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<br />_G.''�. - .f,i�,.:c�- , . . . s . • _
<br /> ; �� , :. ` e insuranoe covecage(in the amuunt and�for the pedcd
<br /> . payments may,no tonger�cequised,at the option of Lender,if mortgag
<br /> `�• ���yy��r�ppmved tyy Lender agaea becomes available and is o6tained.Borrowes sball paY
<br /> . � ''��` that Lender reqttls�s)Fru
<br /> "°' ' ,`��; ° '�° . ,�e pm�iums�equired to mairrtaim m�rtgage insurance in effect,or w pmvide a loss resenre,unt�t�e cequIrement for mortgage -
<br /> � . �`',-; insuranse ends in ac�aardaace witi�atty writtea ag�eement betweea Bormwei and Lender or appilcable Iaw. . .
<br /> � �+e
<br /> < - `.. . ,.�tt . ..
<br /> ,;��-._`, ,�`� ,. � . q Ins��on.I.ender or its agent may s�re�asonabte enuies upon and tnspections of the Prapeny.Lender si�ail give� -
<br /> , ^� reasonable cause far the inspection. • � -
<br /> Borrawer notioe ai the t3me af or.prior to an iaspection specifyi�t8
<br /> •,, < 10.Condem�t�oa.T&e pmceeds of atry award or claim for damages,direct os oonsequendal. in connection witb aay
<br /> —_ -� wademnation or other takisg of auy Fa�ef��'°p�Y�or for mnveyanse in lieu of coade�nation,are hemby assigned and,�
<br /> 3� �
<br /> ;:` �. . � shaIt 6e paia to I.e�der.
<br /> ` ;.. In the evem of a totai tak�g of the Pmgerty>the praoesds shall he applied to the sams se�ed by this Security Iasi�na�ai. �
<br /> ta whic�the fair
<br /> . " wflether or not then dae,with anY exce.ss Paid m Bnrrowes. In tbe event of a pariial taking of ths Pmperty' �
<br /> a �a mark+et value of the Propercy immediateIy befare the taidng is eqnal io or greater than;the amamt of the smLS secuted b}r t�is��� _
<br /> � . Secur[Ey inctnim�nt immediately 6efore the telting,untess Borrower aad I.ender otherwise a$ree in mitmg,the sums secnred by
<br /> � "E:=.t; shis 8ec�uity Instrument sball 6e reduced 6Y the amvunt of the proceeds tmiltiplied by the following fraction: {a)the tatal �__, :
<br /> ,�•� f,' :,�f amou�of the s�cttns sswied immediatety before tize taldng,divided by(6)tfte fair markeE vatae of the ProP�Y���� , �_''T_
<br /> ,. =,j�, befare We taking. Apy balance shall be paid to Barrower.•tu the event of a paitial tal�►&of the Fcoperty in wtuch ttie.fair • _
<br /> ' . market vatue af the�PraFertY immediately befvre the ta�ng•�s less thani the amount of the sums secured immediatelY befo�the _
<br /> '�• > .<< .;. , taking,untess Borrower and Lend�otheia+ise agrez in wtiting ar anless apPlicable law othe:wise provides,ttse praoceds sba�1, --
<br /> " `�.; be applied to the snms secured by this Security Inst�umeat whetl�r oz noi the sums are then dae.
<br /> r.•,. " if the pipperiq is abandoned by Horrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower t6at the condemnor offers to make an `
<br /> '. r�.,��',:' , N:�-==
<br /> . �• ;;;�: award or s�tle a elaim for damages.Bomnwer fails W respond to Lender withiu 30 days after the date the norice is givea, s
<br />- '_, ;�x; ��y���mue�ana apPly the proceeds,at its opiion,either to reswration or repair of the Property or td the sums , j(r�
<br /> i f.r�,Y
<br /> ...��^i, ,,. '�����: searr�by tbis Sec(ujty Ins�ent,whether or not t�en d�e. .
<br /> ' , �;:� .r•.:.• � Untess Leader and�orrower otherwise agree ia amting, anY aPPlicat[on of pracee�s to principal'sha11 aat ex[end or : _
<br /> • , . '��`�' � gostpone the dne date of the monWiy payments referred w ia parag�aphs i aad 2 ar change the amoum of sncl�payments. �' s_,:.
<br /> 11.Borm�ver Not Rdeased;�or6earance By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for paymeat ar mndifcation ;,;
<br /> �'" � •�.{ of amordration of the,sums se�red by this Securiry I�strament g�anted by I.ender�°anY���or in iuterest of Borrower sha41 � t'
<br /> . �: ' n o t o g 2 r a t e to release the liabili ty of the origina!Borrnveer or Borrower's successors in.interest.Lender shaU not ise required w - , =
<br /> . ' `� • commence praceedings egainst anY s�►c,c�sor in intetest or refuse-to.extend time fos payqtent or o t h e c w ise m o d i f y a m o rt i z a t i o a W,._�.-
<br /> ' �.`.��.; �.
