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<br /> E'4. , L�.Atfl�.a.Any nfltice tu Rorrower pmvided far in t6is Securiry tnst�utneut sbaII be giee�by�d!elivermg�or by ` '
<br /> � `�'`�'� �_`: ma�7ing it by Srst clas.s ms�tmless aypII�a62e lavi�eeqaa�es use of ano�et memoQ_1�nottce s�t�a�e�m me ..
<br /> -- - Propeaty Add�s.s�au�►att�aSdress Boaow�aesiga�s b�►norioe w I.e�t�ei.any Aatice m L�der shau b¢gi�by
<br /> � ��:
<br /> ' fix�class m�1 tfl Leuder's addte�staied I�em ur any►address Lendes de�aates by uotice m Bosruwea.Any na�ce . •
<br /> ' • (IiOVjdCd fOT lII thLS S�tS►IOS�17ffiCn�S118T1 6C dCQIIBd iD It3V8 118CII$N8D IO�OItOWPd�i I+EadEt WhPA g1VVCD 8S u.r.'A
<br />_. . gtovided in tLis p�ag�li. `:,t:
<br /> -.- _ 14.�tIIovemiag Law;Seveis6ifity.'i�is S�r Instr�me,nt shall be gove�ued by Fedaal!aw and tlae IaQV of We _,;�.-`:
<br /> . .. �isdictifln tn which the Fmpeaty is torated.ln the evEni d�ai aag grovison or ctanse of this Se�auity InsFrument ar the .';�,.�y
<br /> .. ���,�'�.: Note conflicts aridh applicable taw.sueh con8icl stsalf not affect othear pcovisions of dds Secaaity Insteameat ar the AIote .�_..::
<br /> - ' whic�caa 6e givea�ect withant tDe oontticting provision.?o tllis ea�the pmeisions of tLis Secmity Iasbrnment�d ' ;�' -
<br /> � �� ��• � � --
<br /> " theNoie�e dsclffied m�e sevemb2� .
<br />� � 1S.Barrower's Copp.Baaowa shall 6e givea onc camformed copy of�eNo�snd of this Secarig►IasuWne�t. ' _
<br />_ .:.:? 1!� �Mous�abstanc�s. Borrawea s6a11 not c�e as petm�tne�ce.as�.dis�osal.smtaSe.ar reiease of , _
<br /> .�.�,.<,:...:' .:.._-�;�•� � -
<br /> , any d�rdous Sabstances on or ia the P�aperty.Baatswea shaU noi dn,nar sIlaw anyane eJse ta do,eny@�ing afl'ec�ng =_
<br /> . .., . theR�sty that is im violation of any Hav�anmeatal L�w. 1Ue�g two senLeaces shalt notagply w the pr�uc� .
<br /> . :�� ase,or s�ge an the Pm�rty af�mari qnantiiies of Aaa�dous Substauces tbat are g�aaIly reoog�zed w be ;;::=_;�
<br />� � _' appmpTiate to nuis,J�side�atial uses and to ma�t�artce of t�ce P�opeaty.
<br /> u
<br /> - � ' Beimwer s6all paamgdy give Lendes wiiuea notice of anq investig�ian,claan,d�d,lawsuit ar other acaou by -_
<br /> �� .� � .� aam :'..
<br /> ,. ';.�=. any Bov�menta3 or regutawiY aB�Y � ��P�Y involving the.Propeny an�suSr Ha�dnus Snbstance ar � �.
