... '-� ,F�' � '
<br /> . . � payments may nn lotnger be recluimd.ai the 6puan af L�d�.if mort�ge ms�nance cave�age(H►the amount and for We peaad. , .;.
<br />.jt . '� `` th�I�ter req�ire�pmvidaf by au�as�apFr4ved by Leadea eg�ia beoome�ava�7able and is obrained Boaowar ahaU pay ti�
<br /> � p�ami�ms rt�Ini�so iva�a�in mo�tpge i�umeace ia effect,��P�vide a tass rescave.u�the r�ent for martgage , ���. .-
<br /> � s,�a...��•.�w:,+�aQirR wiri��v cv_riuen amreeaneat f�etw�Baaovrer aad I.eadra�apglicabie law. =`'_
<br /> - `�` 9.�nspee4�n. Leadear or iis ageut may make�sosable enUries apon sn������Y.I.e�er�mii�ive �
<br /> nap
<br /> �� B�ower notice at f�e dme of argrior tu an mspe�on sp�ifY;°g c�naUte c�us�far the inspecdan. A �.,
<br /> , 10.Coad�om 'itie praceeds of any at�rd o:cisim far damagcq.du�or can��e1, �wnaec�iun griih any -
<br />.. �.....•.4'� � < ' .
<br /> ° � c�demnffiion ar otker taI��of any part of the Piapecty.ar faa cortveyaace in tiea of candcannatinn,are he�6Y as�ned end
<br /> � . . - �' '` shall De gaid to I�eader. • ..
<br /> • In th�event af a t�ta��of the Ptopeaty.the Dmceeds sba�i�e spptied to the sums s�by tHis S�icy Ia�ent, _ .,
<br /> . ; ��, whaher ar not the�due.with any excess paid to B�owea:In the eveat of a pa�6ai ta�ng�the Frapeatj►in whicb the t�is matket .,
<br /> . .' vaJus of the Piaperry ImmediateiY before the�ng i�e�at w or ge.a�a tban the araomu of the s�mas se�aued isy this S� •.,`:
<br /> , . . I n s�e�t immediaiety 6efore the�g,nsiless Hoaawer and Leader flthc�rise agcce ia wririr►g,t8e s�a secored bY� _
<br /> ���-
<br /> �• ;.. �. . • ' ge�it�r inctmment sLSII be tedaCed by the eII1oUaL of dle p10Ceeds�ultiPlied bF d�e f4Ilnwing fc8�tion:(8)1he tOtel emuIIAt of --_
<br /> , pl s ,
<br /> �.#� ,� '. tfse snms s�immedistelY before the takfng,divided by N)die fair madset vame af dte Piro�ty immediatelY before the �
<br /> .. , � �.�>, baiaaoe shall be w Ba�xuwea.In thse event of a panial takmg of thePmpeaty�whic�ttse fair marketvalne af the �;��
<br /> . tatmtg.Any P� _
<br /> � �.:°� :`' �'�P�Y ���Y befare the taking is tess tt�the amount of the sams s e c+a e d i m m e d s a t B ly b e foze t h e t a k i n g,u m I e s s _ ��;'.
<br /> . , Boimwes mnd I�ud�mhenvise ag�ee in wming ar untesq applicable law atharovise pmvides.the pmc�ds ss1�aII be applied ro the , �,
<br /> ag n
<br /> . - �-�-. s�ms sec�ed by this Soc�uity Insbcnment w��ar not tbte sums are ti�en du� _ . �"'.::
<br /> • � 1f t�Pmpe�ty is a6audoned Dy Boaow�,or i$afier�fotice by Lendea to Baaowa that the aande,mnor offeas to make sn �.,,.
<br /> � °° -- `' �-t: 'aw�d or settie a claim for damages.Bo�owea fa�a to respand m Iaudei-witi�n 30 days after the dare the potice is givea,I�ead� , ���_:��,
<br /> `�� . .. ,�;4� � is�to calteG sud agply the�a�ds,ai its apsian,enhea to testma3ion or sepair of the Fzopeny or W the sums se�ured -
<br /> �. . � 6y tLis S�+Instrument,wheThea ar nat theA due.
<br /> " � Un2ess Lendrd and Boimwea o�eavvise agree�wutmg,anY aPP�un of pmc�eds wpriadpal s6aII aotexte�d orposKpane �';:�
<br /> � ",r;' t�refe,aed m in patagiayhs Y and 2 or cLange the anuonnt af sacb payments.. �:`-,
<br /> _ ;.��.:.' the dae date of the momhlY PaY� �^-
<br /> :. . . . �,: 11.Borrower Not BeIe�ssedi Forbesaance Sy Lendar,Not o Wsi�er. IIxteasIon of the i�far paymeni ar modifCaf�on �_
<br /> e =
<br /> � � of am�on of the s�s sec,ured b3►this Se�uitY Instrument gi�t�by Lendea to any sa�sar in int�aesi of Bmcmwea shaII �n
<br />�` . � . aot ope�e to ielea:�ffie liabilicy of the oug�nal Barrower or Boaowds snccessors in intemsf.E�emdca shatt not be reiiu�t� ��_:
<br /> . � � commence P���S���Y siuxessor ia mteresc or ie€ase on�ad time fas paym�t.or othetwisa aEOdify amardzation of _
<br /> ,.. .