<br /> .:`�� � � of the sums secured by this Secarity Insuu�ment bY �rasnn of any demaad made by the origmal Bomnwer or$orrower's. . �.°;;�_
<br /> ��'``�; suzcesso�s in interest. Any far6eaiance by I�ender ia execeising any riSbt or remedy shall not be a�vaiver of or preelude We . �..__
<br /> '4 � •:�:} . . . �'-;� -
<br /> �� '. s l ee�rcise of ariy ri�ht or remeAy. �e��vEna�s and nts of this :. f
<br /> . . :. ', . • •f ' ix:5�ccessors and Asslgns Bonad;Jmint and��rat LiabIIity;Co-s�gae�s• a��e
<br />_ ., ; 'ect to the ovisions of ��� "�
<br /> . . }��� Sec�uitY Insuument shall bind,and benefit the successois aad assipis of Lender and Borrower, subl . Pr r r----
<br /> . . '•= paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants aud agreements shall be joint and several. Ang Borro.�rer c�ho co-signs this Sa�.y , �
<br /> .'� Instrumcnt but daes not execute the Note:(a) is co-signing this SecuritY Insvamettt oniy to�or�ge,grant and�onvey tbas
<br /> � �� Boaower's interest in ttie Pioperty under the terms af this 5ecurity Instrument;(b)is not personaIIy obligat�to pay the snms .
<br /> {�': � . � � � ;-.� . secvred by 4his Security Iastcumeat;ar�d(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear or
<br /> , � ;f� make any accommodations wlth regazd to the terms of this Security lnstrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. �:�._,'
<br /> - 't �� 13.Loaa Charges.If the loan secured by ttus Security Instnunent is subject W a taw which sets maxiraum loan charges, p
<br /> � , ,�j; and that law is finally interpretetl so that the intetest or other loan charges ca]Iected-ov to be oollected in connection with the '
<br /> 1�+.,.;v
<br />� toan exceed the pemritted limits,then:(a)a�y such loan charge shall be redaced by the amount necassary to reduce the charge � =° '
<br /> ' '� ; � -=
<br />-o • -. ••::��_. w the pemnitted limit;.and(b)any sums already wllected from Borrower whicb exceaded permitted limits will be refunded to g..,,
<br />_°+ •• :.�` Borrower. I.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under th� Note or by maknng a direct --�-.-
<br /> m
<br /> ' • ` , payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will be treated as a partial pmpaymeat withaut any �°:���
<br /> � . .� - ��{ ; prepayment charge under the Note. �
<br /> . ' 5ecuri Tnstrument sball be 'ven by deliver�ng it or by maili� ��.,�'
<br />� � r , 14.Nottces.Any norice to Borrowerg�avide�for in th�s ry S1 �
<br />_'��'`', �.. _ � it by first elass mail untess applicable taw requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address ,.�_;
<br /> .:�.:,,
<br /> . - � ' or atty otheT address Horrower designates by nodee to LErider. Any nntice to l.ender shall be given by first class mail to ,;;;:_
<br /> � � :. � ,`. Lender's address stated herein or any othe�address Lender designates by notice to Bosower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> ' Security Instwnent sha116e deemed to hatie been given to Borrower or L,ender when glven as provided in this paragcaph. -
<br /> • � r � 15.Governiag Law; Sevesab�lits. '4T�is'Security Instrument shali be govemed by fedc�al law and the law nf the E�-.'_
<br /> � ,` jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that atty provision or clause of this Secutity Insttument or(he Note • � �
<br /> - ; w n fli c t s wi t h a p p l i c a b l e l a w.s u c h e o n fli ct shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> ' . given effect without the wnflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared ,.
<br /> _ :.. � : to be severable. � of the Note aad of this Secwity Instrument.
<br /> - . � 16.Borrower s Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed ca;�3+ , :
<br /> - , ... I . Form 3028 919D
<br /> . . Pego 4 0!6 4:':: .
<br /> , � .�
<br />, , � .
<br /> �
<br /> � � " . . . - .. . . . . .. .n ..n .. .� . ' . - � ' � .
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<br /> ' _ _-..__. _:-.,__- ____--. �--_�_ ---- _--_:_�_:. _�-�_ .
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<br /> „_;,,..Pr-�-:..�-,.. +i,.�. � '
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