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<br /> .__.._�..-.`...� ' ' ..{`...�.�.,.L,.."�".,_"1".2.....�.�.. .�fG.':`�.�.. ^4» '+ti:�.'.`
<br /> ` 6-*NF11Yf�Y'iti t _ — � C . 4— _.._ _ S' -4. - "�7i <4 5 v�..
<br /> e: � "ef yt .L � • 7.t-� `� � 'Yi.. �` � � �t+ � r.
<br /> .'� 3. �t.f 4iL � - t�u. '� c .� - - << P i _ .. ` 4
<br /> -. ��•c�-.. • �� ._. .- . . - . �' :.- .,._. ._�� _ _ 'rc;`c , _
<br /> • . , '•r.'. . �.q ' ( " •`.�+. :�r.�x��: � „i t t
<br /> .� � i.- .`� . �'� -t G ta, t `µ * [ _ �,. . :? ,c.,�y, �.F
<br /> ,-'� tS� f . .'Y. �! � 4. C�F M . , r��_`c L, � � �1 S�
<br /> �� f y� 5L- �r -i- � � � . q -Y . � j;' � L`�`�•
<br /> � ' L ' . � ` ` . . . c .�. 4.: `�i'. + .f _C ' . t � �C
<br /> _ . ` a _ � - 'tf ' `� `�., E`c' E. . �. .rc_`..Y Y <<Y' F� .r *r y
<br /> f'� C- , . .,Q'-S .�� �-. F-i:� Si: �' , t . '4, �c
<br /> c�` f�'JL •M�F`� ��G''.. . •
<br /> - L, •r•r`, . . _ . �a°°���[In lt -�-�;r-
<br /> ' ••� �,•�'<. art of the PropertY or anY ..
<br /> '�`;:�': : '`• •' or a B�tdlciai�nterest In Borrow�er.If alt or an3+B • ; ,.
<br /> � ��` �� ` 17.'i'rans[er of the Progerty �.. .. -
<br /> ` '.� '`'' " ��� is sold or uansierred(or if a beneficiai intere�ia Hurrower is sold or sransfesr�and Bu��� of� p� by �is � -:.�.�:� "=
<br /> - � I.c n d e r may;a t i t s o p t i o n, c�n�re i�� PaY� � <�;
<br /> . ,�+.� . L�nder's priaz written wnsent, b Lender if�xxeerc�se is pmIribited try f e de r a l l a w a s o f t h e d a t e '.:T_:..,.-'-
<br /> .. SecatrIty Insuument.However,tlus option shall nat be e�rcised Y
<br /> � .,��"�' � de a of aot - �.n`` �
<br /> of shisSe�ity Inst�vmet�•
<br /> . � If t,eader exercises this oprion.Leader stialt give Borrower noace of acceleration'I1ie nouce shall 1��bY� . -
<br /> .�.�, tess than 30 days from the date the aotice is delivered or mailed witi�ia wonc fthis eriad,Len e�,r iaay invake any remedies �.
<br /> Se�a�rity Inst�ume°1•If Bonower fails to pay these sums prior to the expirati f P -
<br /> -- — _ pecmitted by this Sesauity+Insavme°t arithout further notioe or demand on Borrower. t w have �
<br /> , ° -�� i�. Borrower's� W R�stat� Tf Barrower �e�i t�henea lier of fa)9 days E�sach o�period as , ° ..
