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<br /> ` , . ��� ��V�� . .�. -t: ,�'t.� '
<br /> • r . ' a
<br /> "=r�°------�„� (7 AIl or pan of the Progeaty.or a benef�l a►teaest in a t�t owning all os ga�t of the Ptvperty,is soIQ� � - ~''
<br /> � o t h e r a+L s�t r�f e s�(aih�r d�an b l►devise or d�sa:nt?.aad � `
<br /> ' � � ' } ('u�T1ie Propaty iv aal occ�gied by the�or gtaniee as his or her princi�al residenoe.or the ,�', �_
<br /> `��'` ' ,� _� pnn��as�ar gtaatae daea sn ac�py the Ptopenjt hat 6is as hea credit has not bee�approved in acaadaace , '�E
<br /> with ttte r�q�t�of tfle Se�xe� . .. y=
<br /> I+A
<br /> . • (c�No Watv�r.If�ces acau that wouW gelmit t�adcx to reqaire imme�payme�t in fu11.bnt �`�`� ` : _
<br />- ' . � �� LEadeadoes nat�q�ae sur�paymeats.Leuder does notwaive its rights with�esp�tto snbsequ�t eveuts. �; . +•- _
<br /> •�`"t (��o�o�s uf HUD Secre�taay.m many�oes iegulations i�by tLe Sec�as► w�l limic � F ,�� .- --
<br /> `4 '
<br /> . *:�� � Leadds rights„fn the wse of payme�tdefautts.m ceciui��iate paymeat in fuU and forer2asa if not�. �`.F _ __
<br /> , ltiis Se�rity Inst�a�ment do�s not a�uhaY'r�e accedea�un ar for�tasare if nat permiited bY regWaunns of d�e , �"�-°--
<br /> . . �� � ��� Bartmwea ecau�r 3n�t and the Noteare not daoPammed to .l` . .
<br /> - (e)Mortgage Noi Inam�ed. a�es that'ff this S
<br /> . , �• � he etigi62e far insa�mice 9mdea the National Annstng Act ailhin 50 days fmm the dats�eof�Le�uder u�Y+at .. :;�a'�_;,
<br /> } : ' �`�.•. im�.�luae i�:e�iai� PaY��m foll of a11 sum4 secaued.IsY this S�auity Insattmc�i A written . - _
<br /> . . e ;� ,�� 0�. c
<br /> . <''�' � � ° ^.�c.$
<br /> stlt�teat of aay authoiized ageat of die Seae�ry►dai�d sn6seqaent Lo 60 day�ftom�he d�e heaeof,decliniug �.,,
<br /> ,. . ... : ��,�. � to ins�ae this S�ity Ins(�umc�t and the Note. sl�aD be deesaed oonciusive praof af sucb ine�gib�'ity. _--
<br /> Notovi�Lstanding the fo�going, this optiou may not be exer�is�d hy I�eude,r cube.n the uuava�ab�itY uf �,f1
<br /> . •:�. -
<br /> • , ias�ance 3�sokly dne tu Ir�dea's fa�iue ta�nita m�tgage fns�aance psani�sm ta dte SeaetarY• ....,�:_
<br /> �'` 10.�tei�smteuiea�Bouraweat das a right ta be remssafed if I.�dra 6as teqai�d Immediate pay�ent m faD bearnse . �` ��� ,�-
<br /> 4 ra�e••
<br /> ��, •s. of Harmwra's fa�iue�pay au amount dne�mdea the Note ar tbis Saauiry Insaame�t'Itis right agplies ev�afte�s _ — ,�..
<br /> - `:;.:_': farec2osure pmceed�gs�e msti�d.To zemstate t6e Seaairy Ins�ameut,B�ower st�atl teAder m a Iump sum sI1 � , -��_.