<br /> tlte sams seemred by this Secraity Ynsu�unemt by reason of ang de�and made by th�oiiginat Baaowea ar Sarmwea's satcessors. � ::
<br /> . � � in inteaest Any fmrbearmice by Lendea m ex�ing a�►Y aght ar re�ed9 shall n,ut be a waivea of ar precIude the execcise of�+y. ��:�•:
<br /> � . ��;�'.
<br /> . right or remedy. G�gQera'11ie covea� ead �ea►ts of t�
<br /> ' ' � 12.Saoc�ssors an�As.si$ns Bamnci,�i:vt and Sever8l Liabfltty; _
<br /> • ' Sec�ulry Tastrumee�t shall bind aad bea�&t the s¢cxessors and ess�gac of Lendea and Baaowe:, subject m t�e psov�sians of. � �
<br /> 6i�3�-
<br /> � , � paragiapL I7. Borrower's cov�az►ts �d ageem�its shaall be�joini and seve�.Any Bormwer who co-signs th9a Secarity r��,
<br /> . � Instmment but daes not exerata dfe Nat� (a)is co-sFgning thia Se�aulry dnsorument anty to murtgage,'gtant and cunvey that -_ .
<br /> ' • ' .. ' Borrawer's�teaest in the ProperlY�mdea the terms of this SecuritY Iastr��(b)is not pe�sonally obli�ated to pay the soms �:w`�-
<br /> � - se�aued by this Security Iastnime,a�and(c)agcees t6at Ia,ader aad an othea Borrowea may ag�ee w extEad,modify.fotbear os� E-�°
<br /> . Y � . �:s_�n
<br /> :; .` �• ', •� �any ac�commodadons witb regazd to the u�of this Sec�ity Insmiment ar the Note without that Bom�wer's cuasent. �.�:_,
<br /> . . I3.Loan Chargea. If the Wan sec�ued by this Seauiry Ins�am�t is subject[o a law which sets maximum la�n charges, �,-.;,
<br /> - .. aad that 1aw is.fina]IY inteNretcd s�thai the inuxest or other laaa charges collected ar w be coltecxed in conneeslon with the toan �:�-
<br /> °' �''� exceed the peaariueef 1lmits�ihr�:(a).anF sacT►ldaa ctiarge shall be reduced bY the amonnt neaessaiyt to reduce th�charge to the =-.,-_
<br /> � ; •.,f,� .
<br /> peimiiued 1imi�and(b)asiY sums e�r�d9 wlleCted fmm Bmsuwet wisicft�cceeded pemtiGed li�ts vta71 be sefanded to Hm[owei. �-.i.,
<br /> , m
<br /> � � ''�'� � Lendea may choose to make th�s ref�d by reducing the prinag^�t'i a+�ed undea the Note or by making a dired payment to �
<br /> ` , p ent c6ar e �-�`..
<br /> �� r � Bmmwer.I�a refund reduaes c�pa1,the reducdon w�be ueated as a ar6a1�payment withont auY pTegaYm g
<br />_; . P� �T;_�'.
<br /> . imdatheNota. �'=� �
<br /> - � 14.Notiees. Any n�otice to Boaowea provideil for in thts Se�arity Insuument shall be give,n by de�ivedag it or by mailin$it _ .
<br />-�', ,. ' � by fust class mail unless applicab2e law reqnires use of anothet mee�ad.The notice shaU be directed tn the PropeRy Address pr ...
<br />_ � arry mh�s edd�Borrawer drsignazes by nodce to Lcader.Any notice to Leatder shall be g�ve�by first class ma�w L+e�der's
<br /> es
<br /> • � � ' address stated herein or any other address Leadee desigiatcs bY notice to Borrower.My nodce provIded faz in tt�is Seauity _..
<br /> . •. Instrument s1�aU be deemed w have been given m Baau:�er ar Leader when.given a4 provided in this p�agaph.. �
<br /> � iS.Governing Low;8everabiltly. 'Itiis Socuiity Instn�ment sha]i be govemed by fedea�l taw and die taw of the _
<br />::.�;° . . j�uisdic@on ui which the property is IocateA.In the eve�t that any �ravisioa or clause of this S�rauity Instrument ar the Note �
<br /> oontiicts arith applicable taw.such conflict shaU not affea other prc�ris[ons of t6is Security Ins�ament os the Nnte whicb qa ke
<br />�� . . � givea effect withont the canflictisng pmvision.To tb3s end the provisions af this Seauiry Iasuument and the Note ane dactared to '
<br /> _ . . . be severab2e.
<br />;�' � �r• ... �� "
<br /> Form 8028 9190
<br />... . � . : �-eH(NE)tez�2►.o� acpoaote ini«aia: .
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