<br /> :..:s..��:_.: �discon6aiued at anY
<br /> .. `,.``� e n f o r ce m e n t o f t h i s 5 e c n n ry be�ore s a l e o f i h e P r o p e n y p u r s u a n t t o a n y power of sale contained in this �:;��;::
<br /> • ,,..�` � appIicable law maY specifY for rei�statement) 1 n s Y m m eiu.Those co�tions are that Borrower:(a)PaY s �'.•`"
<br /> ° ' Serun t Y I n s u u m e n t;a r(b)e�Y o f a j u d g m ent enfo�ing tlus Securily �,_�
<br /> : *� �- ir�suumen t a n d t h e I�i o t e a s i f a o a s c e l e r a t i o n h a d uccumzd;(b? �l
<br /> .Y L.ender a!i sums wluch shen wouid be due uader thiis SecuntY s all expens�s incurred in enforciag this Se�ttY.Ins�a��1' i °
<br /> .� `�:. � aues any defavlt of aay other covenants ar agree�����sach action as I.ender may reasona6ly�w assure .. '::.�:
<br /> including,bnt not l i m ited to.reasonable atwmeys in the PropertY and Bortowei's obligation to pay the sums.se�ur�d 6y ,:
<br /> .•. ' tUat the liea of tbis SecuritY lnsau�e��,L.end�'s rights t b Horroaer, titts Security �`.��
<br /> Insue�ment and the
<br /> Insuei
<br /> • thi� Seaaity Iastrument shatt c�►timie nnchanged. Upun reinstatemen Y However.tl�is tif,ht to teinstate sha11 �
<br /> ons secane�herebY sbav���y effecxive as if no aaxleratian bad oavrred• . . :-
<br /> . ob4igati b 17.�
<br /> : not a�ly in the�ase of accelerauon�r P�
<br /> `,�;�'. 19.Sate af Note:Change of�.Oan S��x. '�Note ar a part��1 �erest in the Note(togethea with this Security ��l;_`�:.'
<br /> . ' Iusu'umeIIt)maY be sold one or more rimes wiWout priar notice to Bm raa+er.A�ale ma�►?+es°u�e�g��^,so y�b�� �
<br /> m ms due onder the Nate and this Serunty -
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")t�at c�u��n�Y P� �
<br /> ." or more changes of�Lnan Servtcer unretated w a sate of t6e Note.U there is a ,,��Sle law�'I7ie on ti aill state the name and ` � -----
<br /> _ j�. . � given wriuen notice of the chanSe u�acoordance arith paragraPb 14 ab��e oa�be made.The notice ws'U atso contain any other � =
<br /> �
<br /> � address.af the near Loan Ser�ricet and the ad�ress w wluch paymen - .�.,�
<br /> ' " , information m�quired 6Y aPPUcabie taw. osal,storage.or reiease uf any t
<br /> - , ,,;,;.;� Zp.Ha�dous 5ubstances•Eorrower shal!not c�use or pemrit the presence,use,disp ��g �e
<br /> ha
<br /> s Substances on or in th� Ptoperty. Borrower shall aoi ao, nor sIIu�wR�oshall not appay to the�pres�ence,us�,or �.�.:,�:.':
<br /> ` ���urt3►t6at is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two e to be riace to normal
<br />• • storage on thc PtoPertl►of small quantities of Harardous Substances that are generally recognized �FP�P �=c.;
<br /> residential uses aad co maintenahce o€the PropertY•�
<br /> �_�__:
<br /> . � Boaowet slfall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,�em�an S,abstamce or Snve in�ntal I:aw °�;�1_
<br /> .i
<br /> • � . govemmental or regulatosY agencY or ps�vate party involving t6e ProPettY ai�a°Y ovzmmental oi regulatory authoritY,ti�at ��TM.
<br /> ��.'"� of whicl�Borrower 6as actual[cnowiedge. If Borrowec leams.ot is notified by any g
<br /> ;s .Boirower shall pmmptlY take . � _
<br /> any removal or othes remediation of any Harardous Substance affeMing the PmPerty °��Y . -
<br /> .,. , all necessarY reme�al actiorts ia accardauce v�rith Environineatal Law. -------=
<br /> ` Aa used in this paragraph 20,-°Ha7ardous'Substances" are those snbstances defia�d as to�c or hazardau�s�u��xic ��::°•.
<br /> line, kerosene, other flammabl�or toxic peuoleum Pra .F-�-.:.•;;,;
<br /> ' Emironmental Law and the following snbstances: gaso. : �:y,,:
<br /> .� . pestictdes and herbicides,v i ro n m e a t a t I L a w"�meaas federal�and aws of the�jurisd�caori whe gI�c�av�p�n s located that =_ .