<br /> ' ''� Envica�mwtal Iaw of whirfi Barrower 6as a�toal Imawtedge. If Eaaow�Iearas.ar is notifi�ed by any gaveaamental m �;�+{-
<br /> ,. , ,..�
<br />� � ' . �'� . ��iY��Y,tl�at aay m,nnoval or ath�m�ediadan of any Har�rdaas Snbs�aces affe�ting the.Pmperty is ,'.� �
<br /> �:..� ,,'..:,-.....�.t��: nec�ary.Brnaower sLait pmmptll►talce all aece�y re�n�ial a�ions in asoarAancewirL FAVisonsaeutal I.aw. --
<br /> .. : �,�,;� �� As nsed in this pa�agraph. 16, "Iia�Substances"are @�ose subs�es de5ned as ta�ric or h�ndous , , =�;.�-�-
<br /> ' � ` saDstances by Enviro�rnenrdi I.aw and the foIIorimg subsrae�gasol�e,keaosene,othea tTammable or waic georoleum • .5`±�-
<br /> . ' p�8r�..roxic pes�eides and heabicides. volatiIe sol� �naL�aiats c�oata�8 asb�os ar fa�malde�yde. aad. :'�-
<br /> ,. � � � radioactive mateaial,�. As us�d � thi4 paragra�h 16. "E�.'^a�-�e�tal Laeu" m�eans fedeial laws and taws uf the • . �r�r
<br />_.,'.j�, . j�isdiction wflere'rD�Pkoperty is lac�ie�that relafe W h�sh,'safe{y or�av�r.�eutalprntectinn. , k�.�
<br /> J ti�:';
<br /> }+ Y s�•�
<br /> ,. . NON UNII�ORM COVENANTS.Barrowea and Leades farthea covenant end agree u follows: f''Ld��`y.;'
<br /> ?�' 17.A�gnmeat o8 Rent��mmwer�mcondidanalty assigns and trm�sfeas w Lendea aII tLe re�ts and rev�aes of ����
<br /> ,.� �' ' � the Propeny.Baaowe�amhoriz�Lend�ar Ler�de�'s age�ts to coliect the tieeuts and reve�aaes and heaeby ditects eacb =,__�
<br /> ... . ... ; Baa _.w...
<br /> . teaant of the Pcoy�ty tn pay tha sents w Lea�ar Lender's ag�ts.Hawever.P�r tn Lender's usstice to Banewer of ,.-
<br /> •� Bolraw�'s breach of any covenant or ag�ee�...°•t�the Secauity Insaument,Bmmwer s�l coItect and recra�►e all rents �',"� '
<br /> Ins m Q � ;-
<br /> � asd ce�+a�ues of the Prnpeary as tsostee foz the benefit of Len�.r end Baaowea.'IUis assignment of tents constiUrtes an '-..'-
<br /> Le assig
<br /> ` . ab�re assip�ment and not an�ag�unent far additional s�ry on2y. .•���`
<br /> � If Lende,r gives aottce of breach to Barmwea: (a)all r�ts received by Boimwea sha116e heLi by Bmrow�es . � == �
<br /> � � �� uastea for b2�efit of L�der anly,ou be applied w the sums secured by t�Securiry Iasinmm�nC @1 Leasded ahari be • f�-"'';z`
<br /> , r'' eatided w ooltect and receive aD of t6e reatv of t�e Prapeaty s�aU pay all re,nts due '::�
<br /> Fropeccy;and(c)each c�t of the aU �.
<br /> � '� and mupaid tn Leadea ar LeadePs agmt on�.endzr's�demand to the t�aa� . . ' ' `�'=-;
<br /> . .. �- � . Bmmwea has aot ex�aay grior assignfnent of the rents and has not and will not Qerfami any act that wanld .
<br /> `•�� � , preve�nt Lendet from eyeseising its rights tmder tLis pat�graph 17. �.°-�
<br /> �' :� � � Lenda sball not�req�med w ente,r ngon.take contml of or mainta�a de Prope:t9 6rfoie or efter g[vmg nodce of - - ..
<br /> �• breach to Bomnwer.Howevea,Lende�ar a iu�+eaallY apDointe�receiver r�!do so at 2ay time the�e is a b�each.Any
<br /> . � ' applicatian of reuts shaU noi cure ar waivc�y default or invaiidate any other rt��or remedy of Lend� 'Ihis �
<br /> •� � .. assi,�ment of r�ts of the Prape,rty shari t�amiaate wben the debt secared by the Ser,�inr 1'asuumc�t is yatd ia f�ll. � �
<br /> .. , r, ..
<br /> ., " . ' �4R(NE)casoa).o� aa�•e m e � ����,.,�_ ' .
<br /> � .
<br /> , .., .
<br /> . ,:� :
<br />- . . _. . . : ,- ..: • . . . . - . . _ _ ,.
<br /> .'�� - . . .�, ' ' , ,' : . : . , ,- . - -,. .._ •�• .
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