<br /> e s ,;=:._ .�.:�
<br />_ :,>' :,,. �.._.,
<br /> . . ;.:�:; aaw�ts roq�m�to brh►g Hoaowea's accam�t ament mclndmg,w the�xoent thsy ere obligai�ons of Barrower� . ••
<br /> - r dris g�y Ins�mca�� fore�Lasare �sts and reasamable.and saswmary aunmeYs' fee�s and expe�ses pmp�ly ?�''�� �--
<br /> _;..„ � . �.� assodated with the fo�eclQSiue �ne�di�►& UPon raa�ateme�t by Bmmwer, tAis Securitp L�strumeut and dte `r �
<br /> .���s,'�
<br /> 1-��V
<br />� . : , obligations that it sec�es sbaD�ain in e�Fect gs if Lendea hatl nat e�,quued�immediate payme�t.m fWl.Howev�, �'��- _
<br /> '" I.eader is no requir�d p i� i Lender has accepted rqnstateme,nt aftea t�e commee�cement of ,�.'' -
<br /> t to ermit� (� `
<br /> ` � f¢recIasu�e gmceed'mgs cvithin twa years immediatelY P�S the commeucemeat af a c�aent fa�ec2ostue �. - -
<br />- �, . ' �in8 (u�reatsta2ement w�l pr�lude foreclostue en diff�nt gruuuds in dte futate.at(ti���e3ns1alement wjll -
<br /> . �ty affea the priomY of the ttdn creEted 6y t&is Seauity►Insuoment . �,'�
<br /> � il.Boreawer Not Rete8s�d3 Forb�rsace By l.ead�r Nat a Weiver.Bxtet�ston of the wne of payme�t or �•. � :?'�-
<br /> �r: .. - _
<br /> _ . ,`�: �`.;P�r:_.�_.
<br /> modifreatton of ama�Zeuon of the s�ms sec�ed by this Secauiry Insuumea�t g�aneed by L�dec m any suce�sor in ��r:• --
<br /> � • ` :: inte�est ot BoAOwer shaU aot ope,rate Lo mlease the 11ab�ity of the aiiginal Bmrovvea or Baaowea's saccessor in intecest. -'�`:,`` ��
<br /> � ea ' -
<br /> � .... �t` Lender sLall not be:egained w commence pmeeed�8s ag�st aAy saocessor in interest m refase to ea�d tnme for '��':`�. �_
<br /> tft,� ' i
<br /> _ , • � ;': �ayment or orheawisa caodify amasa�iva of the sams securcd by this Seaaity Insuument by c�aasoa of any demand _ �
<br /> - �� . made by the ori�iaal Borr�wer or Bornow�'s successoia in interest.Any f�beatauce by Leader in ea�rcising aay right • ° ;':`;;�.:._-.�;
<br /> :.. �."�` ar remedy sdaD r.�3be awaivea of or pre�lude the e�ceacise of aay right o�remedy. � ' �� `
<br /> � , lt.Snr�s and Axstgns Bouud;�aint anA Sever�l LI�bWty;CaSJgne�.lhe covcnaats an�agre�nenm of �
<br /> __ _.. '� this Secudty Insuument shall bind and beneftt the successors and assigna nf I,endea and Bon�ower,subjoct tu the �i�:f.'
<br /> - �.�i ' v,sions of b 9(b�.�orrowea's coven�ats and agrer�ue,at�shaU be�oint and severel.Any Bo:mwer who . —_-
<br /> � � � P�D . .
<br /> ' " � • • ��. c o-s i g n s t h i S S e c u r i t y��L b a t d a e s n ot eaecate Ihe Itot� (e) IS co-s�n i n g this Seauiry Iasuumeat Only to ,. -_
<br /> mo�gage,6�ant and convey that Botraa�r's lntcrest in the Properiy tmdea the temc9 of Wls S�carIty Insuamenx(6)is , ` _
<br /> x.; , ' . "..� natpedsanalty oblig,atrA w pay the sums secaue�by this Secazity Ias�mmen�and(c)sgrees that Lender aad any othea -
<br /> •� Bo�rowea may agree w eatend,madify,forbear or make any accomm o d a rions wi t h r e g a r d w t he t e a�n s o f t h i s S e c u r i t y -
<br /> � . �entor the Note withm::s that Borrower's consea�t � � '
<br /> , r, . _.. ..
<br /> _ _ , . �4R(NE)laeoa�.o� Pepo8ol8 . IIIr110:.� '� .. �. .
<br /> ,', . . m � �.
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