<br /> � . '� ttus paragrapii 20. "Fn rotection. • . • .
<br /> �. � ,:� . relate to health.S8f¢ty OT CIIVttO111t1C[1t1�Q
<br />; , , ' NON-iJNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and l.ender further cavenant and agee as foUoara:_ . r`.:�•
<br /> . 21.Acceleration:RemedIes.Lendes shall P,i I �astruQnent (bat not.Prtor to soo�..�astionf und�Basagcapb 7 �ess. � �
<br /> � • .. � of anp covenant ot agreemetrt ia thls Secarity °�
<br /> �__,�_�
<br /> . , appltcabte law piov[des other�visf m the�dat�t6e�otf�ce ts giventto Borrouwer,by whi b�the�uit ust be$care8;�nd � ����
<br /> � (c)a date.not tesg than 30 day . . � ��
<br /> :'r� � (� that failure to.cure We defanit on or before the date speci,�e nottse shall furthw'in�o�B�°��'°��e�� °� F=`--'
<br /> ' .`. secured by this Sea�Ity Instrament snd sale of the PropertY• -�� -
<br /> ' ceix,s¢�ofter atceleraHon ae�¢he right to bring a wurt adIon to assert the cun�existence of a default or�anY other �r'�,;
<br /> � d e Pease o f B o r r o w e r t o s c c e l e��i o n a nd sale.If t&edefin fu1!o f a l l sams s �e c u r c�.b y t h i s S e r a r i��I n s t n u n e n t withon P�
<br /> I.ender, at its.option,may r�uire{mmediate paym 1lcabte law.l.ender sha11 be. �- �-
<br /> '��. - further demamd and may invoke the power oi sale and aay other remedles Perm��d bY��anduding►but not Umitetl '� �
<br />. • . '..�:� entttl to collect all exPenses incnrred ia pw'suing the remedles pmvtde�in this paragraP
<br /> � to, onable attorneys'fees and costs of title evldence. �
<br /> ��'• >•� �f tt�e ower of sale ls Invoked,Tn�stee stiall recorcl a notice of def�acul�tb�ea�a p�le W o Bonrrower and to � �
<br /> �- ;;;' prc;�rty is lorated and shali maii��bie taw.After h�t me reqWr�byr aPPfica��law,Tnutee s�11 S�ve pnbltc not[ce �"
<br /> � '�� ',..'' � the other peisons prescri6ed by app
<br /> � �' ��'�:, of'sate to the persons and in t8e manner presc�ihed by appllcable la�.Tnistee.wtthout demand on Borrower,shaU se11 �`:':'�
<br /> the Property at public auctton to the 6lghest bldder at the Hme and pL=�ana�ndos one sale of�sll ur anY pga��of the �-. ,
<br /> sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determfacs•Trustee may p stp
<br /> �- fl _
<br /> , � ' • . Property by pubtic annoimcement at the time and pl�oe o4 any prevtousl9 schedulett sale.Lender or tts de�ignee may ti.',,1
<br /> `' . . purcAase the Praperty at a�ry sale. .�r;�,
<br /> � • � Form 3028 9J90
<br /> . '. ,!,
<br /> - . '- Pape b of B � � '�
<br /> ;��;
<br /> � . .
<br /> , - .i - _ . . . . . . . . .� , . . . .. , . . .
<br /> . • . .� . . .. - � . ' :. • . • ' . . . • - .' . . • . -' � ' � '- .
<br /> -.a-• . � . . . '. • � '. . -_ ' . . , ,� � ' � '' � . , .� � ' , ' . � ,� .- � . ' ' . . .
<br />. . . - - - . ' �` . .. . . . _ . • . '. '. . ' . . � -
<br /> � . , . . . _ ..1 . ' . • .- � . _ • � . ' . ..
<br />.- � � . .. � � � . .. .. . . _ . .. � - ,..._....�_Y._,_��_�- ,,}.. . ���- .
<br /> .. � • . . ��..,ti_•.-•-_. _.----=."�l'-•"' - . . . , . .
<br />